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File: 62 KB, 907x528, 84610676-E806-402B-B534-3A14E6D5AADF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17813931 No.17813931 [Reply] [Original]

When the market is healthy again Idena will be in the top 50. Change my mind..

>> No.17814121

Who says we will ever see a healthy market

>> No.17814192

Cringe. Stick with Nervos, anon.

>> No.17814256

Pajeet i wont change your mind

>> No.17814295

You are a faggot, change my mind

>> No.17814391

Ok pajeet, seems likenyou dont have anything reasonable to say

>> No.17814400

I have nervos sir, but thats a midcap project, something where idena should be..

>> No.17814649

This shit will easily reach top 50: new tech, new idea, anon team, great code, clean design, beautiful testnet, prosperous roadmap

>> No.17815226


>> No.17815297

Shits going to explode, i am so fucking sure

>> No.17815434

Only 1.5m cap for this project is a fucking joke, i am still accumulating

>> No.17815601

Fuck off

>> No.17815735

Unironically the dark horse of 2020, already made over 150 mining since validation. /biz/ isn’t worthy yet

>> No.17816026

Nice, you verified?

>> No.17816071

Fuck you

>> No.17816208

How much DNA do i need to be comfy?

>> No.17816267

Its a total new idea i see, probably will give good gains if we see a bull

>> No.17816325

shit don't even have a fucking marketcap. lol

>> No.17816412

is this like Pi?

>> No.17816475

or idena.today
not even close
Of course, you need to be validated to mine

>> No.17816503

5k is suicide stack imo

>> No.17816607

What is pi

>> No.17816694

Mhh 10k will get you far

>> No.17816809

I comsider this the ultimate gem for the next bull. The Human centric blockchain idea could be the narrative of the next bull run. We can expect a cap of 100-500m cap

>> No.17816922

based and realistic. check out coinmarket and check out top 100 - top 150 marketcap. DCAing some more today. DNA is doing quite well (unfortunately).

>> No.17816945

mc of top 100 - 150 in bull 2017*

>> No.17817010

Just if you consider the new idea, new models, current code, testnet it should be gaining traction in the coming months

>> No.17817052

Also devs had no intention of getting listed until q3. This is one of those coins you would have never read about and suddenly gets listed and instantly goes 50 - 100m mc

>> No.17817093

You conviced me pajeets, i will buy more.

>> No.17817130

why is it such a pain in the ass to get an invite why do they even let you install the program without one this all seems sketchy as hell

>> No.17817176
File: 632 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200315-152500_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To limit growth of the network for security reasons. Also one of the biggest problems is russians, indians and chinese folks making shit tier flips.
Get in before the chinese

>> No.17817541

They won't pay any exchange but they'll assist them if needed, like they did with qTrade. They were going to keep it in testnet until Q3 but it's "experimental mainnet" now.

>> No.17817616

fuck knows man it's the most annoying and care intensive crpyto ever. i think after the first time people did the puzzles the hype will die and it goes to zero

>> No.17817649

What are you talking about? We're in the 39th epoch. People have been validating/flipping for month. There's an actual monetary incentive.

>> No.17817661


>> No.17817728

This is the most brainlet thing i’ve heard in a very long time

>> No.17817826

we will see, my bet is on it going to zero soon. nobody needs this shit in his life.

>> No.17817838
File: 16 KB, 385x384, 1579568204186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in an invite in a few hours

>> No.17817862

>People have been validating/flipping for month.
You mean pajeets have. Once someone creates an AI that can think like a pajeet it's all over.

>> No.17817871

Artificial unintelligence?

>> No.17817995
File: 4 KB, 282x179, 231nhyk8yv001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once someone creates a complex AI that can solve patterns that only a human should be able to solve, it's unironically over for everyone
>entirely new blockchain platform that isn't PoW or PoS built from the ground up
>Former Ethereum devs (used Ethereum-go in architecture)
>first mover's advantage
>going to zero
Pic related, you when this hits $1

>> No.17818081


>> No.17818184

Why is a separate blockchain needed? Couldn't this all be implemented on ethereum infrastructure?

>> No.17818200

as an erc 20?

>> No.17818224
File: 268 KB, 803x1623, vitalik idena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17818298

Its built from scratch with a new consensus model called Proof of person, ethereum has a whole different consensus model POS. Although i believe i read somewhere that they will allow other projects to use Idena’s tech on top of their existing blockchains.

>> No.17818430

Same as saying nobody’s needs any other blockchain you brainlet, why are you here?

>> No.17818438


>> No.17818630

1 human identity, invites will be tokenized and traded

>> No.17818769

Sir thats the same as saying quantum computers will take over bitcoin, it might be possible its far far away. Also by the time someone is able to solve flips with AI, the idena network will be updated. Besides that they are also proposing a reward of $55k for anyone who is capable to solve the flips with AI.

>> No.17818823

Also all the addresses and private keys are valid for eth

>> No.17818839

It's a bit of hassle to retrieve though right?

>> No.17818855

that would be so damn convenient

>> No.17818863

I go on the discord to get an invite and some guy tells me he is selling an invite what the hell kind of scam is this I also noticed my internet was fucked when I was running the client this shit is shady af

>> No.17819012

Never seen worse fud than your comment. The client works better than most top 100 projects’ client and code is also better than the majority of the crapto market. Btw you should join their telegram for invites, its easy..

>> No.17819228

Not really, you just need to donwload the client and let it sync for some minutes. Then, even if you aren't verified, you can use the wallet

There are many scams around in crypto discords and telegrams. The guy probably wanted to scam you.
Of course the thing uses some of your bandwidth, but not a lot actually. You can run it easily on a server for 5$/month.

There is definitely more demand than offer for invites, and that's why I'm going to be selling an invite here on /biz/ in a week at a price which looks reasonable. If you can't get an invite by then and you're interest in mining, wait for my thread.

>> No.17819336

Some ask for money for invites because there's been a lot of smoothbrains who don't pass validation and waste them. You can definitely get one without paying, just have to convince someone you're not an idiot and know what to do.

>> No.17819355

Also like >>17819228 said it could be a scam. You should know that the issuer of the invite can revoke it at any time.

>> No.17819600

Oh yes it could all very well be a scam Pi is the same thing and it doesn't make you go through all these stupid fucking hoops

>> No.17819635

>comparing this to Pi

>> No.17819644

Wanted to sell mine through a smart contract that held the funds on escrow until after 3 epochs and released them to me if the identity wasn't killed in that timeframe.
Too bad smart contracts are incapable of storing a secret value (the invite code). I'm going to have to use a centralized system like a satoshibox clone but I doubt anyone would buy that way.

>> No.17819649

>Naming pi and Idena in the same sentence AND calling Idena a possible scam
oh anon

>> No.17819679




>> No.17820044

Lol this project has better code than most of the crypto projects out and a very smooth testnet. Also until now everything has been done incredibly professional and a lot smart people seem to like it. If there’s a project a scam, Idena must be the one most unlikely here..

>> No.17821139
File: 50 KB, 400x388, 1520058856321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still comparing to Pi
Wow even despite being halfway spoonfed you still come up with shit conclusions

>> No.17821220

great another offer to "buy" an invite what a great project stop shilling this scam this one came off the official Telegram very trusted sirs great project

>> No.17821262

If you post on the discord you can get one in 2-3 hours faggot. At this point you're just low effort FUDing. If not stay poor. This is the only shitcoin that's stayed consistent with sats despite BTC shitting the bed due to promising fundamentals, low liquidity and no one wanting to sell a decent sized stack any time soon

>> No.17821263

It's valuable. I'll give it out for free if I can't find anyone willing to buy.
But I know there are a lot of interested anons, so the smart move would be to sell it.

>> No.17821284

There are some whales but the only ones selling at this point are pajeets who don't understand this will go to 1$ and beyond easy in the long run.

>> No.17821318

Very low quality fud, try something new and better..

>> No.17821779

thanks, market bought another 3.5k :)

>> No.17822037

so the truth is fud to a shill>>17821262
bullshit all I got was an offer to buy one

>> No.17822069

Don’t buy sir, idena is not the project for you..

>> No.17822091

I posted in invite-requests before last weeks' validation and received 6 different PMs asking me if I still needed one within a few days. If you have no patience, it doesn't mean it's a scam, it means you're an underage ADHD faggot and you don't need to be trading crypto

>> No.17822220


>> No.17822898

Another shitcoin?

>> No.17822953

it's even worse it's a busy work shit coin

>> No.17823570

Just move on. Idena isn’t for you guys. Only Biz OGs know the potential of such a project..

>> No.17823583

Its a piece of shit stop trying to scam people

>> No.17823612

jesus im tired of the pajeets shilling this shitcoin, you arent going to break even ranjeesh

>> No.17823632

this concept is retarded
you want the other way around, proof of business

>> No.17824146

Yes centralize blockchain! Thats not what this space is designed for lol. You actually know the whole purpose of this all is decentralization. Of which POW & POS coins aren’t decentralized at all. You are so fucking brainlet, please delete yourself from this thread..

>> No.17824196

Explain what you find shit about it and i am happy to argue thus why (change my mind) in title.

>> No.17824749

Everyone that put money into this at the beginning of shilling like me are still up +300% in under a month despite a global bear market. Try a different narrative ranjesh

>> No.17824871

Also it's barely gone down from ATH in sats, you can check the charts yourself. Extremely bullish. The tg and discord are mostly white with slavs and the occasional chink, I legitimately don't think the indians have discovered it yet. And Indians are incredibly low IQ, Idena is basically pajeet proof with flips. Eventually chinks and pajeets will be sharded into their own group so their flips don't fuck everybody else

>> No.17825134

Yup. Only strong projects hold their ground during bad periods.

>> No.17825733

Garbage much?

>> No.17827167
File: 30 KB, 410x346, idena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this pepe and posted on the discord can someone send me an invite?

>> No.17827695

Thats a beautiful pepe, if i were to be verified i would’ve given you one sir.