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17764870 No.17764870 [Reply] [Original]

How much are you down in the last week

>> No.17764882

tree fiddy

>> No.17764889

5 hundo

>> No.17764916
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20 BTC

>> No.17764918


>ATH mid 2018: 37K

I'm beyond ruined.

>> No.17764948

ath from a few weeks ago: 50k
current: less than 7k. im not gonna find the exact number, becaues fuck i wanna kill myself

>> No.17765005

a lot

>> No.17765033

Nothing, I haven't sold anything.

>> No.17765040


I'll make it back mum I swear

>> No.17765056

was always an all or nothing play personally

>> No.17765066

0, im just here to shitpost

>> No.17765079

$0 because I sold near the top before everything started dumping.

>> No.17765635


95% on a long postion terned 10k into less than $500 I'm ready to fucking shoot myself.

>> No.17765646

I'm down about 60%, or only 12k because I'm a poorfag.

>> No.17765650

Was down 400k but jumped ship and have been swinging. Now up to only 200k loss

>> No.17765655

discord gg XeY9zy
Join, we are currently talking about the economy shitting itself

>> No.17765664

lost $40k

>> No.17765684

Should have bought link

>> No.17765697

90% down

>> No.17765730

I have held through many crashes, this is the only one I have ever been worried about

>> No.17765739


>> No.17765765

I bought right after ICO and sold at

>> No.17765795


>> No.17765854
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Lost? Lol what do you mean? I just got into this stuff a month ago.

>> No.17765874
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I lost $200k in two weeks

>> No.17765906
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>> No.17765939

-8.89% 'unrealized' losses (around $40K). Haven't sold yet. I'll let you know when I do, cause that'll be the bottom.

>> No.17765946

What's this?

>> No.17765953

I made 22K in 3 days lol

>> No.17765962

3k from 6

>> No.17765970
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im up 2x

>> No.17765988

Went from $20k to $8k

>> No.17766035


>> No.17766087

£150k overnight

>> No.17766119
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Up 400%+ the last 24 hours

>> No.17766538

up 700$

>> No.17766543


>> No.17766754

My entire tax return, $1700

>> No.17766776

5-10 thousand us dollarinos

Could be worse I guess

>> No.17766799


Lol what is ath

>> No.17766817

Holy fuck what long position?

>> No.17767141
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about 60% 70% probly..

>> No.17767754
File: 100 KB, 220x220, just.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From 2k to 700k to 200k to 500k to 130k to 80k to 20k to 40k and back to 20k all in a period of almost 3 years
is this real life
is the meaning of life to experience the state of JUST

>> No.17767768

around 120k

>> No.17767774
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I dunno, like 10 or 15 thousand
fuck it though, we're all gonna make it

>> No.17767784

any particular reason you didn't hedge and diversify into other investment avenues when you have 700 thousand fucking dollars? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.17767790

Around 40%, not so bad I guess but I think it will drop even more...

>> No.17767795

About 120k

>> No.17767801

80 quid, out of 200, lel. Hell of an introduction to crypto. Lesson? It's not a dip unless everyone is panicking, and pink wojaks abound.

>> No.17767812

stfu noob, that peak lasted for a few days at most. You don't go from 2k to 700k by not holding strongly.

>> No.17767832 [DELETED] 

I bought stocks less than 24 hours ago.

I'm already down 5%.

I was certain they'd keep crashing but not that much in such a short time.

>> No.17767835
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lost over 80 k spend my last penny last month to buy at 10k, im done

>> No.17767848
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Lost 600k in a day.
I'm still up from my initial but holy hell I want to die.

>> No.17767854
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I bought stocks less than 24 hours ago.

I'm already down 5%.

I was certain they'd keep crashing but not that much in such a short time.

>> No.17767863

around $50,000 to around $37,800
I'm buying more YNDX and TLRD aat the dip since they are pretty undervalued, especially considering their quarterly reports. Hopefully TLRD goes back up after the quaarterly report comes out on the 18th.

>> No.17767865

Hey Anon don't commit suicide. I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself anon.

>> No.17767875
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I'm up.

>> No.17767876

1200 down, which is a lot to me cause i'm poor. still have .5 btc in a cold wallet tho as a suicide stack for a rainy day

>> No.17768022

you don't go from 700k to 20k in investments unless you're a fucking retard, either.

>> No.17768047

$100,000 down.

I've never been this demotivated and broken before in my entire life. Still haven't gotten out of bed.

>> No.17768112
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Is this thread fucking real lmao

Are people actually holding hundreds of thousands of dollars in fucking CRYPTO?

And I thought I was financially retarded

>> No.17768121
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bout 100 neetbux. 600 since it all started.

>> No.17768129

Lost $237 holding, selling, and fomoing on link. Finally sound right after that binance fuckery yesterday. Not too bad comparatively.

>> No.17768418 [DELETED] 

Close to 50%. About 6k. I'm worried about a margin call though.

>> No.17768441

Close to 50%. About 6k. I'm worried about a margin call though.

>> No.17768450


>> No.17768494

lost 50,000, it's alright :^)

kill me [

>> No.17768618


Had luck selling stocks at right time, but I'm more worried about my job than money right now.

>> No.17768648


Too goddamn much, I reacted too slow. Could've tripled my stack if I wasn't such a pussy bout it. Instead I only gained 60% more coins.

>> No.17768659

25k, or 50%.

>> No.17768674
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my index fund

>> No.17768681


Bro just don't sell then

>> No.17768685

Not as much as next week

>> No.17768703

Just make me think how they made the money in the first place

>> No.17768708


I'm still up 500% right now so yeah

>> No.17769098
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about 85% of my portfolio is kill. got massively liqd on link, xmr and eth. feelsbadman

>> No.17769329

Hold your crypto. If banks start restricting cash and stealing money from bank accounts, monero's gonna skyrocket in demand.

>> No.17769800
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guys what the fuck do i do
i seriously feel like fucking roping

>> No.17769826

A solid 7k off of like a 42k starting principal. Does not help that I tried “buying the dip” sinking 5 more k into SPY 2 weeks ago

>> No.17769842

>If banks start restricting cash and stealing money from bank accounts
If this happens it’s a fucking apocalypse and nobody will care about your internet number cruncher. Even the holdbugs are less insane.

>> No.17769908

oh no...

>> No.17769937
File: 695 KB, 1242x658, 52F9A920-5140-45D4-B40A-FE4D9C761252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People killed themselves in 2008. It's time for it to happen again.

>> No.17770034
File: 20 KB, 326x239, This is where the fun begins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If this happens
It has happened already in in a few places in the last 20 years. If the governments nationalize the banks your savings are gone and your cash will be worthless. When the banks start collapsing left and right is when the real fun begins. September's gonna be a hoot.

>> No.17770063

-90k from 480k.
Sold at +2k, then bought an inverse ETF after the first monday bounce, sold that the next day and bought back in, then sold after the second record red monday.
Now I think I'll buy into a 1x inverse ETF again. (SPY always)

>> No.17770071

13,000 yen, was 40,000 earlier so things are looking up