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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 750x563, Santa Claus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17779892 No.17779892 [Reply] [Original]

Free market:
>Circuit Breakers
>1.5 trillion dollar injections to "calm investors"
>Outlawing shorts
>Clear manipulation
>Clear monopolies
>Clear oligopolies

Let me guess. Real capitalism was never tried?

>> No.17779920

Death camps for communists, and their family members too.

>> No.17779927
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Daily reminder: Angry online NEET Communists will always be losers and failures at life.

As they believe the markets are "rigged" against the people, they do not participate in the economy; they do not try to open a business or get a job because they believe "capitalism is rigged" so it's not worth trying. They are poor when the economy is good and they are destitute when the economy is bad.

Every morning they fall asleep in their damp mother's basement mattress, they dream that their SKY DADDY COMMUNISM will miraculously drop from the sky and perform miracles on their poor life decisions.

>> No.17779934

wow, so edgy, lolbert. funny how all you have is edginess and zero actual arguments.

>> No.17779969

Based. fpbp.

I honestly had no strong opinions about Marxists before they started

>> No.17779989

Real capitalism ended when the federal reserve was created.

You are confusing late stage capitalism with early stage communism

>> No.17779999

before they started spamming /pol/

>> No.17780019

defend 1.5 trillion to "calm investors". do this without deflecting to the ebils of communism.

i'll wait.

>> No.17780020
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>> No.17780044


>> No.17780048

Every dies, but you will die screaming. Were going to make an Olympic event out of torturing communists to death, and millions of people around the world are going to watch you have your testicles pulled out of your eye sockets. They will clap and cheer.

>> No.17780080
File: 24 KB, 117x146, Screen Shot 2019-11-13 at 6.06.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every dies, but you will die screaming. Were going to make an Olympic event out of torturing communists to death, and millions of people around the world are going to watch you have your testicles pulled out of your eye sockets. They will clap and cheer.

>> No.17780091
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I won't because I didn't like that either. However, that is not evidence that Communism will be any better.

That's why I think it's pathetic to see you basement dewlling angry online Communist NEETs dancing when the economy is in a bear market, thinking it's somehow proof that Communism is great.

>> No.17780092
File: 190 KB, 2048x1432, E76F24C1-1B09-44D9-8723-DF2723FB42BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only thing you need to know about capitalism

>> No.17780093


Where would you rather live?
USA vs. Soviet Union
UK vs. Venezuela
South vs. North Korea

Commiecucks laugh at Capitalism when it has a blip but the last 100 years of communism is poverty, fascism and murder.

>> No.17780118
File: 13 KB, 220x328, 220px-Corneliu_Zelea_Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/LeftyKikes/ still trying to get people on this board?? Lmao, sad. Ad a Fascist, why don't you try subverting /pol/? Oh wait, you'll get destroyed and forced to regroup back into plebbit and larpy leftypol sites

>> No.17780121
File: 11 KB, 300x300, Beard man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bank bailouts
>Toilet paper hoarding
>Pharma companies monopolizing critical life drugs.
>People defending billionaires.

>> No.17780147

Hello, based department?

>> No.17780163
File: 113 KB, 500x480, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17780176

Marx was wrong

>> No.17780177

>And more regulations
Yes that's what i call cronyism

>> No.17780185
File: 234 KB, 360x348, 1574012332422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is evidence that Communism is great and will never fail

Brainlet .000000000000001 IQ idiot detected

>> No.17780258

the USA has been fully socialist since 1933, and on a path to socialism since 1913 or 1873 depending on semantics. what the fuck is your point, that socialism is a dumpster fire? I'd agree. looks like lots of people are going to die again because of it too. once they're gone maybe we can try capitalism

>> No.17780265

honestly think it's all 1 capital cuck sperg on different IPs defending shitty capital, kek

>> No.17780292

Fuck capitalism it’s a Jewish scam system and fuck your faggot Marx. He was born by a Jewish mother. Communism is a Jew system also.

3rd option kike. Be scared

>> No.17780325
File: 94 KB, 640x429, the-entry-of-the-colours-at-the-german-national-socialist-party-day-ec7tkp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascist Corporatism is good enough.

>> No.17780338

you won't do shit pussy lol

>> No.17780360

>Fed = bad
Holy shit. Why do uneducated people talk the most shit?

>> No.17780372

As a matter of fact, yes.

>> No.17780376
File: 205 KB, 278x288, 1480726872867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's just 1 guy defending capitalism in the most capitalist board in 4channel guys!!

says the raider that never invested a cent in her life

>> No.17780413


Tell me more about how printing 1.5 trillion to prop up a fake economy is capitalism

Show your math, schlomo

>> No.17780486

It would be great if we could get rid of both kiked up options. But since its the world we are living i'll take Capitalism over communism.

>> No.17780532

I didn't claim it was capitalism, you low IQ mongoloid. But going around claiming Fed is bad lacks basic knowledge on why they were created. It's as retarded as those libertarians yelling out "TAXATION IS THEFT. GOVERNMENT BAD."

>> No.17780594

Wrong. I'm just waiting for it to become socially acceptable to begin exterminating you insects. I will make history.
Some of you queers already found out what a lead shot sap does to their front teeth when they tried to square up against me at some protests in 2016 and 17.
The first time I ever saw a communist laying on the ground moaning with blood pouring out of his mouth, I knew I had found my calling.

>> No.17780659
File: 29 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of you queers already found out what a lead shot sap does to their front teeth when they tried to square up against me at some protests in 2016 and 17.
>The first time I ever saw a communist laying on the ground moaning with blood pouring out of his mouth, I knew I had found my calling.

Holy shit extremely based.

>> No.17780670


>Bootlicking for the heart of corporate and government corruption

>> No.17780672

I am incapable of abstract thought and believe we can only keep our system exactly as it is or become a communist dictatorship

>> No.17780731
File: 21 KB, 113x134, Screen Shot 2019-12-30 at 1.54.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17780739

>I'm just waiting for it to become socially acceptable to begin exterminating you insects
Nice excuse, keep on waiting for the time when you'll get to live out your fantasies

>> No.17780770

couldn't agree more

>> No.17780788
File: 32 KB, 447x512, leftypol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous (ID: Uwr6D1qf)3/1/20(Fri)19:36:46 No.17780731▶File: Screen Shot 2019-12-30 at(...).png (21 KB, 113x134)21 KB


>> No.17780807

This is why cash only, consumerist wagies lose in the end and those who go balls deep in the market win no matter what. You want to be on the side of the Jews.

>> No.17780823

Good work, anon.

>> No.17780863

>he doesn't understand why before Feds, local banks used to consistently fail and people used to buy gold due to this
Why are American's such low IQ and only ones to talk about shit they have no idea about?

>> No.17780899

Real capitalism has been tried and it worked.
Notice a difference

>> No.17780901
File: 153 KB, 719x707, 1c389d3d37ebabcebf3a1c5460606f5ce8af98d2c37f899ad6505ad466630f42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, commies must have really hurt you to be seething this much.

>> No.17780950

In real capitalism, you don't wipe your ass, because the towns people decided to raid the only shop and hoard toilet paper.

Praise capitalism.

>> No.17780973

Nobody needs an excuse to kill pestilential vermin.

>> No.17781066

Fuck commies!

>> No.17781084

"real capitalism" is the shitshow society we have now

>> No.17781126
File: 102 KB, 1387x749, 1515892119724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude totally LMFAO

>> No.17781141

But the reason you kill vermin is that you're afraid of them. Are you afraid?

>> No.17781151

Please follow the post chain, retard. What did >>17779989 say

>> No.17781163

we're really afraid of you dude. keep talking shit on four chan dot org, we're pissing our pants

>> No.17781202


Well, socialism is certainly a disease to be wary of, and kill before it infects anyone else.

>> No.17781211

lefty, this is some cool ass shit to say tho.

>> No.17781295

No. We kill vermin because they are a damaging inconvenience. Just like you petite bourgeoisie children and mental patients larping as communists.

>> No.17781317
File: 54 KB, 713x592, 4a571frxfm431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you must be so afraid that you're just ITCHING to kill somebody for wrongthink.

>> No.17781322
File: 44 KB, 400x266, 0000129_gold-british-sovereign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Communism meanwhile all fail because it depends on a central state to distribute and micromanage every tiny thing in a massive nation. Giving all responsibilities to a state makes it very vulnerable to corruption and power hunger.

That is why all Communist projects that started pure all ended up as failed authoritarian states or things that just disappear by itself (e.g. China without fanfare abandons Maoism and just becomes a hypercapitalist state). All those failed Communist states are REAL COMMUNISM

>> No.17781343

why are /pol/faggots so obsessed with other men's testicles?

>> No.17781347

kys, desu

>> No.17781359


>> No.17781365

>a stocks trader calls me petite bourgeois
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

>> No.17781387

If the fed is good for rich cronies how will you stop them from lobbying the government to implement the fed in an early capitalist system?

>> No.17781388

You can think whatever you like, commie. You will be killed for your subversive actions and long history of social media terrorism against innocent Americans.

>> No.17781477

Lol, what "subversive actions" exactly? You sound like a red scare parody.

>> No.17781487

I know exactly what it means, and I know you don't have calluses on your hands, and I know you are overweight. You're not a prole. You're a pretender. You make a mockery of your own retarded ideology by simply existing and identifying as a follower.

You're a joke, but you will still suffer the same consequences as your more motivated "comrades" who actually have a reason to demand a revolution.

>> No.17781500

>can't defend his own country and gets btfo by nazis
>gets liberated by literal communists
>"i kill gommunists, gommunists aren't people :DDD"
what an ungrateful /pol/ack bitch.

>> No.17781557

I thought death camps/gulags was why you didn't want communism, though?

>> No.17781564

What's the definition of "petite bourgeoisie"?

>> No.17781677

They wouldn't be allowed to lose their life savings on retarded quick money schemes under communism, which is their entire reason for living.

>> No.17781789

>kills millions of innocents and makes them all slaves for decades
>starve them and ruin their country
You deserve a free helicopter ride, subhuman.

>> No.17781836

Commies aren't people.

>> No.17781925
File: 16 KB, 600x315, cringe pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that you think "social media terrorism" is a thing kinda belies the fact you're obviously a huge pussy

>> No.17782032

Power always coalesces over time and power always corrupts. Nobless oblige becomes nobless malice, especially in globalised mystery meat economic zones we call our countries where the wealthy are even more divorced from their poorer kin. This isn't late stage capitalism, it's the late stage of Western civilization. Time is a flat circle

>> No.17782132

>doesnt answer the question

>> No.17782233

How is any of that capitalism? It's not even free market.

>> No.17782392

>"y-y-you deserve a helicopter r-ride!"
whatever, /pol/cuck. btw the chilean helicopter faggot ruined his country more than any leader before or after him.

>> No.17783320

line go down, now gibs me dat for free