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17839814 No.17839814 [Reply] [Original]

you cant make this shit up

>> No.17839822

Personally I blame the Arabs.

>> No.17839832

Why no jews?

>> No.17839852

It's done on purpose, the goal is to start the WW3; starting with Iran and install the greater israel..

>> No.17839898

brah it's just a 38x more deadly flu bro

>> No.17839964

0,2% lethality to non-boomers and who cares about boomers

>> No.17839990

boomers control the economy

>> No.17840028

the demographic distribution is same as the normal flu.
this is not the seasonal flu

>> No.17840033

get some zoomers in there to take their place. problem solved.

>> No.17840065

ok retard

>> No.17840083

And that’s why shits crashing, if the world economy has to rely on a bunch of short attention span, emotion driven faggots then were all permafucked rather than temporary tucked

>> No.17840301

why not both also lets add the chinks

>> No.17840424

The economy is literally crashing because boomers are afraid of a cold

>> No.17840445
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>> No.17840448

Cant wait for you to get it and die painfully because the hospitals are full

>> No.17840992
File: 111 KB, 1342x1544, 20200314-flu-covid19-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally ten times as high as the flus. But sure Italian and Chinese hospitals collapse because it's like the flu, just like every year. Wait till you are the first one to die in front of the ER because they won't let you in.

>> No.17841016

>Literally ten times as high as the flus.
Based on what?
Only a tiny fraction of people are even tested.

>> No.17841031

>Italian and Chinese hospitals collapse because it's like the flu
they collapse because of mass panic and every hysterical faggot with a sore throat thinks hes gonna die now.

>> No.17841052

Italy likely has x20 more cases than reported. Mortality rate is like sub 0.4% across all age groups when looking at prepared newly infected countries like germany, Switzerland, Spain and basically all europe.

It's literally semi-nothingburger and im saying this as a former happening fag.

>> No.17841073

There are what, like 1500 "severe" cases of Corona in all of Italy right now?

I'm also absolutely certain Italy's hospitals are hugely inflating the death rate to get more money.
Every oldfag who dies gets chalked up to corona.

>> No.17841100


>> No.17841145

Hey dipshit, Coronavirus is 1000x as deadly and possibly over 3x as contagious as the h1n1 scare. Just wait until your hospitals have tents full of dead people and the millions of FEMA plastic caskets that Obama ordered after h1n1 are actually used this year. The panic is justified. We’re fucked unless we gain herd immunity or a vaccine soon. Hospitals will turn you away because you’re young and can fight it it better than old people, even though you feel like your lungs are full of honey. Good luck in the next couple months.

>> No.17841159

>Wait till you are the first one to die in front of the ER because they won't let you in.
My mothers a Nurse I'm getting in before Joe Public. :)

>> No.17841161 [DELETED] 

Why are you so scared of death, normie?

>> No.17841174

you're so fucking dumb you don't even understand what I said

Of course the mortality is distributed more with age it's not a point of difference between the flu and corona.

>> No.17841176


>> No.17841204

Hey dipshit the death rate is over 3% which is over 1000x worse than h1n1. It’s more contagious too. Good luck

>> No.17841206
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You fucking retard did you even read what he said? Fucking newfags, man

>> No.17841219


>the death rate is over 3% which is over 1000x worse than h1n1
See >>17841016

>> No.17841237

I don’t particularly like the way people die, by drowning in your own white blood cells with no medical system ready to help you since it’s overloaded by such a large infection rate.

>> No.17841242

the unknown
this might really fuck you up even if you recover so for that reason I'm not going outside for months

I don't think there's a reason to panic, but it's going to be sad

>> No.17841260

Look up numbers and do your own math. 171k cases and 6.4k dead. Over 3%. Way higher than what we’ve seen in recent history. There’s a reason for the panic. Do you people really fall for the “this is nothing” meme?

>> No.17841261

>just the flu bro
>8% death rate
>infinity reinfection
is this what denial looks like?

>> No.17841288

>Look up numbers
>171k cases
Anon, only a tiny fraction of people are getting tested.

>8% death rate
see >>17841016

>> No.17841366

Okay, so if a tiny fraction of 171k cases are tested, then it’s 10k cases and 6.4k deaths. The market is still fucked. We’re all fucked. Why are you in such denial about the severity of this? If it’s a nothingmeme, ask Italy why it’s shut down. We haven’t seen something like this in 100 yrs since Spanish flu.

Oh maybe you are a conspiracist and believe this is trumps way of reelection, by killing millions and releasing a vaccine at the last second and hailed as a hero? You really think the media wants to cause a mass panic and put their OWN families in danger? fuckin Cucks

>> No.17841382

>so if a tiny fraction of 171k cases are tested, then it’s 10k cases and 6.4k deaths.
... what?

>> No.17841406
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>believe this is trumps way of reelection, by killing millions and releasing a vaccine at the last second and hailed as a hero?
Jesus Christ, Americans don't actually think that do they?

>> No.17841413

Keep lying to yourself.

>> No.17841421

goddamn I wish you get the disease and die from a collapsing hospital chink

>> No.17841431

That may not always bee the case, there's a about a million times the viral load there was a month ago.
We have no idea what mutations can emerge now that its global and there's simply more virus RNA.

You've got it backwards, the confirmed cases are a fraction of the total ones due to limitations on testing.

>> No.17841441

I’ve seen some shit on social media mentioning it... this is burger talk. 9/11 was an inside job and the sandy hook elementary massacre was faked, moon landing faked, and the earth is flat(I met an actual flat Earther, he was dead serious). We deserve this virus.

>> No.17841442

Keep having cognitive issues.

>> No.17841494
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corona meme over soon
buy dips

>> No.17841500

>9/11 was an inside job and the sandy hook elementary massacre was faked
It's arguable that there are extremely suspicious circumstances surrounding both, but ultimately the truth is Arabs crashed planes into towers, and some nutter shot up a school

>moon landing faked
The landings almost certainly happened.

>the earth is flat
Either laugh or just ignore them.

>> No.17841503

Right, they’re just going to throw in random sick people and deaths into the metrics without probable cause. You’re right (not) If anything, the metrics are worse and they don’t want to tell us. Why would “”””(they)”””” want to lose their control over us?

>> No.17841514

He's actually thinking you mean a fraction of that 170k or whatever instead of meaning millions of people got it and only a fraction of them got tested.

>> No.17841526

You're retarded.

Bears are getting weak i might buy in soon.

>> No.17841536

I won't die because I'm not a boomer. Keep coping and listening to the panicking media though.

>> No.17841552

No family you care about? Retard

>> No.17841555

lmao, the absolute state of panictards.

>> No.17841618

Lmao buying now is like jumping off a 7 story building and expecting to fall only 5 feet. Good luck, you really think all these nations and states are closing down for just absolutely nothing? When have you seen anything like this? hilarious

>> No.17841658

democrats did it to stop trump reelection

>> No.17841682

I see what you mean now, and I truly hope you’re right. Judging by the metrics released and the response of nations I can’t think this would just be nothing. Articulate yourself better next time?

>> No.17841751

This is all a massive scam

>> No.17841806

These are the same people that flew a plane into their own building and killed Americans to justify their war.

>> No.17841947
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>171k cases and 6.4k dead

You are fucking stupid. They don't fucking test any niggers in most countries. Real rate is less than 1%.

South Korean numbers at 0.6%, and they do the most testing.

Diamond Princess 1%, and that was a perfectly controlled experiment with an abundance of boomers to infect.

In my country, the authorities aren't testing SHIT, and our rate is 0.4%. Even if you have snot running down your legs and coughing your lungs out, nobody is gonna fucking test you and you wont appear in ANY statistic.

It's the fucking flu.

>> No.17841970


>> No.17842081

>In my country, the authorities aren't testing SHIT, and our rate is 0.4%
Belgium here, exact same situation; almost no testing and 0.45% death rate.

And most of the deaths are over 80 (all of them over 70).

>> No.17842086

South Korea went to great lengths in order to contain the virus, to prevent the spread and the overburdening of the healthcare system

>> No.17842196

at the highest estimates (that aren’t true btw) covid-19 mortality is only 3%, the black plague at it’s peak had a +50% mortality rate and humanity survived retarded

>> No.17842254
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That is irrelevant to the rate of death. What matters is number of infected vs number of deaths.

The deaths are hard to fake, because well if you die, you invariably get counted somehow.

So mortality rate is in all circumstances greatly inflated. Once more testing becomes available, the calculated mortality rate will only go one way - and that is down.

>> No.17842284

>South Korea went to great lengths in order to contain the virus
SK is also highly urbanized, people live packed together like sardines in huge metropolises.

My country did almost nothing until a few days ago, and our mortality rate is 0.45% with very little testing.

The actual mortality rate here is likely 0.01 just like a regular flu.

>> No.17842336

>That is irrelevant to the rate of death
No it isn't, severe and critical cases of the disease do take up limited ICU beds. The 0.7% CFR is only under ideal conditions, if the hospitals are overloaded they can't treat any new severe/critical cases, which does increase mortality.

>> No.17842438
File: 80 KB, 1098x618, EShM4d7WAAIuW5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany: 0.2%
Switzerland: 0.6%
Norway: 0.24%
Belgium: 0.47%
Sweden: 0.57%
Austria: 0.19%
Denmark: 0.44%

And most of these countries barely do any testing.

>> No.17842518


>> No.17842604

They actually turn away old people. Why use previous resources on someone who is more likely to die despite treatment but also will likely die soon anyway

>> No.17842824

and .00001% is 10x higher than .000001% but they're both small

>> No.17842848

0.2% when everyone has intensive care a very important footnote most people seem to forget

>> No.17842869

Why don't you mention Italy?

>> No.17842900

dips haven't even begun

>> No.17842912

Over three million people get the flu, Corna hit what, 150,000 people?

6,000+ deaths in four months is nothing when you consider the Spaniah Flu which killed twenty million people in two years.

This thing either needs to shift gears or fuck off, because right now the numbers don't justify this fear.

>> No.17842958

i'm way more freaked out by global economic collapse than coronavirus, only one is really likely to affect me. BUT humanity doesn't necessarily include you. we may survive without you.

>> No.17842984
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yeah this

>> No.17843004

yes thats the list of countries in an earlier stage

>> No.17843030

Because it's a complete statistical outlier with many factors contributing to their highly inflated number. It doesn't give you real insight into how the virus functions in a first world developed nation with a normal population.

- lack of testing
- lack of medical care
- aging population: average age of death from Covid is 81 (!!!!) with several comorbidities.
- Affected areas have sizable chinese population

It's like releasing the influenza in a nursing home where everyone is age 95 and recording a 75% fatality rate, and then using that number as as proof that the entire world is going to get wiped out. It's fucking dumb as shit.

>> No.17843072

My puts are making bank, I legit might retire off this bat flu retardation if it prices keeps dumping. Can't until real estate goes on sale

>> No.17843495

That's still 6 million people dead in the usa by eoy.

>> No.17843747

Basically this. Everyone needs to chill out. Everything is crashing on a fucking Facebook meme.

>> No.17843789

This is objectively false and more false truths being spread

>> No.17843814

Boomers ironically. But do t worry they’ll be gone in 2 months

>> No.17843899
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>just the common flu bros.
The idiocy of fags like you are causing the spread of the virus. Fuck you and your kike, inbred family.

>> No.17843917

Only a tiny fraction of people are being tested, anon.

>> No.17844202

>SK is also highly urbanized
Bruh SK is literally one big fucking city and an entire country of dumb farmers and fishermen

>> No.17844231

>Bruh SK is literally one big fucking city
That's my point.

>> No.17844454

Plus the rest of the country that isn't a city (80%), reading comprehension

>> No.17844503

>Plus the rest of the country that isn't a city (80%),
It's the other way around buddy; over 80% of the country lives in urban areas.
That was my entire point.

>> No.17844597

Came here from /pol/ to say /biz/ is retarded

>> No.17845159

>Le 6 gorillion