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File: 108 KB, 1460x913, e_cigarette_090613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
178970 No.178970 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about E-cigarettes?

The only stocks I know of that exclusively deal with Ecigs are VPCO and ECIG. Are there any others?

I'm thinking about getting in on a dip and going long for a few years. Even if there's regulations, I think they'll boom unless we suddenly discover glycerin causes cancer when inhaled

>> No.179022

I don't know man. Im trying to make the switch to them and its not easy. With a regular cigarette you smoke it and you get an expected amount of nicotine and you are done. With an e-cig you will just keep on inhaling it because you aren't really sure when to stop. And it hits you significantly weaker than a real cigarette. Its more like chewing tobacco in terms of nicotine delivery.

Just my experience with the product.

>> No.179036

I'm worried about unknown long term effects of them tanking the industry. They're becoming very popular right now thought

>> No.179034

That's exactly the issue my smoker friends had with it, minus the 'too weak' part.

I definitely agree that they don't have the same 'hit' of real cigarettes. I can smoke an e-cig without coughing, but I can't smoke american spirits or reds without doing so.

However, I feel like they'll eventually become stronger, and maybe even include a visual meter that indicates nicotine intake.

regardless of how you feel they compare to cigarettes, how do you feel about their long-term success as a product?

>> No.179049

not enough kick in the throat

>> No.179057


Its definitely the future. The problem is figuring out which horse to bet on. There is no telling which companies will really take over the industry. Could be Philip Morris, could be some obscure company, who knows. Id try to figure out whoever has the biggest R&D budget and roll the dice on them.

>> No.179066

The ones that make the custom e-cigs seem to be doing better. Smoke shops are popping up all over the place in the NY/NJ area. These guys have contraptions, not the 'cig-a-like' ones

>> No.179074

I like your train of thinking. I think one could figure out R&D budget from a publicly available balance sheet, but i'm not sure. Does the SEC require detailed balance sheets to be filed?

>> No.179076

whats the point of being hooked on nicotine if youre doing that shit?

>> No.179113

Lorillard [LO] is a tobacco company pushing the Blu brand of e-cigs you see advertised on tv. Altria [MO] used to be known as Philip Morris, they want to enter the e-cig market but haven't done so properly. MO also does smokeless tobacco and wine.

So those are the major players, but both are quite diversified.

>> No.179746

Im in LO and VPCO. VPCO is a really trolly small amount thats like 500 dollars and im up 60%+

LO..... well its a bit late for LO. i knew they had blu ecig so i bought into that shit just because fucking stupid american public will buy the stupid one they see first. I see the most long term success in the custom ones that was mentioned previously....

Also LO rumor to be bought out by RAI... :D

>> No.179790
File: 42 KB, 636x848, vape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its only because you nerds are not using quality products. gas station ecigs are trash

>> No.179795

who manufactures those? are they public?

>> No.179819
File: 154 KB, 960x1280, ecig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, they are clones/copies of American/European products by small private companies. usually B&ms. but these were made by a couple companies in china. these were 80 bucks each, the American originals are about 400 each. some companies are ephro, Hcigar, Tobeco, and i think fasttech makes some too. no idea if any of em are public.

Honestly, i would wait a little. these things are not even regulated yet. and some states even have proposed taxes up to 95% just because they are scared of something new and tobacco jews. i'm no investor, but i am an avid ecig hobbyist. if it was up to me, id wait until the FDA actually takes a stance on these things.

>> No.179839

Fucking really? /g/ is not enough for you and now you're posting here using stocks as an excuse?

>> No.179875

Thanks for the info


>> No.179884

just do a bit of looking for the real kind of ecigs, there should be some in your area, or at least purchasable on the internet

joytech and evod are two consistently reliable brands. You have to make about 60-120 bucks upfront investment, but on the long term, they are still cheaper than the gas station brands.

>> No.179905

i'm not really interested in buying any, i just want to hear from users so i can keep an eye on the market

>> No.179911


well if that's the case, then I would advise against it unless yo can invest in the Chinese company that originally invented them, they are currently in the process of bringing lawsuits against all the imitators - market it too uncertain unless someone comes up with a new way to vaporize nicotine laced glycerine

>> No.179928
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>smoking, e-smoking
Talk about wasting money

>> No.180023
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I have to say here in California the whole ecig thing is booming. I literary see dozens of people a day smoking them. So many people are switching, if not buying one and trying to. The youth really like them and adults seem to as well, or at last the concept.
You might also think about investing in one of the companies that put out the liquid. Pinkspot is a well know one at all the shops here in NorCal.