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17798324 No.17798324 [Reply] [Original]

So I have been dollar cost averaging. Every single paycheck I throw money at my eth stack. 50 here, 100 there some months, I might even throw an extra 500 at it. But this dip.... it was too much bois. Too damn much.

I averaged my expenditures in crypto over the last year, multiplied it by 6, and took out a fixed interest unsecured loan. I can repay it over 6 months... But no more buying crypto for me until that loan is paid off. It feels weird owning all this crypto, but not being able to buy more for so long. I managed to catch the falling knife, and bought all my btc at 4k per coin. I have so far made a profit on what I bought.

Was I dumb? Did I make the wise move? I know people will say never take out loans to buy speculative assets... but to me crypto isn't just speculation. Crypto is my retirement.

I plan to build up enough eth over the next 15 years to be able to have a living purely off staking rewards. I don't see eth going away, and I don't see bitcoin going away either. The halving imo is going to be huge for the btc/eth ratio (bad for eth) and POS is going to be huge in the other direction (good for eth) What are your thoughts?

It will take about $500,000 to make $40,00 per year in staking rewards. I figure I will only be able to put in half of that over 15 years at my current income. So, this means that ETH would need to see at least double or triple the current prices in fifteen years to have a retirement. :/

What are your 15 year price predictions?

>> No.17798368
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He asks 15y price predicition on board literally infested with broke incels and pajeets throwing hundreds on shitcoins and praying to get rich

>> No.17798369

If you think Eth won't double or triple over 15 years then why would you invest in it instead of stocks?

>> No.17798820

>Was I dumb? Did I make the wise move?
The answer is variable. As for me, I'm pulling every hundred bucks I can get and place bids bellow $3k.

>> No.17798922

you were smart compared to those who bought at 20k. dumb compared to those who will buy in at $75

>> No.17799357


Time will tell anon. I certainly believe BTC and LTC will rocket in the next 12 months. ETH and other coins will lift on that too.

>> No.17799393

ETH doesn't scale and is dead in the water. There will only be one blockchain a decade from now and probably sooner. BSV is the dominant protocol, all others are communist cuckcoins, except in this ruthless market I guarantee they'll fail quicker than in cuck-markets where subpar performance and failure are often rewarded.

>> No.17799637

Eth will be replaced in 15 yrs. spend your money on land.

>> No.17799679


this board is full of day trading shitheads op

they brag about a couple k they made once while neglecting to mention the 10s of k they lost

i wouldn't ask for advice here

>> No.17799761

If ETH doesn’t ATLEAST triple in 15 years , not retiring will be the least of your worries bro

>> No.17799887

you do realise that there will be a bitcoin backed crypto for transaction handling right? this is necessary to make safe loans possible. there will be crypto banks, the monetary system will completely change but not in the way you brainlets think.

>> No.17800169


Bitcoin scales, litecoin scales, ETH will scale soon and Elrond outperforms all of them a 1000x but it's not meant to be money so that's ok.

BSV is the new bitcoin diamond.