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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17894733 No.17894733 [Reply] [Original]

Eventually, the entire world will be in lockdown, the stubborn countries will be justed, everything will completely freeze.
The great machine of "productivity for the sake of itself" will stop.
At first people will be desperate, expecially those who completely identify themselves with their work.
But then, time will pass, the government will be forced to create money to support the citizens.
Debt? With who, since the entire world will be in debt?
Inflation? How, since no one can buy shit?
The old illusion of the "limited resources" will fall.
Debt, with who? The state creates and give what the citizens need, that's it, the competition among people, among states, this is over.
There wasn't a competition anymore, in the first place, people will realize that.
The kike tricks are over, everything is fine, you're not working, and thus you're not falling.
The entire humanity will literaly be NEETED in a basement, to realize that something new is started, that there's no need to keep alive a dead world, that there's another way.
People will start reading, thinking, communicating.
It's just the start anons, everything will be just fine.

>> No.17894770


>> No.17894827

Based and big time true. Only the already awake ones realize this fully but everyone can somewhat see it

>> No.17894935
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>> No.17895005

It's literally just a fucking flu. In one year, people will have forgotten all about it.


>> No.17895025

See you in 6 months

>> No.17895034

Friendly reminder coronavirus is a hoax.
Pneumonia alone kills 50k people in US alone every year, corona didn't even get to 10k worldwide in 4 months yet.

>> No.17895069

Some french scientists at first agreed with you.
Now France is locked down, do your math.

>> No.17895155

Just to add other fun facts:
Corona is very dangerous for elders, we all know this, but if you look at:

>> No.17895485

>some french scientists
its a massive meme and everyone is going with it for some reason

>> No.17895525

>brainlet cant into exponentials

>> No.17895580

At first Macron was listening to those people, only a week ago he was pretending that everything was normal.
Now lockdown.

>> No.17895617

>0.2% mortality rate
yeah buddy, lets do exponentials

>> No.17895626

the world is already on an unprecendented lockdown and the case fatality rate of coronavirus is 40x worse than the seasonal flu

>> No.17895705

>case fatality rate of coronavirus is 40x worse than the seasonal flu
*for people with preexisting condition and 70 y/o boomers
If you're a normal person its literally less dangerous than flu

>> No.17895796

It doubles every 3 days, now less than 1% of population is infect.
Are you ready to see millions of bodies? No one wants this to happen.

>> No.17895834

>millions of boomers? No one wants this to happen.
t. glownigger

>> No.17895953

Too bluepilled to understand, see you in 6 months

>> No.17895991

You're an idiot.
Low sample size means low accuracy, means high deviation from norm cause of people with preexisting conditions. Seasonal flu is legit more dangerous.

>> No.17896053
File: 225 KB, 750x721, 724DD301-90DB-4817-84B6-F216D55E0143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder (((((((((who))))))))) is responsible for this (((pandemic)))?

>> No.17896085
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(((((((((Who))))))))), I wonder?

>> No.17896109
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>> No.17896143

>yellow fever
weebs btfo

>> No.17896193

that graph is primarily based on china who bullshitted their numbers. it has hit europe a lot worse. remove chinese numbers from the equation and that chart looks completely different

>> No.17896194

What part of "europe is shutting down" you don't understand?
Do you believe what, that the government will let people die in your country? They will cover up to keep going? They are printing money as we speak.
Markets just foresee what happens to the real economy.
Your libtard dream is literally going to burn in less than 3 months.
I'm sorry if you're wealthy and you can afford muh private healthcare and you want to keep on with your normie muh individualistic life.
It won't happen.
The end.

>> No.17896239

Swine/avian flu was the same.
I know people on /biz/ are too young to remember it but thats exactly what happened. With people in hazmats going over farms and killing pigs and military all over europe deployed. It was legit hilarious.

>> No.17896319

What part of "literally europe closing everything and forcing their people to stay at home for months" you don't understand? Seriously.
What do you think will happen in the usa, with your 3rd world tier "pay per cure" healthcare? You're shutting down in less than 1 month.

>> No.17896344

swine flu was hyped up, but they had a vaccine and it was a total nothing burger anyway. this is hyped up, but there's no vaccine and everyone is going a long with it this time. not sure it's justified desu...I mean, closing down the entire economy for months seems like one hell of an over reaction.

>> No.17896356

I work for one of the biggest corporations in the US and they are literally having around the clock "continuity of business" discussions right now. The world is fucking ending.

>> No.17896380

yeah, that's what's crazy. it's a pretty damn serious response, but is it justified? I get the sense that people just don't know what to think so they are listening to virologists and the CDC like it's gospel. these people aren't economists though and have a very different set of lenses that shape their perception. it's their job to ring the alarm bell anytime there's a sickness going around.

>> No.17896417


>> No.17896449

except the kike part.
don't be /schizopol/

>> No.17896451



>> No.17896507

Work for a large health insurance company myself. Everybody is shitting bricks.

>> No.17896534
File: 2.08 MB, 1125x2436, C437EAF0-E36F-48D9-9587-D11B4FABBAE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC just two weeks ago

>> No.17896539

viruses dont care

if you hit it hard and fast you will be extremely successful but it will look like an overreaction
if you do nothing you end up like italy

there is no middle ground where "some people get sick but we're ok!" and its cured in 2 weeks, because there is no vaccine

>> No.17896555

They noticed that the curve going exponentially can make the healthcare system collapse.
Do you think that nowadays having 10.000 deads a day in a modern country is somehow acceptable for public opinion?
That in order do to what, keep an old shitty dying global economic system going on somehow?

>> No.17896639
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your words resonate. my whole life I felt something is off with this world. a new chapter will beginn and only the strong, prepared and smart will experience it. see you on the other side anons, I hope all of you will make it there.

>> No.17896666

Thank you anon.
Everything will be just fine.

>> No.17896700

Hi chase

>> No.17896722

I'm a virologist, and the amount of ex's that have tried to get back in contact with me is hilarious. Bitches think I got a fucking cure or something. Don't try and bunker up with me now hoe. Keep your muddy asshole on the surface.

>> No.17896765

hey, wanna fug?

>> No.17896768

How long until we 'erase' non-essential people to save food?

>> No.17896987

i have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
i have a few btc and im ready.
if cryptos crash then so be it, ill live.
But to miss out, ooh... that just hurts more than losing. i know that feeling.

>> No.17896995

You do understand the job of a general manager or politician is to take in what everyone is telling him/her and then making a decision based off of that.

Sure, the CDC rings the alarm bells whenever they see fit. Do you think any of the leaders shutting their areas down want financial collapse? Their own economists are also working around the clock to come up with ways to forestall total failure. Business owners have to compare risks too. Think restaurants can afford being closed for long? Or that their wait staff can pay rent if they miss even one paycheck?

The whole thing sucks and everyone is scared because no one has an answer for anything.

>> No.17897156

There's no need for that, "scarcity of resources" is an illusion.
Think about how much unsold food goes in the trash.
Food now is needed to keep the consumer machine going, not the opposite.
This old fat machine is the biggest boomer, and corona is going to kill it.

>> No.17897337

But who is going to be creating the power necessary for your video games or maintaining sewage?

>> No.17897376

Italy? Their death rates are exxageratted. The amount of people who probably have it vs the people that actually died from it are most likely small. We are still looking at a death rate of 1% maximum. Almost entirely boomers who are already out of the work force and have nothing left to do but give their money to their children.

>> No.17897430

You understand the job of a politician is to get elected. The majority of voters are eldery. A politician that does not take action against this will be blamed for allowing the virus to spread and kill people. A politician that does take unnecessary action against this will not be blamed for the economic downfall they created.

Best case scenario the politician claims his shut down saved everyone from the big scary virus. Worst case scenario he tried his best but it was too late. Both situation the politician wins.

>> No.17897479

>But who is going to be creating the power necessary for 90% of people video games or maintaining sewage?
Technology allows today to execute things at a fraction of the work needed 200 years ago, we pretend that economical society has to stay like it was 200 years ago, so we are basically cosplaying work to justify a 200 years old model, because such great advances in technology seem to treaten the cosplay working model.
They will eventually notice that the ceos and managers salaries are too high, then there's no need for all that roi if you just simply cut them or switch to a percentage salary, in which your salary depends strictly from the entire company performances.
So, performances go low, salaries go down.
This, maybe.
In case of an economical collapse, money becomes nothing.
A lot of new problems, a lot of new routes possible too.

>> No.17897505

You understand that a great percentage of the existing millionaires are elder too.
What kind of hell can become for someone like warren buffett a 99% corona infected world?

>> No.17897539

It's gonna be comfy. People will have a chance to relax and feel what it's like with no taskmaster. Thanks for sharing your thoughts anon, we're all in this together.

>> No.17897813
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based and sage pilled

>> No.17898188

>It's literally just a fucking flu.
The virus causes covid19 It's a disease