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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 141 KB, 1000x1000, chainlink-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17787840 No.17787840 [Reply] [Original]

I'm still holding from $4.22.

It hurts. Bigly.

>> No.17787856

I held from 4.5 to 1.8. I’ll fucking do it again

>> No.17787862
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congrats marine you sat through fire and came out hardened

>> No.17787875
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The network is nonetheless growing exponentially

>> No.17787894
File: 78 KB, 594x690, pepe angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding since it was ~$0.40 but only 200 cus bought it as a meme
i couldve made tens of thousands of dollars if i invested everything in this instead of omisego

>> No.17787931

Holding from 0.32 average.
I just bought more !

>> No.17787939

If this is supposed to be the future of the world, why is it so unstable?

>> No.17787967

I bought in at $4 and only had a couple hundreds and it's every cent I could put into it and I won't ever sell. Don't care if it goes to zero. I like holding and I won't ever not hold.

>> No.17787974

so people like you stay out

>> No.17787996

I'm waiting for a return to the $1.50~ area and I'll buy back in. Sold at $3.44.

>> No.17788205

>not locking in your linkies at $4.80
You had so long to lock in the price, yet you choose to suffer.

>> No.17788278

I have 1k from an average buy of about $3, but I bought another $1.5k worth at $4.66. If I waited a week I could have doubled my stack instead of getting only 300 linkies.

never selling though.

>> No.17788303
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>> No.17788313

>didn't sell in the $4 range because I fell for the HODL mindrot as well as the "corona isn't a big deal! It'll blow over soon!" retardation

this has been a learning experience to say the least

>> No.17788346

Hey have you heard of the corona virus and the crashing economy? Did you know the entire US just closed all schools for an entire month?

Good luck.

>> No.17788405

literally every crypto chart looks like this now tho

weak fud (unless you're criticizing the whole cryptospace in which case it's pretty good fud desu)

>> No.17788462

don't sell - this is your trial by fire. you will learn two things, very important things. Do not buy at the all time high, and HOLD.

>> No.17788471

I bought in at 83 cents because e-racists on twitter told me to but I'm always too scared to dump.

>> No.17788567
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>> No.17788633


>> No.17788635

>this is your trial by fire
Dude we're down from $4.80 to $2.50. Even when we were down to $1.50 that wasn't the second biggest dip CL has done. It's dropped more than 80% twice, the fall from $4.80 to $1.50 was a 70% dip.

>> No.17788659

>measuring in dollars not in sats

>> No.17788662

it really would be incredible to get an inside look at how your brain works

>> No.17788669

Should I buy some? lol

>> No.17788683

I checked my Delta because I wanted to show some anon that I'm still massively in profit but fuck did it hurt to see. I had to avert my eyes like I was seeing my grandma naked.

>> No.17788687
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stop being such a pussy op, some of us have held from 40c to 1.10 right back down to 20c, then right up to 4.50 & back doen to 2 again - TWICE now. this is good for you, you need to feel this op, it will get rid of your emotions & make you numb, & stop you from selling too soon

>> No.17788701

>Did you know the entire US just closed all schools for an entire month?

Good. Fuck those kids. That tax money will be more brrrrrrr for the egonomy.

>> No.17788710








>> No.17788712

BTC doesn't matter, ChainLink will unjokingly surpass it because ChainLink provides a business utility. It won't even matter when ChainLink passes BTC though because passing BSV will be far sweeter from the pajeet tears.

>> No.17788714


You can't retire on Sats anon

>> No.17788721


>> No.17788745

uh how did my life go from being about $1k eoy to being about $1 eoy? uh hello? i think we're going to have to, by law, invert the money game. We must implement new monetary policy which makes the person with $0 the richest person, and which makes Jeff Bezos, unfortunately, the poorest man on the face of the Earth.

>> No.17788788
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>> No.17789064
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>> No.17789131


>> No.17789151

I spent $8k on LINK earlier this week. The other night when it was tanking I got way too high off of an edible and convinced myself that Crypto was completely dead and everything was going to 0 permanently. So I sold for a large loss. The very same night before my edible kicked in, I had posted a thread making fun of panic sellers with a brainlet wojak image.
I Will never sell again. Only accumulate. You’re a strong man OP

>> No.17789211
File: 1.60 MB, 356x260, 4BB5796D-8DA4-46D6-B01C-4688424D3D0E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah so you are a weak-willed faggot whose opinions are as fickle as women. Definitely ngmi

>> No.17789223
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, 6cc69ff6797701f5e0d22598697447eccda68b1b6e17f58c0b6e3bbe0e8b1579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
