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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17788653 No.17788653 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17788684

I never thought I'd see rudy outside of/tg/. Thinking of converting my mtg cards into silver and platinum.

>> No.17788967
File: 26 KB, 360x450, ECD9DF9F-D59A-4AE0-84B6-3EAD2CD36C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek what a retard. He says he was down 50% and is proud that he ”stayed the course”. This dude made two mistakes, and I’m honestly surprised because he had made so much on magic investing. First, he didn’t understand recession cycles. They come about every ten years. He mistimed it hard, and chose a shitty investment (rentals lol). His 2nd mistake, he kept his capital in the rental instead of buying more lucrative assets. He talks about all the good stuff as a renter but never mentioned anything about repairs or maintenance. That 10% year over year he made was offset by this. If i had 70k in 2009 i would have a lot more in 2020 lol. Rudy is such a smart guy in general so i dont understand why he preaches this never sell attitude

>> No.17789119

He was 25 when he bought his first rental property. It was new at the time. You should actually watch the video.

Chalk it up to naivety.

>> No.17789218

This post reeks of poorfag.

>> No.17789237

>Rudy is such a smart guy in general

>> No.17789256

I watched the video. What does his age or the age of the property have to do with shitty investment decisions? Let me guess, you’re holding bags and want to believe you’re actually smart for not forseeing these things, and you’re gonna keep it becuse assets increase forever dude xd. Yeah keep trying to find support on the internet for your shitty decisions.

>> No.17789257

you aren't that smart either, chinkoid

>> No.17789281

Dude, you're a fucking asshole. Lay off the 4chin.

>> No.17789298

Everything Rudy says will start to make more sense once you realize that he just wants to pump the price of his shitty cardboard.

>> No.17789319

you don't have to obsessively defend the guy
it doesn't take talent to recognize that "geek collectibles" are a niche profitable market
it doesn't take talent to recognize that a world of warcraft limited run statue or game will hold more value than a vinyl funkopop
his talent is being a personable salesman and getting access to supply chains that chinks usually reserve for other people

>> No.17789659
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>he should have just sold the house for 70, go 70k in debt while still trying to pay off a 140k mortgage and lose his rental income all together

>> No.17789690

Because he also holds Chainlink

>> No.17789697

niggas with the most opinions usually have the least
- some rap nigga

>> No.17789762

He bought the house without loan though? Also at 25 you should be able to save 70k fairly quickly

>> No.17790527

Meechy Darko

>> No.17790548

Based. Literally just watched this.

>> No.17791685

what do you think a mortgage is dummy?

>> No.17792143

>He bought the house without loan though?
>explicitly states his mortgage payment
>Also at 25 you should be able to save 70k fairly quickly
How quick is fairly quickly? Not every 25 year old is making 6 figures while living at home with their parents

>> No.17792194

But I am. Fuck you wagey