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17789738 No.17789738 [Reply] [Original]

help /biz/
what to do
I am 80%+ gonna die from corona
give son 80% wife 20% or what
my wife is a good woman. give her like 60%?
have 2+ weeks to live
only 1 son 1 wife

>> No.17789761

Give me 100%

>> No.17789798

lmao just don't die, ez

>> No.17789822

this is serious I have corona, diabetes, coronary heart disease
doctors say high risk i will die
please advise

>> No.17789855

Of you really think you are going to die you should set up two accounts for your son. If you are American, a 529 plan to pay for his higher education some day. Secondly, an a managed investment portfolio. Look at american century if you’re american. That is what I was left and it has ensured my financial security for the foreseeable future. I always have an emergency fund and I am in no debt because my education was paid for.
Secondly, give your wife control of your estate if you trust and love her at the bottom of your heart. She will do right by your son for you

>> No.17789871

Post proof or larp

>> No.17789872

thank you anon

>> No.17789890

100% Chainlink

>> No.17789922

what am I gonna do there's no written docs
my doctor said there is a real possibility I will die and I should make preparations

>> No.17789930

25% to the bitch just so she can take care of herself and 75% to your son, the future of your bloodline is in his hands.

>> No.17789969

100% to your good woman. A good woman will make the best out of it for your son.

>> No.17790107

thank you anon
i trust her, I really do, just worried she'll invest it in some retard seaside cabin. she's always wanted one
maybe she deserves it for putting up with me
I love her so much, she gave me my son, my everything
fuck this shitty virus

>> No.17790112
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>> No.17790147

OP your thread brought me to tears. I hope you make it :(

>> No.17790163

If it any consolation they will die too most likely ,safest best for you is to give me the whole stack and ill name my rename my son after you and build a cenotaph in your honour on my make it island.

>> No.17790179

I know a treatment that can cure this thing if you arent larping. I need money to do it myself to treat something else.

>> No.17790228

thanks I don't want this shit either, but right now there's a real possibility it will happen and I have to deal with it
I'm literally broken and I don't know what to do
I still think I will live but I have to do the worst shit imagineable

>> No.17790235

>spends it all on shoes

>> No.17790242

>Bait this weak

>> No.17790243

I sharted myself laughing

>> No.17790250

careful asking for dollars you'll get this thread closed, it''s off topic enough already

>> No.17790269

post throwaway

>> No.17790431

I don't really believe that you have COVID-19, but in a hypothetical scenario where you were dying and needed to determine how to leave things to your family, I'd generally recommend leaving 80% to your wife and 20% to your son. Your wife will remain the primary caregiver and will be responsible for raising the son, so that 80% won't be entirely for selfish reasons. The 20% to the son should be put into a trust that pays out once he reaches 18. Whatever you decide, write it down and be sure to date it and sign it. While last wills and testaments can have a bunch of loopholes, as long as it can be proved to be you (signature) and is chronologically the most recent one written (date) it should be valid. You could write it on a fuckin' CVS receipt and it'd be valid so long as it met those other two criteria.

>> No.17790447


>> No.17790461

The man is dying and wants to leave
some money to his kid. Don't scam him nigger.
OP whatever you end up doing, don't be a retarded faggot and send any money to any niggers

>> No.17790495

>You could write it on a fuckin' CVS receipt
LOL, no. You need that shit notarized at the bare, bare minimum. A piece of paper is worth that in an estate battle. Unnotarized, it will default to the estate rules of the state you die in, and in most, the surviving spouse gets half, if not all.
If you're gonna give legal advice, know what the fuck you're talking about. I've been through two estate battles, and trust me, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.17790523

hes larping but if hes not, i was just gonna explain it to him via email and leave my wallet addresses if he wants to tip me because im in a fucked medical situation myself and need money

>> No.17790563

Nah, governments have accepted valid wills from things like carved notes on the side of tractor fenders or driftwood for men stranded at sea. Notarization is basically worthless.

>> No.17790568

thank you anons
I think I have made up my mind. my estate is only ~300k cash. I think I will leave my wife the vast majority. She still stays by my side in these trying times. I still think I will survive but If I don't I hope she finds a chad who will raise my boy right

>> No.17790624

Buy a bunch of jewels and gold and put in a chest and bury it on a random island.

Then have it set up where a lawyer gives your son a treasure map to it when he turns 18. She can't touch your money and your son gets what he deserves. Leave any of the money to a roastie she will blow it on her nigger boyfriend as they fuck on your wedding bed while your kid cuts off his Dick and becomes a tranny

Take the pirate pill

>> No.17790861

my lungs are fucked. i am not stressing. i got neetbux , masks and i just jack off al day and don't see a living soul. I go shopping at night basically. i wear gloves as well. wash up 2 times a day. jack off some more. you are good bro

>> No.17791093

bruh shoot me your email, ill give you some information that will make a difference. you dont have to tip me though i will appreciate it if you do.

>> No.17791203

Ask for antivirals and zinc supplementation.

>> No.17791220

thanks for the offer but I don't think I wanna leave my actual mail here.
what about nbcj0059@protonmail.com

>> No.17791266

this is the right decision. don't listen to all the idiots in this thread.

>> No.17791953
