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17768686 No.17768686 [Reply] [Original]

This is the bottom

>> No.17768709
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>> No.17768728

we're losing 50 cent value each day, doubt we're at the bottom, so annoying that nulinkers will be able to get in this cheap

>> No.17768737

>Americans haven’t even woken up yet
>most of the dead cat bounce taking place when bitmex was down
>charts look like bloody cliff edges
You ain’t seen nothing yet anon, whole market still has a ways down to go

>> No.17768738


Cheap is you capitulating at 50 cents, anon. You don't understand bear markets.

Buy some Unification if you like keeping your capital.

>> No.17768746

>muh secret club
Why are newfags so cringeworthy

>> No.17768768

stfu I'm not going to buy your shit bags that has flatlined, no im not capitulating you should be happy you can get link this cheap

>> No.17768780

you're the newfag since you clearly have no idea the value of chainlink go read up on it

>> No.17768808

Please have a decent bounce up. Please lord please

>> No.17768834

Kek I hold link and have been holding link for close to 2 years now, doesn’t mean I think I’m part of some secret club that everyone on here already knows about and has known about for years and get upset that there will be new buyers.
>2.30 link
Maybe in the future but for now and for anyone that’s actually been on this board longer than the last bull market that is not cheap link kek, that’s how I know you’re a newfag

>> No.17768836

im buying a fuckton of it DIE FAG DIE!

>> No.17768837

Not happening anon. Btc just shat the bed and the worse is yet to come. Boomercoin is on life support and will drag LINK to the grave with it.

>> No.17768866

I need real advice for once from biz, please wtd, we were at a ath barely a week ago. Is this really how it all ends, because of the chinks?

>> No.17768896

I bought at 16 cents and I still consider this cheap, stop pretending that you are an OG just because you spam fag in all of your replies its cringe

>> No.17768915

Realistically the market has not yet seen the market. This bull trap/dead cat bounce might give you hope but once Americans wake up and volume is back up it is likely btc, link,and the rest of the market will dump some more. Just look at the volume for when this minuscule pump took place, significantly lower than when the massive cliff edge dump happened (and that’s just om binance as well) and while bitmex was down and Coinbase was having some slightly trouble this early morning.

>> No.17768922

USA and others closed the border, thats it. Markets just panicked. All will be good, this will be the bottom!

>> No.17768950

Sorry to have burst your bubble anon, do you feel the need to make yourself feel more confident by thinking you’re part of some special secret big brain club? It’s alright I remember having a similar mindset back when I saw bitcoin go from lower 3 digits to 1k thankfully I’ve grown up since then and don’t invest quite so emotionally anymore
>been in since 16 cents
Kek I just knew a reply like this was coming

>> No.17768961

Whoops meant the market has not yet seen the bottom or has at least only tested it, just woke up

>> No.17769091

Dream on newfag

>> No.17769096

Fuck I want to sell but it's so hard to do it.

>> No.17769113

Well no don’t sell now obviously it’s not like this shit will crash forever, just be patient and don’t check the price too often it’s bad for you

>> No.17769208

I have been holding for a few years, this is honestly the only time ever I have been worried.

>> No.17769213

all my linkies were stolen by coinbase but they took a loss atleast at that price

>> No.17769325

Finally someone with a brain. We pump now

>> No.17769958

If you survive this, you will survive anything. This is literally the worst crash for crypto in its history, and the worst crash for financial markets for decades. You are literally sitting through history. If you have any spare cash YOU'RE WILLING TO RISK, get it ready and look to DCA into something soon (NOT NECESSARILY TODAY OR EVEN NEXT WEEK). Don't all in, it's way too early, but definitely time to start prepping

>> No.17770181

Not gonna tolerate the two bit peckerheads blaming the Chinese and certainly labelling them the C word is off limits. How is this crap getting past the filters???????

>> No.17770245

t. Chink

>> No.17770704
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youre holding the wrong cube