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17807689 No.17807689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Several young people hospitalized have taken ibuprofen to reduce fever.

>> No.17807734

This shit already destroys your liver. Legit no reason to ever take this stuff unless you are having a heart attack.

>> No.17807738

Why would they design a bioweapon that works even better if you taken the most common pain reliever?

>> No.17807756

why wouldn't they?

>> No.17807765

You shills deserve death. Taking these is healthy as it helps your body with inflammation and not bad for your liver as long as you don’t over take (1-5 200 mg a day).

>> No.17807777

I like to take it with my coffee so fuck off

>> No.17807787
File: 19 KB, 312x342, 2b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking these is healthy

>> No.17807788

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug, AKA an immune suppressant. It lowers your fever by weakening your immune response.

>> No.17807807

my gf is extremely addicted to them, like 2 doses of 4 200mgs a day. don't feel comfy knowing that

>> No.17807846
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To my knowledge I have not offended the globalist elite and support their agenda with Chainlink so I'm immune.

>> No.17807847

All bow to the mighty quads of Truth.

>> No.17807866

still gonna stay with her?

>> No.17807879
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Holy moly checked

>> No.17807881

lol imagine being with a druggie. anon you can do better right?

>> No.17807897

dub dubs of truth. This guy gets it.

>> No.17807903

Took tons of ibuprofen when I was in the corps. Got ulcers from taking too many.

>> No.17807986

pain medications block empathy
do you feel comfy knowing that?

>> No.17808114

How does that work? I understand how an opiate can block empathy but not an anti inflammatory.

>> No.17808124

a fever is your body's natural defense mechanism against viral infection. viruses break down in higher temperatures. so while fever reducing drugs make you feel better you are actually helping the viruses stay active longer.
with the common cold no biggie, with corona you want to bake those fuckers as much as possible.
help your body do it's natural thing and don't suppress the fever

>> No.17808146

You are an idiot that’s why

>> No.17808149

based ibuprofen quadslord

>> No.17808169

until your fever gets too high and ur fucked

>> No.17808180


>the guardian

>> No.17808241

Can’t argue with those digits. The renal values are your next panel might state otherwise though.

>> No.17808269


yup, but if a French minister is telling his people not to take ibuprofen the it probably does more harm than good to your immune system
not sure why they are recommending Paracetamol instead. probably because it's less potent

>> No.17808295

I always take acetaminophen anyway, ibuprofen makes me cough, it gives me post-nasal drip or something and it's really annoying. I'm the only one I know that has this problem.

>> No.17808313

Sure was. Had no idea that sort of thing happens. They tell you it helps. But it doesn’t. It’s just a band aid.

>> No.17808347

It's the only thing I've found that helps my spine/neck pain (which I think is early-onset arthritis). Try to avoid taking it unless I'm really struggling to sleep though, so usually it's only one or two tablets per month. Hopefully that's not lowered my defences against the ol' coronavirus too much

>> No.17808373

You don't know shit about medicine. ibuprofen has long term risks for the kidney and can increase the risk of GI bleed but its not gonna nuke your liver.

>> No.17808391

I had a pretty bad fever in early January (just a regular seasonal one), and Lemsip (a paracetamol based hot drink) was a godsend in terms of reducing symptoms. Without it I was pretty much unable to move, highly fevered, hot/cold sweats, etc, but about 10-15 minutes after taking it my symptoms all improved to the extent where I just felt a bit groggy and tired.

Not sure if it would have the same impact on the ol' coronavirus though, and I know that there are some medical professionals who argue that it's better not to relieve the symptoms at all because it extends the overall illness, and that it's better to let the body fight the virus naturally

>> No.17808480

I don't take ibuprofen because I have asthma and I heard ibuprofen can aggravate it. Makes sense that it could worsen COVID symptoms as that's also a respiratory illness.

>> No.17808508

And covid kills because your immune system overreacts
Just bought 10k advils

>> No.17808713

>And covid kills because your immune system overreacts

I keep hearing this theory, but at the same time they are saying people who are immunocompromised are at high risk
if this were true then wouldn't having a weaker immune system actually help?

>> No.17808826

It's bullshit, this isn't a virus that kills people with healthy immune systems like the Spanish Flu that caused a cytokine storm and killed mostly young people. The primary danger of covid is pneumonia which is just an infection in the lungs, which is something someone with a healthy immune system can fight and someone with a compromised immune system can not. You want a healthy immune system to prevent pneumonia, that is why an immune-suppressant is not a good idea.

>> No.17809025

Oh fug I've been taking this shit for 3 days since I got my wisdom tooth removed.

>> No.17809036

Elderberry as soon as you get the first symptoms . Go heavy here
Colodial silver to hit it hard
Cinnamon oil to break down biofilms
Goji berries to prevent it from hiding
Oregano Carvacrol oil if you want it gone in 3-days

>> No.17809083


what sorcery is this?

>> No.17809105

It's a cure I found on GLP

>> No.17809166

You forgot the magic crystal meditation therapy and the chili pepper enema.

>> No.17809224

not to mention your liver regenerates very well unlike your kidneys where most damage is permanent. which is why i prefer booze for headaches.

>> No.17809248

now there is a cure that's worse than the disease

>> No.17809287

Based natural cure anon. Don’t forget to take honey and lemon with hot water to soothe the coughing

>> No.17809292

Why? It's one of the most harmless drugs out there.

>> No.17809297

Reducing fever, when fever is there to kill the virus and help your immune system. I will never understand how modern medicine gets away with such complete nonsense. Usually the less you take the better.

>> No.17809399

Sometimes a fever gets dangerously high though and can do more harm than good. You should let it run its course until like 104 degrees, then you should probably pop some tylenol, anything over 104 is potentially dangerous.

>> No.17809412

what about advil?

>> No.17809436

Advil is just brand name ibuprophen.

>> No.17809558

Would vaping colloidal silver be a smart idea in the event of pneumonia?

>> No.17809587

Fuck I just quit my old preventative migraine shit, and the topimate the doc gave me after a few days, shits gonna suck

>> No.17809594

yes, your suffering will be much shorter

>> No.17809622

>United States of America

>> No.17809651

thanks just took some more

>> No.17809731

He probably thinks ibuprofen is acetaminophen

>> No.17809890


>> No.17809906


>> No.17809920

it's fucking not

>> No.17809957

Source: your ass

>> No.17810147

>i swear it'll fucking destroy all your cells, thundef00t told me so!

>> No.17810289

It can cause cytokine storms and also kills you with pneumonia, so you're fucked either way.

>> No.17810376

You fuckwit that’s aspirin. Not the same thing. I hope you take fucking salted butter pills when your heart seizes up

>> No.17810436

just google it it basically wrecks your heart and liver and shortens your life expectancy for what? fleeting comfort? fucking lunacy. paracetamol is basically poison. because it does more harm than good.