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17866197 No.17866197 [Reply] [Original]




>paying nothing

>puts are so overpriced right now

>value eroding due to incoming hyperinflation

Real Estate
>REITs are going to shit and physical real estate will be taxed to oblivion


>> No.17866210

under the matress

>> No.17866234

see "Cash"

>> No.17866235

toilet paper

>> No.17866249

>everything is collapsing
>cash is collapsing
choose one
you are literally measuring the collapse of the other things in cash you moron

>> No.17866268
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>> No.17866279

this. just hold cash retard

>> No.17866287

Anyone has a legit answer for that? I'm 100%CHF but I'm fearing even for Switzerland now.

>> No.17866344

Even with all the inflationary policies by the Fed and Federal Government, deflation is caused by a drop in aggregate demand.

So, literally just hold cash, inflation won't come until after we bottom out, and then stocks will have a huge bull run.

>> No.17866396

there is actually a cash deflation first

>> No.17866401

Alternatively, you can hold gold. In times like these where the printing press is running, you'll probably have more purchasing power by the time the market bottoms because of all the actions the central banks/governments have to take.

>> No.17866488
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gold has gone down since this started.
same thing happened back in 2008 during the crash, but it recovered, the question is what is the bottom for gold?

>> No.17866514

A MAN HAS FALLEN INTO THE RIVER IN LEGO SITTY. drop da helicoptor and lower da stratcha!

>> No.17866533

Cash is SURGING atm

>> No.17866538
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Bro, that's a good thing. Oil is a basic economic input and low oil prices benefit literally everyone who isn't an oil producer.

>> No.17866575

Spot the retard

>> No.17866707

Just buy $SQQQ and watch it go to 19k a share like in 2010

>> No.17866838

haha richfaggot

>> No.17866868

You put your trust in God.

>> No.17866906

exactly. low oil prices are bullish for the actual economy not the scam ponzi scheme stock market

>> No.17866922

Land, weapons

>> No.17866935
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soon it will be worth more than gold

>> No.17866972

I have 35k dollars and have no idea what the fuck to do. Should i trade like the guys on wsb? Should i put in crypto and stocks slowly while prices are low? I cashed out back in 2017 during the peak of crypto and expected a crash already back then, but it never came so I’ve been all liquid for almost 3 years. Bought some large cap stocks last week for 4k, for long term holding and dividends

>> No.17866980

I'm looking at him

>> No.17867010

If oil companies go bankrupt the price will shoot up like an incel with a gun

>> No.17867055

Boomers and their toilet paper meme. I'll never understand it, it's a different generation.

>> No.17867117
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I've been long on treasurys for a year and have made plenty of money considering they outperformed the S&P 500 pre crash and now the crash is icing on the cake. Now isn't a good time to get in on treasurys, though. Guess you missed out. Or maybe you can buy treasurys and hope for ZIRP then dump.

You're just fucked. Hold cash, it's the only thing that looks good right now. USD is still good for awhile, world reserve currency and al. It'll be one of the last ones to hyperinflatel. And inflation is slowed during recessions.

>> No.17867118

Oil companies are the one's lowering the prices anon.
Shale also has no business of being in business and needs high prices which is not what anyone else wants.

>> No.17867136
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>> No.17867138
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>> No.17867176
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fucking apologize

>> No.17867215

What are you boomers buying?

I'm currently buying,
>EOG Resources
>Bank of America
>Southwest Airlines
>Occidental Petroleum

On the watchlist
>Carnival Cruise Lines (if things clear up)
>Six Flags (if things clear up)
>Alliance Data Systems (if things clear up)
>Starbucks (<$45/share)
>Restoration Hardware (<$60/share)
>Ceasar's Entertainment (far OOTM calls incase casinos get a bailout, but im waiting for a larger drop

>> No.17867310

Due to IV even calls are super expensive. Can't even be a fucking contrarian right now sucks.

>> No.17867320 [DELETED] 

Uber for long term now that it’s down 50%+
Bank of America

>> No.17867328

>Shale also has no business of being in business

If shale went out of business the world economy would collapse, conventional oil production peaked and has been flat since 2005 the only increase has been in shale and oil sands and some deep water offshore, I unironically thing the shale oil industry will be nationalised if/when they go bankrupt as it's a national security issue and even an existential threat to modern civilization

>> No.17867364

Buying Zillow now is kind of retarded. Wait until the disasterous summer homeselling season.

>> No.17867380

Why are you fearing for CHF. American here looking to get CHF by buying FXF ETF

>> No.17867394

Do your self a favor and look up what a reverse split is.

>> No.17867421

Texted my co worker asked him if he had a firearm, that somehow triggered his wife into a panic attack, I'm having a good laff

>> No.17867509

>national security issue
Lol, spotted the boomer. Who's going to invade us. Mexico? Canada?
There's a reason we're a superpower - we have a geographic advantage like the Bongs do.

>> No.17867540

Well if 10 million barrels of oil production go offline the economy will collapse and the country will simply fall apart

>> No.17867543

Just start averaging down.

>> No.17867545

Buy cartons of cigarettes and freeze them. Cigarettes and booze are two of the main assets that will appreciate in value as the economy collapses because everyone will still want them.

>> No.17867632

oddawaj papier p*laku

>> No.17867647

Guns and ammo. The (((people))) responsible for our unstable parasitic economy have names and addresses

>> No.17867732

>implying smokers won't be purged

>> No.17867753

Oh no! Sounds like y'all will actually have to work for a living!

>> No.17867759

Buy toilet paper

>> No.17867826
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Keep dreaming.

>> No.17868298

Physical gold. Food. Booze. Toiler paper.

>> No.17868316

Yes hold cash goy, whilst we push inflation up to 20%. Good goy.

>> No.17868349

When the margin calls stop and/or traders run out of liquid assets to sell.

>> No.17868404
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>puts are so overpriced right now

>> No.17868446


>> No.17868507
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You forgot TVIX and UVIX which are going to moon for the next few weeks. You don't even know.

>> No.17868526

Gold, crypto, biotech and iron ore.

>> No.17868562
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I’ll tell ya where.

>> No.17868568


What's your time horizon? If you're young and it's long-term there's no problem with going into US equities despite the bear market. If you're looking for opportunities to make money quick then I'd hold out for a few weeks until there are some signs of stability, cash probably is actually your safest bet at this moment.

>> No.17868811

the coin is so shit it went down in price after more people died.
fuck off pranjeeta.

>> No.17868940
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Hyper inflation had them weighing cash in Venezuela. Under your mattress it's going to devalue more than risking it in a stock or BTC...
Sit on your $100 Might get you a few happy meals in a year, youll need them.

>> No.17869126

Is it wise to invest in a company actively trying to destroy itself?

>> No.17869149

Hard kek

>> No.17869271

Drugs. Literally and non ironically the only safe heaven

>> No.17869351


even has its own wiki page

>> No.17869419

So it's a buyers market.
I'm personally buying up stock in cruise and airline companies which are down like 80% in the last couple of months.

>> No.17869424

Hold it in cash and buy VTSAX when the market bottoms out

>> No.17869467

>buying airline
Nice one

>> No.17869479

Unless, for whatever reason, the 737 Max never gets approved, Boeing's the biggest discount we'll likely see a blue chip for a long while.

>> No.17869508


>> No.17869527

>Hold it in cash
So just leave it in VMMXX for the time being?

>> No.17869540


>> No.17869551

Buy goods useful for bartering in a post-collapse society

>> No.17869570

they removed reserve requirements so make sure to keep some cash in case

>> No.17869600

long volatility

>> No.17869718
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>sell more cigarettes!
t. Corona-chan

>> No.17869737

cash honestly

>> No.17869767

Boeing is good because the US gov will never let them collapse.
I'm looking at cruise companies mostly.
Norwegian Cruise Lines: down 80%, yet at the end of 2019 posted it's 6th straight quarterly increase in profits, has a solid financials, sent all chinese staff home last month, and just got extended a line of credit to help them through the turmoil. Absolute steal.

>> No.17870667

Yep, travel is the big buy of the decade later this year

>> No.17870793

dump already

i want it to dump to 1 dollar so i can buy 426 chainlink