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17771960 No.17771960 [Reply] [Original]

Just to #correct the record against the misinformation on here, and to save anons from making a few disastrous investment decisions (more like a few more), let's correct a few misunderstandings people seem to have about the Coronavirus.

>> No.17771970
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1. People seem to believe that the virus will go away during the Summer - this will emphatically NOT happen - read Lipsitch's (Harvard epidemiologist) analysis of this claim - it's just very unlikely, and we have very, very little evidence that it will be the case (https://docs.google.com/document/d/17mWPx-HTE1F2RKkbJlt4VkSYaznUiJgt21nuvmu51Kc/ - googledocs link, take precautions)

>> No.17772024
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2. This is discussed in the above link, but I'll repeat it here: contrary to what most people think, children *are* infected at rates similar or equal to those of adults - "We further show that children are at similar risk of infection as the general population, though less likely to have severe symptoms; hence should be considered in analyses of transmission and control." (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.03.20028423v1)) - meaning, there are vast segments of the population which will remain without symptoms, yet will probably be infected.

>> No.17772025


>> No.17772059

>but in the end, zoomers won

>> No.17772076

nice larp

>> No.17772326

3. For some reason, people seem to trust physicians and surgeons to tell them The Truth About the Virus™ - but this is mistaken. It's not a coincidence that every single "anti-Panic" "expert" is a medical professional of sorts, but *never* an epidemiologist or microbiologist. The below figures obviously sound absurd, but you should understand they aren't *that* absurd - do note that the "Spanish Flu" ended up infecting more than 30% of the world population - and today our flow of people is far more intense than it was at that time. Now that we have that out of the way - there is an immense amount of top-ranked epidemiologists who suggest that 40-70% of the world population will be infected (1. http://archive.is/a3zaZ)) (2.http://archive.is/Xcxwm)) (3.http://archive.is/oVSmP)) - NOTE: Again, this will likely sound absurd, ZOGged, kike-ish, niggerish, etc. prima facie - but consider the almost complete absence of any rational arguments against it - the only argument that has ever been constructed is that the USA, the EU, etc. will act in a brutally, *unprecedented* manner to stop the spread of the virus - in many ways, it will have to be more brutal than it was in China's case - the virus has already spread, even if we go solely by official figures, to the most flyover of flyover states in the USA - radical measures will be required - and this here is the main point - these measures will *necessarily* bring economic activity to the very minimum, even if they are successful - and this is what ought to matter if you are looking to invest.

>> No.17772353

who believes that? kids get infected as everyone else, they just dont get critical

>> No.17772370 [DELETED] 

discord gg XeY9zy
Join, we are currently talking about the Coronavirus and the stock market

>> No.17772380
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forgot to attach the anime girl image - FUCK.

4. You've been warned. Take your money out of the stock market if you have any - there will be no "rebound" any time soon.

>> No.17772539

>but *never* an epidemiologist or microbiologist
And you are?

>> No.17772566

You couldn't pry my hands off this bag with a crowbar, faggot. In fact, I'm gonna buy more when they fall further.

>> No.17772788
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5. Something else - the commonly repeated (by braindead faggot retards) death rates assume a well-functioning medical system. None of the niggers who repeat said claims understand that there is at all times an extremely non-linear relationship between remaining medical supply and death rates - as has recently been evidenced by Italy, where the death rate is now 5% against the global 3.4% - and there aren't even that many infected there yet when going by % of the population. When the medical supply approaches the point of *running out* - and it will, given that it only gets replenished, in the most optimistic scenario, linearly, whereas the growth of the pandemic is exponential - medical professionals and the gubmint will be forced to ration supplies - again, this all sounds extremely LARPy, niggerish, etc., but please consider whether *your* notions of it are not mistaken, just try to give a rational argument against it - death rates will certainly SPIKE. This will happen much before the infection count reaches the figures given by Lipsitch and co. - USA hospitals are already "having trouble" coping with the patients, it won't be long before the reality matches the rhetoric.

>> No.17773166

He's quoting epidemiologists and giving links, which is much better than someone larping as an epidemiologist on an anonymous Latvian clog dancing forum.

>> No.17773184
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not investment advice, but imo, you should wait, *at the very least*, for the first Wuhan-scale quarantine to be announced.

>> No.17773245
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>she isn't real
Bros I'm so lonely I just want a sweet 2D girl to love and cuddle

>> No.17773262

>but consider the almost complete absence of any rational arguments against it
this is a logical fallacy

>> No.17773356
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That was Italy.

Its pointless anyway, check out the lancet, the virus is airborne for 3 hours and survives in surfaces, madoan shedding is 22 fucking days and up to 37.

This means theres no stopping it. A single person will infect an entire building just through the heating system.

Also, people get reinfected.

Simply put, theres no way to quarantine people for over a month. Its ogre.

And that's without taking into account that all the cases we know of... have been infectious for 22 days and thus, already spread the thing.

We are all prolly infected now, we just wont jave symptoms for 2 weeks yet. Even if you weren't infected yet, that grocery store trup got you senpai.

Oh and apparently dogs can carry it.

It is ogre. This isn't even gonna slow, the world as we know it has 2 weeks. After that, everything is gonna be shut down for at least a few months due to panic.

>> No.17773362

I'm listening. What I meant was that there are, from what I've seen, several pretty good arguments for the ""apocalyptic"" infection thesis, but only a single argument against it. What's the logical fallacy?

>> No.17773416

I think his point is that absence of arguments is not an argument of absence, in a general sense. You must understand that we are 'tistic.

>> No.17773455

yes, exactly

>> No.17773478

Fuck’s sake, I live in a college dorm with a bunch of pajeets and changs so I’ve already made peace with being infected. I stocked up on whey powder too, about 7 pounds I’m my room and I will loot the local shoppers drug market for more once the state collapses.

>> No.17773536

Someone please say this faggot is wrong, I'm panicking over here

>> No.17773560

6. It only infects asians because they have more ACE2 receptors.
7. It's just the flu bro.

>> No.17773585


Can you share your folder of all these qts please?

>> No.17773588

DYOR faggot

>> No.17773612

It's not just a flu, it's a boomer killer virus
I dont want my mom to die

>> No.17773647
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Yeah, I think this is basically correct, but anon seemed to have great enthusiasm for buying into the market. I think the UK's plans are the most interesting at this stage. I think they will probably backfire horribly on them, but then again, I could be wrong.

>> No.17773673
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>> No.17773791

Ofcourse it will backfire. Our gov is run by Dominic Cummings after all, who associates himself with eugenicists. The PM response could literally be interpreted as the 'the strong will survive, and the weak will perish'. I was in London today and people are still waging as normal. The UK being totally and utterly fucked is an understatement. I think we might literally see a facist government takeover end of year once this one inevitably collapses.

>> No.17773834

Well, I mean, the bristish plan is essentially: *hope for the best and make peace with your deity*.

And well, its not like anything else can be done. Aggressive China style quarantine woulda worked a few weeks ago, for a bit. But you cant just seal buldings where someone coughed for a month, and kill every dog in the west.

And that's not gonna stop it anyway, even there.

If it makes anyone feel better, 80% of us will still be here, hopefully.

>> No.17773851

>7 pounds of whey powder
Based and gainspilled, I hope you got a barbell and some 45s in there too.

>> No.17773889

You forgot that it mostly kills chinks.

>> No.17773938

>A new study in the Lancet, based on research in China, found that the median length of time the virus remains in the respiratory tract of a patient after symptoms begin is 20 days. Among patients who survived the disease, the virus continued to be shed for between eight and 37 days.

Monday is when the cat falls back to the ground.

>> No.17774272

I've made peace with everyone including me eventually getting it. The only thing that spazzes me out are the /pol/ larps about infinite reinfection and lung scarring unto death, and/or the respiratory aids theory. Basically any twist that would permanently compromise my health.

I had a mild fever and sore throat two days last week, then it vanished. Now it's back again suddenly as of last night, still mild as fuck and no respiratory symptoms. So now it's got me worried that I've got it asymptomatic, which is good, but that it's reinfecting me, which is not so good.

>> No.17774306

Mortality rate is a bit over 3%, even if everyone was infected ~ 97% of us would still be here.

>> No.17774379
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If it makes you feel better, shedding virus longer is correlated with dying according to the lancet wuhan outcome study.

Its not causation, but people who shed longer, tend to die more.

But yes, we are all gonna get it, if we dont have it already. We don't know if everyone gets reinfected or only some, and the lung thing might be only the unlucky 20% who need respirators.

But... there's not enough respirators for everyone so I wouldn't worry too much about surviving with lung damage unless you get infected at the start and luck into a ventilator.

Tldr: relax, be happy!


Eh... thats with perfect care. Some 20% need ventilators. Without a ventilator... well, Iran and Italy ran out.

>> No.17774895

The death rates don't matter.
It's the economy going full retard, the Fed going full retard and most importantly the public at large going full retard that I'm worried about.

>> No.17775527

only ~60% of deaths were in china

>> No.17775970

Most people have already been infected and recovered, likely without even noticing it. Remember, death rate only takes into consideration confirmed cases, and confirmed cases will overrepresent those with moderate to severe symptoms because they are the ones who are most likely to be tested for it. The virulence of COVID-19 means that it was likely spread worldwide by the time january was over, and we only now see so many new cases because people are panicking and everyone wants to get tested for just a minor cough. Literally every grocery store and warehouse in the developed world is packed with chink goods. There is no way that ot isn't already everywhere. The virus had run it's course before anyone even started taking it seriously.

>> No.17776005

This 100%. The virus itself is nothing. The ensuing panic and reaction is the real problem.

>> No.17776126


This is where I'm at. I bet hundreds of millions have already caught and gotten over it. If it's soooo fucking contagious there's no way there's only some odd 100,000 cases worldwide. Especially when any famous person who decides to take a test for it suddenly finds out they have it.

>> No.17776152

>Its not causation, but people who shed longer, tend to die more.
So basically you're saying I'm gonna fucking die? Since I seem to be sustaining it at a low level over time instead of just getting sick real fast then recovering real fast. Either way I'm taking C, D, and zinc every day just in case (and I had them lying around anyways from before all this)

>> No.17776257

You niggers are hopeless.

>> No.17776350

Why do you think i'm wrong?

>> No.17776351

I disagree with your FUD but you have good taste in 2D

>> No.17776494

Yes yes, We get it. You're a chinese national shorting the stock market. Thank you for this information. Surely the world is about to end and everybody is going to die and its going to be the worst thing ever. Just like swine flu. Or ebola. or the shimatah. Or the thousands of other epidemics.

Its a shame that normalfags like you actually come to 4chan in this day and age.

>> No.17776539
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Laying around, not lying.

Nah, you'll likely be fine. Remember the study only covered people who got hospitalized. If you aren't bad enough to be hospitalized, you clearly aren't having sepsis, chain organ failure, pneumonia or any of those things and might just be a carrier.

Either way, if I was you, I'd take it easy, relax, be comfy, get lots of rest and food and light excercise.

Oh and pray to our holy lady of corona for limes and good fortune just in case.

>> No.17776549

You're going to listen to a plebbit spacing faggot about the end of the world? Are you 18?

>> No.17776552
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>> No.17776642

4chan and /pol/ are filled with retarded normalfaggots and boomers. Of course boomers are going to panic. Its the day of the pillow for them.

4chan as a source of information is less reliable than plebbit these days. At least plebbit doesn't have 50 cent army glow nigger spooks lurking everywhere.All of the good, rational and smart people on this website have left a long time ago. All that remains are the retarded braindead followers like you who don't know shit about shit.

>> No.17776664


>> No.17776681

>muh spacing


There you go, educate yourself and be better bro. Fuck that hurt to type.

Anyway, its been confirmed by other resultscoming out today. All the quarantine stuff is pointless. Theres a reason all these famous people are showing positive: we are all infected already.

Sorry bro, if it makes you feel better, most of us should make it, hopefully.

>> No.17776710

>conveniently looking at shitaly and China and ignoring first world national statistics.
The death rate is not 20% its not even 3%. The death rate is 0.1%

>> No.17776738

this is wishful thinking. if everyone catches it at the same time, then that means the boomers that caught it in your area would be dead already. it has a 5% kill rate.
if they're not dead, it means it hasn't reached your area yet, or its in the 3-7 day mean incubation time.

i don't know why people want to claim so badly they caught it 2 months ago before it even spread.

>> No.17776752
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Could this actually be the case? ...please say yes.

>> No.17776759

>muh spacing
>continues to be a plebbitor
Fuck off "bro"
The death rate is incredibly small. Go ahead and keep panicking as the jewish media wants you to do.

>> No.17776789

>5% kill rate
What jewish media head told you that? Do they conveniently ignore Japan and Korea? You know, actually civilized countries?

>> No.17776792

Yo, mr glow, according to the john hopkins thing of known cases, theres 5 k deaths with 128 k cases. That's... not 0.1%

Yes, the world will lolely continue to exist, but...

Anyway, shouldn't you gbtpol?

>> No.17776799

you can't count the death rate when its only been a few days since the first infections were discovered.

>> No.17776830

>The death rate is 0.1%
Give me proof. Also, the region in Italy that was hardest hit was one of its wealthiest (most Aryan #nordicist) regions.

>> No.17776864

italy and iran aren't civilized? I won't trust japan & south korea's numbers for another few weeks.
China is turning on factory lights to pretend they're doing fine. korea could hold up a tough facade for a few weeks when the reality could be much different.

given it just wiped out a nursing home in seattle i'm going to wait this out.

>> No.17776865

>theres 5 k deaths with 128 k cases
In italy as we have already discussed. Korea has officially stated that the death rate is 0.1%. I trust them far more than Italy considering they probably tested more people who actually had the virus rather than people with the extreme cases.

But yes, i'm a glow nigger because i'm not a fucking retard who believes that the end of the world is soon. Do you know how many end of the world events I have lived through. You are a literal normalfag puppet of the jewish media.

>> No.17776866

Death rates are only super low if you belive chink people don't lie the fuckin shit out of you

>> No.17776874

Don't bother, he found the jewish conspiracy, time to shut the virus down, the goyim know.

Surely only the degenerate will fall to the chinksease.

Jesus fuck, I hope he is larping. I love some good pol now and then but...

>> No.17776906

This fear mongering is so utterly pathetic.

The only two facts that matter are that (1) new cases are dropping in China on a daily basis and (2) the death rate for young, healthy people is incredibly low.


This shit is so pathetic and symptomatic of a pussified world NOT of a deadly disease.

>> No.17776919


I was a bit off. But not by much. Its literally nothing. You are a retarded normal cattle. LMAO. How does it feel to be absolutely retarded normalfag?

>> No.17776940

also, japan has 2.5% death rate, they were probably just better at closing their border with china.
USA is a porous sieve that allows millions of migrants to pass through every day
i didn't say it was the end of the world. but if trends continue 100 million will die, and 300 million will have the worst sickness of their life. it'd be nice if we prevented that.

>> No.17776954

I understand you really wish that it was truly the end of the world but its not. Be objective instead of being biased. Its how jews trick you into being a retard.

>> No.17776970

I'm just telling you to get out of the market - not that it will be the end of the world. The long-term effects may even be revenue-positive, if the virus really gets going - for extremely obvious reasons.

I don't trust gooks, chinks, or niggers. I only trust the Jews. (see you on Monday)

>> No.17776982

if I was in south korea i wouldn't worry too much. But i'm in globohomo america where no one understands what a respirator is, and chinks are allowed to spread their viruses freely.

>> No.17777037

Japan has a death rate of 1.5%. Now you are just outright lying to try and convince yourself its the end of the world. Try to be a little bit more rational and open minded. Don't assume that you are intelligent and don't assume that you are right about everything.

And just a reminder that they are specifically testing people who they believe have it. The actual death rate is likely to be much much lower if they were capable of testing every citizen.

>> No.17777110

Thats not the issue you stupid faggot. It doesn't matter how good your health system is or isn't. You probably have a 0.002% chance of dying unless you are above the age of 70 or under the age of 3

>> No.17777145

Death rate is <1% if the healthcare system is functional (ala S.Korea), or 4-5% if it is being overwhelmed (ala Wuhan, Italy). Of course, all biased against the elderly and pre-existing conditions.

Honestly, this is just nature's way of cleansing the weak.

>> No.17777191

Perhaps the markets will continue to go down but not for much longer. I give it a month until we see some massive rallies. Normalfags are irrationally selling the market. The market itself is always irrational.

Objectively their is no reason to sell right now. In fact i'd go as far as saying it would be a great time to invest in costco ect ect because the normal cattle masses are running through those stores en mass.

>> No.17777218

so just kill all the boomers then? i'm just saying it wouldn't kill the world to do a 3-week quarantine to kill the virus.
i would figure the boomers wanted to live their retirement.
10 million dead boomers is still a lot.

>> No.17777233

It has nothing to do with the quality of hospitals and everything to do with survey sample size.

>> No.17777239
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Imagine being a nigger brain nothingburger shill still. You faggots denied early on how it was transmitted and the media defended you faggots. How does it feel /pol/ was right on it and here you are shooting yourself with no way to wipe it.

>> No.17777263

>stay back 6ft

>> No.17777266

It is 7% for closed cases

>> No.17777308

>I give it a month until we see some massive rallies.
Give an argument, at least. Btw - do you actually believe that the medical system in the US is closer to that of S.K. or Singapore than it is to Italy's?

>> No.17777349

You're assuming its going to spread that far and that quickly.

I fucking wish it was an actual plague. Historically, after huge swaths of the population die, economies prosper.

if 10 million boomers actually did die we could witness a great economic boost.

>> No.17777363

You have to project both open (optimistic) and closed cases (pessimistic) to their asymptotic value.

>> No.17777398

Not an argument. /pol/ use to always be right before plebbitor faggots and boomers like you showed up to shit up everything with your mediocrity.

>> No.17777435
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Why are you all screaming at each other over policies you have zero chance of affecting?

>> No.17777445

Here’s an argument: people are going to calm the fuck down and realize that the danger is exaggerated and that this thing isn’t apocalyptic.

>> No.17777503

the world is a meme

>> No.17777518

>150,000 cases, no sign of stopping
it will spread, the only question is if you're right that 60 year old boomers survive better than smoking chinks who don't wash their hands.
swine flu infected 1 billion, i don't know why you're acting as if that never happened.

>> No.17777569

it killed a 47 year old italian woman with no comorbidities. we're going to learn a lot about this virus in the next few weeks

>> No.17777655

If you're a old person it is. And guess who has the most money in the game of young vs old?

>> No.17777678

HOLD the fuck up. I've seen Rugrats ok so know who you're talking to. You're telling me Lipshits is real??

>> No.17778187
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Just lmao at using S.K. as your benchmark in view of this - nearly half of all cases there being under 40. Truly astounding Genius.

>> No.17778198

And guess where that money goes when they die.

>> No.17778210

yes it's already enough to prove the person I was replying to wrong. furthermore, this number falls fast and soon will be much, much lower

>> No.17778225

I'm guessing most old money goes into their corporations, lawyers and friends/business contacts they owe

>> No.17778288

>Look at all these pandemics that turned out to be nothing big at all.
>Not an argument.
Huh, guess you win anon.

>> No.17778305

Stop playing dumb.

>> No.17778360

For the millionth time
The biggest threat is governments and people acting like retards over this
The Fed dumping 15 trillion into """""""the economy""""""" is going to hurt far more than the virus

>> No.17778408

0.01% death rate anon - where did you go? what a retard. the proud /pol/tard race really has fallen.

>> No.17778613

The jews shut him down.

Worst goy ever.

>> No.17778763

Japan is likely hiding their real numbers, if the Olympics get cancelled it's all ogre for them.

>> No.17778939

i dont want to die lads

>> No.17779078
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>> No.17779094

You are running with the assumption that Covid19 actually is highly deadly, and using this unsubstantiated premise to assert that it can't be already mass proliferated among the populace because if it were more people would have died. However, you don't consider that the confirmed cases typically only account for the more symptomatic cases, and therefore mortality rate will be exaggerated among them, as these patients involve sicker people. Mild cases are anywhere from asymptomatic, to having symtpoms similar to a cold, and very few people will be get tested with such insignificant symptoms. Therefore, it is likely that actual infection rate is far higher than what is currently acknowledged, and it stands to reason real mortality would be much lower than published statistics.

>> No.17779309

>Therefore, it is likely that actual infection rate is far higher than what is currently acknowledged, and it stands to reason real mortality would be much lower than published statistics.

Proving these statements is likely to be very difficult, I know, but - do you actually have a statistical model that would help make better predictions than treating the official data as representative of all the ill? The Swiss have an interesting model here - but even it arrives at about 1.5% mortality - https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.04.20031104v1