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17753540 No.17753540 [Reply] [Original]

>recently put $15k into crypto
>it is now $8k
How can I fix this. If I tell my parents what I’ve done with my savings that I stacked while I lived with them after college they are going to think I’m an idiot for the rest of my life. My dad thinks I only put $3k in. He told me this morning I should put all my money in an S&P Index. WHAT MONEY DAD?

>> No.17753776

Hold, make more money, ride it out, fuck off

>> No.17753802


>> No.17753807

dumb ass cryptocuck, kys

>> No.17753837

Im the same here bro. I put about 15k++ as well now its like 8k. Gonna ride it out bro. All or nothing.

>> No.17753861

I was able to recover $7k from my Chainlink. Is my best play to buy it at the discount?

>> No.17753931

that’s what I’m thinking, but then again I also thought it was a good idea to buy some eth 2 days ago, so my track record isn’t so great.

>> No.17754668

Sell it you retard, it is tanking. Put the $8k into IVV when we bottom out and ride the S&P back up. You'll come out with $20k easy.

>> No.17754785

Take the 8k and buy disney puts at open tomorrow

>> No.17755479

1. You will unironically never make it if you give a shit what people think of you

2. This drop is because of larger economic trends, not because of a fundamental problem with the technology. If you very cautiously dca over the coming months, your portfolio will increase by a factor of 1000 once we recover from this in a year or two

>> No.17755554


Listen, the next year is going to be shit but everything WILL rebound. This is not a civilization ending catastrophe. Don't panic, don't do anything irrational. You WILL bounce back once things go back to normal.

>> No.17755583

Ask your fag dad how his retirement fund looks today and tell him to mind his own business.

>> No.17755634

best post, the fact that it missed quintic quints is just proof of its reasonability

>> No.17755689
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Bobo chuckles

>> No.17755727

crypto is over. just sell it and go to your local casino and put it on red and let it ride. f cringy dickless manlet

>> No.17755771

imagine buyign crypto when u heard the wuhan story like what, a month ago or more. people like you deserve the rope

>> No.17755905

Ride it out dumbass, don't sell it now, cutting your losses is a surefire way of losing cash

>> No.17755922

Suck my dick

>> No.17755934

dont fucking invest money if you arent comfortable with losing it you retard

>> No.17755945

You are not alone.

>> No.17756004

Tell him you did, S&P index is down as well. Then tell him he was stupid

Also it's $4,9k now, F.

>> No.17756063

You should have been more conservative with your investment, make it a way to harden your character

>> No.17756095

Don't listen to this fucking idiot. Bitcoin's halvening is coming up. This shit'll be over by tomorrow noon. Bitcoin's going $100,000+ by then. Screencap this.

>> No.17756137

total nothingburger.

>> No.17756156
File: 6 KB, 530x492, 1533009380694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just panic selling. there's nothing that would make this happen other than the virus scaring the stock market and the crypto holders thinking that crypto and stock will mirror each other. literal reactionary beta cucks. people will fomo at these low prices and shit will stabilize.

>> No.17756157

what a load of cope itt, you guys are fucked and still in denial

>> No.17756177

exactly. Total nothingburger. People love cheap bitcoins.

>> No.17756193


>> No.17756212

>cares what others think
>has emotions

>> No.17756279

Anon don't kill yourself. I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself anon.

>> No.17756285
File: 109 KB, 848x721, 1584037189136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre guaranteed to lose money if you dont invest

>> No.17756346

Hold it for at least a year.

If you invested money you needed short-term then you are a retard anyways, unless you planned on getting raped by capital gains. Or you didn’t know about the taxes you are going to pay.

Literally no reason to cash out unless you need the money right now. It might get worse. But it could get better, at least break even. If you cash out you guarantee you lost money.

You are not a day trader, stop treating investing like that.

>> No.17756380
File: 267 KB, 388x602, pepe7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dad thinks I have $99k
>Have only $98.8k after today

>> No.17756385

You just wait faggot

>> No.17756451

you are an idiot. You bought with a pandemic at hand. A crash was around the corner you idiot.

>> No.17756483
File: 259 KB, 1500x1920, bXtO43a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lie like i did

boomers will never understood. my mother is not a boomer but she has like the mind of a boomer

>> No.17756515



>> No.17756598

Deserved quints for such a display of wisdom indeed

>> No.17756700

>>recently put $15k into crypto
>>it is now $8k

Crypto isn't an investment, it's a lottery.
Actually, no. Lotteries are regulated. It's more like gambling in an illegal casino and being surprised when you get your legs broken.

>> No.17756751

With real stocks, sure. But crypto is basically investing in virtual Pokémon cards.

>> No.17756840

And stock going to the casino and only playing roulette on all numbers but one.

>> No.17756927

sorry for your loss anon. you will make it through, its not the end of the world.

>> No.17756985

And it works.

>> No.17757054

As if stocks have any correlation to the actual fiscal health of a firm. Buybacks with offshore bank accounts to dodge income tax. Speculation of over leveraged companies that don’t meet production quotas. Food and service firms being actively driven into the ground by corner cutting to maximize margins. Auto companies that falsify revenue by taking on subprime consumer debt to finance the sales of their own products. Zombie corporations in all industries that will disintegrate once they can’t get an extended line of credit during the recession.

>> No.17757137

pandemic is bullish for crypto though

>> No.17757194

Until the black swan happen.

>> No.17757214

don't tell your parents