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17780289 No.17780289 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17780310
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Daily reminder: Angry online NEET Communists will always be losers and failures at life.

As they believe the markets are "rigged" against the people, they do not participate in the economy; they do not try to open a business or get a job because they believe "capitalism is rigged" so it's not worth trying. They are poor when the economy is good and they are destitute when the economy is bad.

Every morning they fall asleep in their damp mother's basement mattress, they dream that their SKY DADDY COMMUNISM will miraculously drop from the sky and perform miracles on their poor life decisions.

>> No.17780340

there is only one problem comrade
"why work"
if I don't benefit I wont do shit
also competition still happens but you compete for party positions

>> No.17780455
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>> No.17780493

competing for party positions definitely doesn't happen in america

>> No.17780530


>implying trumptards are the only ones that hate commies
Can't wait to gas you faggots soon.

>> No.17780568

Buy the DIP drumpfy

>> No.17780638

But you will benefit from work.

>> No.17780675

he's a lil too simple to understand that

>> No.17780742
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People will work their absolute minimum in a society where all types of effort brings equal outcome.

>> No.17780790

that's how it is in capitalism. most workers do the minimum. the way to get ahead in capitalism is just to become a parasite, doing unethical things. you think billionaires got there through honest work? lol

>> No.17780852

In communism if you make something you keep it, equal pay for equal work.

>> No.17780873

I don't benefit
I work you comrade take 50% of my shit
I am better of being a criminal or a terrorist
I am talking about Europe now
so I do what every good socialist do and that is to pretend that I work

>> No.17780878

i live in a country that was socialist, most workers did jackshit and in many cases stole from the workplace with absolutely no repercussions

>> No.17780885

Stay seething commie kike

>> No.17780896

>that's how it is in capitalism. most workers do the minimum
Get a load of this bullshit

>> No.17780942
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In capitalism the goal is to get as much as possible; what you do (low effort or very inspired high effort) doesn't really matter.

And even if what you say about Capitalism is correct, the effects are much worse in Communism where outcomes are stagnant and/or same.

>doing unethical things
Taking things from others is inherently unethical? Did you never receive a paycheck in your life? Giving and taking is life.

>All successful people cheated so a "good guy" like me will never succeed. Therefore I will never try and just wait for communism to save me

see >>17780310

>> No.17780946

>In communism if you make something you keep it
..how would you apply this in the modern world?

>> No.17780948
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>tfw using the immortal science of Dialectical Materialism to predict the stock market
Where's your snake now faggot

>> No.17780976

its not worth arguing with room tempature iq capitalist bootlickers comrade

>> No.17780991

>he's defending jewish billionaires again
please tell me why people like paul singer deserve to keep their money

>> No.17780992

Your boss takes way more than 50% of your work's value, and yet you still allow him to do so.

>> No.17780995

Wasn't that socialism, /leftypol/ are you ok?

>> No.17781027

Your labor has a value, and so you get all of that value back in the form of goods and such.

>> No.17781042

and like a cuck, he gets nothing in return.

i bet he's gonna say it's not real capitalism too. LOL

>> No.17781056
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Reminder pic related solved Marxism and reading any Marxist besides him is an utter waste of time.

>> No.17781064

the reason I have a boos is because the state exists
no state, things are much more dynamic

>> No.17781069

Socialism is lower stage communism, higher stage communism where everything is automated and no one works is Utopian.

>> No.17781072
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>You're either a poor loser or a Gazillionaire! Us vs them!

Angry basement dweller with a sense of reality warped by years of endless internet use detected

>> No.17781096

>no state, things are much more dynamic
What do you mean?

>> No.17781107

that’s definitely unique to your socialist country btw
there are no lazy workers where you live now

>> No.17781118
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Also I want to stay in the upper-middle class than be equally poor like you angry NEET Commie losers.

Yeah I'm selfish I'M SO SORRY.

>> No.17781121
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oh my god. you are a grug brain.

>hurr durr, remove state. make things more dynamic

absolute state of capital cucks

>> No.17781136

the state is the problem
no state no problem
nationhood is a believe system that is getting so weak, people need to be programmed from 4 to 24

>> No.17781137

You are either getting bailed out during this crash or you aren’t, that’s right

>> No.17781157

He has this delusion in his head where the power void won't immediately be filled by monopoly corporations who will purchase mercenaries to seize property and defend it

>> No.17781174

Explain exactly how without a state you'd have no boss.

>> No.17781186

if this is the best defense of capital you can muster, then the communist revolution is gonna happen much quicker than i thought

>> No.17781190
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> the way to get ahead in capitalism is just to become a parasite

True capitalism is all about running your own small business where a truck driver saves enough money to branch of into his own small trucking company to fill unmet needs in his area, for which others compensate his services with enough money to pay a wage to the workers he hires. Social mobility motherfucker.

>> No.17781198

Anon, do you understand what "private property" is?

>> No.17781205

>there are no lazy workers where you live now
yeah, but they are a minority
my problem is doing jackshit was the norm

>> No.17781214

Regressing to feudalism to own the commies.

>> No.17781220

yes, exploiting labor is how you form a "successful" small business. and?

>> No.17781229

try it out
as long as there is no belief
like it is a religion now
people will find a way

currently people are getting cucked because they act not according to their interest but to the "greater good"

>> No.17781259

Private property refers to the private ownership of the means of production, a consequence of that ownership is that only you gets to decide who benefits from its products, even if you don't contribute to labor.

>> No.17781288

I just want to thank you for displaying the intelligence level of those who hate commies.

(just in case you need it spelled out: you're retarded)

>> No.17781293

>lazy workers are the minority
you’re not a manager, are you?

>> No.17781300

no state will mean no mandatory nothing
my boss takes lets say 10% productivity, but the state takes 50% and more
typical human produces 5x what he needs
no state would mean I will not be in a state issued labor structure, the boss will have a lot more to keep me working for him

>> No.17781344

you mostly welcome
we the right, are right

like all superstitious, the state is waning and will die

>> No.17781371

Commies live in a mental prison they build themselves. They have very low self esteem and are so deep into learned helplessness that their only hope in life is that the collective will save them.

>> No.17781409
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>the communist revolution is gonna happen much quicker than i thought
Angry online Communist NEETS of the world UNITE!

>> No.17781436

>my boss takes lets say 10% productivity, but the state takes 50% and more
You mean through taxes? Your boss takes way more value from you than the state ever takes in taxes, and that's without getting into the fact that communism wouldn't have a state or taxes.

>> No.17781445

right wingers stay strawmanning. every other communist I know is either a wagie or a tradesman. every NEET I’ve ever known is either a lolbert or ancap.

>> No.17781458

or maybe commies are making legitimate criticism of capitalism and you idiots have no counterarguments so you just fantasize about torturing the people who bested you in argumentation

>> No.17781475

my dad works at nintendo

>> No.17781504

this, LOL. you have to be a NEET to have such retarded lolbert / ancap beliefs.

>> No.17781528

if I produce 100 bags of rice
my boss takes 10
my state - OUR STATE - takes 50
I have 40 bags for me

>> No.17781621

your boss is taking all the rice you retard. this is how your precious capitalism works

>> No.17781647

Literal strawman. A socialist state will absolutely give you back your 100 bags of rice, maybe take like 10-20 bags in value for further social development, which will still benefit you.

>> No.17781689

lol at all of the porky/kike shills in this thread. It took the entire capitalist world to take down ONE sizable socialist state and now the other one is taking over the world as we speak. You lost.

>> No.17781697
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I made that copypasta after talking to Leftists at /his/ for ~3-4 years.

Every time the debate becomes personal and ad hominem-y I noticed how the Leftists start cry/whining that the economy/system is rigged and unless you're "born into wealth" you can almost never succeed under Capitalism. I keep telling them that you should at least try (it worked for me) but they keep saying it's impossible to win unless you're a "cheating billionaire" like this loser is saying >>17780790

Also when I use this copypasta they never denied that they were NEETs. Yesterday some commie raiders here were proud of their NEET status and "the NEETS are going to seize the means of..." blah blah blah. You're the first person to say that communists are not NEETS.

>> No.17781706

no he is not
my state is taking stuff and provides nothing
in ancapistan
my boss still will take 10 bags
and I will pay 10 bags for insurance

but in the end I will have 80 bags not 40

>> No.17781755

the state will give me back my stuff

how about not take it first

it is very easy comrade

>> No.17781810
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Legit criticisms of capitalism is not enough.

>> No.17781819

The "state" is just a regulatory body controlled by all the working people, it doesn't even matter you still got your shit back.

>> No.17781858


>> No.17781899

you don't know how this works
once the people are cost to you, you reduce the cost

as I said before, completion will just switch to party positions, that will corrupt the party beyond imagination as it always happens

meanwhile since there is no profit motive, resource allocation will kill the supply chain

>> No.17781935

Damn bro, your anecdotal evidence counters my anecdotal evidence. What ever am I to do?

>> No.17781973

>every other communist I know is either a wagie or a tradesman
what a load of shit, there is no group that hates communists more than blue collar working folk who know the meaning of hard work

>> No.17782038

I talked to so many salty Leftist NEET losers at /his/ that it should become a statistical evidence.

I'm doing the census work there you should thank me.

>> No.17782041

Well, the party only gets corrupted if there is no checks on it, and that's why the soviet union fell. We need to be armed and organized so that the bureaucracy doesn't get corrupted. And even still, this corrupted party was way less exploitative than capitalist businesses.

>> No.17782046

Keep repeating your (laughable) anecdotal evidence anyways?

>> No.17782111

yes comrade the gestapo will protect the party

but, you still have toilet paper shortage

no profit = no reason do shit
not keeping what I earn = no pint of working

>> No.17782143
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Could you say that in English, please?

>> No.17782155
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>> No.17782179

>And even still, this corrupted party was way less exploitative than capitalist businesses.
I disagree

>> No.17782211
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>true capitalism

>> No.17782244

Why? There was way way less wealth disparity in the soviet union than in most of the capitalist world.

>> No.17782272

mandatory this and that is not capitalism

>> No.17782320

everybody was equality poor
happy times right

>> No.17782334

Marx work was an analysis, not a political ideology tractatus

Saying that some political regime is better on the basis of what is said is completely missing the point

>> No.17782350

Yes everyone was equally pretty poor.

I want to continue living my normal upper-middle class American life. Fuck the poor.

>> No.17782372

No, soviet production surpassed the USA pre-WWII and was still on par with it and Europe post-WWII.
I'm a Marxist and I agree.

>> No.17782376

There is literally as much evidence supporting my claim as there is yours, meaning that we both have no fucking evidence other than our own personal experiences. In my time the vast majority of communists I’ve seen are wagies, few tradesmen. All of the commie NEETs I’ve ever met are weird nazbols or anarchists. Anarchists are not communists.

>> No.17782424

see >>17782350

>> No.17782473

that is because it was not communist yet
once it switched to communism it went ogre

>> No.17782482

Literal delusion. The state will give you nothing back. It will take, redistribute into non-viable social policies and immediately proceed to become a total economical disaster. Fact.
Proof? See every socialist state.

>> No.17782496

>No, soviet production surpassed the USA pre-WWII and was still on par with it and Europe post-WWII.

Still doesn't beat the fruits of an upper-middle class American life. Fuck off.

>> No.17782552
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>it was not communist yet
>it switched to communism

>> No.17782596

you had a capitalistic system, and a cataclysm, WW1 and WW2 that destroyed the old order

>> No.17782605
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I'll have to burst your lil' cope bubble here, my bad, little guy.

>> No.17782607

What you're talking about is capitalist states.
Proving that the only people who don't want communism are petite bourgeois.

>> No.17782687

LMAO this is definitely going into my communist folder

>> No.17782724

topkek, I'm talking about your shithole countries, mate. USSR, China, Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba. You lil' famine-ridden, corrupt, non-white, shitholes.

>> No.17782974
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>Proving that the only people who don't want communism are petite bourgeois.
Well technically I started well into the low class. I lived in basements with no windows and in attics of restaurants with cockroaches, rats and bedbugs. After a series of good financial decisions me and my family got firmly planted into the upper-middle class America.

That is why I zealously defend the capitalist American dream. Sure I could be a minority but once I tasted the fruit of Capitalism, I could never go back. That's why I think Communists that whine that they could never succeed in Capitalism are losers.

>> No.17783193

>people who consider themselves “leftists” aka anyone who likes bernie sanders
>only protestors
>only Berlin
>only people arrested aka dumb kids
>”This’ll get that commie, this PROVES that all commies are nothing but NEETs”
The real cope

>> No.17783428


>> No.17783540

>commies are making legitimate criticism of capitalism
Their criticisms are based on the deluded idea that hierarchies are immoral and everyone is just an interchangeable economic unit who can perform the exact same roles as everyone else

>> No.17783545
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The real cope is you losers raiding /biz/ to feel better about your shitty finances.

We're doing fine. Leave.

>> No.17783743

imagine being this defensive about communism posting. must be some fat 50 year old boomer who can't get over the jew propaganda he ingested

>> No.17783923

just shut up and leave. You guys won't get any new followers with annoying "Contradictions" spams

>> No.17784328

>thinking the average worker creates value twice his wage
The average communist is a dipshit without the slightest clue how dumb he sounds

>> No.17784431

It's not because you'd have to convince most people to accept lower quality of life. My advice is to work and invest, and support unions, syndicates, coops etc because your gay revolution isnt happening anytime soon

>> No.17784534

>you hate my genocidal ideology, which means youre a trump voter
heres why sanders wont get the nomination

>> No.17784585

>Your labor has a value
in capitalism it also has. you get paid accordingly for working

>> No.17784649

>>people who consider themselves “leftists” aka anyone who likes bernie sanders
those literally are leftists you tard

>> No.17784766

Name one time this occurred in a socialist state.

>> No.17784943

>No, soviet production surpassed the USA pre-WWII and was still on par with it and Europe post-WWII.

Except that production was overwhelmingly slanted towards industrial, and especially military-industrial goods. No market forces to direct the production, you understand. So yes, they produced lots, but during the same periods the US produced at least 8 new industries that I can think of, as well as two world-defining technologies (the transistor and the wireless signal receiver). The Soviets produced a Thing, a flying grapefruit, and a whole lot of misery.

>> No.17784954

>can't get over the jew propaganda he ingested
Ironic coming from a marxist

>> No.17785010

>t. Doesn’t live in reality or lives in Portland
It’s really the other way around though. Why would a NEET believe in ideologies that don’t support benefit lifestyle? Also, most tradies are basic republicans or libertarians. I’ve never encountered a commie.

>> No.17786529

good take, now analyze how its more rewarding to be a parasite and how extraordinarily difficult it is to do what you just said