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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17886638 No.17886638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New fag here.
I'm 19 and never invested before but thought to start now since everything is on sale.
I'm looking to invest 1k - 5k. Putting it all into Microsoft.

What are the best most reputable websites to buy stock?

> Must be reputable and safe
> Must have low fees

Am I better off physically going to a stock-broker?

> inb4 "Go ask your parents kid"
My parents don't invest, they prefer keeping their money under the mattress.

Pic related is relevant. Ass is always relevant.
Jennies fuck off.

>> No.17886816

Lol investing in MSFT just as gates steps down

>> No.17886859

Just get rh and to 100k in debt using suicidal leverage like the rest of the zoomers

>> No.17886878

those look like they smell really good

>> No.17886890

conceptualize the odor

>> No.17886898


>> No.17886899


not even worth it with 5 k to buy stocks..

>> No.17886940

those asses were made for BBC

>> No.17886988


this. white girls are born for the bbc

>> No.17887014

Literally engineered in a lab to serve the BBC.

>> No.17887048

>19 yo with 5k to yolo
Thanks mommy and daddy!! :)

>> No.17887060
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MS is the current leader in Cloud. Azure is only going to get better and bring in more profit for them.
Fuck Gates, all he cared about was helping brown people.

Useless answer

Enjoy lads

Will watch, thanks.
I'm just looking for personal preference on brokers.

I want to start small. i know more about investing then the average normie fag but I don't want to put everything I have.

Cucks kys

>> No.17887083


cheeky zoomer cunt

>> No.17887088

Go back to /pol/ you fucking pleb

>> No.17887090

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.17887136

Bases Corona Kid personally I suggest you buy oil if you just want to hold shit always bounces back think PUMP

>> No.17887154

here anon some real advice
Good pick with microsoft they are not going anywhere. try maybe TD ameritrade i have heard good things. Fuck physical brokers they are all Jews
>Pick up some Bank stocks here I like JP Morgan and Bank of Nova Scotia.
> Boeing after they get bailed out
>Starcucks maybe??? once shit blows over white thots will be back they're buying $7 coffees

>> No.17887215



Accumulate REFR

>> No.17887235

Oil would be good just be selective with what company your buying some of them are actually going to shit.

>> No.17887284

Microsoft? Is that a coin? Never heard of it.

>> No.17887287 [DELETED] 
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>New fag here.
I'm 19 and never invested before but thought to start now since everything is on sale

>> No.17887330

just buy chainlink

>> No.17887357

bruh the recession has just begin. the all time low is far away.

>> No.17887364


>> No.17887382

Invest in MSFT if you want to lose everything lmao.

>> No.17887472
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I assume you mean invest in an Oil company. Any company in particular?
I thought a lot about investing in commodities like Oil, Gas, Silver and Gold but they move real fucking slow.

Will look into those. Thanks bro.

Is it a good idea to invest in shit you have no clue in? I know lot about the tech space because I'm studying Computer Science.

Invest when bro? Give me a time frame.
At the moment I'm just prepping for the happening of our time.

MSFT is a safe AF investment and it will grow a lot.

>> No.17887483

Mutt's law

>> No.17887535

you are a fucking retard

>> No.17887550

Truth, we're likely a month or more away from bottom.

>> No.17887625
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Fuck you.
I earned that money through a part-time job. Saved every last cent and now want to invest it all instead of spending it on shit.
Unlike Jews such as yourself, I don't need a small loan of a million dollars.

>> No.17887651

> Is it a good idea to invest in shit you have no clue in? I know lot about the tech space because I'm studying Computer Science.
invest in shit that you know and use bro if you know computers there you go Microsoft, IBM, Apple and look for smaller companies.
> I assume you mean invest in an Oil company. Any company in particular?
Suncor, Shell, Exxon not going anywhere

50% of people here are doomers from pol and expect the apocalypse is cooming at all times. if you believe them go buy a farm guns and ammo. if your not crazy look at this as an excellent time to invest

>> No.17887859
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How do you lads know this? If the Virus thing quiets down a bit, the markets could go back up. Not right away but that could always happen.

> 50% of people here are doomers.......
My logic is, if shit hits the fan, my money will become useless anyway so I lose nothing by investing.

> Microsoft, IBM, Apple and look for smaller companies.......
Apple has no room for growth. MSFT with its cloud biz is growing a lot.

Google is a meme.

What do you think about IBM? My dad works there. he can get 20% discount on the stock. Should I get him to buy me some? They haven't been doing so well the past number of years but they got new CEO and President. The new President was the Ex-CEO of Red-Hat.

Is Tesla a good buy? Government is pushing the Electric car meme. Should I invest or is Tesla a Basedboy buy?

>> No.17887863

Domestic natural gas companies are a good bet at the moment, reason being that the oil price war is causing domestic oil producers to shut down. Surplus natural gas is a major byproduct of oil drilling, but with no domestic drilling going on, the dedicated natural gas companies are moving up fast. I like COG at the moment, but go look for yourself there are a bunch of them. I like the looks of CNX as well, just waiting a day or two for a nice entry point

>> No.17887926

Usually I would recommend buying chainlink to my fellow zoomers, but what the hell. Buy your stocks and be happy with your 10%.

>> No.17887990
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I'm going to assume Chainlink is some Blockchain Crypto BS.
Give me a reason to buy it instead of just talking own to me.

>> No.17888224

>>17887357 >>17887472 >>17887859

Idk when anon, we will see. And I know that the great dip is far away by looking at my environment. There are infected peole in my country, yet a shitton of people are on the streets downtown. Walking or in a coffee shop restaurant etc. And of coure 99% without protection. ( and imm not in a 3rd world country, im in europe ) So many more are going to be infected, to the pont when the city will be on lockdown like in Italy. And im quite sure the same will happen elsewhere too. So I think great dips will happen when cities close down. I would stay away from stocks until then. Im currently trading btc but only for short periods for marginal profits. BTC will dip with the stocks and other assets. We have to wait patiently for the right time to go all in. Don't be eager and overenthusiastic. Take a deep breath and calm down. It's wait time.

>> No.17888269

Buy shres in oil companies most will bounce back or be absorbed by another company if you want to make a medium risk medium return go buy PUMP if you want high risk high reward buy 1000 shares in OAS or play it safe like other guy said

>> No.17888348

Why aren't you reading up on peak infection curves and how long this will likely take? All of this information is like on every front page of any major news source. Most epidemiologists are predicting month or more away from peak infection rates. The result of all of the people currently out of work, restaurants, movie theaters etc. and then all of the support businesses around those will be affected. Once we cycle through a couple pay periods we'll really start seeing the effects.

>> No.17888401
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Yeah, Lockdowns have already started in France, Spain, the Netherlands and my country (Ireland).
Shit is going to hit the fan when Germany goes under.

>Don't be eager and overenthusiastic. Take a deep breath and calm down. It's wait time.
No doubt. I'm waiting for the all-time low. As I said before, I'm just prepping for when it comes.

Stupid question, is it even worth it to invest in Stock worth less than $10? How much can I stand to gain? Thanks for the recommendations.

>> No.17888447

Good luck bro. Remember: No-one rings a bell at the top or the bottom. Also nice pics you got there.

>> No.17888485

the only such company recommended by Consumer Reports Magazine.

>> No.17888500
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It's obvious he's definitely reading up on curves, just not infection or stock related ones...

>> No.17888531
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Thanks bro.

>> No.17888543
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Np. See you on the Moon if we make it!

>> No.17888656
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>> No.17888688


>Shit is going to hit the fan when Germany goes under.

Germany will be fine, they have at least been monitoring the situation and have already taken some (admittedly tentative) steps. (By fine of course i mean they are going to get fucked in the ass anyway, but along with some metaphorical lube).

Who's really going to bite that pillow hard are your mates across the irish sea. Johnson has been blowing off preparations until a couple of days ago, so it's virtually useless to start now. The virus takes 5-7 days to incubate and show symptoms and during that time you're a carrier. And people have been meeting, congregating, going to pubs and concerts until now. Shit's gonna start hitting the fan pretty quickly in 7-10 days, but I estimate you're only going to start properly appreciating the size of this turd sandwich by the end of March.

>> No.17888719

Buy gold

>> No.17888805

Actual advice here:
Don't invest it all on one stock,
spread it through out so you have a safer chance of not losing it all like a total retard.

>> No.17888990

Kek i am also a 20 yo zoomer. Chainlink was (or still is who knows) was my only way out.
Fuck boomerstocks and faggy ETFs. I am going to be high spending no saving wagie normie fucking thots then

>> No.17889172

Penny stocks are risky but you can buy tons of them of them if you make even a few cents up from when you bought them you can make bank but be provided to lose it all since most of those companies may go under personally I think it's worth buying a few hundred dollars of them but you do you bro if your just a kid looking for some cash with a fairly sizable risk tolerance then I would suggest it
>oil will always be in demand so OAS and other shares are good bet

>> No.17889317

looks like she could snap your dick with her cheeks if you tried to sodomize her

>> No.17889611

fuck you coom bait

>> No.17889788

Buy some cows, most solid investment, maybe some chickens to

>> No.17889818
