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17769219 No.17769219 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, guys. BTC just proved by example that it is literally nothing but merely an internet meme coin without any other intrinsic value or use, aside from being a speculative asset.

Chainlink is even worse - a pre-mined shitcoin with centralised issuance and zero use with bunch of unqualified retards cosplaying a "project" for a few years with literally zero output, except memes, of course.

Stonks (AMD, Intel, Google) would rebound easily, but these Ponzies are literally imploded right before your eyes and shat all over fucking marines lmao.

Is this a religion of some sort? Do retards really *believe* in crypto? Do the *have faith* in it?

Yes, Chainlink is a cult, nothing to see here. But why buy it now?

>> No.17769247
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>Why buy the capitulation.

It's almost like you don't know how markets work.

>> No.17769255

Because whichever way the market goes, in 5 years I'll either be a millionaire or a hunter gatherer

>> No.17769275

>What is the 300W MA

>> No.17769284


But crypto aren't stonks and this is the fucking point. Crypto is backed by nothing, so no way to "rebound". Like tulips.

>> No.17769305

fiat and stocks are backed by the trust in the gov. so also backed by nothing xD

>> No.17769333

>an internet meme coin without any other intrinsic value or use, aside from being a speculative asset.
lmao everyone already knew that you retard

>> No.17769348

something that has literally never been tested before

>> No.17769363
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Bitcoin has dumped 40% while the DJI has dumped 30%. This dump is solely due to liquidity concerns, everything is getting sold off. It's obvious that bitcoin would dump harder in such a scenario due to it's low market cap.

But Bitcoin has alot of things going for it still, the fundamentals haven't changed, it's still a hedge against HYPER INFLATION, not stock market hyjinks.

The moves are also hyper exaggerated due to the insane amounts of leverage in this market. But 1btc still = 1 btc and when the government printing presses really get pumping bitcoin is going to be a solid hedge.

>> No.17769372

>who the fuck is buying
Newfags that already missed out on the real moon missions of days past

>> No.17769375

If only people knew how good things still are...

>> No.17769424

Stocks are ridiculously overvalued. The real standard of living hasn't gone up in 30 years. So unless you're expecting it to crash back to 1980s level then it's for the same reason that stocks are going up.

>> No.17769432


What hedge you retard? Against what?

The hedge against hyperinflation is the fucking United States fucking Dollar. This is precisely why oil is traded it it.

Of course, no one cares about third-world shitholes like fucking Russia or Iran with their local currencies. They may hiperinflate as much as they please.

>> No.17769433

who cares about boomerstocks linkies are one of the most undervalued assets im buying

>> No.17769460
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>The hedge against hyperinflation is the fucking United States fucking Dollar.

>> No.17769474
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Dead cat bounce.

we are literally just in the early stages of this crisis. This wont even peak till at least late may to mid june according to most models... so about 3 months, in exponential fashion

Given the growth rate of the virus the amount of raw insane news yesterday will be coming in 10x harder in another 16 days and 100x in a month

At the end of 3 months... this will be 1 million times worse, assuming humanity doesn't manage to flatten the curve of this thing... and even if they do flatten it, it will just prolong the economic/societal misery.

Get ready for the most insane thing we have seen in centuries... if not ever.

>> No.17769482


Seems like this nigga gets it. Newfags manipulated by market-makers like Cuckbase and Binance.

Btw, Cuckbase might not even survive another crash, back to 2k let's say.

>> No.17769505

CB is a +150$ premium on BTC it's literally normie fomoing to buy the dip right now
euro pair is a +300€ premium

>> No.17769510

>pumps while bitmex is down and Coinbase was having some trouble early this morning
>Americans aren’t even up yet
>low volume
And yet people still think this bulltrap is actually bullish kek

>> No.17769531

>or a hunter gatherer
aka hobo

>> No.17769545


> according to most models

Long run modelling is bullshit and digital astrology. No one could have modelled yesterday's fucking selloff, leave alone things like fucking Trump and his travel ban.

Models are nothing.

>> No.17769578

>but why buy now?
You answered your own question. We are all people that didnt want to buy stocks at the ath and so looked for crypto.
Now, we hold heavy bags

>> No.17769586

Pretty sure he was talking about corona and not the markets

>> No.17769591

>This is precisely why oil is traded it it.
Ever hear of gold? Btc is basically a better version of gold. Only reason why it's not holding as well is due to the small market cap

>> No.17769592
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who could of known

>> No.17769688


Which means that the whole concept is flawed abstract bullshit, just another meme.

If something does not walk like a duck and quack like duck...

>> No.17769690

BTC dump happened in 3 hours and was orchestrated by a Chinese ponzi that had massive btc holdings equivilent to 1% of total btc.

>> No.17769718


Source: straight from your ass.

However, what has been proven is that it is not immune against such kind of events and therefore is nothing but a meme.

>> No.17769732

Because gold is used as a peer-to-peer currency

>> No.17769757

>buying cheap
Pick one, we know market is manipulated, but everyone is free to do it
You don’t want to lose money? Stay far from margin trading, it’s that easy

>> No.17769762

You are a stupid nigger and you will die poor. The transactions are public.

>> No.17769774

Simple, this is either the beginning of the end of civilization - in that case, my money doesn't matter much in a couple of years

Or, this is the chance to build generational wealth.

>> No.17769779


Not even in India, lmao. In India it is a store of value, not a currency.

>> No.17769807


Whose? Binance's 2 billion volume of yesterday in the BTC/USDT pair alone?

>> No.17769833

No, stupid nigger. The Chinese ponzi which sent millions of dollars worth of btc to mixers an hour before massive market selling occurred at the same time across four exchanges linked to Chinese customers.

>> No.17769845

funny line goes down i buy
up it goes i sell
i don't know whats happening but my money will be multiplying
love you guys

>> No.17769863

Only retards still hang on to the BTC muh store of value/currrency meme. This zero use case shitcoin needs to die already as bearish as that sounds. The only horse worth betting on is Chainlink and anyone who disagrees is a 20iq mouthbreather and can go fuck themselves.

>> No.17769869


Sources other than retarded conspiracy theories would have been highly appreciated.

>> No.17769890

You were already instructed to die poor. DYOR, or feel free to continue to whine on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.17769898

>TC dump happened in 3 hours and was orchestrated by a Chinese ponzi

ah yes they will purposely market sell, reducing the value of their own assets, rather than slowly offloading them
make perfect sense

>> No.17769905

Plot twist , Bitfinex works together with the Plustoken scammers.

>> No.17769918

>The only horse worth betting on is a shitty preminted erc-20 token, 66% owned by the creator

>> No.17769919


Why, yes. Link is unique phenomenon, something like real internet cult together with some meme stocks, like runscape gold, but "for real".

This shit is first of its kind, self-sustaining and will die hard.

>> No.17770011

you can't really blame them tho I mean ETH managed 3000x in 2.5 years while having no supply cap and 90 million pre-mined coins
it should have never happen and yet it did, after that any blatant scam can be expected to moon too

>> No.17770098

Meh, we survived the Spanish flu just over 100 years ago, it will suck, but life will move on and we'll adapt. Also, tons of old people dieing off would free up and make our health care cheaper along with helping social security, so for me, this seems like a good thing in the long run.

I also own guns and stock up on water, it's a regular thing for me since I'm a /k/ammando, but I think you have the right idea. Let panic set in more. Just sucks since I have money and people are already in panic, seems like such a good time to buy and make a quick buck.

>> No.17770125


Hedge against banks falling and bail-ins. Where is your dollars when the bank shut down.
Happened in NL in 2009, some bank went down and a lot of boomers lost their savings.

>> No.17770204
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>Hedge against banks falling
if the whole economy collapse your shiny rocks and digital memes will be worth zero too
pic related is the only edge against total civilization meltdown

>> No.17770265

>my linkies stay super stinky 10kEOY

>> No.17770277

Banks failing isn't total civilizational meltdown you retard. Like he said it has already happened plenty of times before. You didn't even notice because civilization barely changed at all.

>> No.17770382


>> No.17770637

People in countries that have faced hyperinflation in the modern era have always looked to Bitcoin when times got tough. People who live in the first world have a hard time appreciating the benefits of Bitcoin's decentralized nature, because they've never had to use them. There is tremendous value in operating outside jewish banking that become clear upon system failure.

>> No.17770738

>The moves are also hyper exaggerated due to the insane amounts of leverage in this market.

I liked @SBF_Alameda's take on this yesterday. He noticed that the market started to recover the moment Bitmex went down yesterday, and he theorized that Bitmex's liquidation engine got in a nasty feedback loop that would have pushed price to 0 had they not halted trading for a bit. Bitmex said that hardware failure caused their system to go down, but Alameda wasn't so sure it wasn't a deliberate action by Bitmex to stop the bleeding.

>> No.17770827


> The real standard of living hasn't gone up in 30 years

What is internet, cell phones, computers, smartphones?

>> No.17770865


What is really ironic is that it probability was a software issue due to extemely high traffic they cannot sustain.

Bitcoin is bullshit but has been saved by a glitch lmao.

>> No.17770877

crypto is bound by technology and a thousand nerds running their computers. It was extremely valuable once and honestly people will never forget the hype, goldrush, crypto millionaires, etc. Btc will forever have some kind of value.

>> No.17770993


> crypto is bound by technology and a thousand nerds running their computers

That was 2013. Now with tether and binance it has almost nothing in common with that. It has been evolved into a speculative Ponzi on which market makers are making billions.

The phenomenon itself will be in the history books, of course.

>> No.17771037

If you were living in the dark ages, would you know it?

>> No.17771055

why do you care if you already made up your mind? go fuck off to /r/personalfinance you fucking dickless boomer pussy

>> No.17771130

Yeah because Greek and Latin will really help you out in your career...

I'd love to see what a student from the 1920s has to say about AI studies, avionics, nuclear studies, and many many other careers that they wouldn't even have dreamt of, and see how much their knowledge in "classic literature" helps them understand them.

You dumb nigger

>> No.17771157


I really curious and want to understand this particular idiocy.

It is so obviously that this shit will continue to fall back to zeroes as virus panic intensifies, that I literally have no idea what kind of fucking imbeciles are buying.

>> No.17771242

Technology alone doesn't make life better especially when it is used in the service of a ZOGged out world.

>> No.17771345

Maybe it's smart money that is buying after a successful defense of the weekly 200 SMA.

>> No.17771364

It used to be $1, brainlet. ONE. DOLLAR.

You think all these twitter dudes are in it because they're making money? Gotta keep the ponzi alive.

Buy Tezos and BDK (bidesk exchange token). That's it.

>> No.17771499

>be a millionaire or a hunter gatherer
Why not both? You would have more than enough money to afford a collection of crossbows and gears.

>> No.17771530

ive read this FUD 100 times now, nocoiner. For the low cost of a couple thousand dollars, you can make a bet that if you're right, could payout millions. we're simply taking that bet. now go back to wageslaving

>> No.17771571

Fuuuuu. Did we miss the bottom?

>> No.17771603

The price doesn't care about the virus, it only cares about panic. Currently we are at peak panic and overreaction. The virus itself is mostly harmless. People act like you will die from it but the lethality for non-boomers is like 0%. Imagine selling your coins at peak panic levels, oof. In a few weeks people will be bored by the virus and move on, everything will rebound and people who sold will look like fools.

>> No.17771615
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BTC used to be a lot less than $1

>> No.17771778

technicals dont matter when panic hits, SP500 fell almost 48% BELOW the 200 Weekly SMA in 2008, if that happens again BTC is going to triple digits

>> No.17771811

> Crypto is backed by nothing
crypto is backed by logic and maths and is a revolutionary technology that can be used as money, while stocks are literally backed by nothing
> A share of Google (GOOG) trades at $1100, but Google states in writing; they don’t pay dividends, there are no voting rights, and the par value of GOOG is only $0.001 per share. So if you own a share of Google, you won’t receive any money, you cant vote, and Google will only pay you $0.001 for that share you bought for $1100. Does that sound like ownership?

>> No.17771832

the fed was not printing 500 billion a day to save the market back then

>> No.17771903

>The hedge against hyperinflation is the fucking United States fucking Dollar.
>Of course, no one cares about third-world shitholes like fucking Russia or Iran with their local currencies.
Yeah no. Good luck getting your dollar accepted by most countries next month though.

>> No.17771933

>crypto is backed by logic and maths and is a revolutionary technology that can be used as money
no it's backed by speculation, that math can be done just the same with btc at 10k or $1
the only reason btc went so high is speculation, which then trigger massive amount to be invested in mining, not the other way around, otherwise mining farms would have pooped up in January 2009

>> No.17771951

lol you said pooped

>> No.17771975
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oh god my argument is ruined I must end it now

>> No.17771977

Neither does learning Greek or Latin, or other useless shit.

If you want to know about better life, you've got wayy better healthcare, more food & water (though Americans only seem to love shit food), reduced overall poverty, better overall hygienic standards, the possibility of instant worldwide communication & collaboration, cheap flying, air conditioning for hot climates, easy access to entertainment

Aren't like 70% of bank transactions also not backed by anything?

>> No.17772061

shut the fuck up you retarded boomer piece of shit with your tullips you retards keep thinking that you're smart because you watched that fucking movie with Michael Douglas and keep citing that fucking scene where he talks about those goddamn motherfucking tullips and you try to steal some authenticity to yourself as some expert on the topic but none of you are you just watched a fucking piece of the pop culture you goddam boomer you aren't smart because you watched it stop citing it now

>> No.17772181

haha based sperg

>> No.17772534

its speculative until its not.

>> No.17773365

Only crypto worth anything is Tezos

>> No.17773448

Why is it so fucking difficult for you faggots to understand that Bitcoin with its hard cap supply and cant be fucked with is what makes btc fucking safe.