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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17749467 No.17749467 [Reply] [Original]

And *this* is why you should have learnt a trade.

>> No.17749482

trades will be the first people out of work after tourism

>> No.17749515

Tradies get fucked during recessions dumbass

>> No.17749550

thats bs trades will always be needed just about everything else besides health care will get replaced by AI

>> No.17749585

Good luck bartering your bitcoin knowledge for a living during the greater recession.

>> No.17749883

>be me
>been spending my 20s learning how to homestead
>can ferment and preserve everything from cheese to meat to beer and cider
>my folks and my in laws both have acreage
I am shorting society. Crash. Crash. Crash. Crash. All you tradelets will have to suck my dick for a bite to eat.

>> No.17750007

Were you even out of middle school in 2008? Tradies got FUCKED by that recession and they will get fucked by this one.

New construction is one of the first things to dry up.

>> No.17750066

What a fucking retarded way to spell 'learned'

>> No.17750067

>Were you even out of middle school
No, i live in civilisation where we have actual schools. Seethe harder Stockie.

>> No.17750071

I'm an electrician, and it's been funny watching all the old guys staring at their investments on their phones every lunch break this week.
The only tradesmen who get fucked are the ones who refuse to go where the work goes. A lot of guys just sit around moaning about a lack of local contracts while they eat into their savings.

>> No.17750091

So you're a retarded communist and probably a European then. Opinion disregarded

>> No.17750100

Not really because Ill actualy have money while you have to suck my cock to get me to buy your jar of pickles.

>> No.17750120

Not as hard as your stocks LMAO

>> No.17750130

>spend his time learning to survive societal collapse
>instead of how to rebuild society
Enjoy your ranch until I organise a squad or raiders to come take your shit. Hell, we might even enslave you if you're so useful.

>> No.17750157

Enjoy coronavirus. Glad Trump banned you fags from coming over here.

>> No.17750161

Buy the DIP faggot haha
I'll see you at 13k

>> No.17750180

Fucking this. I live near a large public sector area that emplys basically every tradie, so either you have to pay through the nose, practically harass the tradie trainees to do the job (basically whenever they free) or just get a Collins books, buy the tools and learn it yourself.

>> No.17750181

finance is a trade, desu.

>> No.17750213

That's right, Stockie. Let it all out.

>> No.17750241
File: 6 KB, 228x221, 1577797550625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying trades aren't some of the hardest hit during recessions
OP is clueless NEET

the hardest hit people during the recession were retail workers, blue collar workers (trades) and white collar paper pushers + IT monkeys.

Professionals with actual skillsets (nurses, doctors, engineers, programmers, etc) did not experience a recession.

>> No.17750306

Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?

The fed.

>> No.17750331

>I'll have paper and you'll have food
>you have to suck my dick for paper and give me your food
Bruh we have two families worth of an armed militia. And im not talking no silly proddy senpaitachi I'm talking two large Catholic clans armed to the teeth with multiple working shops, generators, engines, and automotive supplies. We will ride or die for the clan nigga. Who's going to follow you? You have no blood you have no allies.

>> No.17750364

Can't we just get along? Also, since when are canning and brewing complex skills that you need to dedicated your life to? I've got a couple jugs of mead going and a tonne of fucking pickles. Great hobby.

>> No.17750372

This reeks of
>what'd you say about me you little bitch?

>> No.17750461

As we speak, his inbred Irish cousins are tracing your IP right now, so you better prepare for the storm. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.17750572

I'm terrified. I heard today was actually his doing; he wiped the market the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth. He's confirmed to have done this over 300+ times so it checks out.

>> No.17750595

Meade and cider is piss easy tru but I can raise hogs and cattle and butcher them and cure them and I can make hard cheese and I have all the equipment and square footage of building to do it to scale. I've got 50 lbs of pork curing rn. I'm ready for a full on happening.

>> No.17751367

Cope. We're headed into record unemployment levels. Society is going to unravel from the ground up. Your funny money won't save you.

>> No.17751410
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how the knees feeling, buddy?

>> No.17751455

I'm sure this insult made sense in your head. You're gonna have to translate from autism for the rest of us tho.

>> No.17751504

Don't worry anon, i've got 100 acres of terrafarming complexes on the moon. Me and my Clan-based tribe of gypsies spend our days hand-crafting exploding bullets for our turrests and pressing jam. I'm golden.

>> No.17751522

>puts a bullet to your head and takes all your meat and cheese

>> No.17751863
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Heh everyone knows the moon belongs to Musk
Nah you'll never make it that deep into the complex

>> No.17751918
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