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17800505 No.17800505 [Reply] [Original]

Your life is meaningless if you never experienced teen love

>> No.17800551


>> No.17800564

ha !

I still remember my hs sweetheart !!

smoochie smoochie

>> No.17800579

it isn't but you definitely did miss something imho. but everyone misses something or other anyway, you just happened to miss this
that being said i do remember being changed as a person after the ol' heartbreak

>> No.17800586

It was perfect, I feel like I won the lottery but now it's over and life sucks and I'll never get that back and it will always be on my mind

>> No.17800625
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duh I already know that. No need to remind me.

>> No.17800632

>tfw had 19 year old girlfriend
wew cutting it close but my life still has meaning thank God

>> No.17800673

lmao. All HS girls are whores now.

>> No.17800910

It really makes you wonder how people 100-200 years ago were able to live.
Most men didn't have sex before marriage, and they married fairly late in life. for instance Abraham Lincoln married his wife when he was 31, most US presidents were virgins into their mid twenties- early thirties.

Why has the world become so obsessed with sex? it feels like all men are valued relative to a vagina.

>> No.17800926

That period is the outlier

>> No.17800968

I had a girlfriend in high school, she was a crazy bitch and I will never talk to her again. The things teenage boys will put up with for sex

>> No.17800981

This. You can't do a fair comparison with american puritans during the second great awakening. Most of the world married in their very early twenties.

>> No.17800991

>be 29 years and 11 months old
>right before 30
>go out and bang a 18 years 2 weeks old
>got one last teen love in before it goes all down hill and only roasties from then on

>> No.17801009

true, freedom comes with great responsibility. and lack of education (specially values) makes humans crive for pleasure. there’s no going back now. humanity is doomed by its own ideas of ideal life.

>> No.17801042

Capitalism going full retard by buying out political parties (e.g. liberals) and "sciences" (e.g. psychology), which the mentally challenged mob picks up and goes retard with, as well. Worst time to be alive desu. Hopefully transhumanism gives everyone a brain and puts an end to this.

>> No.17801079

My hs gf was hot af and we used to go in her basement and get wild. Sigh, good ol days.

>> No.17801145

People who say this shit peaked in HS

>> No.17801154


>> No.17801173


>> No.17801215

It doesn’t have to be in your teens. I was an incel for a long time because I’m very autistic. Met a girl in my early 20’s, it was a wild passionate few months, but it ended.
Then 3 years later I met a woman who is absolutely amazing, actually a good southern traditional virgin. I hit the jackpot with her, and The love is calm, stable, and deep. Being with her has actually helped me make money because she helps me around the house so I can focus on trading and work.
Love will find you when you don’t look for it, I had literally gave up on women and love before my friend introduced me to my current gf.

>> No.17801316

why are incels so obsessed with teen love?

>> No.17801360
File: 371 KB, 500x375, 1474850165746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had 2 gfs in 5th grade
>other grills fighting over me
>qt grills were always follwing me around
>always a girl on my arm
>jr high school, getting love letters
>random girl flirting with me during sex ed
>first srs gf sexed me up in high school
>have romantic love with another girl
>two other girls wanted to have my baby

That was 20 years ago, and I'm alone, have MDD, and believe I will be alone for the rest of my life. I wanted a family, all I had were empty romances with women that don't even know or care that I'm alive now.

>> No.17801446
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because we idealize it as a mutual experience of initial discovery, not one of imbalance or filled with past regrets
also, tight virgin puss

>> No.17801527

>Your life is meaningless if you never experienced teen love
Of course it is. It's been ruined for a long time, since the beginning. You will never represent, Anon, a young girl's erotic dream. You must take your side; such things are not for you. Anyway, it's already too late. The sexual failure, Anon, that you have known since your adolescence, the frustration that has pursued you since the age of thirteen will leave an indelible trace in you. Even if you can now have women - which, quite frankly, I don't think you can - that won't be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You'll always be an orphan from those teenage loves you never knew. In you, the wound is already painful; it will become more and more painful. An atrocious bitterness, without remission, will end up filling your heart. There will be no redemption or deliverance for you. That's the way it is.

>> No.17801600

Unironically have sex