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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17794191 No.17794191 [Reply] [Original]

>Major supply chain issues
>Mass hysteria inducing panic
>Stabbings and shootings over toilet paper
>America being unprepared for virtually everything nowadays.
>Markets still in denial

I wouldn't risk it guys, for you permabulls, sell at least sell 50% of your portfolio if you haven't already.

>> No.17794225

sure I just bought 100K

>> No.17794239

Adam and eve bot and you writing this kind of shit.

>> No.17794249

>>Stabbings and shootings over toilet paper
What? Did that actually happen?

>> No.17794315

Hehe this is the clown timeline so if I sell my crypto

>Trump will pump another $1.5B into the industrial markets
>This will lull boomers into a sense of security and usher in another 4 years of (((prosperity)))
>Due to said enthusiasm boomers will be eager to diversify their porfolios
>I wake up
>BTC is trading at $79K

Nice try Goldstein, not this time.

>> No.17794325

Anon you disappoint me, other anon holds you in such high esteem, surely you could be more compelling.

You could have spoken about the effect of supply and demand on tokens used on the blockchain that track supplies ie sea food etc. the drop in supply chain movement would lower the demand for tokens used on blockchains.

>> No.17794350

the BTC network literally imploded from increased usage when it hit $20k, it's never going to pass that threshold again
not saying your wrong about the other stuff, but only a blockchain which scales will be able to handle the traffic associated with becoming that much more valuable

>> No.17794393

>the BTC network literally imploded from increased usage when it hit $20k, it's never going to pass that threshold again

Yeah but the thing is with the threshold is that it's malleable and the real blackpill is that there won't be a crash, but if it did humanity would essentially have to start over on a global scale; everything would come to a halt - money markets would dry up causing zero liquidity in a matter of weeks. The world economic climate would completely freeze before being able to crash to zero. Time is running out, I won't argue against that. People argue dark vs light, deepstate vs anti-deepstate, but realistically neither of those sides could afford to let the market crash. It's all about which country can get their AI online first to manage/back everything. China dropped the ball on that with BTC and BCH - they tried but the chinks are too stupid and lack creativity. Russia is a 3rd world country and isn't even a contender even though Putin as cubically stated multiple times that whichever country successfully launched the AI will rule the world. Trump is doing that right now and will succeed. BSV is the only solution, and even Trump's foreign opponents know that. Which ever country can freely manage BitCoin will rule the world. If you really believe that BitCoin was all about decentralization, you feel for the meme that is applied to the stupid people. The block cap will be lifted in 2020 and DeOS quantum/AI global operating system will be running in 2020 with the help of the NSA. If a country wants to avoid collapse, they will have to move their shit to BSV. It's a zero sum game, no matter how much people will deny it. You need to use your brain and realize the true reality: if we were not capable of traveling back to the past to the change the future - humanity would already be extinct. Think about that. You're welcome

>> No.17794405

I saw a video of someone getting stabbed over a case of water

>> No.17794459

You are fucking dumb

>> No.17794485

absolutely not sir

>> No.17794523

>You need to use your brain and realize the true reality: if we were not capable of traveling back to the past to the change the future - humanity would already be extinct. Think about that. You're welcome
You've been gaslighted by wherever you heard that

>> No.17794539
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>Selling before the GOLDEN BULLRUN

>> No.17794618

Get a grip man. How are you even holding BSV after all the lies? Just get a fucking grip and snap out of it.

>> No.17794696

>deepstate vs anti-deepstate, but realistically neither of those sides could afford to let the market crash
Optimistic fool. A societal collapse is what let's them seize total control.

>> No.17795442

You're retarded if you think this has anything to do with Corona and not bitmex liquidations. Over 1 billion this week. Who controls the btc supply?

>> No.17795449

yes so you have enough funds to buy back in

>> No.17795457
File: 787 KB, 1504x2964, 8UXt0S6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in bic lighters

>> No.17795491

Can't tell if you are either drunk or high or both