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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17836654 No.17836654 [Reply] [Original]

How fucked are we? Is this depression 2: electric boogaloo or is literally nothing going to happen?

>> No.17836682

The greater depression.

>> No.17836701

Wait for 2 weeks, the war will start

>> No.17836744


>> No.17836808

>UFO disclosures
>Lizard Overlords reveal themselves
>Guides us into a new age of enlightenment
>Masses bow to the old gods
>Human consciousness fully unlocked
>Become one with existence

>> No.17836830

Hard to be depressed when we are all dead

>> No.17836915
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Depression 2: Military Coup
Trump will lose at this rate, and they will never let Bernie or Biden become president. The lead is to left for them, the later literally forget where he was and walked off stage.
People hate both parties, the only institution of power with any legitimacy is the Military.

>> No.17836927

>Is this depression 2
that was 2008. Only reason it's called a "recession" is because of the massive fear the word depression causes.

>> No.17836966

oh it's happening baby

no more solutions

>> No.17837002


There might be parallels

>> No.17837011

Shut the fuck up faggot, people losing there jobs and being on unimplemented for 6 mouths is not a depression you fucking retard.
People starving to death because they don't have any money is a depression. They government becomes so weak they don't send checks anymore and people literally start plotting revolution. Not just protesting Wall Street in tents at the park. Civilization will be on the edge of existence, that's a depression.

>> No.17837018

I'm really into Mike Maloney. He's pretty much the modern layman's Austrian School economist. Self taught, and has the best selling book on buying and selling gold. Something like that.
Anyway, he says that since we are on a fiat system, we're doomed to fail. Since 1913, the US Dollar has lost 98.5% of its value... I'd be buying guns and ammo, not stocks right now...

>> No.17837034

Ever heard of this bullshit Quantative Easing? It's a cash injection that ultimately makes the economy worse than before

>> No.17837060

love that dude, perhaps he will become the next Sergey of the board
screencap this

>> No.17837083


>> No.17837109

Not aware of the lore behind Sergey
No kidding

>> No.17837135

It's been quite obvious that we are in a late capitalistic society, and we are experiencing the same bread & circus of those who came before us. Doomed to repeat a system of fiat money, over inflation, depression, and then hyper inflation until your money is used as kindling to keep you warm as it has lost all value

>> No.17837145

this board is finished, see you all at /k/

>> No.17837152

We are going to get smoked tomorrow, aren’t we?

>> No.17837163

If you don’t think that is coming, you need to lurk moar.

>> No.17837192

Seriously, from the snake Ben Bernanke's mouth itself, he wrote a book on his predictions of the economy's future and so far... he's spot on....
What I'm trying to get across here - Ben said there would be major recessions, then hyper inflation. The currency will be printed into oblivion, but first the monetary supply will strengthen the economy, as it did in the 50s and 60s. Then we severed the tie to gold in 1971 under Nixon's administration. We had to, or face a complete upset of the system and the powers that be.
Just my thoughts on the matter

>> No.17837236


Some proof from Mike Maloney, my go-to economist who will simplify the hell out of anything

>> No.17837687
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Repo markets on life support since September. Inverted bond yield curves. Futures crashing through limits. Stock markets in freefall.

What do you think, pepe?

>> No.17837787

Good time to buy soon.