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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17770597 No.17770597 [Reply] [Original]

>around 60,000 active cases
>whole world is shutting down
>economy is crashing

Wtf is going on with the world right now?
Less than 0.001% of the world is infected and everybody is going nuts.

>> No.17770607
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that is because normies think they can prevent it

>> No.17770682

Fear, panic, uncertainty. Initially manufactured.

>> No.17770690

While the virus isn't that bad/widespread yet in absolute numbers, countries are taking drastic measures such as shutting borders or shutting down shopping etc to prevent the spread.
This means less people working, less people buying stuff, which means companies are going to fall behind, default on loans, go bankrupt, which means people lose their jobs, their incomes, which means they'll buy less stuff... so people are selling their stocks, pulling their money out of the banks, because they want cash on hand, which leads to stocks going down, which means more people pull their money, which leads to further drops...

>> No.17770710

I'm obligated to stay at home 1 MONTH here in spaghettiland.

>> No.17770780
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>> No.17771574
File: 100 KB, 752x691, Oh no no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.17771623

What am I looking at here?

>> No.17771641

mass grave for all the hodlers

>> No.17771702

Unironically a chink psy-op to weaken the US, aided by corrupt leftist politicians who are politicizing the virus to gain an edge in the fall elections. The fear you are feeling is because glowies have gotten better at shaping the narrative, even getting autists on /pol/ to fall for it.

>> No.17771751

the healthcare system can't handle hundreds of thousands of new patients, if they do not delay the spread the fatality rate will be 20% instead of 2%

>> No.17771771

I'm thinking the same.

>> No.17771781

man you fucking american dumbfucks never fail to amaze me

>> No.17771791

I don't disagree with your take. I don't think shit is going to happen to me even if I do come down with it, but I am worried about supply shortages and my job security.

>> No.17771794

from australia to the US they are using this crisis to push socialist / collectivist agendas
look at how they are praising chinas totalitarian response while pushing for socializing everything in first world countries

>> No.17771819

Because this "ITS FINE BRO, ITS JUST A FLU" mentality is what will make this 10x worse.

>> No.17772027

uh, Iranians digging mass graves in a quantity viewable from fucking space, implying slightly less then scrupulous honesty with their ded totals, as photographed/reported by a still reasonably-reputable UK newspaper, all this - JUST wtf has this then to do with 'dumbfuck' Burgers, exactly, you shit-for-fucking-brain?

>> No.17772057

don't reply to third worlders bud

>> No.17772105

Agreed. Ps-op or not, the shortages are real.

>> No.17772238

these are the lengths the chinese would go to remove Trump as president just so the trade deal will go more in their favour.

>> No.17772343

It's a us - chink operation to keep usa going. How does this weaken usa? It nearly destroyed china and any Hope's we will continue trading with them and the rest of the world. Solved recession and no idiot will not vote for trump during this crisis he is basically daddy.

>> No.17772814


This is why you should be buying BTC, Tezos, and VRA.

>> No.17772869 [DELETED] 

discord gg XeY9zy
Join, we are currently talking about the the stock market and the future of cryptocurrency

>> No.17773195

It's a zoonotic virus that jumped from animal to human in the wuhan wet market late last year.

>> No.17773301


>what is exponential rate of infection

we are only in the beginning. there is no cure. and it's in most of the countries already.
you don't need to be a genius to figure it out.

>> No.17773680

>China: yeah we got this, chill guys
>Germany: vi vill hav 50 millionz infekted
>USA: *shoots you for toilet paper*
>Spain: lmao public safety what's that

>> No.17773743

Hans, it's time to start the ovens again.

>> No.17773763

It's the repo market you stupod faggit

>> No.17773775

It doubles every week. Once it gets to the millions hospitals will be strained globally.

>> No.17773784

You’re a fucking moron or this is bait. You have to shit things down BEFORE people get infected....

>> No.17773787

No, the real fatality rate may rise to 1% instead of 0.1% - 0.01%. Currently the fatality rate is extremly inflated because only the worst cases are tested. Most people who get it won't even go to the doctor.

>> No.17773874
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its fucking oil you dumb nigger.

>> No.17773967

this but unironically

>> No.17774127

I don’t agree with you that it’s a chink psyop, but it’s definitely used by the left to undermine Trump administration. If you fall for it you’re a dumbass and you will never make it

>> No.17774166

I don't know where everyone is pulling these insane infection rates, considering China hasn't even reached more than 0.1% infected in nearly 4 months.

>> No.17774213
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I love this timeline

>> No.17774227
File: 49 KB, 825x464, doubtfulhogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did you get those numbers

>> No.17774326
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>/biz/ doesn't understand risk management
imagine my shock

>> No.17774852

>if he solves the recession
That’s a big “if” anon. I don’t think he can pull it off. Come Election Day, people vote with their wallets. If money is tight, they’ll vote for however promises the most gibs. That’s always the leftists.

>> No.17774879

>its a new mass grave because the image said so!!
Fucking mutts hahahahahaha the most gullible people on the planet

>> No.17774896

haha fucken idiot, he's planting crops

>> No.17774930

Test aren't being made, so the number of those infected will skyrocket once the tests are more accessible. Italy is a good example to why this should be taken seriously.

>> No.17774986

plague futures

>> No.17775296

>planting crops
in a cemetery?

>> No.17775320

China is lying.
Testing is very limited.
No one managed to contain the virus yet so it's fair to assume a lot of people will get infected.
Consider how many high profile people (actors, politicians etc) already tested positive - that should give you an idea on the scale. And this is only just starting.

>> No.17775336

>Iran builds some parking lots
>it’s ogre!
Fuck sandniggers anyway