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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17802279 No.17802279 [Reply] [Original]

Like aside from speculation, what can I do with 500 ?

>> No.17802291

like pay for the oracles maaaaaan

>> No.17802294

Nothing, it was designed by the Russian government to swindle money out of low IQ NEETs.
And you know what? It actually worked.

>> No.17802307
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>> No.17802324

>what can I do with 500 ?
you can buy one buy lambo huracan in 2022

>> No.17802396

ok and then?

>> No.17802472

the oracles maaaaaaan, like broooo it soon will be partnered with google and completly revolutionize option trading, just trust me dude!

>> No.17802488

the dumbest fucking idea in the world

every financial institution and ethereum were going to use centralized oracles; which are faster and more reliant than people give credit for.
But then comes along fat fuck sergey who payed off SWIFT with NxT money to use their logo
so then, every single centralized oracle project, technology that could deliver data at instant rates without costing companies anything, all went bankrupt because MUH DECENTRALIZATION.

but one problem
Sergey had gotten an endorsement from SWIFT without Chainlink network even being built. They literally sold them on the idea of chainlink, but not the actual tech.

As more time went on, ChainLink was revealed to not actually have some advance clever technique of decentralized information; they are just going to take the average of multiple sources and say thats the official answer.
This is where a LINK token comes in. Whoever owns the most amount of LINK, gets to decide what source is the most accurate. Anyone who owns enough LINK can cancel out sources for the ones they feel is most right. So, in order for chainlink to work, banks would have to have billions of chainlink at all time to make sure there is no rogue source of data.

And heres the kicker, the way this network works is you have to pay fees in chainlink tokens to process data. Thats sergeys solution to prevent rogue bad data from getting through, make it so the data processing fees is so high, only the right data source can pay the fees.

Halfway through this abomination of a project, Sergey realized
>oh fuck, any random neet can own a bunch of LINK and corrupt the data
so Sergey implement KYC centralization; so that no banks have to use any data from a source that isnt KYC centralized. This means banks will only be trusting other banks for information since they have KYC
So basically; centralized

>> No.17802601

Is this all fact anon? I'm new and the amount of link REEEeeeing is alot. I have 100 hoping that it goes back up.
Are you saying just buy BTH ETH and the more solid ones.
Why has link convinced so many people?? they all can't be dumb.

>> No.17802637

LINK was supposed to make NEETs the rich rulers of the world.

but in reality (((they))) planned to suck all money out of neets and into LINK, then dump it to $0.01

>> No.17802704
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>Why has link convinced so many people?? they all can't be dumb.
Are you sure about that?

>> No.17802836

buy XRP you moron. someone made a pasta

but ill be honest, i wouldnt surprised if it stagnates for a few more years. Still convinced its going to take over everything for variety of reasons.

LINK is still shit though
>Why has link convinced so many people?? they all can't be dumb.
Because the price keeps going up. It hasnt even really gone up that much. There were coins during 2017 that went up 400% in a day and XRP is already up 1000x. but because LINK finally mooned in 2020, everyone is convinced its going to take over.

Slowly over time more people realized LINKs tech was shit.
People were on the fence during the ICO
When it was revealed to be a JSON parser, that turned off many people, id say this is when the smart ones knew it would be shit
When it was revealed to be KYC centralized and literally just updating price data and nothing more, id say this is when not as smart people but smart enough knew link was shit.
Now that someones pumped it to 4, the link cultists are stronger than ever, but hopefully this dump finally kills this vaporware.

it probably wont, hell, i wont be surprise if LINK reaches $8, but the actual tech and idea will always be forever shit

>> No.17802896

Kek. underrated

>> No.17802917

Money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

>> No.17803467

so far only to fund the dev team. thank you for your donation.