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17887865 No.17887865 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17889688

>The virus has a nationality
Idiots beget orange man

>> No.17890111

Where is the virus from?
Oh then it's not odd at all to call a global virus that started in China a chinese virus, you pedantic dipshit

>> No.17890145

>too busy doing digs at china and humble bragging

Yeah, I'm thinking your american investments are fucked.

>> No.17890170


Many historical viruses pre 21st century were named after their origin. What changed?

>> No.17890179

Based. If he would just fire the fucking Kushners, we could have a legit good president again.

>> No.17890185
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kys insect, fuck ching chongs

>> No.17890188

Snowflakes and CCP shills

>> No.17891229

>states are in different nations

>> No.17891256

remember when this retard called the virus propaganda from the liberal media?

>> No.17891311

it's amusing how quickly he turns around and tells people to keep "politics out" after shitting out a whole bunch of politically charged statements. fuck this retard.

>> No.17891340

Honestly I hated Trump in 2016 but he has been handling all of this pretty well. I'd definitely vote for him over Biden.

>> No.17891363

>he has been handling all of this pretty well

>> No.17891392

>fighting your own side in the middle of a crisis.

this is why China will win this century

>> No.17891419

Stop switching IP addresses, retard

>> No.17891474

the irony of this tweet lmao
i really cant tell if hes dumb or the most petty motherfucker ever

>> No.17891507

In what world is claiming everything is under control right before shit hits the fan "handling all of this pretty well"

>> No.17891554

It's a blight brought upon the world by the Chinese. It is the Chinese Virus.

>> No.17891568

Things would have been just as bad or worse under any of our last 3 presidents. I know Trump can handle extreme pressure better than any of them. He's doing his best. I used to be so negative like you are right now. Glad I left that behind.

>> No.17891605

It hardly matters who the president is. Trump calls Sanders a communist and then waives student interest and signs a bill handing out money to people for free because of the virus. It doesn't matter.

>> No.17891624

So what, its the Jews?

>> No.17891628

Remember when the liberal media said he was overreacting after he banned flights from China, weeks back?

>> No.17891634
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Fuck off ching chong imagine what happens when normies realize this was a chinese-made bio weapon and not some bat soup gone wrong


>> No.17891637

Trump is so fucking based it's unreal. He checks these fucking jews like it's just another day in the office.

>> No.17891647
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Democrat leaders as well. These people won't fool me anymore. They have less idea what they're doing than Drump.

>> No.17891661

Well, yes.

>> No.17891671
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ok then

>> No.17891687

Lmao fuck China and boomers

>> No.17891709

>tweet man bad
>this makes europe or asia an attractive destination for investment capital

Eurofags starring as MAX COPE



>> No.17891712

At least once things actually fall apart people might be able to rightfully point the finger at them again. I doubt holocaust propaganda works when people spend thousands of dollars for a roll of toilet paper.

>> No.17891767
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Hi Xi

>> No.17891826

4d chess

>> No.17891893

wushu xDDD

>> No.17891904

I don't know. Its all so confusing. If the virus is real then its a very convenient way to keep people in their homes during an economic collapse. I think this time, if something like Occupy Wall Street happened again, it would be a lot angrier and more serious. All those teens in Guy Fawkes masks are now 30 year old boomers watching their opportunities get pissed away yet again.

>> No.17891974

It is real. The hospitals in Italy are literally out of beds. What if you or some obese American gets a heart attack? Sorry, push through it in your bed. That's where Italy's at now, the US and other countries are next in about two weeks. And it will be more serious than other protests because people will actually lose all their wealth in this, the homeless rate will triple, Americans might actually go hungry for more than an hour.

>> No.17892757
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He's extremely good at stirring up "unintentional" controversy. He knows that people will erupt in anger over him calling it Chinese, and the other half of people will just be like "uh, yeah, what he said is accurate, so what's the problem?", and it distracts from the issue he's addressing.

>> No.17893003

If it is a bioweapon that means china is also willing to take a big hit to get to us

>> No.17893250

This virus is essentially plunging the world into multipolarity and eradicating globalism. No one's going to be on top of this. If this is what the Chinese wanted, then they're some petty motherfuckers.

>> No.17893295

I work at an authentic Chinese restaurant and the Chinese people literally all call it "Chinese virus" its not offensive and its time for white people to quit getting offended for other races

chinese people literally call it "chinese virus"

also chinese peopel really arent that poor, they just cant buy things IN china

>> No.17894731

LOL at any democrat criticizing Trump for handling Coronavirus crisis after making tweets like that.

>> No.17896377


>> No.17896410

Fuck off faggot

>> No.17896538

>some meaningless tweet that had no impact on anything vs actual political negligence on a massive scale

Yeah, ok retard

>> No.17896588

Ok chink

>> No.17896607


The governors of Washington and California? The entry points for this disease?

>> No.17896623

I want every single chink alive to be maimed and dismembered just the same way you dismembered the production power of every place in the world.
Hope I don't get in jail for killing some of you.

>> No.17896631


>> No.17896763

>If I say it, it's true.

>> No.17896831
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>> No.17896883

>spanish flu
>german measles
give me a break spaz

>> No.17897107

remember when the liberal shills said it would be racist to close borders to the chinese?
I do.
here in cali they were constantly saying that.

>> No.17897189

>Every city and every state has the same density and economy as NYC
Yeah, you know what, I'm glad that despite how gay and Somalian Minnesota might be, at least it's not New York. Go back to your foreskin pile.

>> No.17897223

>picture of tweet
Daily reminder to ignore trannies and plebbitors

>> No.17897308

Dam “Chinese Virus”

>> No.17897333

some chinese have bank, and gambling is a part of their culture. as is smoking cigarettes.
all of this is bullish for crypto.

>> No.17897348

Is this your attempt to mock him? neck yourself gook

>> No.17897383

So amazing you need a billionaire from a New York to tell people these things and it's not common sense.

>> No.17897387

I wouldn't even feel comfortable to call this thing a "Chinese Virus" at work and the fucking President is tweeting it. weird times

>> No.17897401

if you have 37 "China Flus" it kinda gets confusing

>> No.17897409

Why so angry sir?

>> No.17897418

now they take over while were in recovery mode

>> No.17897427

I see, so you would rather have the link, meaning you use Twitter. I spotted tranny plebbitor.

>> No.17897440

Honestly Trump can push the china name all he wants and I will tell everyone bitching to go fuck themselves. China just fucking doomed the world because they're stupid as fuck and were going to be feeling the effects for maybe years. Fuck china. Fuck the CCP.

>> No.17897592

Its overall much better for the world though. This crisis as shown in the world what a bad idea globalism is. I just wonder what's going to happen next. I think companies are going to want to pull out of China but China is it going to want them to. If China moves to nationalize American assets you could see world war 3 break out as China struggles to hold onto their power.

>> No.17897997
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Not only did it originate in China, they tried to cover it up. Fuck off NPC

>> No.17898148

How dare roger ver be a trumpfag.
Bitcoin cash cancelled.

>> No.17898228

You're not very smart if you think anyone is going to attack china directly. They have nuclear weapons and long range missiles.