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File: 88 KB, 733x702, 273tg87f2gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17859238 No.17859238 [Reply] [Original]

better hope yours gets picked

>> No.17859260

XRP dead boomer coin. next.

>> No.17859287

just shows how crypto is a fucking scam

centralized government took over now its trash just like the US Dollar.

guns and TP for me.

>> No.17859312
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>> No.17859320

What a clown world
Chainlink is actually going to get us rich

>> No.17859356
File: 213 KB, 543x341, linkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bahahaha. wrong >>17859312

You now remember SWIFT is enemies with Ripple and is dying system

>> No.17859375


Bearableguy decoder was the Janitor at an office building that Morgan Stanley rented and he lied about working there. Lol.

>> No.17859469

Oh man, an XRP retard
It’s okay buddy
You don’t have to foam at the mouth
Here here come close I’m sure it’ll all work out

Now head back to your shift as a cashier okay?

>> No.17859546
File: 20 KB, 600x800, ae4 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy ripple bro it's super epic! 100 wallets own 70% of the supply so there's only 14 BILLION coins left for us, buy now while you still can!

>> No.17859589
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>XRP holder literally predicts coinbase being involved in the grand moon
>"no no, its actually shitlink"

>> No.17859690
File: 20 KB, 704x392, Anonymous+used+roll+pictureanonymous+rolled+image+_cb19b2c40c47c7f105e5cd1ee3a05a24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you act like all 13 billion needs to be bought in order for it to moon. its actually more like this

12 billion avaliable - 100%

10 billion avaliable - 500%

6 billion avaliable - 2000%

and soon, theere will bee a mere 1 million XRP left in the world.

>> No.17859715

If you have to obsess over Chainlink that's a good sign you'll never be important.

>> No.17859805

>never brought up shitlink once in this thread
>linkers come in and raid an XRP thread once again

>> No.17859818

Can I take a stab at how you look?
Fat, balding, the type women don’t want to be near?

The type who stays home and beats off to cartoons?

Just want to know before I take your investment perspective seriously

>> No.17859879
File: 39 KB, 304x160, raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard

>> No.17859975

No I’m basing that on your weird fuckin choice of anime girl posting and delusional XRP holding

>> No.17859981

>XTZ is the only crypto on coinbase with staking

Here's hoping. I don't have much, but it's literally the only one I randomly threw my spare change at in intervals

>> No.17860090
File: 75 KB, 1149x554, 87657659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, just think about it. Tezos hasnt even completed development. Its experimental tech thats meant to be an ETH killer. Do you realize how theoretical the value is? No one even knows what specifically ETH will be used for in the future let alone an ETH killer

Meanwhile, XRP is being used in mass for liquidation

>> No.17860234
File: 1.77 MB, 1200x1363, king xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in it to get rich. Couldn't give a fuck about "muh freedumz" like a neurotic Americuck whose mentality is still stuck in the 1700s. Bring on the new world order, I say, powered by XRP.

>> No.17860312
File: 71 KB, 1189x640, 23569783265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with all the new US dollars being printed. people currency conversion is going to spike up because no one is going to want to hold the US dollar longterm.

>> No.17860346

xrp? you misspelled rsr/rsv

>> No.17860491

>ripple team has been doing nonstop lobbying in washington dc for years
>everyone in the fed knows what XRP is and would have no problem with coinbase shilling it in some way
>obscure tech team thats been vaguely endorse
>team has no washington dc presence whatsoever

this is why i think anyone thinking its shitcoins like link are brainless. Sergey's HQ are in the caymen islands and had an ICO which makes it an unregistered security
and i dont see something like RSR being much different

>> No.17860668

Coinbase will become the new fed
They will confiscate all crypto on the exchange in the name of the USA

>> No.17860709

>was being centralized all apart of your plan?
>"of course!"

>> No.17860784

Cringe faggot

>> No.17860911
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>> No.17860947

xrp doesn't do anything when we're in a hyperinflation situation

>> No.17861057

yes it is. and just remember, its XRP hodlers who found it and predicted it!

actually, that is exactly what XRP solves. see >>17860312
XRP is meant for crossboarder settlements. This is the type of crisis (currency inbalance) that XRP was made for

>> No.17861139

what does this mean for USDC?

>> No.17861463

xrp wont fix unlimited fiat injections by the fed, you need a currency that's backed by real world assets that can't be duplicated by governments

google "german rentenmark", this is the only way to get out of hyperinflation it's already been proven in the real world. rsv is the retenmark of crypto and it's a one of a kind project being backed by many people with a lot of government connections. peter thiel is a personal friend of trump, coinbase now working directly with fed (they own equity in reserve), and the team is already moving towards the next phase of their app after finishing a successful beta test in an actual hyperinflation environment. the protocol still needs to be tested on-chain which is what they're going to work on next. coinbase has an actual stake on the success of reserve. rsv was made for what's to come.

>> No.17861521

its not supposed to combat inflation of USD dollar moron

XRP is cross boarder settlements. Everyone is going to want to get the fuck out of the us dollar and concert to any other currency. thats where XRP comes in

stop walltexting like a retard

>> No.17861606

I can tell you what will not. Your shitcoins. Chainlink, Nulink, Biz inc., BUCC, Ghost and other stupid shit with no actual use cases or clients. Crypto is dead. It never was really alive in the first place.

>> No.17861629

i know it's not you nigger, read what im responding to. we're heading to hyperinflation of the usd, cross border settlements wont mean shit because the usd is the world's current reserve currency and if the dollar starts to collapse so will everything else. you fucking nearsighted niggers will never make it.

>> No.17861874

fine. Ill throw in $10,000 in rsr if you can prove >>17861463 all the connections here are true and not just on the reserve website

>> No.17861978

what the fuck is BUCC and Ghost? lmao

>> No.17862147

wow, xrp really is the standard. just went all in. were gonna make it.

>> No.17862321


coinbase owns equity, thiel is directly tied to Nevin from their history with his incubator group(s), (effective altruism) google is your friend.

Nevin's old YT channel: (channel contains peter thiel connection)

Here's Nevin at Davos panel discussing reserve. Take note of each person there and what they talk about.

You can go down the list and verify for yourself or don't, do whatever you want anon, but xrp isn't going to solve shit when fiat is worthless.

>> No.17862388
File: 24 KB, 704x392, Seems+fun+_81fee21bb6d35ca2f3a36c67090e62b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, ill throw $10,000 in.

Whats the best way to buy and hodl it for United States people?

>> No.17862404


beg if you want people to buy XRP
get on all fours
and start begging for money

>> No.17862411

>fiat is worthless
>somehow assets are now worthless

>> No.17862430

figure it out, not hand holding or spoonfeeding anymore, not here to get you to buy bags. if you're motivated enough it's not hard.

>> No.17862447

when OGN hits coinbase it's going to go over $5, you heard it here first

>> No.17862479

use google fren. when fiat becomes worthless we will only have assets as a fixed standard of labor. yes all things will dip down but labor and the worth of property will still be relative to other things whereas you will need a wheelbarrow of fiat to buy a coffee.

>> No.17862491

Didn't coinbase dude have a hardon for ETC?

>> No.17862520

i think its the linkies you should be saying that too right now

>> No.17862559

>coinbase makes coins moon
maybe if this was 2017. Coins go up 10% at most over a coinbase listing now kek

>> No.17862734

this anon gets it...

>> No.17862801

jesus christ that's gayer than two niggerfaggots giving each other AIDS on purpose

>> No.17862851

coinbase used to be very very prestigious. but now, shit like ATOM and ZRX have listings

>> No.17863037

XR simPs are the biggest beggars, but they come here to beg always putting on airs of superiority

it's time you lower your head to the dirt and beg like a slave
your shitty XRsimP threads always have a different headline, but it boils down to
>you want people to buy xrp
>here is the reason why
>please buy xrp

this time you have to beg

>> No.17863178

>Everyone is going to want to get the fuck out of the us dollar

Source: dude trust me

>> No.17863232

lol okay. not buying your $1.50 bags linker

dude, do you not realize 1.5 trillion dollars have been pumped in the economy? Who the fuck could possibly want to hold USD right now?

>> No.17863352


>Who the fuck could possibly want to hold USD right now?

What would anyone hold other than USD right now? Every other country runs a policy of currency adjustments to ensure weakness vs the dollar.

>> No.17863442

USD going through fucking hyper inflation. No other fucking currency is pumping out trillions of new bills.

You think USD is going to remain stronger? kek

>> No.17863575

>You think USD is going to remain stronger?

What valuates against the dollar? Not Europe, they're on lockdown, exacerbating their economic stagnancy. Not China, they're the epicenter of this madness and the coofening is ripping the financial guts out of Chinese supply chains. Not Japan, their lockdown is almost as bad as China's and they're nearly as stagnant as Europe.

>> No.17863602

Enron CEO's had presidents and the biggest banks in the world in their pockets eventually they screwed over their investors but at least their stock went up.

>> No.17863608

>When Fud shills do a little bit too much research and blow their cover by being too knowledgeable.

>> No.17863647
File: 295 KB, 1079x1440, ETJuWzdUcAE4Vie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is BSV getting listed?

>> No.17863982


>> No.17864080

you had 3 weeks

>> No.17864248

What about 0xbtc

>> No.17864819


"“The time has come for a tokenized version of the dollar—and it’s not just those of us in the cryptocurrency world who think so. In recent months, senior U.S. officials have been exploring the idea of minting greenbacks on the distributed ledger software known as blockchain. The idea appears inevitable.”

This is the most bearish thing for XRP. There is no need for it. they will just use digital USD.

>> No.17864877


Hyperinflation only happens in closed economies. Germany, Zimbabwe, Venezuela etc...

the whole world uses USD in some way. If anything USD will be going through deflation as the surrounding economies collapse and everyone rushes to buy USD.

>> No.17864999




>> No.17865056
File: 220 KB, 1200x900, EME3A0LX0AIzQw-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess the fed can either use the BSV blockchain or pay royalties to creg and n chain who have patented everything to do with the tech.

>> No.17865100
File: 52 KB, 1202x426, Screenshot_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally what it says in the article you fucking retard.

>> No.17865126

>"I'm suing!"
>"Good luck"

>> No.17865279

I'm sure that the US government is going to give a shit about patent trolls.

>> No.17865366
File: 91 KB, 800x773, 1559599509906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US Government doesn't care about law huh? You're in for a rude awakening soon enough.
The ponzis will burn to the ground and from the ashes...

>> No.17865893

Hope you’re buying HBAR anons

>> No.17866741

Why? What is happening with HBAR?

>> No.17867007
File: 57 KB, 635x679, 1584287475668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing. HBAR is a fuck all coin thats being meme to death

>> No.17867323

>linkers come in and raid an XRP thread once again
you're on a link board, if you want to circle jerk about xrp might I suggest going to reddit?

Next thing you'll make a thread on /pol/ denouncing the holocaust and complain about all the right wingers attacking your thread. Or make an anti cuckholdry thread on /b/ and expect it to be filled with non degenerate discord trannies

>> No.17867782

>thinking any human in all of history and future will ever be “important”
We are all the same sized relative blips, practically nothingness. I would like to simply fade into obscurity without having to stress every day. If you want more than that you either already have a great life or are kidding yourself in terms of what reality is.

>> No.17868180
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>> No.17868257

Been away from crypto for 2 years. Is Ripple not a shitcoin now?

>> No.17868301


>> No.17868309

>Everyone is going to want to get the fuck out of the us dollar
Keep dreaming lmao

>> No.17868335

I see that FJ filename.

>> No.17868388
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>Bank of Egypt, Bank of Asia, Banks in India join ripple net less than month ago
>constant lobbying in US congress
XRP is quite literally the only coin id possibly considering holding now.

RSV is a scam, found out

>> No.17868394

You're an idiot man. USD is a reserve currency for many nations and is one of the safest ways to keep your money in a volatile market.

>> No.17868438

>1.5 trillion USD printed in less than a week
fuck off

>> No.17868995
File: 187 KB, 331x1136, 1B857B69-D404-4B2B-BF13-614417631CCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t stop buying bros!!

>> No.17869437

This is going to pump us to the fucking moon right? Basically everything listed on Coinbase will likely go up to some degree while trad markets continue to eat shit?

>> No.17870270
File: 9 KB, 237x212, 1582084986027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is one of the shittiest memes ive ever seen

nothing says desperation like replying 22 times to your own thread, you're solely responsible for 25% of your own thread's volume right now

>> No.17870314
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>> No.17870346

Coinbase declared cripple a security multiple times and said they won't ever list it.
This has nothing to do with your jewish shitcoin.

>> No.17870459

coinbase has the seen the error of their ways

>> No.17870485

Literally no. Cripple is a useless shitcoin and will drop out of top 20 by EOY. Everyone knows that. Enjoy your bags, Pajeet.

>> No.17870629

for one this entire thread is retarded, but no govt will ever support a coin that prints itself and flows to holders. they will print it and it will flow to them

>> No.17870655

this is why you will never be shit.

>> No.17870680

who cares?

>> No.17870709

XRP will flip ETH eom

>> No.17870914

XRP shills are fucking insane. Go back to twitter with your xrparmy BS.

>> No.17870954
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I like how that bank was founded in 2009 when bitch coin was created

>> No.17871108
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>> No.17871305

>cross boarder settlements
>out of us dollar and concert to any other currency.
Bitch you can't even spell. who would listen to you?

>> No.17871324

you just lost everything

>> No.17871344

On a Trezor using your Ethereum address. It works perfectly.

>> No.17871363

retard.. he is talking about the general counsel being drafted for a Fed job. not 2017 coinbase pamps

>> No.17871387

>who would want to hold USD right now?
basement dwelling XRP holders.

>> No.17871400

>Fat, balding, the type women don’t want to be near?
>The type who stays home and beats off to cartoons?

Actually that's literally me and I hold only ETH & BTC
3AM about to bust it to some hentai and go to bed

>> No.17871423

>No other fucking currency is pumping out trillions of new bills.

careful now
Last 24 hours,
IMF printed $1T
America printed $700B
China printed $100B
England to print* $74B
Italy printed $27B
India printed $13.5B
SK printed $9B
Austria printed $4B
Australia printed $5.4B
Japan DOUBLED their printing

>> No.17871444

>china dumping it
>russia dumping it
>korea dumping it

>> No.17871447

you hfags better have some big hbags

>> No.17871459

unironically kys now.

>> No.17871482

that's a little mexican boi.. wtf kind of sick old perv is he?

>> No.17871500
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>> No.17871502

Coinbase never added XRP to it's platform they said it wasn't a real crypto. bullish for everything BUT xrp

>> No.17871507

as you can see from the responses.. it's still been crashing, it's still centralized, and bagholders are still clinging to "muh banks" and desperately begging people to buy it so they can get out. It's even more of a shitcoin at this point because it has failed at getting any adoption at all

>> No.17871526

just another boomer XRP holder running scared

>> No.17871544

this.. your average XRP holder

>> No.17871572

>16 posts by this ID
all youre doing is just bumping my XRP thread LOL

>> No.17871696

It’s a fact

>> No.17871764

Not an XRP thread retard. XRP is irrelevant. It's not crypto, not accepted by the crypto community, and it has filed in gaining banker and institutional adoption because it's a centralized scam based on nothing.

This is an RSV thread now.

>> No.17871780

All you faggots do is cope.

>> No.17871836
File: 145 KB, 1500x848, 1584179547464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one can even buy RSV because its only listed on backwater chink exchanges with little volume. Youd be lucky to buy a $1000 worth in a day and it be near fuck all possible to sell it.
the volume is so slow, i unironically wouldnt be surprised if youre a paid shill. I fucking pumped RSV 4% just filling out a few buy orders for $100.

anyone whod take time to try to buy your shitcoin would see everything you say is overblown garbage.
XRP is the real deal nigga

>> No.17871860

not even remotely true. u can mint RSV instantly thru Reserve.org using metamask and other similar wallet apps, niggerfaggot.

>> No.17871863
File: 235 KB, 240x320, 1566261741636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never bet against the kikes frens. Be on the winning side for once.

>> No.17871905

You're all retarded, it's Hbar

>> No.17871925

Sure buddy you probably suck linkie dicks. Xrp is the digital asset of the future. Deny it all you want.

>> No.17871995

metamask is a wallet you dumb faggot
nobody is talking about minting it

i am 100% youre a paid shilled. The fact that throwing a mere $200 can pump the shit out of RSR is a bad sign. Seriously, this is borderline scam and i wouldnt be surprised if all the "endorsements" is overblown fraud

>> No.17872035

The government is insolvent. The banks are broke. Why is it that ripplets completely miss this and the point in crypto in general?

>> No.17872048
File: 432 KB, 800x800, david2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy useless ERC20 json parser tokens or centralized shitcoins like XRP.
>muh digital asset of the future...
is based on what? 70% ownership by the founders? Jed's special MTGOX secret sauce? pic related? I really don't care if you lose your money but don't take other anons with you.

>> No.17872059
File: 177 KB, 657x430, xrp_bag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is official XRP mascot

>> No.17872077

>fuck gubermints mayne

>> No.17872092
File: 2.15 MB, 2803x1648, 1570572574410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lucky to buy a $1000
kek.. all bullshit

>I fucking pumped RSV 4% just filling out a few buy orders for $100.
You can't buy RSV retard.. you buy RSR and you never fucking have. Pretty much proves you're a larping faggot.

>> No.17872105

>dumbest character in the show
>buys XRP bags
checks out

>> No.17872108

not anarchy, decentralization.

>> No.17872121

Ouch 0.01 this shitcoin is where all the pump and dump shit happens stay away people

>> No.17872125

Just like real life with the Jew elite. That’s why it’ll moon

>> No.17872150
File: 329 KB, 1080x933, Screenshot_20200316-233024_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead.

please everyone ITT, try to buy $100 worth of rsr from these shitcoin exchanges right now. loook at all these nice exhanges. Definetely not obscure chink sites with little volume. Oh yeah, RSR is so in demand and definetely endorsed by coinbase, without ever getting a fucking coinbase listing

>> No.17872157

>Fat, balding, the type women don’t want to be near?
>The type who stays home and beats off to cartoons?
I’m pretty /fit/, balding, with 0 issues getting women even when I mostly spill spaghetti everywhere. I do enjoy cooming to 2D so this halfway describes me.

>> No.17872174

>fiat currency collapses
If you dont know you dont know. Fuck it. God bless coronachan and the Great 2020 Bullshit Filter.

>> No.17872180

Supply is massive though. How can small holders really profit?

>> No.17872200
File: 240 KB, 1200x859, PhotoFunia-1584400960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourselves. Unironically.

>> No.17872223

>supply is massive
yes, which is why itll hit at least $5 EOY.

just think about it. XRP just has to hit $5 to make people rich, while ETH has to reach $3000

>> No.17872322

Well what about SUTER faggot? That's going to moon

>> No.17872391
File: 106 KB, 1080x330, Screenshot_20200316-234458_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, who knows
all thse sub 300 market cap shitcoins are so low volume and such chinky ching chong exchanges, that whats the point

i wouldnt trust any coin shilled here under a 50 million market cap. Because its honestly very possible that shitters are holding truck lods accumalted months in advance

all these partmerships and exchanges are so overblown and is provided by the company website at most

>> No.17872447

>just think about it
35x vs 25x

>> No.17872481

I will Kek when the Fiji dollar becomes more valuable than the US peso

>> No.17872719

So no one has a thought of the implications
>crypto nerd 2nd in command of banking
>which corn moons

Never change /biz/

>> No.17872955

you've never heard about a thing called market cap have you?

>> No.17872988
File: 670 KB, 704x692, BAGMAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"YoU'vE nEvEr HeArD a ThInG cAlLeD mArKeT cAp HaVe YoU?" shut the fuck up square

>> No.17873007

XRP is a commodity you dumb faggot. it doesnt follow stock rules. Gold and Oil have "market caps" in the trillions. But does that mean someones a trillionaire?

Besides, if XRP reaches just a mere 200 billion market cap, itll be $4, which is definetwlly do-able

>> No.17873035

Ah yes someone with a brain.

>> No.17873053

between redditors, shills telling newfags to lose their money on options and coronasummerfags this board has gone to complete shit

>> No.17873070

dont care if XRP goes to 1k never buying that jewish zioncoin

>> No.17873404
File: 29 KB, 728x574, ohDKCIOg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17873858

>hides date and time

>> No.17873925

It would have been recent at 15 cents unless it was from May of 2017

>> No.17873977

everyone here is a hypocrite cuck
>fuck the bankers, crypto is going to be the new paradigm of finance, yeaaaah!
centralized exchange ceo gets chosen by them to join the ranks
>pick me pick me, take my shitcoin to the moooooon mr.banker sama! I'll suck your dick!
pathetic, satoshi would be embarrassed

>> No.17874167

XRP is the only coin thats been in favor of banks and fed adoption since the beginning. You cant deny this

>> No.17874252
File: 538 KB, 1663x791, 1571539106343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these "people" are saying crypto will take off

>> No.17874312


>> No.17874348

noone denies it.. they just failed to gain institutional acceptance because the entire team and the economics are shady as fuck and technically inept.

>> No.17874399

>they just failed to gain institutional acceptance because the entire team and the economics are shady as fuck and technically inept.

>ignores bank of england partnership
>ignores bank of egypt partnership
>ignores bank of Asia partnership

>> No.17874448

>Couldn't give a fuck about "muh freedumz"
>Bring on the new world order
Good little slave

>> No.17874584

Do u trust anyone with ripple in their sn