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File: 168 KB, 1080x1521, Screenshot_20200316-162310_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17860772 No.17860772 [Reply] [Original]

How come you are not trading options?

>> No.17860807


Learning puts through YouTube is convoluted as shit

>> No.17860818

i don't know how.

>> No.17860821

1. i live in eastern europe, so by default i am fucked
2. i don't know how anyway so
fuck me i guess?

>> No.17860878

What are you shorting?

>> No.17860926

It's not that hard. You just buy a few really cheap contracts until you learn.
Puts for downies calls for uppies

>> No.17860936

This. How did you learn guys? Also which brokers in canada that can trade options?

>> No.17860967

The S&P500 (SPY)

>> No.17861028

How did you learn op

>> No.17861347


>> No.17861414

I just read some stuff online about how they work and started off buying very cheap contracts so I could get a feel for it.
I took a shine to it pretty quick. I love how convoluted it is but it all makes sense.
Today is my largest cash gain from one trade. Now I have some capital to make some real support moves.

>> No.17861473

Nah I found them after I started trading.

>> No.17861628

Go ahead and sell it at that price. See how many bids you pick up.

>> No.17861869

I like it because retards will lose a lot of money and hi-iq chads can reap rewards

>> No.17861923

Damn I must be a high IQ chad, thanks anon

>> No.17861963

Every time I ask people about it they say not to do it because I'll lose all my money

>> No.17861973

Cause I dont get it. Which one of these did you short?

>> No.17862010
File: 486 KB, 1242x2049, DB0FC916-CF46-4D89-8758-AE00A550B43A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch phone. Here's the pic

>> No.17862032

Any decent books or places to learn?

>> No.17862061

you're not trading, you're gambling

>> No.17862080

i am i just keep losing

>> No.17862084
File: 139 KB, 1080x997, Screenshot_20200316-171105_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already sold it retard. You think I'm going to sit on gains like that and not sell?

I'm just sitting on 2 AAL calls that are a hail Mary if they get a bailout before friday.

>> No.17862132

specifically what? which inverse ETF and are these friday buys or did you buy this morning

>> No.17862150

Lol dude search by ticker.
I bought puts on SPY the ticker is SPY
Lmao you probably shouldn't try options

>> No.17862171

>buy put
It moons
>Buy call
It dumps

That's why. Fuck options.

>> No.17862190
File: 299 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200315-203830_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot of my positions I had going into this morning.
The prices reflect the Friday trump pump.

>> No.17862199

options gamblers like to post their massive daily gains, but are very shy about posting their massive all time loses

similar situation to shitcoiners, timid with losses gloating over gains

for every 1 person who pulls off a 10 bagger there are 10 or more who get raped

>> No.17862241

See >>17862190

>> No.17862276
File: 36 KB, 1088x348, options.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to sell as my profits spiked 2700 bucks
>my biggest postition plummeted so RH said "teehee I'll just turn this into a limit sell and you won't actually sell lol"
Oh well, learned my lesson to set a limit sell beforehand, made a decent gain today though

>> No.17862279

what app?

>> No.17862297
File: 43 KB, 845x340, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futures more profitable and less complicated.

>> No.17862360

Hope my friday expiry AAL calls print, trump said he's gonna take real good care of the airlines so im confident

>> No.17862386

Robinhood but it's pretty terrible for trading options. More of a buy and hold stocks type of thing.

>> No.17862477

Didnt they fuck over a ton of people with (((bad coding))) Does this app tell you what to buy and sell and when?

>> No.17862494

holy brainlet

>> No.17862503

The same reason I'm not playing roulette.

>> No.17862542

Cause it's already too late

>> No.17862558

How come you aren't trading forex?

>> No.17862615

Because last week JDST went up 100% but then today, JNUG spikes 100%

fuck that shit

>> No.17862667

Think I did okay

>> No.17862707

Using puts is good for insurance, if you have a sizable stack you can defend yourself from sudden crashes like the one you see right now. Not convinced whether trading it daily is good or not (probably not).

>> No.17862755
File: 50 KB, 1079x275, Screenshot_20200316-142651_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I fucking forgot to attach my screenshot.
Sold at open but saw the value before market close. It's fucking going for 12.40. Fuck me. Gains are gains though

>> No.17862813
File: 19 KB, 881x469, options.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Options are indeed extremely fun.

>> No.17862932


>> No.17863055 [DELETED] 

you now see why the media fuds and shills

>> No.17863094

Robinhood isnt available in aus

>> No.17863131

stock options are for 30 year old boomers

>> No.17863180

you're retarded

>> No.17863296

What indexes do you guys recommend getting into?

>> No.17863342

See idk what a ticker is. Just spoonfeed me. Be a good person.

>> No.17863607


>> No.17863655

If you hate plebbit there is a wsb Discord which is way better

>> No.17864268
File: 233 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200316-221151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.

Already cashed out around 50k too. Get rekt nothingburger shills

>> No.17864366


>> No.17864378

Extreme levels of risk make it unviable for long term. What you short term fags dont get is that in order to make huge amounts of profit you can hit it quick and then quit, you need a long term sustainable practice for making money.

Every single time compounding a boring old index beats everything else. Just alone from the tax benefits of it.

>> No.17864419
File: 232 KB, 828x1792, B159AA0F-3303-4A66-B87E-392CEAFF4181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17864427

Why not short the fuck out of the current covid-19 volatility and then start investing in the cheap stocks after it starts ti bottom out

>> No.17864487

Low IQ post. Coronavirus gives you a never ending stream of bad news to push prices down and a guarantee to play out within a 3 to 6 month time frame, which makes any out of the money put option insanely cheap in terms of value, as most other traders are valuing them using black Scholes which assumes the share price is on a random walk

>> No.17864490

keep losing money cryptofag

>> No.17864525

Can you go into debt if your call goes under or do they just liquidate your account like bitmex?

>> No.17864535

>Ill just time the market
If you can tell me tomorrows lotto numbers then you can tell me when to time the market. No one can ever say how long markets will rise or fall, that's fundamentally why switching tactics never works. Yes you could go short the SP500 right now, but the question is: for how long?

If you get this wrong, you could literally stand to lose everything and then some, shorting has infinite liability, if the virus comes under control and the market starts rising quickly you might not be able to sell fast enough.

Also, you still pay tax on all these transactions, as you buy into, sell out, and short the market. Whereas someone who owned the SP500 before the crash, buys more after the crash, and keeps buying, never has to pay a cent of tax.

>> No.17864568

>a guarantee to play out within a 3 to 6 month time frame
Tell me tomorrows lotto numbers.

>> No.17864593

Realized or unrealized?

>> No.17864600

Sadly not, cant easily into options as a europoor

using leveraged certificates instead, made +200% from shorting DAX today and friday

>> No.17864609

I really want to learn I just dont know where to start

>> No.17864610

>this is relevant to what I posted how

>> No.17864618

Actually this is low IQ. When the market finds a bottom and you're forced to cover your put you'll be a bagholder as a retail fag. You could easily lose everything you've gained in about fifteen seconds. All it takes is a major headline on Drudge that "the cure is here" or some such shit and you're wiped.

Have fun with it if you want but don't pretend it's anything more than a casino unless you have early access to news stories or own a media company yourself.

>> No.17864701

No one can time the market and no one can predict the future.

>> No.17864712

Kek I've shorted airlines, cruise operators and hotel chains faggot, there's no way they're recovering.

>> No.17864806

>192 put
Aggressive stance but I’m happy that it worked out for you

>> No.17864831

because I trade link

>> No.17864851

You're going to be really upset when they stop trading on airlines and you're stuck with short positions for months, then the market recovers and the day they release the airline stocks they soar back into green.

Never purchase anything you're not comfortable holding for 10 years without touching. If you have to be there 24/7 to save your own ass you've purchased a bomb not an asset.

>> No.17864870

Idiot. Their shutdown is already priced in. You have no idea what the valuation is on a fleet of 30 120,000 ton cruise liners waiting in dock, much less any idea of when a cure, treatment, or vaccine will emerge.

Fuck it why do I bother.

>> No.17864944

its not real dude, thats a robinhood glitch because theyre fucking morons and price the options by ask, literally anyone can ask anything which is what happens always every morning and every hour

>> No.17865348


> You have no idea what the valuation is on a fleet of 30 120,000 ton cruise liners waiting in dock

I'd say current market valuation of those assets would be $0.00

>> No.17865439

This is a good point though and I have been worrying about this. Actually think I'm going to start unwinding some of them tomorrow to bank some more profit

>> No.17865627
File: 406 KB, 607x609, 1550093676989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because options are just glorified gambling and 99% of the time you either lose money or make so little that it hardly matters.

>> No.17865689

dang so you didnt place calls in inverse SPY ETFs? just puts on the actual SPY? nice , happy for you bro.

>> No.17865794

I have 60 hard-earned American dollars on robinhood ready to go right now. Tell me how to lose it all or make it $600 on market open tomorrow. Tell me exactly what to do

>> No.17865808


Who the hell uses apps. Get out of here poorfag

>> No.17865871

only trade shitcoins cause they give you the most in terms of gains. Are you even tryinng desu if you're not balls deep in ogn xtz bnb

>> No.17865896

Can you recommend some "really cheap" puts?

>> No.17865990

Do uncovered shorts on S&P and literally become a millionaire by next year.

>> No.17866026

This. You make money until you don’t

>> No.17866078

Lel I dont get the hate, dealing with trade bills is the most fun you can have. Shorted Brent Oil two week ago and am in. Get fucked poor fags.

>> No.17866106

I need a little more detail in those instructions sir

>> No.17866212
File: 286 KB, 1000x1415, 1557692771283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bc statistically most accounts lose money in the long run so i'm scared

>> No.17866275

those are rookie numbers faglord
go back to r***** lmfao

>> No.17866295

That's a very cute anime girl you got there anon

>> No.17866328

I literally have 0 money and I can't download robinhood in my country.

>> No.17866360

never bothered to learn. now regretting it, obviously.

>> No.17866382

Because I can’t find the fucking button on robinhood to turn the stupid fucking option on.

>> No.17866426

Which u will. This thread is just rh shilling their casino.

>> No.17866609

I like cute anime girls

>> No.17866650

damn lots of wisdom in this thread amongst casino gambling tier muh options faggots

>> No.17866759

Me too, anon, me too.

Would a cute anime girl company be soaring right now, hypothetically?

>> No.17866987

i would say so

>> No.17867083


>> No.17867203

So I should buy a cheap put, essentially betting something is going down past a certain number. When that happens, the option lets me sell that stock for higher than the market value which dropped to the aforementioned certain number.
But when I buy it, aren’t I buying it at that market price pre drop? How am I making money on this?...

>> No.17867340
File: 6 KB, 173x250, 1583851312898s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because i'd like to keep my money.
In the longterm, you will lose it all.

Read it. He traded with options. After the stock market crash 1929 he was one of the richest men on the world. 10 Years later he lost everything again and then killed himself.

Actually threads like this make me anxious because that means we are near the bottom. I hope it falls more tho. I sold everything and want to buy back in as cheap as possible.

>> No.17867381

I hope you sold today lmao

>> No.17867428

>Actually threads like this make me anxious because that means we are near the bottom.

This is generally a smart read. People are stupid and getting overconfident is a signal that things are going to change, BUT the general public is barely even aware of the recession and DJT is only slightly starting to admit it's happening. I think we have some time.

>> No.17867462
File: 59 KB, 720x1280, Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i did pretty good today started at 4k

>> No.17867471

any canucks here play options?

>> No.17867558

what did you do? puts on SPY?

>> No.17867633
File: 65 KB, 720x1280, Money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i bought a 600 dollar put on feb 14 and then 2k worth of spy 200 puts. up 700% across the board and im freaking out

>> No.17867689

If they're in their 30's then by definition they aren't boomers. you troglodyte

>> No.17867719

Interactive brokers

>> No.17868266
File: 109 KB, 760x943, Screenshot_20200316-202839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I fall into the category of 'cheap' here. I'm dipping my toes.
I'm scared to go back in. I only have like 2k.

>> No.17868694


Imagine it like this.

Someone comes to you and tells you: you can buy a stock at a set date (say a month) for its current price (say $100) from me, instead of doing it immediately on the market.

You HAVE to buy the stock at the given price.
You HAVE to buy the stock at the given date.

If the stock is $90 in a month, you made a loss of $10. The other guy made a profit of $10.
If the stock is $110 in a month, you made the profit and the other guy made the loss.

That's a Call option. You are betting on a price increase.

What is being traded is the right to buy the stock, the contract. E.g. assuming the price will always be $100 in the future the option will be worth $10.

Now let's say instead you are the other guy: you offer someone to sell him a stock at a given date for a given price. Same rules as above.

If the price is $110 in a month, you still have to sell it to him for $100. You made a loss of $10, and he made a profit of $10. If it is $90 in a month instead, you made the profit.

That's a Put option. You are betting on a price decrease.

This is simplifying things A LOT and there are a lot of variants, but should give you a basic idea.

>> No.17868783


Just to quickly add: the contracts lose and gain value depending on how likely the outcome becomes.

E.g. if you have the Call option, the stock is at $10 and the month is almost over, the option will be worth close to nothing.

If you have the Put option instead, it would be worth close to $90.

And so on.

/r/wallstreetbets autists tend to bet on Happenings and shitty Option strategies a lot, so guess what happened with the Dow acting like a Shitcoin right now.

>> No.17868824

damn you bought that a month ago? what made you take the gamble? wasnt the market rallying at that point

>> No.17868906
File: 55 KB, 1631x737, czr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just sell the option to someone else before expiry. There are several factors that affect the price of an option, often if the price of the stock moves closer to the strike price you can sell the option for more than you bough it for, sometimes ridiculously more. I bought these contract for $10 each, $100 total.

>> No.17869001

Is it a bad idea to buy UBER puts?

>> No.17869015
File: 239 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200316-205924_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother, I was also right around 4k before I started messing with options in February.

>> No.17869046

this is only partially true, there are legit strategies involving options. but most retards just use them as a gamble, and yes, if you buy options you are extremely likely to lose. if they were free money everyone would be rich, it's not easy to get in the money considering premiums and spreads

>> No.17869155
File: 60 KB, 720x1280, Corona chan THANKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a microbiologist and was living in vietnam in mid feb. i knew this virus was gonna fuck shit up so i bought cheap puts that expired next year. Pic was wat i started at

>> No.17869185

Thinking of buying puts in grocery store stocks. Am i a retard? Quarterly reports should show massive gains

>> No.17869190
File: 178 KB, 808x722, 1576917272189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit we are like brothers with the same gains too. I pray you bought up on guns ammo gold silver cuz idk if i can even get my money out of robinhood before hyperinflation hits

>> No.17869210

why would you do that? grocery stores are going to be one of the only things surviving the shutdowns

>> No.17869252

are there cheaper options trades than this?

I have a stupid question - on robinhood you can set the limit price , which affects the price of the contract but not the strike price. If I set the limit price really low to make the contract more affordable, will it just not get filled?

>> No.17869302

I meant calls. I expect their prices to go up relative the market. Still a downward trend though because of general FUD. Thats why im nervous for this

>> No.17869457

>His son, Jesse Livermore Jr., committed suicide in 1975. His grandson also killed himself.[6]

Fucking horrifying man.

>> No.17869475

But you are by definition a newfag

>> No.17869535

well you should be in the black.. those puts should be way up

>> No.17869648

Just bought my first one last week to do this same trial period of sorts. It's something I've read tons of shit about but knew it was so complicated that I'd only learn once I put a little something on the line. It's a dirt cheap call way out, but watching how it moves up and down is already more education than hours of reading and (you)tube

>> No.17869666

Yeah I wouldn't mess with them right now at all

>> No.17869731

So are these puts where you can lose way more than you actually put in?

>> No.17869807

Retard questions:

All of the contracts are technically independent so certain dates can be mooning while others fall right? Does this happen in practice? Is there any normal logical pattern?

You can still make money buying OTM and selling it OTM if the underlying stock is swinging your way right? Is this less profitable than other kinds of strategies? And who would ever buy options that are deeply ITM, seems like it defeats the purpose of options. Or are there good profits doing that too? Are these options 101 questions any book would answer?

>> No.17869808

Didn't you also cash out 120k? I read your posts in february and screencapped them. Congrats

>> No.17869886

Buying options you can only lose what you paid for the premium. Selling options, especially naked options, is where you can really get JUSTed.

>> No.17869918

Its for boomers. I put everything in linkies and im never selling. Linkies saved me from depression.

>> No.17869932

To clarify, selling to OPEN has potentially unlimited downside. Selling to CLOSE, your downside is limited to what you paid for the premium when you bought to OPEN. Really you should figure this shit out before you get a heart attack

>> No.17871335

Yeah those are already sold. Glad I didn't double down (but maybe tomorrow).
Yes there are much cheaper options than this, but that is cheap I think for a major index. You can get contracts for $1 and make profit in the right circumstances. I think it's a lot in the timing, options.
Yes to the other question too.

>> No.17871418

I wasted my time buying meme stock puts instead of spy. Learn from my mistake.

>> No.17871511

Hahahahaha this is literally me every time I try options.

I'm just gonna keep throwing money at it until I figure it out

>> No.17871602

should i just buy sqqq when the meme line goes down? And sell when i thinnk it will go up ??

>> No.17871685
File: 281 KB, 1080x2280, 1584021149530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF you can put 25K into your account and do unlimited daytrades options are a godsend. But still risky. Under 25K it's a lot riskier, because you need to hold on longer to hopefully get those sweet profits with your limited daytrades. I just broke the 25K limit because of my SPY puts, and have been buying dozens of puts/calls making easy money.

>> No.17871716

I'd set a limit order on SQQQ for something around 24$, and sell when it gets back to around 32$

>> No.17871795

I'd rather gamble where the dealer (broker) isn't in it against me and I have the entire internets worth of resources to bet against the other players where I can profit thousands of %s vs. actual gambling with set odds, fixed rates, house wins, set winnings.

If you trade options with money you can't live without your retarded.

>> No.17871799

What are some good resources to learn how to trade options if you're a complete beginner?

>> No.17871838

how far out the money or in the money did you buy? i still cant figure out how to gauge the best bang for buck with premium vs delta

>> No.17871852

where's the best place to do this? what's a good platform?

>> No.17871939

That's the difference between options and shitcoins, you can make money on options without resorting to astrology.

>> No.17871979

I'm going to wait until stocks start crabbing along and then put some money in.
The market wont be this volatile forever, and when it stops it will be a good time to invest in all the shit that plummeted to the ground.

>> No.17872044

youtube investopedia

>> No.17872151

Buy puts for SPY that you can't afford to buy the stock for if it gets exercised. You'll thank us later.

>> No.17872194
File: 2.55 MB, 2541x3276, 1584324709354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too broke to afford fees for trading
>Live in an Eastern European shithole where there's no zero fee trading options

I fucking hate my life

>> No.17872233
File: 36 KB, 556x609, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any way to trade options with crypto to avoid paying taxes?

>> No.17872290

Seconding request for a link

>> No.17872416


>> No.17872452

don't give out the link to this shithole crypto board.

>> No.17872486

How long is babby's "all time"?

>> No.17872595

>Brandi Love