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17885802 No.17885802 [Reply] [Original]

This will be the time of the flippening. Don't miss out. Buy BSV

>> No.17886794

>BSV shills are back
>zero engagement on BSV shill threads
wew lads almost like this shitcoin is DEAD

>> No.17887173

30 bsv and lurking

>> No.17887723 [DELETED] 
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The calm before the storm

>> No.17887777

This nigger literally shilled BCH and then decided to crash it into the toilet

>> No.17888156

im gonna buy more when it's on sale around 50$, then chill and wait for the flipppening.

When is the btc halving?

>> No.17889908

Pretty annoyed with Craig he could have warned us to sell and buy back in. I own 116 BSV but I am confident we will see $50 with this corona panic. Gas the fucking kikes

>> No.17890193

he gonna flipped over by tyrone in prison for sure.

>> No.17890257

BCH was just the first attempt at restoring the original protocol, Craig allied with some dubious actors to make it happen
it got hijacked just as bad as BTC, so finally he got together his own crew and restored Bitcoin to its former glory

>> No.17890286
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>> No.17890291

Craig doesn't give a shit about price

>> No.17890305

>creg doesn't care about price.
ya you can't spend bitcoin(even fake bitcoin like bsv or bch) in prison so why would he?

>> No.17890324

imagine unironically believing Satoshi himself will go to jail, lmao
absolute state of corekeks

>> No.17890438


All that would cause is a hard fork and another shitcoin

>> No.17890447


>> No.17890495

that's the flippening i wouldn't mind to read about daily mail style

>> No.17890496 [DELETED] 

it would still result in a hard fork why would any miner accept a chain that can steal segwit funds?

The chain that allows that would be worthless.

>> No.17890546

That would still cause a hard fork because no miner would mine the chain stealing coins since it would lose price.

The game theory is against that yes you could theoreticaly move coins in a 51% hard forked chain but why would the hashrate remain in such fork that steal coins?

>> No.17890797

>no miner would mine the chain stealing coins since it would lose price
that's the point you make 51% profitable only by shorting. and the hardfork would be partially useless because the majority hash can go after you indefinitely while your price would tank also in the chaos and panic and your ""honest"" miners would capitulate faster than you blink.

>> No.17890867

>last reply 6 months ago

>> No.17890899

imaging being a mouthbrathing cultist who thinks a lying cunt that is unable to prove shit, can't code himself out of a wet paper bag, and doesn't even know how keys work was satoshi.. you really might be the most retarded cunt on this board.

>> No.17890967

But wall street trusts like grayscale own like 500k btc ,the sec would assrape anyone doing this shit.

Not to mention that for craig constant shit about law it would pump privacy coins, you can't pull what you are saying in coins like xmr with hidden addresses since you would not even be able to know were the coins are.
And coins like dash with masternodes are also inmune to it.

I seriously don't understand where you are going with this, there is literally no gains to be made from such an attack.
Both the segwit and non segwit chains could suffer from that attack since the stealing funds as you say is irrelevant and only the freezing part matters.

Seriously whats your point?Also i just noticed that craig in you message is shilling for bch by the people bellow his message.

>> No.17891014

>won't prove it to you
>"unable to prove it"
lmao, enjoy information asymmetry, corekek

>> No.17891541

Segwit is just not safe. End of story.

>> No.17891608

you can't undo segwit there's no chain to fork to that doesn't have utxos without segwit.
Once 15% of the hashrate does this attack the only profitable option is to join the attack.


>> No.17892106

i was not talking about btc with btc it's very hard to pull this off. but with shitcoins like ShitCoin SV it's easy as fuck. which is why the nakamoto consensus only worth a damn if the majority hash honestly participates.

>> No.17892129

>Segwit is just not safe
i'm sure you got some actual proof to that statement. which is why it's exploited daily right?

>> No.17892136
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Craig just recently said he doesn't care if BSV goes to 20 cents because as long as there it utility that's all that matters. You all got STIFFED

>> No.17892162

>you can't undo segwit
it would be the easiest thing to undo it wouldn't even require a fork. miners would just announce that they will after a date no longer enforce segwit rules. and that would be it. everyone would revert to legacy addresses.

but nobody wants to undo segwit because it's fucking useful and makes sense.

>> No.17892200

Yea but BSV only goes to 20cents if BTC goes to 0.

>> No.17892630


Ok but you're a retard if you think hes going to prison

>> No.17892712

Lel bsv is a scam, enjoy being crushed by your bags faggots you deserve it.

>> No.17893074

How is it not safe?I am asking seriously i want to know.

>> No.17893162

the shilling for this coin dropped to fucking 0 after craig didnt sign anything lmao

>> No.17893963

Nah it was after the bonded courier was a big nothing burger. Apparently no private keys.