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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17749839 No.17749839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

clean it up, jannie

>> No.17749994 [DELETED] 

Niggers aren't human.

>> No.17750046

Woah easy with the racism there bud

>> No.17750084

mods really deleted that? is this 4chan still?

>> No.17750090

Disgusting subhumans

>> No.17750138

I think you mean zookeeper

>> No.17750140


if youre working retail youve failed

>> No.17750483

threadtheme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq88AqJsQUQ

>> No.17750609
File: 149 KB, 540x788, 1532330996490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy those productive inner city youths are a wonderful addition to everyone's life

>> No.17750684
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>> No.17750701
File: 202 KB, 651x996, 1582783721791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know "white people do it too" but why do nigs do this at such a high rate? Is it the lack of fathers? Smaller brain size? Even when I was a little kid I never made this kind of trouble.

>> No.17750727

You kidding?
This is something my sister and her idiot friends would do.

>> No.17750761

Why are niggers supposed to be scary when they can't even afford food? They're all like 150lbs

>> No.17750798

Whenever I see gifs like this...

>> No.17750845

If you're white and trying to disprove my point, I literally said "white people do it too", but not nearly at the same rate as nigs do.

>> No.17750860

Australia would disagree. Cunts do this all the time here.

>> No.17750863


>> No.17750877

your sister is a nigger.
raise her and scold your parent(s) for failing

>> No.17750883

wow the coronavirus made black people do THAT!?

>> No.17750929

This is 4channel

>> No.17750934

How many thousands of dollars worth of toilet paper did these apes just destroy?

>> No.17750973

Because they run in packs as shown and will jump you. Even if they knock you out they will stomp your head in and leave you in your underwear

>> No.17751001

Few bucks at most. Those things are tightly sealed and I doubt much got wet.

>> No.17751006

>raise her and scold your parent(s) for failing
There was nothing they could do for that derpy retard bruh. The other 3 siblings did well at school while she floundered.

>> No.17751047

nah. I deleted it. Already expended my other proxys posting elsewhere and I need this one for the coming week. Still Fuck these pavement swamp baboon. I would hunt them down like the demons they are to this track

>> No.17751092

>headlines in two weeks

Why are racist store owners following african americans around in stores?

>> No.17751111

wagie wagie

>> No.17751117

store clerk + shotgun = win

>> No.17751164

send those niggers back

>> No.17751271

White people would kick one thing off the bottom shelf then run. And after two minutes go back and put it away themselves.

>> No.17751392

You're a nation of scoundrels and rogues so that's to be expected

>> No.17751963

Because they breed like animals so they are in packs of 15 and have no inhibition due to subhuman iq so they can't follow the laws. Ideally they'd be exterminated but we let foids and nigs vote so that's out of the question.

>> No.17752276

Absolutely bananas!!!

>> No.17752729

Do you also wonder why africa is a shithole and why blacks indulge in disproportionate criminality while under performing everywhere they fucking go? The answer is always NIGGERS GON NIG.