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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17755936 No.17755936 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the REAL reason for this dump? Corona been a thing for two months, but this shit dumped in less than a few hours today specifically. I know it's some coordinated whale effort here, but why? Are they buying stock dips? PlusToken still exiting?

>> No.17756078

The Price Halving.

>> No.17756405

retarded western nations have IGNORED corona for two months, and now they're going into overdrive cancelling everything and locking down the borders

that is what is causing unrest - the fucking real world economy is crashing because people are not in factories and supply chains collapse

>> No.17756442

>awareness level: 0

>> No.17756567

Trump admin policy/The Fed have been pumping liquidity into the market for a while now. Things got pumped up. Stock buybacks inflated prices without actually increasing value. Zombie companies have been coasting along on debt at 0% interest.

Corona let a bunch of air out of the market. Fed's realizing that it overused cash injections and now the market isn't really responding to them. Europe travel restrictions rolled the Corona dump into a panic.

>> No.17756922

Oh, I meant crypto, my bad.

>> No.17756968

crypto is tied to stocks, despite propaganda saying otherwise
99% of crypto users do not use it as a currency, they just use it to make money. and so they're treated just like stocks.

>> No.17756969

BitMEX nigger selling position

>> No.17757090

>retarded west
This whole thing is only an issue because orientals are literally and unironically subhuman.

>> No.17757163

If I can remember correctly, this shit was expected since late 2018 and boomers were delaying the inevitable. Eventually, the bubble has to explode.

>> No.17757270

whales taking advantage of the hysteria to drop the price and accumulate

>> No.17757513

Retarded west had 2 months to prepare

>> No.17757514

Stock price ?

Basically :
>After 2009, govt making it easy for company to borrow money to dope the economy
>Because borrowing money is easy, companies can finance debt with more debt as long as a company own assets to put as collateral, uncorelated from the actual economic performance of the company.
>Easy money borowing mean lots of M&A going on, making big companies that does nothing of value but having a big list of asset on the balance sheet and "riskless" debt.
>Everyone is hungry for riskless, high return debt
>Toward the end of 2019 (partly due to fed tightening) those zombies companies start having trouble borowing more money
>Turn out this riskless debt is actually risky

>> No.17757804
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Who could have foreseen this?

>> No.17757908

because 'Genius' China has been selling shit as under control. And brilliant liberals have been saying travel bans are racist.

>> No.17757958

Insectoid East has been bullshitting EVERYONE to save face.