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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17889569 No.17889569 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else hate their job?

>Be a former aircraft technician with the military
>Have a university degree as well as a niche trade skill
>Get a job with the government expecting to work on defence projects and weapons purchases
>instead they make me a secretary with the highest duty to take notes at meetings and book meeting rooms
>Go from signing off 100 million dollar aircraft and being in charge of teams of people to office bitch of the lowest form.
>I'm even getting paid less than I was before.

Fuck me. Anyone else a wagecuck here? I thought i was stepping into a good opportunity to learn defence corporate procedures and am instead relegated to scribbling meeting minutes.

>> No.17889589

uhhhhh, based department?

>> No.17889854

Find a less shitty job then. You’re lucky to have an office job when you were only a welfare queen wrench turner.

>> No.17890037

yep suicidal accountant here. I'm pretty close to just becoming a fireman or a weed farmer or something that isnt as soul sucking. If you entered the job market after 2008 everything pays like crap anyway. might as well enjoy my time on this earth.

>> No.17891140
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Nice larp. You never went to college.

>> No.17891288

Why are you not working for Dynecorp?

>> No.17891320

Indicative of nothing tbqh. Plenty of college educated people make typos and spelling mistakes.

>> No.17892788


>> No.17892837

>muh welfare kween

cry more

t. 18 year milbro about to get sweet sweet neetbux forever

>> No.17893232

I hope you don't believe this.

>> No.17894347

You clearly don't understand how low the quality of a college education has fallen.