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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17874332 No.17874332 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say someone inherited ~$30,000,000 USD after all tax and other obligations have been covered (and a small rancher style house in the Midwest). What does someone with absolutely no financial know how (and who, hypothetically, was completely blindsided by the inheritance because the wealth had been hidden from them their entire life) do to both beat inflation and earn an income for the rest of their life? What is the safest/lowest risk way to manage their wealth?

>> No.17874402

Real estate. A good real estate portfolio gives you guaranteed income regardless of economic conditions. Always have enough cash on hand to pay for 3+ years of property taxes/maintenance expenses.

>> No.17874418

Buy bitcoin
All in

>> No.17874452
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I'm not inheriting 30 million so it's not my problem, but if someone made it my problem by giving me a cut I'd tell them the secret.

>> No.17874541

mineral royalty&streaming companies. renewable energy income companies. REITs. MLPs (if you're in the US, otherwise avoid them). Agricultural mineral miners (the big established ones, no scrappy exploration upstarts). Food conglomerates.

>> No.17874577

Yeah real estate is the safest way. Buy a few apartments in developing cities/districts. Make sure not to buy places that are going to be flooded or destroyed in 30 years due to climate change

I would even buy one or two abroad to work as a vacation home. Buying a property can also net you residence permit and later citizenship. While you have money, leverage it to get things poor things are unable

>> No.17874580

the only thing that is not an investment is gold.

>> No.17874590

Step 1: Walk into bank
Step 2: Say to a teller "I need a financial advisor for a large sum of money."
Step 3: Listen
Step 4: Repeat at two more banks.

You can probably figure out the rest from here.

>> No.17874598


Go consult ANY other forumthan /biz/. I think an Overwatch ERP discord server would give you better financial advice than this place.

>> No.17874602

Placing 10 million in equity can give you 5%(500k) of dividends a year. Keep around 3-5mil in various high interest bank accounts/short term T-bills as an emergency fund. The remaining can be used on property or added to your equity portfolio.
Note that both property and equity carry different risks. For equity, a situation like now could fuck you over if you badly needed to sell currently (you shouldn't though, that's what the emergency fund is for). Property requires good research on location, timing (e.g. current interest rates on loans) and can be a significant expense to maintain.

>> No.17874615
File: 11 KB, 300x168, EB45194C-2D87-4FE1-93E7-CCD1986B1C05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, all in link, dummy

>> No.17874625

30,000,000? How to manage it?
Wtf nigga just dont buy 10 houses hahahahahahaha like bro you just put the debit card down
In seriousness I could live a comfortable neet life into my 80's on $1M and I'm 24. I have expensive hobbies too, I just dont spend money in stupid ways.

>> No.17874635

Go to chase and bank of america, the y will help. 30m is not that much so you won't get top level service but they will give you free advice and one on one meetings.

>> No.17874642

hire someone to manage it and not ask for advice here

such a person might be retarded though

>> No.17874664

if tendies are $1.25 each that's 24,000,000 tendies

>> No.17874667

diversified stock ETFs that return 4% a year in dividends. 4% of $30,000,000 is... i dont know, a fuck ton a year. you do the math

>> No.17874688

i'm the same age and i think that amount is quite enough myself. i was even thinking 500k would be more than enough to manage a very comfy life

>> No.17874744

Diversify Diversify Diversify Diversify Diversify

>> No.17874839

Make sure you consult with top of the line accountants and reputable advisors from a major bank. Like other anons said you need to diversify in stocks and real estate, crypto is a fucking volatile meme with no intrinsic value don’t listen to any shill on this board. read books on personal finance and figure out the ratio of stocks/bonds you will want to be holding (depends on age etc). If you read enough you will also be able to invest in stocks yourself, such as sectors that personally interest you.

Be warned real estate is not as simple as anons make it seem and you will most probably still have to work. Also, do not buy anything for the next 12-18 months until this all blows over. economy is shitting the bed and we don’t know how this is going to affect asset values for the time being so play it safe.

Why was inheritance completely cash btw and not stocks/assets?

>> No.17874870

All in broadly diversified stock market index funds. Maybe 60:40 split with bonds.
Withdraw 1% per year at most. Almost 0% of ever running out of money for hundreds of years.

>> No.17874878

*0% chance

>> No.17874924

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7rH7h7ljHg

>> No.17875006

1.2 mil

>> No.17875097

#Tachyon nodes and K-bucket can form data structure similar to merkle trees in blockchain

>> No.17875121

>renewable energy
lol. that bubble is quite literally bigger than the fucking dot com bubble. Green energy is a scam. It's not even close to being economically viable. That's like buying a lottery ticket. Maybe one of the companies figures out how to solve the green energy problem and will make bank, but most will go bankrupt.
Seriously, OP, consult a financial advisor. In any case, the answer is to spread the money around really widely. Diversify.
>buy farm land and pay someone to manage it. this is probably the safest investment of them all.
>buy rental properties and pay someone to manage them. Can be a little risky depending on the location, but still a pretty safe bet.
>buy index funds.
>buy precious metals and hoard them like a dragon. DO THIS. Big fortunes have been lost in hyperinflation because the rich were only exposed to fiat. It can and will happen again.
>invest in companies that will always be needed, like coca cola, tobacco companies, guns, food, etc.
>lastly invest in some local company and try to use your money for good in your community, if you have one. This one is important because it can give you sense of purpose/pride. Also being a successful local businessman gives you a lot of power and influence in that community
That's just some ideas. Cast a wide net.

>> No.17875125

PNK staking gains fuck yeah
Me too anon, me too.