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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 904x864, 45DE1C76-FAF0-4658-8301-AE076155FC4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17790708 No.17790708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Italians are glorified niggers. Primitive degenerates that care about nothing but "respect " and being nigger rich. Yet so many white cucks fantasize about being like them and still hate niggers. Pathetic.

>> No.17790722

What does this have to do with biz?

>> No.17790737

Because you faggots fantasize about rolexes and lambos that you saw from these shitty movies

>> No.17790753


>> No.17790765

I prefer (((gangsters))), wonder why there aren't any movies about them?

>> No.17790768

For the love of god, get off the internet for once in your life and at least try to have sex, incel.

>> No.17790778

They are nothing compared to south slave.

>> No.17790787

No we don't you pathetic incel

>> No.17790800

It's essentially /b/iz at this point.

>> No.17790801

I like the ones that manufacture virus epidemics to crash the markets to make drumpf look bad

>> No.17790813

yup, those are the real gangsters

>> No.17790824

I fantasize about NA race cars with welded cages in them

>> No.17790836

I guarantee you faggots frequent this dogshit website more than me. The incels still project themselves onto others. Never change biz.

>> No.17790886

Yeah, agreed. Cash rich nigger tier criminals are glorified, and whitebois latch on to it because they are desperately lacking masculine role models.

A long time ago, even school aged whitebois would be able to see it for the foolishness that it was, because they had real masculine reference points in their own fathers and other Euro centric ideals.

These days we have nothing to look up to but dumb crims.

>> No.17790912
File: 223 KB, 357x464, Smiling food boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.17790947
File: 45 KB, 498x498, AE49E7B3-5114-400E-88F7-D3C66272410C_1_105_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon gets it. Glorified degeneracy across all races.

>> No.17791046

black gangsters murder, buy luxury vehicles & jewelry, demand "respect" in group, etc.
>what a bunch of primitive niggers. i despise them and never want to be them
white gangsters murder, buy luxury vehicles & jewelry, demand "respect" in group, etc
>what a bunch of alpha badasses. i want to talk like them, smoke like them and be just like them!

>> No.17791148

I fantasize about fisting your mom.

>> No.17791178

Respecting/looking up to/acknowledging Italians even exist is such an American thing

In Europe they are irrelevant

>> No.17791182
File: 435 KB, 1600x1200, 0142_-_Roma_-_Piazza_del_Campidoglio_-_Statua_del_Tevere_-_Foto_Giovanni_Dall'Orto,_7-Apr-2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italians are literally the greatest builders and torch bearers of western civilization. You are a brainlet with no conception of history outside of jewish produced hollywood movies.

>> No.17791230

true, until the anglo became a thing

>> No.17791243

Is that his dick?

>> No.17791274

You are a faggot.