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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17783841 No.17783841 [Reply] [Original]

> Where were you when Trump turned a national emergency into a giant add for the American health Industry?

>> No.17784052

You sound mad as fuck, commie

>> No.17784234

Where were you when communists caused a pandemic and capitalist megacorps have to clean it up and help people?

>> No.17784310

based as fuck, pump the bags
>drive thru tests
fuck yeah

>> No.17784323

The absolute state of your brain on gommunism

>> No.17784428

low iq polcels actually believe this

>> No.17784456

LA...need to holdout just a couple more days before domestic travel is halted.

Otherwise, I'm finally going to live my lifelong dream of driving across the country during the apocalypse.

>> No.17784490

orange man good

>> No.17784513

cringe and jew pilled

>> No.17784532

I was buying more calls

>> No.17784623

commies are so insecure about their lack of intelligence

>> No.17784682


>> No.17784832

Shut up

>> No.17784914
File: 247 KB, 2048x1916, BB84358D-A64B-415F-958B-8853523C3BF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anybody really pretending we aren’t the most ready healthcare system in the world, by a huge margin?

>> No.17784928

Get ready for 2 period, he’s gonna win for sure

>> No.17784939

> you're only allowed to survive if you can pay up to a bunch of billion-dollar pharma conglomerates
The dream.

>> No.17784984
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>> No.17785007
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>> No.17785019

yeah how well did the centrally planned government of china handle this?

not nearly as well as this

get fucked commie

>> No.17785067

The Dims must be having a fucking aneurysm right now.

>> No.17785119

>Biden 2020


>> No.17785155

this but unironically

>> No.17785169

OP here, I meant this in a good way, like he turned around the whole thing just before the bell. Why are you all so sensitives? God, I hate lefties but you Trumptards are starting to get even worse

>> No.17785205
File: 87 KB, 480x320, 1538539416187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+10% in 15 minutes

>> No.17785213

coping after his failed commie post didnt get support LOL

>> No.17785237

Biggest dead cat bounce ever today. It'll be followed by another huge drop on Monday. Don't be the last to sell!

>> No.17785243


>> No.17785252

Tbf leftypol faggots have been here pretending to “educate biz” on the machinations of this market movement for the past week or so

>> No.17785761


>> No.17785831


nobody here is a fucking commie, Vadim.

>> No.17785860

there are people literally spamming marx memes in another thread

dont gaslight me you piece of shit commie


>> No.17785922

>Marx threads being spammed all week
>n-no one here is a commie
This is some fucking bad damage control

>> No.17786005

this was a great speech and only literal monkey IQ people try to make it a bad thing. like that rude fat shorthair niggalady "reporter" lmao

>> No.17786014

Come on. This isn't leftypol. We're on campaign, you know these are just social media (((influencers)))

>> No.17786158
File: 251 KB, 1413x1115, 1583516032897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme disease with such low a rate of mortality that it's as good as not even existing at all
>national emergency
>travel bans
>Trump: "buy walmart stocks, buy pharmaceutical stocks"
>Trump: "also come get your DNA swabbed at a drive-thru. Also the health industry is allowed to ignore laws. Yes we are selling your health information to china. Did i say surveillance too many times? No? Ok good."

>> No.17786254

Wait until it dumps again Monday and you find out those megacorps were just exit scamming you