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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17817274 No.17817274 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no crazy clingy ex-gf

>> No.17817294
File: 2.32 MB, 600x337, a8c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a good kind of feel anon, believe me

>> No.17817303

Why do you think you want that? Why do so many guys think they want that?

>> No.17817598

I just want her to love me again

>> No.17817619
File: 2 KB, 125x70, pepe-stress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that crazy clingy ex-gf comes back after years
>your depression got the better of you so you decide that you want to go back to those days of unlimited care from her
>you make out with her, everything is going as you expect
>tfw she rejects you after 2 days
Fuck me bros, I lost my powers.

>> No.17817693
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1579044325117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw crazy clingy overweight and ugly not-gf from work who thinks we are a "thing" and is best friends with HR

>> No.17817716

>only a mental/personality disorder could make a girl love me

>> No.17817718

>she tries to reject you
>you tell her fuck no not again
>now she lives with you. For eternity.

>> No.17817744
File: 169 KB, 624x557, bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last girl I dated try to blackmail me emotionally. No thanks.
Monk-mode is best mode. Peace, freedom and a pile of money.

>> No.17817755

Ah, scientific observations. My favorite.

>> No.17817763
File: 407 KB, 851x972, 1578685630245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw move city, 5 years later ex ex gf messages often
>one time am drunk so reply only "send nudes"
>turns out shes married
>she still messages every now and again but i ignore them all

>> No.17817766
File: 292 KB, 888x1920, 0FE5983D-33C1-4FA1-B7DA-95D14FFBAFF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no gf am I uglee

>> No.17817794

oh fuck

>> No.17817897

it's not that great op. i mean it's nice feeling needed even when you're a piece of shit but honestly it's so mentally draining

>> No.17817940
File: 717 KB, 1604x2197, Jeu5rAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jettisoned my clingy BPD gf a couple of months ago, for the second time

It's not fixable. Don't bother.

>> No.17817949

You could looksmax yourself into pseudo-chad status. What is your height?

>> No.17817987

Only 5’8”

>> No.17817996
File: 131 KB, 740x1600, F45B2A8C-530B-438E-9C71-1B14C66DB075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other pic

>> No.17817999

>tfw crazy clingy ex gf and crazy clingy other ex almost gf
>ex gf I want back probably can't even remember who I am

God said I can have any woman except for the one I want

>> No.17818001

Better start lifting (today).

>> No.17818017


>> No.17818035

You would be very popular in Asia. They like white men but are intimidated by 6'+

5 7- 5 10 is their comfortable zone.

Being 5 8 in southeast Asia is like being 6 1 in the usa.

>> No.17818060

Attention whoring faggot

>> No.17818064

Some Asian girls are cute but I really like my own race the most. I’ve seen guys around my height with some babes here

>> No.17818153

Does your mom cut your hair? Go to a barber and say, "I'd like one adult haircut". Sit in the chair and talk to the guy about the recent movies you've seen. When you're done and he says, "Would you like and product in your hair?", you should respond with, 'Yes please'. Pay attention when he does your hair so now every morning you can do your hair exactly like that. Take some photos with selfie mode of you with your spiffy new haircut and use them to make a tinder account. Then congratulate yourself for taking a step toward normalcy in your life.

>> No.17818168

I've seen a guy who's 5'8 steal a girl from my chad af 6'4 friend, treat her like shit and run around on her, and have her still come crawling back. And she was hot as fuck. Anything is possible with an unsimp mindset

>> No.17818173

oh fuck

>> No.17818206

omfg newfag

>> No.17818439

You don't want that anon. Trust me. No pussy is worth that.

>> No.17818453

What did the 5'8 guy look like

>> No.17818469

Except you have shit id and no pile of money you stupid incel

>> No.17818487

Hell yeah dude just go to the barber and pay $85 for the "More on top please" copy-pasted millenial haircut. That's gonna make you a SLAYER boiii! lmao xD

>> No.17818504


oh fuck

>> No.17818625
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>> No.17818662

The hitler youth is unironically a great haircut and if you pay over $30 for it you're a dumbass.

>> No.17818750

I know it's tough for autists to live a normal life, but you should know that a good zoomer haircut costs $30 in sf. Also any decent barber would give a better haircut than that fucking mop op is rocking now

>> No.17819091

with better haircut and decent body you could be 7/10 for sure or even more so stop with this bullshit

>> No.17819109

this sounds like from someone that has never left his room but has some idea about how real life looks like from videos and movies

>> No.17819123

fuck off this is /biz/ not ur shitty feels blog

>> No.17819154

Body already decent, just not great

>> No.17819178

by decent I mean no skinnyfat belly and noticeable upper mody muscle mass

>> No.17819210

oh fuck

>> No.17819299

Ahh, well I got some work to do then

>> No.17819360


>> No.17819871

Oh fuck

>> No.17820200
