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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17861694 No.17861694 [Reply] [Original]

Give me the quick rundown on this money printing shit

>> No.17861720

>print money
>buy assets
>things moon
>everyone is saved

>> No.17861773


>> No.17861792
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fend lend money to banks so they can lend it to trader and investors to pump the market
but the jews are actually shorting, this is the final jewish trick

>> No.17861800
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>> No.17861825

Money supply increases, rate of return on money falls, as more dollars bid for the same good, therefore prices increases and this is inflation

Not sure if I'm right though

>> No.17861847

The Fed creates money. They loan it to banks at an interest rate. The treasury prints money when physical deposits are needed. Banks loan out the money, creating more money based on a ratio to their reserves.

They're doing something very ill advised at the moment by blowing their wad early. They should be waiting for the big recession and trying to stabilize at that point.

>> No.17861852

>no TP
>print money
>have TP

>> No.17861894
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/biz/ is full of youtube economists and dropouts who lack the most fundamental understanding of economics. They think "money printing" is a meme because they don't understand the role of the fed and how unfreezing credit markets with liquidity helps the economy.

It's perfectly fine and smart to do it. Read a book. Stop posting here. This is where poor people hang out. Would you go to the check cashing store to discuss economics?

>> No.17861911

It's like the liquidity swaps they did in 2009, The Fed prints USD, the ECB prints Euros and they swap at an agreed exchange rate.
The Fed has to do this because almost the entire global financial system runs on USD, which de facto makes it the backstop. It means incredible power over the world for the US.

>> No.17861915

You're here

>> No.17861927

1. Central bank prints money and uses it to buy safe-haven assets from the market i.e. government bonds.
2. This drives the price of bonds up and makes them a less attractive investment
3. Pension funds and other investors have more cash
4. They spend it in equity markets and loans etc
5. Gives the economy a much needed jolt
6. ????
7. Profit

But this won't fix markets for a stopping of the economy due to a biological crisis and no one has a fucking clue what to do.

>> No.17861972

>print money
>give to banks
>banks lend out more money than they even have
>get loans paid back
>keep cloning magic spreadsheet money like this
boom you have modern economics

>> No.17861980

What books should I read to understand better?

>> No.17862016

Haha machine go brrrrrr

>> No.17862029

>dude just let a private bank loan your country all of "its" money it's fine don't ask questions. I went to college!

>> No.17862057

its just wealth distribution, its a decentralized way to bail out the big guys

>> No.17862081
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I have mental illness and I am poor but I happen to be smart. I am the exception that proves the rule.

Sorry but once again the simple minded anon embarrasses himself.

>> No.17862092


>> No.17862107

trickle down bullshit

>> No.17862118

basically this

>> No.17862123

>thinking it's a complicated thing
t. finance major


>> No.17862138

what if i told you we can all be rich?

>> No.17862265

More dollars chasing fixed supply of goods.
Dollars worth less.
ie Tendies will cost $40/plate

>> No.17862291
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>I happen to be smart. I am the exception that proves the rule.
>Sorry but once again the simple minded anon embarrasses himself.

>> No.17862350
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>> No.17862444

>>print money
>>buy assets
>>things moon
>>everyone is saved

so they think

>stocks price go up
>milk price goes up
>dollar purchasing power goes down
>people get paid in worthless dollarinos
>people hoard cash and spending stops
>employers lay off employees cause sales are down
>people baghold worthless money and lose their jobs
>silver/gold chads buy all the land
>people forced to farm the land and get paid a
tiny portion of the vegetables while the silver/gold chads get the rest.
>when the people work the fields hard and save their vegetables for 50 years, they might be able to retire one day

>> No.17862487

I still don't get it, why a financial response to a disease and a lack of public health response, even at this stage?

>> No.17863228

The markets taking a bit of a dive is to the uncertainty around Covid-19.
The central banks reserve is to try and bring stability back as it's easy to get stuck in a vicious cycle where people keep selling. The aim is to restore confidence in the market. It all seems odd and artifical but it's worked before but this is a different beast.

>> No.17863305
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Fed is trying to save the stock market by printing more fake and worthless money.

>> No.17863713

>people hoard cash and spending stops
If their cash is worthless, why would this happen?

>> No.17863869

pretty retarded, short sighted, missing the big picture and ignoring long term consequences

>> No.17863891
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>> No.17863894


>> No.17863904

based and macropilled

>> No.17863940

SEEEEEETHING stocks cuck

>> No.17863948

>I'm poor and mentally ill
Why should anyone listen to what you have to say?

>> No.17863957


>> No.17864009


>> No.17864011

how is the fed not nationalized yet? seems preposterous

>> No.17864041

you don't have to. I told you to read a book didn't I?

>> No.17864118

Why would they care about.people retiring? They lower the value of the dollar by moving the money to the rich by printing money.

>> No.17864127 [DELETED] 
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this poster is just low iq has zero understanding of the true fundamentals of economy and has absolutely no arguments, so all he can say is "read a book!", "educate yourself!"

no book can give you a rational explanation for how printing "money" out of thin air can work forever

the fed has never been this careless since dropping the gold standard, they just started to hxc abuse the fact that they can flood the market with any amount of usd any time they want.

bitcoin was created exactly for this reason.

>> No.17864230
File: 134 KB, 500x397, bernanke-ill-pay-you-20-000-to-eat-that-pile-of-4866318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this poster is just low iq has zero understanding of the true fundamentals of economy and has absolutely no arguments, so all he can say is "read a book!", "educate yourself!"

no book can give you a rational explanation for how printing "money" out of thin air can work forever

the fed has never been this careless since dropping the gold standard, they just started to hxc abuse the fact that they can flood the market with any amount of usd any time they want.

bitcoin was created exactly for this reason.

>> No.17864253

here you go, fren

>> No.17864292

Printing money increases inflation and makes the cash you have less valuable. If you own a house it will make it worth more usually though

>> No.17864341
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We need a whole team

>> No.17864348

>Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it
Ironically those who think this anon posted good advice don't remember this quote

>> No.17864608


>> No.17865605

You don’t understand. People will have to hoard cash BECAUSE it’s worthless. It’s like how Germans had to take a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread during their hyperinflation, which was a similar scenario; an outlier event and the printing of money.
Retirement is a choice of the employee, not something granted by the employer

>> No.17865641

Misread the post. Yeh

>> No.17865725

You should read a book, maybe a smart one. Or perhaps one to make you less mentally ill and poor