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File: 325 KB, 1363x1129, pepe-doesn't-understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17785307 No.17785307 [Reply] [Original]

>Trump declares national emergency
>market goes into recovery mode instantaneously


>> No.17785321

Refr moon mission

Actually, everything moon mission today

tl;dr you're a stupid short hope you lost your money on your $500 puts lmao

>> No.17785327

clown world, no one actually believes this "pump" will last or continue.

>> No.17785339

They believe that the measures were done in time as Trump said.
Boomers are dumb

>> No.17785345


>> No.17785347

Waiting/hoping for delayed reaction

>> No.17785352

Normie boomers saw business boomers shaking hands with president boomer and were relieved. They see action being taken and confidence is now boosting. It's not like the economy was going to actually "crash" because of a coof.

>> No.17785371

The US government is about to inject another 50billion into the markets

>> No.17785381

this doesn't make sense at all.
this is a dead cat bounce.

>> No.17785383 [DELETED] 


>> No.17785419

Why not? This is the first time the president and private sector hotshots have come out and said they're doing things (even if they're dumb), this is the first dose of confidence people have been given in the last month.

>> No.17785426

because money printer goes brrr
what part of "clown world" do you not understand?
even the stock market has turned into pump and dumping pajeet tier market
tell me whats the difference between trump saying they are gonna inject 500 billion and the chink from tron saying hes gonna put 1 billion into the ponzi contract? zero. theres no fucking difference. the entire system is one giant scam. we will probably make new lows next week

>> No.17785443
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the market's a whore, it's out to fuck as many people as it can

>> No.17785445

Its not. But when business are shutting down and when people will be forced into their homes like in italy or in china thats when the economy will crash.

>> No.17785449

Because it is fucking genius. It is south-korea technique, that results in least deaths.
Literally testing stations at wallmarts.


>> No.17785455

This. The livestream gave me a fuzzy feeling and I see the market going up so everything feels ok now.

>> No.17785458

So we do short on monday or what?

>> No.17785481

>recovery mode
Market was going to have a bounce day regardless. Yesterday was a -9% close for the top 10 worst days list.

>> No.17785491
File: 732 KB, 1024x1091, 2EF7DA10-A2F0-4DCB-BA90-BA4F6E4C3920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anybody here thinks this virus hasn’t reached a critical level, then you’re deluded. Look at what is happening in Italy. That will soon happen here, streaming on every news site, AMERICANS DYING BY THE HUNDREDS OVERNIGHT
Just wait for it. Long way to the bottom. I’m holding my SQQQ until millions start dying in Manhattan. Then TQQQ all the way. Can’t wait
t. New York scientist

>> No.17785493

>This is the first time the president and private sector hotshots have come out and said they're doing things
Doesn't give the companies any money. A little bit of hopium can't stop what's in progress right now.

>> No.17785506


When it goes Italy here, Dow to 10,000.

>> No.17785508


>> No.17785525

Great time to buy puts. Monday will be a bloodbath

>> No.17785529

Yea and today the best day, get rekt bobo.

>> No.17785559

Italy is a shithole with Balkan tier healthcare.

>> No.17785560

Google Corona virus in South-Korea.
It isn't going to go Italy.

>> No.17785561

Trump has arranged a massive rollout of testing for Coronavirus thanks to Google, a bunch of healthcare companies, and Walmart

Capitalism works.

>> No.17785567

>go to walmart to get TP
>coof on others
>get into car
>go to drive through
>oh you're positive btw

>> No.17785570

Wall St is full of retarded optimists. Just consider the fact that they were still reaching for record highs while Chinese death squads were welding half a billion people's doors shut, thinking it'd have no broader impact.

>> No.17785592

If China and Italy didn't collapse, then we won't either. Sure volatility is guaranteed, but there's a difference between caution and paranoia. If Italy collapses, then yes it's time to prep your boipucci

>> No.17785602

every post here except the money printer goes brrrrr are wrong.
almost everyone with a brain knew the fed would be doing another market stimulus.
they just gave us notice a week ago and 2 of those pumps came here already the fact none of you fucks saw this coming is not surprising as most of you investors don’t take the time to do even the most basic research.
this is a bull trap so expect stocks to go down again there’ll be 1 or 2 more market pumps before the fed gives up.
again none of this is insider information but literally public knowledge that every single one of you should have access to.

>> No.17785604

except the real crash will be because of massive corporate debt and unfunded liability gaps at every level of government

>> No.17785616
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This man has been drinking the feedwater again. Take him away to the infirmary.

>> No.17785641
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>155.6 cases / 1M pop
oh wow! south korea is doing so great! we are safe!

>> No.17785661

Market had a 'black thursday' moment, largest daily drop in like 35 years or some shit, Fed cut interest rates, repo injection of $1 Trillion, Walmart is selling coronavirus tests, CVS is, target, walgreens, those stocks will go up, Donald Trump instructed the Govt to buy a FUCK ton of oil at low prices, pumping oil companies. We bubble now.

>> No.17785663
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hahahaha holy shit i fucking read this in his voice i can't stop laughing. Thank you anon

>> No.17785667

>china appears to have slowed the spread through quarantines
>korea appears to have slowed the spread through mass testing
>america wasnt doing either
>market dumping
>now america is ramping up testing
>market pumping
Not sure why people are confused here

>> No.17785666

If China and Italy aren't collapsing then neither will we. We have multiple windows into the future with them and other countries like SK, when one of them goes down THEN you have my permission to panic.

>> No.17785686

They successfully contained. We didn't try and now we can't.

>> No.17785690

this. the actual intelligence of the average american is staggering

>> No.17785698

Bear markets are known to have rallies like these..., youll see next week.

>> No.17785702

Because this dump is not because of the coronavirus. The virus was the catalyst. This was going to happen anyways.

>> No.17785713

Yes. And diagnosed early you're like 0.1% likely to die.

>> No.17785716

Italy recovered 15+% today as well.
Just how?
Stock market is rng or what??

>> No.17785720
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Do you even need to ask?

>> No.17785722

America acted way too late. If you think thats going to avoid new york going full wuhan you are delusional

>> No.17785731 [DELETED] 


>> No.17785745
File: 380 KB, 221x196, 1539793074993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fed is pumping market with cash, once they stop, it'll dump like a fat man out of constipation.

>> No.17785750

money printer go brrr bro

>> No.17785752

They're not going to allow that yet, and we are not the most indebted country in the world so we won't be the first to go when it eventually forces itself. When world volatility appears the scared money flees to the US because we're seen as the safe-haven.

>> No.17785796

HFT Algorithms. Simple as that. We're on the cool side come monday.

>> No.17785822

Cause the market is heavily manipulated

>> No.17785838

Yes. And the business is open, and total deaths are low as fuck. Just google it dumbass. They've figured out the best way to deal with this, and America is copying it as best practice. This is literally great news.

>> No.17785840

This guy gets it. You can't print your way out of these problems. This thing is going to hit so hard, and so fast people wont be able to adjust.

>> No.17785876

Its either the fed going overdrive or a lot of investors that are way more retarded that i believed.

This, what he announced will probably make the spread even worse.

>> No.17785891

And both countries have superior healthcare compared to the US.

>> No.17785892


>> No.17785898

And you think the US isn't even worse? People are gonna start dying without even being tested because they're too scared of being bankrupted by bills.

>> No.17785911

CEOs were behind him brah.

>> No.17785920

They are retarded. When you ever get a chance to work at a publicly traded company you realize how fucking stupid they are about everything.

>> No.17785924
File: 142 KB, 828x1441, 1583200424260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope to god you are not an american or some other euro

>> No.17785948

Ok doomer

>> No.17785962

Is biz really this illiterate? They're literally just copying practices from South Korea. Pitstop tests and all that. South Korean has globally been considered having handled this situation best so far.

>> No.17785965

This should tell you all you need to know about this "recovery"

>> No.17785979

Which is why everybody flies here for surgeries.

>> No.17786003

because the feds just printed more than 1,5 trillion dollars?

>> No.17786048

Dead cat bounce. And its the deadest cat Ive ever seen

>> No.17786102

>DOW up 50% in one day after NYSE trading floor incinerated by nuclear bomb
because the whole thing is fucking fake
only dumb fucks cant see that the FED is what makes thins "wonderful" bubble, not Trump
not any politician

>> No.17786115

In South Korea everybody uses masks, keeps their distance,they get alerts when infected people are nearby and they practiced extensive testing.
Americans won't use masks, won't keep their distance and won't be alerted and people won't get tested until they feel sick.

>> No.17786123

Incorrect. US healthcare is excellent, the problem is it costs an insane amount.

>> No.17786159

You don't need a nation to fall to experience an economic recession.

>> No.17786168

So excellent that you need Walmart® to be your personal medic.

>> No.17786185


>> No.17786190

The masks are used if you are already sick retard. It won't help if you aren't sick

>> No.17786195

It was all post-market, fake trading. There's more blood to be had, we will see 40-50% losses from ATH. Still a great opportunity to jump in after a couple months as this virus really is overblown, even if it is serious it isn't THIS serious.

>> No.17786199

>Fed gave away almost 1/10th of the us economy last night
>whyd the stock market go up?
Its a mystery.

>> No.17786268

Why are americans so fucking stupid? If everybody wore the mask the risk of spreading would diminish to nothing you retarded goy.

>> No.17786298

Such a fucking joke. God I hate boomers.

>> No.17786309 [DELETED] 


>> No.17786344

$1 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

>> No.17786393

Thet are pretty much all pegged to each other at this point.

I mean come on look at how so many different stocks seem to follow each other in jumps up and down short term.

>> No.17786487

The debt is serious. Negative rates are serious. The shale oil boom going bust is serious. The amount of leverage in the economy is super fucking serious.

The virus is just the pin. A few airline workers going out of work isn't a big deal, this is FUCKING calamatious because the fed can't cut rates by 5% this time. All they can do is inject printed money into the system which probably gets less effective the more you do it.

>> No.17786552

There are far more people who leave America to get medicine and care abroad.

>> No.17786659

because he just announced infinite money to solve the fucking corona-chan situation

>> No.17786713
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>> No.17786773

The market is a game of chicken. It gets fucked in events of mass cowardice.

>> No.17786781

>handled best
>not Singapore
die koreaboo

>> No.17786882

meanwhile Anon's building up confidence by looking at 4chan memes and pepe posts. Let's be honest, what's the difference here?

>> No.17787055

Nobody is working normally. Borders are closed. China is still fucked still.
Get your shorts ready again.

>> No.17787078

lead exposure

>> No.17787083
File: 195 KB, 800x600, 53CD05C9-CA34-476A-B1D1-139D9CC8EAFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that is a BASED take

>> No.17787134

no they don't, and lol if you think becayse euro rich fags pay for cutting edge ops in america means that the american system isn't shit for anybody without money, america has 3rd world tier health care

>> No.17787222

imagine thinking america as a brazil tier shithole mutt country is the same as the authoritarian homogenous koreans lmao korea had a dictator until 20 years ago you fucking tard, america is useless

>> No.17787272

>he fell for the medfag bait

>> No.17787318

Oh yeah then what is the dump about Einstein.

>> No.17787581

It's so stupid. Brazil market started fine (5-6%) in the morning then the Bolsonaro rumors came and it got to as low as 2% but after trump news it finished the day at 13%.

Like, what the fuck bro.

>> No.17787681

There is no god more vengeful or unpredictable than Economy

>> No.17787902

Why you assume i'm bearish? I am king crabish. Market gonna shimmy.

>> No.17787929

Major fed pump. All next week will be red without fed intervention. I do think what we've been seeing is extreme fed intervention to let the market down slowly...and for good reason. Without the intervention markets would be a race to 50% or so market cap to GDP (and for good reason), at which point it would steady as people again bought stocks. If SEC freezes the markets it will largely be the little guys that are hurt, as they have not established safe positions or positions that allow them to buy in low.

>> No.17788092

Thread theme:

>> No.17788126

They will keep printing money as the value of the US dollar drops

It’s already happening

>> No.17788150
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bears mad they lost money today

>> No.17788173

Because this was an overcorrected nothingburger

>> No.17788190

lol retard italy is collapsing as we speak

>> No.17788196

Why are so many of you retarded what the he’ll happened to this board. People are really comparing America to Korea and China...dictatorship govs. you morons from pol really did flood this board

>> No.17788380

Walmart unironically has better medical supplies than Italy hospitals

>> No.17788744

Confidence won't hold up when cases continue to follow Italy-like trajectory.

In 2 weeks, we'll have more cases than Italy has now.

>> No.17788969
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>> No.17789235

unironically better then US

>> No.17789284

The fed will not give up retard
They will literally try every possible form of quantitative easing before they give up

>> No.17789294


>> No.17789307

I mean the market was sick, so now that there's actually some sense of urgency, everything should be back to normal.

>> No.17789309


>> No.17789323
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>he doesn't know

>> No.17789327

>t. silvio

>> No.17789337

test lol

>> No.17789378

Manlets when will they learn

>> No.17789413

nigger brain

>> No.17789425

holy kek

>> No.17789458

If its anything like the Spanish flu, we still have a couple months before shit goes down. Hopefully, you are wrong.

>> No.17789478


>> No.17789552

buy the dip

>> No.17789599

>defeats Coronavirus with just one speech

Utterly based

>> No.17789638

What do you not understand about drive-thru coofing stations?

>> No.17789660

Except the cat has pump in asshole this time.

>> No.17789672

Look at the total new cases by day you fucking retard

>> No.17789683

1 trillion dollaridoos

>> No.17789684

they injected 1.5 trillion. you sperg

>> No.17789727


>This doesn't make sense at all

Welcome to investing

>> No.17790667

This meme gave me a hearty kek

>> No.17791388

It's the algos. They've been programmed to make bag holders out of everyone. They create a fake fomo scenario, retail investors buy, the algos dump. Rinse and repeat. Human stupidity is quantifiable and a certainty.

>> No.17791554

It’s the final pump into the weekend. Come Monday everything will exit scam.

>> No.17791570

Again with the cheat codes!

>> No.17791716

I sold some Fedex to buy Netflix...336.30 USD +21.05 (6.68%)

Buy now frens

>> No.17791800

I’m talking you with me.

High energy transfer.

>> No.17791827


>> No.17791842

Ever seen a Dead cat bounce? It'll drop more.

>> No.17791859

They've done it literally every week now too. I KEEP seeing retards saying "oh durp must be the bottom time to buy the dip!" then come back crying not but 30 minutes later when the bottom drops out again.
Fucking HOLD your puts over the weekend and watch the blood red line on Monday.

>> No.17791872

Monday? This is going to drop bit by bit till mid april

>> No.17791890

It's why you can make good money investing if you have above average intelligence and patience combined with some knowledge

>> No.17792009

We don't kiss and hug like the wops. Also, we drive our own cars everywhere and are more spread out. Also, getting hit a few weeks later into the warm season and after seeing what works and what doesn't, we're gonna make it. Many may die, but this isn't the one to take us under. Lots of people forgetting Trump thrives when facing a challenge

>> No.17792044

nobody believes that shit, they just pretend like they believe other people believe that shit....but they don't. the markets are a game of confidence. everyone is just pretending like they understand everyone else is confident. we're all pretending.....until monday.

>> No.17792068
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Hell yeah

>> No.17792086

because they want to dump on the fools again once he declares that he has coronavirus, the house always wins.

>> No.17792115

I have some puts for 3/20 and got pumped on today. Wish me luck frens

>> No.17792258

Funny because Google denied they had it. Trump problem saw a tweet about it in California and rolled with it.

>> No.17793211
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updated version

>> No.17793235


>> No.17793253

>Trump has arranged a massive rollout of testing for Coronavirus thanks to Google

That was a lie though

>> No.17793694
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>that meme

>> No.17794130

this is literally me when im looking at corona chan

>> No.17794196
File: 66 KB, 644x431, gr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is to grasp for circle jerking amerifags but it's true. USA health care generally sucks.

USA cost adjusted health care quality is on the level of Somalia. Italy actually ranks higher on general score without cost adjustments.

>Which is why everybody flies here for surgeries.
Not really true. The argument applies to those top surgeons who you can never affort. And even that only happens because many of the best foreign doctors go work to USA because they can rip off 100 fold margins. Per capita, more people probably go to Finland for surgeries and cancer treatments than to USA.

>> No.17794255
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To the general population, USA health care availability and quality is comparable to fucking post CCCP Poland and Estonia.

>> No.17794688
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Keynesian economics.