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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17807870 No.17807870 [Reply] [Original]

>Be Me, UKfag
>About to start university
>"When I get my student loan, I'm spending it all on bitcoin!"

>Friends look at me weird
>"That's a really stupid idea, why would you do that"
>Next month student loan comes in, spend it all on bitcoin
>Become obsessed, every time I get money, spend it on bitcoin
>Parents keep asking why I can't pay my own rent, tell them I'm using my student loan to MAKE money
>First time the old man is ever proud of me.
>Keep buying, prices go up and up
>Friends keep telling me to stop
>They'll see. They'll all see.

>Mfw they were right and I'm now broke because I wanted to impress my dad

>> No.17807911

at least you didn't buy bitcoin silver

>> No.17807922

it'll recover you stupid peasant just dont be a bigger dumbass and sell it. HOLD IT and wait for the recover it does

>> No.17807976
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get a job

>> No.17808014

I literally don't have any money rn, my dad said hes not going to help me out of this because I got myself into the situation and also he found out I was spending some of what hes giving me on drugs and hes a hardcore christian. I dont know what else to do

>> No.17808049

larp or retard lol hope you learned a lesson

>> No.17808066
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I dont have any work experience or anything i dont know how to

>> No.17808097


You deserve it.

>> No.17808128

volunteer at a blind people charity, gets experience, shows you're people friendly and can handle people with disabilities, put on cv

>> No.17808144

Keep fucking buying god dammit did we tell you to stop?

>> No.17808215

Also, markets fluctuate. Congrats, lad.

>> No.17808240

I dont have time with my major to be working and not getting money, thats peasant shit. And plus i cant handle ppl with disabilities i literally got suspended from school from getting into a fight with a disabled kid when i was 14

>> No.17808256

Serious advice only please:(

>> No.17808277

Kek, btfo. Should have spent that money on the dentist, limey.

>> No.17808287

Serious advice. Keep buying, friend. Keep buying. I am. If you can't stomach the lows, don't invest as much if you have very little faith.

>> No.17808302

1. stop taking drugs retard
2. sell enough of your BTC to stay alive
3. stop putting money into BTC
4. pivot. overcome.

>> No.17808328

Dont need to healthcare is free here yank

>> No.17808329
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tl;dr almost tried to convince my parents to invest in bitcoin in late 2017
>be oct/nov 2017
>be me
>get injured in school
>left torso pain
>have to get imaged (CAT scan)
>Image Ctr waiting room full of gray haired oldies
>old boomer couple next to me reading some magazine with splashy Bitcoin Is Going Up!: What You Need To Know front cover
>old man turns to woman: we need to ask Logan about this
>assume Logan is their grandson
>vaugely know of bitcoin as i've been on 4chan since middle school
>start lurking /biz/
>bitcoin heads north
>it almost hits 20k
>lots of /biz/ talk about hitting 100k, even 1 mil per coin
>parents have our relatively modest paid off home worth about $225k
>want so badly to tell them to cash it out and buy at least 10 coins
>massive FOMO
>never have this conversation with parents because too shy, feel stupid, what could i say to them
>"mom dad you guys have never bought a stock or bond in your life but sell the house and buy this commodity you've never heard of because your teen son saw an image board that says it's going to be worth millions one day'
>just can't make myself, feel rotten for being poor
>2017 is ending
>2018 starts
>lol wut
>wtf is up with the price
pic related mfw we'd have 10 coins worth $50k-$100k instead of a home that's now worth literally $240k now

i still wish i'd gotten coins when they were in the 3 figures and low 4 figures tho

>> No.17808389

I guess I could break into my overdraft??? Dad is still paying my rent so if i leave a little bit of money for food I might be able to. My uncle just said to try to avoid going into it and he usually gives good advice

>> No.17808476
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fight him again pussy

>> No.17808524

Trust your gut

>> No.17808544

If you did that and got them to buy LINK instead, you all would be sitting on millions already.

>> No.17808571

Im starting to reconsider ever getting back into it bc of this story. I got interested in it at first bc this qt femboy i was dming was buying. But he doesnt really talk to me anymore and it became an addiction bc my dad finally started liking me for it. Whats the fucking point anymore

>> No.17808587

go ahead and kill yourself then you fucking failure

>> No.17808617

> that post holly shit
you should buy link or bsv it's a lot more in line with your faggot brain you degenerate

>> No.17808675

Please dont im already in a really bad place and i dont need random people saying shit like that to me

>> No.17808714

You deserve it faggot

>> No.17808725

well since you're a fag why not invest in kneepads and start sucking dicks ?
this is a legit question

>> No.17808733

Best advice I could give right now is to dabble in Holochain

>> No.17808783

Im not gay why do u all keep saying im gay

>> No.17808816

true if you were gay you wouldnt be into a FEMboy

>> No.17808834

R u sure that wouldnt just get me more in debt?

>> No.17808847

> . I got interested in it at first bc this qt femboy

only a fag would say this

>> No.17808850

Exactly :(

>> No.17808869

Dental is free in the UK? I didn't think the NHS covered that.

>> No.17808888

I think it does. Or maybe just until you turn 19

>> No.17808927

They were a femboy its different plus i had a girlfriend and anyway it wasnt sexual or anything so get off my back

>> No.17808930

what a waste of digits you useless fuck

>> No.17808957

Quick, make a prediction!

>> No.17808967

you fucking retard just cash out for what you need at the moment and hodl the rest

>> No.17809029


>> No.17809066

Or i could go in my overdraft and wait until the value of what i have goes up?

>> No.17809126

Volunteer over the summer break

>> No.17809161

I'd hope not. I'm balls deep into Holochain.

>> No.17809163

You don't get it do you? If im not getting money then whats the point?

>> No.17809185

Sounds like u have the same problem as i did that id already invested too much that i couldnt imagine it crashing. And now it is

>> No.17809187

>he found out I was spending some of what hes giving me on drugs
Ok now you're a retard

>> No.17809215

drugs are expensive idiot. Shoulda bought more btc

>> No.17809217
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>> No.17809228

Why? It wasn't even that much at max £40 per month AT MAX and its money everyone else spends on alcohol but because thats legal its fine?

>> No.17809256

no it's fine because he's a good, God fearing man. you're some beans on toast eating broke ass bitch

>> No.17809259
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U guys r mean:(

>> No.17809280

Hes cheated on my mum twice in the last year

>> No.17809295

At LEAST twice, those r just the times that i know about

>> No.17809299

Just hold your meme coins and sell later. Your entire country is infested with the bat soup plague anyways

>> No.17809355

I hope you get rekt you stupid faggot. Sell you btc and kys later in life because your a greedy pos

Inbred britbong degenerate

>> No.17809388

out of curiosity how much did you spend and how many BTC do you have ?

>> No.17809395

nigger why are you making us solve your life problems, like what in the actual fuck are we supposed to do? make you less retarded? make your father less of a whoremonger? you know where you've fucked up now try to not repeat it.

>> No.17809422

yeah he'd kick your fucking ass in a rematch, he pulled his muscle the very day before you fought. I know him, he told me to pass you this message "your mom gay."

>> No.17809445

I cant evem remember at this point i got 5k student loan all spent on bitcoin plus some of the extra money i was getting from my family and stuff + 1k in christmas and birthday cash from selling presents

>> No.17809462

I guess.

>> No.17809505

so you do you even have 1 BTC at this point ?

>> No.17809532

Yeah id say im almost at two

>> No.17809550

Just checked im over two, almost at three

>> No.17809585

and you bought from august to now .. so an average of what ? 7k 8k ?
dude you must have spend nearly 20k at this point

>> No.17809646

Looks like it. At my worst i was barely even spending any money on food. My flatmates share bread and milk so thats all i was eating, everything else towards bitcoin

>> No.17809678
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don't worry it'll be worth 10x what you invested
>in the year 2030

>> No.17809687

>hey mom, dad, buy this Rank 337 shitcoin that is run by a stuttering slav with their company registered in a hairdressers office in Cayman islands
Yeah i'm sure that'd go well

>> No.17809700

just ride it out and sell when btc comes back dummy. stop doing drugs and survive the chinese cringe aids and you'll be laffin. eat beans on toast every day that's good food.

>> No.17809806

Thanks friend:)

>> No.17810324

Yeah, except I'm having a blast through all of this. I know without a doubt I have nothing to worry about.

>> No.17810622

last thoughts on this:
when you have a million bitcoins, or 100s of thousands, it's easy to feel okay if it goes down to even $1, you're still better off than the average person in this world, but people like OP are the ones lubricating this sham, and it really hurts them when you bought after the peak, people cashed in 401ks to buy in at $11k e.g. and while they're not wiped out, they're >50% down on their investments

stop being their puppets
