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17897703 No.17897703 [Reply] [Original]

This will be a nothing-burger soon. There is a pill (already readily available, and costs a very small amount of money) that cures coronavirus in under 6 days.

>> No.17897882


>> No.17897936
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>> No.17898005


>> No.17898028

And why is that relevant to /biz/? Kung-flu was just the trigger.

>> No.17898059


You're fucking dumb. Kill yourself please.

>> No.17898071

Have sex, before it's too late..

>> No.17898103
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wow, coming from a fan of tesla, which just recently went all in on a stupid factory in china lmao.


>> No.17898129

What happened to it being incurable like HIV?

>> No.17898170

What is HCQ?

>> No.17898179

This should be a go

>> No.17898180


>> No.17898189

OK retard

>> No.17898210

Used to treat symptoms its not a cure and the Chinese knew about this and were the first to release info about it

>> No.17898229
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How big is the control group? Is this a larp? I literally work at JHU and have never heard of this dude lmao.

>> No.17898243

It just happened

>> No.17898261

China used this shit since the beggining. It is not a cure.

>> No.17898262
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>> No.17898267

instant classic

>> No.17898280

Fuck off tripfag

>> No.17898287

>believing china
anon i...

>> No.17898290
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he's full of shit. the only known cure is the clif high cure

>> No.17898301

you got like 5% chance of going blind taking that much HCQ a day tho @_@

>> No.17898307

Anon, that makes mustard gas. Do NOT make that mixture. O_O

>> No.17898306

Looks like it’s a cure actually. Read the OP again doomerfag

>> No.17898316





It was a nothingburger anyway but I'm glad we can shut the fuck up about this now.

>> No.17898324


>> No.17898339

A 6% reduction of positive cases in a group that was 96% positive is very miniscule.

>> No.17898379

even a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.17898388

Meme articles. 5% infected need to be in the icu and 1% death rate is still bad that's ten times worse then the flu

>> No.17898397


>> No.17898435

> Being this much of a retard
The control group tested positive 90%. The affected group tested negative 96%. It's not a reduction you fucking idiot.

>> No.17898443

I wonder if robin hood accepts credit cards... just want to make a small purchase of a tesla short

>> No.17898477
File: 67 KB, 848x900, 1427694774781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It isn’t fully understood how this drug works to treat lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis. However, it’s believed that this drug affects how your immune system works, which may be a benefit in lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

>Mild side effects: headache, dizziness, diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting
>Serious side effects: blurred vision or other vision changes, ringing in your ears or hearing loss, angioedema, or rapid swelling of your skin, mild or severe bronchospasm that causes trouble breathing, sore throat, unusual bleeding or bruising, blue-black skin color, muscle weakness, hair loss or hair that becomes lighter, abnormal mood changes
>mild or severe bronchospasm that causes trouble breathing

So the cure to Corona is a poorly understood malaria medication that treats malaria by being slightly more toxic to the parasites that cause the disease than to the patient? And might cause a litany of side effects that are as if not more debilitating than letting the virus run it's course?

OP are you high? Because this cure sounds god awful and dubious.


>> No.17898489

other way around brainlet

>> No.17898491

nvm. Too poor to buy a tesla short since apparently I'd have to spend 1335 at a minimum and I can only fo 100x contracts

>> No.17898580

>voices opinion but with multiple sources to back up it up

>voices opinion but throws questionable statistics out of thin air with no evidence

>> No.17898591

chloroquine is a zinc ionophore and increases intracellular zinc, which greatly inhibits the viral replicase in the cell. it's pretty much a cure, and at the very least it seems like an effective treatment.

>> No.17898606

>So the cure to Corona is a poorly understood malaria medication
yes, its a very weird drug
specifically too, its main use in lupus patients in protecting their lungs because it does ??? to ACE2 receptors.

whatever the ??? it does, seems to fk up the viruses ability to mess with ACE2 also

>> No.17898645

>>voices opinion but throws questionable statistics out of thin air with no evidence
The stats are from the article he linked retard

>> No.17898650


But they were just meme articles from the new england journal of medicine and a medical editorial. I got eternally BTFO'd.

>> No.17898664

citations. https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1001176

>> No.17898666

This guy's trying to claim he found the cure to get some fame and reputation, when the chinks were already trying chloroquine months ago, it's so sleazy

>> No.17898683


Thats a high end estimate because we track every corona death but have absolutely no idea how many people are actually infected. Those 2 numbers you're dividing to come to your conclusion are way off given the infection rate.

>> No.17898686

checked. satan speaks.

artemisinin is the real cure

>> No.17898693

welcome to the world of medicine
also fuck off satan

>> No.17898699

even a normie sometimes browses biz and says normie old adages

>> No.17898718

damn how retarded are you

>> No.17898755
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kekd and chekd

>> No.17898763
File: 126 KB, 703x295, 03-18-20 at 05.48 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's malaria meds, potentially lots of nasty side effects
musk is shilling it because he actually had malaria

>> No.17898790

Control group: 96% positive
Treatment group: 90% negative

>> No.17898816

Alldaychemist has it in stock under name OXCQ and you can pay with btc. Should I buy and top off my boner pills while I'm at it?

>> No.17898817

>literal who on twitter
>dude trust me my dead works for Nintendo
Ummm okay

>> No.17898842

The Chinese were using it as part of their protocol and Wuhan as a city is still dead and on lock down. Its not a fucking magical cure.

>> No.17898858

they had been using HCQ since 2005
the problem with HCQ is it takes weeks to metabolize into your system. and if you want it to metabolize quicker you have to exercise right after taking it.

its not just something you can take right after being diagnosed. if you do, you have to ingest very unhealthy amounts of it.

>> No.17898907

>the chinese
anon i...

>> No.17898915

Wasn't this the guy who said the panic was dumb? Lmao. The car salesman should probably learn the difference between virus and protozoa before calling anyone else dumb.

>> No.17898923

They weren't using it at the start.

It's the reason people stopped dying.

>> No.17898966

congratulations you have stopped replication of the virus you still have to deal with all the damage it has caused. This is not exactly a drug you can just put any joe on with the sniffles.

>> No.17899000

of course it is
>.t doctor at nintendo

>> No.17899185

based clif. wonder if he saw this coming from his barrel.

>> No.17899631

lol big pharma shill on biz
they are $10 drugs and people recover fully in 6 days that's less than the flu

>> No.17899815

if the virus goes away and they still inject stimulus packages....