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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17766579 No.17766579 [Reply] [Original]

I’m still feeling like people here aren’t taking this seriously enough. I’m still hearing all sorts of dumbass comments about how it’s just the flu and it’s not that big a deal. I am getting a huge sense of dread like it’s too late at this point. Give it to me straight biz. Please no memes or bullshit. Please be serious and just tell me honestly how bad it’s going to get here in the US over the coming weeks.

>> No.17766593

Not really..But don't go to Ohio

>> No.17766611

personally I'm just laughing my way to the grave


>> No.17766617

There is also this outlandish estimate that a congressional doctor gave behind close doors
>70 to 100 Million in the USA Will get it

>> No.17766618

According to the epidemiologist on Joe Rogan 400,000 extra body bags will be needed by Halloween. Mostly people over 50.

>> No.17766625

real death rate is 15-50%
set your phone to 60fps video to better represent reality and get a million views

>> No.17766628

itll be pretty fucking bad, sure, but were you alive for h1n1? that shit was awful too we just didnt have as much media. this will be worse not because the disease is so awful but because

people are fucking scary and will panic. stay inside. get a gun. use it.

>> No.17766706

You likely have well over 100k infected by now.

The coming months will be a slow, chittering tumble into darkness as more and more people lose people they love.

Your perception of death will change very rapidly. You will become intimate with its many faces. Fear and panic will become your neutral state.

The truth is far more terrifying than your nightmares.

>> No.17766723

>/pol/tard shows up
of course. go back to /cvg/ little nigger

>> No.17766823
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We need to start taking social distancing, the way China and Italy have done it, seriously. Sooner the better. Americans are going to hate it but we have to pull together for this.


>> No.17766889
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Pictures very much related, it is beatable! We have to act, otherwise overwhelmed hospitals and we’re fucked.

>> No.17767235

Bumping because red number go down

>> No.17767311

>we need to be like China!
it begins
authoritarian governments harm everyone more than help anything but keeping elite in power

but keep falling for globalist fear porn

>> No.17767357

This is worse than anything we have seen in the last 100 years. China is lying, Iran is lying, Russia is lying. Our medical system cannot handle what it about to come.

>> No.17767367

looking back, it had to be this way. The US-American emipre comes down not by failing at militar or economy but by at general education (no common sense) and health care. And to be quite honest, everyone knew you've been shit at booth for decades. The fat that omst of your people are well armed will be the final nail in the coffin once shit really does go south

>> No.17767374

my college classes were cancelled so yeah I like the idea of not having to go to class but I'm also kind of alarmed by this. I'm in California and its perfect weather for this virus to incubate here.

>> No.17767410

Public school is actually why civilization is collapsing. Commonfolk should have never been given the privilege of literacy.

>> No.17767422

This guy gets it

>> No.17767449


Use currency

>> No.17767453
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>> No.17767458

Mind not using sentence fragments and greentext so I can actually understand you?

>> No.17767463

this reads like a child wrote it
which considering this thread, you probably are

>> No.17767508

Read the pdf. Total fear porn, smoothbrain.

>> No.17767540

What college? I just got emails yesterday about my classes going online.

>> No.17767543

Not to mention the population is fucking armed with guns. There won't be enough body bags, there won't be enough morgue space.

>> No.17767602

This video should have been a PNK meme though

>> No.17767645

Everyone I talk to IRL is in "It's just the flu bro"-mode, and my Uncle thinks that the Russians are crashing the economy on purpose to interfere with the election, and get Trump out of office.
It's all pretty retarded.

>> No.17767723

It isn't a big deal. But the response and the panic is big. People acting irrational, markets collapsing. Governments around the world are making their move, expanding their control over people. It's getting interesting, that's for sure.

>> No.17767764

Wrong place to ask.
So far there are some very concerning papers published on it but many of them are surely attempts to ride the wave and cash some citations on the public interest.
From what we know about SARS1, this one could be very bad, but not likely extinction level bad.
However, the economy is mostly fake and this could expose it. Or bring it down, even

>> No.17767920

If you live in a major city, you will be quarantined in the next 2 to 6 weeks. Be prepared to leave on a notice’s moment. Depending in how bad the virus is you could be quarantined up to 6 months, assuming the virus is not the next black death.

It is likely that the economy will collapse and seeing that imports and shipping services will be destroyed/impaired due to the virus, expect food shortages.

The virus is rumored to be much more deadly than the media is saying, they would lie about it’s deadliness to keep people from panicking. The virus is rumored to be neuro-invasive, meaning that it gets into your nervous system and stays with you for life. The WHO has already determined the virus to he endemic, meaning that this killer virus will become as common and cyclical as the common flu. It is said to attack the lungs, heart, reproductive organs and the brain, causes permanent damage, and like HIV, once you get it you can never be cured of it.

China is lying, the virus has killed a significant portion of it’s population as their production has ground to a halt and has not resume, no cargo vessels are coming from China to the ports in LA, traffic and pollution levels are almost nonexistent in Chinese cities with a population of 5+ million people.

Be prepared, buy food that will last for a long time, enough for a year at least, buy a pistol and a rifle and a shotgun and a lot of ammo for each, buy a lot of water and buy also some store of extra stuff (toothpaste/disinfectant/soap...). I recommend leaving the city if you are in a major one.

The stock market doesn’t crash for just a flu, even for a very serious virus, it crashes for a killer. Multiple countries don’t quarantine millions for just a moderate pandemic. This virus will fuck the world, don’t let it and it’s effects fuck you.

>> No.17768037

h1n1: WHO declared pandemic at 27737 cases/141 deaths (officially reported).
corona: WHO declared pandemic at 134000 cases/5000 deaths
So maybe we were too slow this time.
Btw in the end 10-20% of everyone got infected with h1n1 and the death rate was 0.01-0.08% (similar to normal flu). Idk what the death rate for corona is, wiki says 1 to 5% estimated, but I think it's too early to say.

>> No.17768048
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>> No.17768052

itll be 0.5 for sure. around that area anyways
which is god awful and we fucked up (aka who fucked up) but we wont go extinct

>> No.17768385

It really is just the flu unless you are over 70

>> No.17768417

Go back to /Pol/ schizo. This virus is the boomer holocaust.

>> No.17768520

Go back to pol, a lot of viruses are neuro invasive, including chicken pox lmao

>> No.17768604

And chicken pox comes back as shingles. Not a doomer but that is a terrible example.

>> No.17768624

The peak of the first wave will be in 4 weeks in US. This virus is worst of what most think. If I could I would isolate myself

>> No.17768630

I have been saying this for weeks on /pol. If wall street fucks up one more time, change in the system will be needed since everyone will be up in arms if the economy goes to shit. If its bc muh virus, they can just keep going after its contained

>> No.17768660

were you concerned about H1N1 as well? because it got 60 millions amerimutt

>> No.17768734

Actually thats probably the case

>> No.17769234

its not the virus i'm afraid of.. its the irreparable damage to the economy caused by mass hysteria that gets me