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1776799 No.1776799 [Reply] [Original]

Who are we betting on, /biz/?

>> No.1776802


sports betting is for degenerates.

>> No.1776817

Bet falcons win by 6 are tied 0-0 for first qaurter then a breakaway in the second by Falcon and keep their lead through out

>> No.1776821

I have $1000 on the Falcons right now.

>> No.1776942


Falcons. 100%. No doubt in my mind.

>> No.1776946

Lady gaga does spirit cooking during half time.

>> No.1776971

I wouldn't touch this game. I like the Falcons but you don't win much money betting agains Belichek/Brady. Might be some prop bets that are worth a look but I haven't checked them yet.

>> No.1776972

>thinking you can beat the market

>> No.1776974

Sumo matches are an easier bet, you can really tell who will win just by looking at their face, it's like watching penalty kicks.

>> No.1776975


>> No.1777014

being a meme on an anime board is degenerate.

>> No.1777580

Blount wins MVP +2400

>> No.1777613

I got $3,200 on the patriots. Im counting on this money to pay for my tuition. If I lose I'll have to cancel this semester and maybe next one :/

>> No.1777646

Don't bet money you can't afford to lose nimrod.

Good luck.

>> No.1777653

Even if they were playing they would lose that bet. I would know I'm a bears fan

>> No.1777655

falcons, bet on dat nitrogen sports

>> No.1777703

patriots -3 $270

also coin toss - tails $40
i dont know why

>> No.1777810

/pol/ plz.

>> No.1777830
File: 35 KB, 948x766, confused nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Prop Bet

> Will Lady Gaga defecate on stage and smear her own feces all over herself during the half time show, as a protest to US President Donald Trump?

mfw: $1000 bet only wins you $50 bucks.

>> No.1777931

>not betting on based Brady and Belicheck, who both voted for Emperor Trump

It's like you want to lose.

>> No.1777992
File: 2.97 MB, 281x295, 1472061428153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1778561

Good call anon

>> No.1778567

Those cowcucks lost me to much to ever want to bet again

>> No.1778573
File: 264 KB, 570x683, 1459264877446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1778610


You just made a lot of money.

Only stupid people voted for the Falcons.

One should always vote for a Patriot because God is going to make America Great again through Trump.

>> No.1778798
