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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17770553 No.17770553 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an unemployed NEET for years but I come from a wealthy family (top 5% of income globally). I used to work in marketing and audit finance but just stopped because it felt like LARPing and working with family friends actually stressed me out because I had to look perfect so as not to look bad. My parents don't mind me being a unemployed shut-in as long as I'm not acting like a degenerate or knocking random girls up.

Now I'm yearning to be productive again. What can I do with a massive employment gap yet have access to capital/money? I can literally move to any city in the world. I can go back to university and get any degree without worrying about the cost. Though I do feel like masters and degrees are literally worthless nowadays. Hell I have $10000 lying around right now as pocket money I just blow on Steam games and PC upgrades.

What's a good way to make money and feel like less a waste of space? Something you can still do from home. I think I'm averse to crypto and online stocks because it feels too random and just guessing. Also I'd probably lose a lot eventually. What else can I do? I'm willing to go back to schooling if the degree will get me a demanded position if that kind of path still exists nowadays.

>> No.17770625

>Something you can still do from home.
this is the part that limits your options... I guess programming?
if you truly are in the position you claim then you should be able to go to uni for business or management or smth & get a job through nepotism/family connections + a firm handshake.
Or could learn about finance on the web (watch martin shkreli's youtube streams) and manage investments from home. With global access this means you can live abroad for a short period of time, scout out the local market & snap up some shares & property, move, repeat every 6 months to a year.
Or travel & spend money, film/vlog it all & become an influencer/vlogger and monetise your personality/life

>> No.17770812

>go to uni business or management
I do actually have a BSBA degree already.

>get a job through nepotism/family connections
I don't want that because it's too stressful. I feel like an extension of my parents and I have to be immaculate all the time because everything I do will end up being an inevitable topic of conversation with my parents.

Learning coding sounds like it would be fulfilling but I can just hire Pajeet to do it for me rather than being a code monkey myself. Heck most companies outsource this stuff too.

>short period of time, scout out the local market & snap up some shares & property, move, repeat every 6 months to a year.
Seems like too much effort. Also my parents are already doing properties on the side so I'll probably look like I'm copying them poorly or something.

>Or travel & spend money, film/vlog it all & become an influencer/vlogger and monetise your personality/life
I'm actually toying with this idea but I don't think it's really for me and it feels vapid.

>> No.17770919

Just trade the market. It's what all bored rich kids do.
t. bored rich kid.

>> No.17770941

>I don't want that because it's too stressful
fair reasoning

>Learning coding sounds like it would be fulfilling but I can just hire Pajeet to do it for me
i guess the question is whats the purpose of this? if fulfillment is all youre after then do it yourself - i do it and love it. if you're just after a tech business making money then yeah i guess hire a bunch of pajeets and rule over them and just tell them what to do but thats a whole different activity.

>Seems like too much effort.
could take it as fast or as slow as you wanted fren, this is personally what i'd do in your situation. while coding in my free time, of course.

Set up a network of various /biz/ houses around the world for biz anons to stay, network and build business together. You may even enjoy the community

>> No.17770995
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just margin trade volatile crypto currencies

>> No.17771058

I'd buy my way into an ivy mba and then chill at one of my daddies companies in the strategy department.

>> No.17771070

Why you want an advice from an anime board?

>> No.17771097
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Buy linkies they are undervalued

>> No.17771103

>An income of $32,400 per year would allow someone to be among the top 1% of income earners in the world. To reach the top 1% worldwide in terms of wealth—not just income but all you own—you'd have to possess $770,000 in net worth.

>> No.17771108

discregard my last post

i understand the idea that working sucks and always been seen as somebody who is there just bc of the connections sucks too

why dont you study something just for fun. most in you position would probably go for art history or something like that

>> No.17771119

he is probably speaking in first world dimensions. add a 0 or two

>> No.17771205

Fund people's creative projects.

>> No.17771207

>Seems like too much effort. Also my parents are already doing properties on the side so I'll probably look like I'm copying them poorly or something.
Sounds like your thinking is influenced by how others might perceive your actions rather than how you actually feel about them.

>Seems like too much effort.
If you don't do things because it takes effort then u'l never do anything that will bring you fulfillment

Probably why working with daddy's friends feels like LARPing, cuz you didn't do what you wanted to do, you did what you thought your family wanted.

>> No.17771233

Make Video Games. With enough money, you can get people to do 95 percent of the work; you can hire programers and commission artists, all you would have to do is the design, and I think you can outsource that too.
I know it's really the most realistic project, but you're just trying to be productive, right? A lot of games made by 1 or 2 guys in a garage became hits, or at the very least break even.

>> No.17771373

>but I come from a wealthy family (top 5% of income globally).

I'm joking. Just pointing out top 5% "globally" is meaningless.

>> No.17771439

I represent a Saudi prince who is currently a political prisoner. His net worth is in excess of 500 million US dollars, but he cannot access these funds while he is in prison. If you send me $10,000, I will be able to secure his release. In exchange for your help, we will wire $1 million to you after my client has escaped to Europe.

>> No.17771454

he just wanted to say that he is not from burger land but also in a burger land rich cluster

>> No.17771558

>Learning coding sounds like it would be fulfilling but I can just hire Pajeet to do it for me rather than being a code monkey myself. Heck most companies outsource this stuff too.

Give up on trying to make money and focus on trying to find a hobby or passion you'd throw all your time into. Once you have something you're creating or contributing to the world with THEN you can figure out how to monetize it. You have no skills and no knowledge in a field you'd want to show off to the world. Above all, you have no clear vision on what you want. Focus on that first. Money comes later. If it were easy, we'd all be in your position in terms of wealth.

And know that you're not alone. I'm not rich, my parents have no real retirement funds (other than the Link I invested for them and the public retirement funds that are getting slaughtered by the market) and I'm stuck in a job that affords me a lot of time but is insanely boring. So I've focused most of my time on learning about blockchain tech. Thanks to hanging out on this site, I've learned enough to give a guest lecture at a university and am going to start taking a course to be a blockchain developer later this month. This is a field I spend all my time learning about it, SLOWLY I'm learning to monetize it. But the passion and excitement for it came first.