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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 276x404, 1562474874568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17746249 No.17746249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just listen, I'm not a Q-Tard. But if you've been paying slight attention to the WWE theatre that is American politics in the last 5 years, it's pretty clear what's happening.

We did it, or rather Trump's guys did it. The good guys seized back power of inner "deep" state. This modified flu they are fear mongering with their rootless mega-entity owned mainstream media outlets, is the last shot in the chamber the global (((elites))) have to fire, trying to make the US economy worthless, and thus the government which they no longer control.

Cheers, this is unironically the signal, we won. Let's see what comes next. They can destroy our economy, but they didn't have the balls to go true mass extinction, a lousy 2% death rate, virtually 0% if you're young and healthy. They will still probably successfully shut down our supply chain systems for a period.

Lighten up, go plant some seeds in your yard, it's the spring time, let your neighbors know you're there for them if they need it, this is a new beginning, this is the fourth turning.

Note: this is a twin signal, to confirm my conclusion is correct, we should be seeing some high profile arrests of American (((aristocrats))) pretty shortly..

>> No.17746294

dont care about the dumb bullshit you typed but what's the pic

>> No.17746301
File: 50 KB, 1348x647, dumbmoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart money knew it, it's all orchestrated.

>> No.17746352

story on pic?

>> No.17746415

Absolutely based. Inb4 jannies delete this thread.

>> No.17746427

You guys are sheeps, really.

Anyone who can read between the lines knew it will happen.

>> No.17746451

Spirit cooking. Pizzagate. It’s much bigger than Comet Ping Pong and it has not been “debunked”, contrary to what the first page of google search will tell you.

>> No.17746544

Spirit cooking. Degenerate elite bullshit epstein and Co were really into.

>> No.17746669

What happenend these past few weeks with the jannies?
This place is fucking garbage now

>> No.17746691
File: 17 KB, 591x111, shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17746729

This is a brainlet take
If “””they””” wanted to fuck us up they could easily just manufacture airborne smallpox and spray it all over the place

>> No.17746788

He explained why genocide wasn’t the play. It’s all about optics and swaying the general public mentally.

>> No.17746791

What would that accomplish? Not only would most of (((them))) eventually be exposed to it too, but killing off all of their slaves leaves them even more powerless than they find themselves now.

>> No.17746859

economic disruption is the endgame of this (((virus)))

>> No.17746945

>I'm not a Q-Tard
goes on to be a complete tard
Marina Abramaovich and Stefani Germanotta suckin on spoons. And as to how this got 'Pizzagated' I don't even want to imagine.

>> No.17747006

search for Marina Abramović and Spirit Cooking

>> No.17747009
File: 673 KB, 926x566, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your fucking pills, schizo.

>> No.17747069
File: 17 KB, 623x114, burnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine either

A) Knowing off the top of your head the full names and spellings of those 2 individuals


B) Taking the time to reverse image search and look it up, to post weak FUD.

Shill better.

>> No.17747070

Airborne aids would make them trillions

>> No.17747098

And the smoothbrain namefags crawl out of there cuck sheds to piss and moan. Right on q

>> No.17747190

Yes, sure, the schizo just unveiled the fucking world conspiracy right before us, what a genius.
We are smoothbrains compared to his intellect.

>> No.17747247

it's an exhibition from a (((modern))) artist from some eastern euro country, she's called Marina Abramovic

she does a lot of weird satanic shit like that with celebrities, but I think that pic related is not actually real blood

>> No.17747298

nice, goyna read it all and bump

>> No.17747390

>muh 5d chess
i was on this train for some time but after years of high stake no brake jewsih cock sucking i can't bother anymore.
i will only be convinced once shit actually happens and people get locked up/hanged until then you are retarded.

>> No.17747454

I swear to christ there are more shills than anons here.

I hope every last one of you shilling jewish redditor faggot contrarian fuckers get the rope.

Either that or me. Put me out of this fucking miserable hell. Doubt they could take me alive though.

>> No.17747515
File: 68 KB, 309x238, 1562570669291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you friend, it is difficult to have faith in something that stays fruitless for so long. Here's hoping you find that warmth again, very soon.

>> No.17747530
File: 199 KB, 1187x1200, Dc3EZ97W4AA6mlP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ThUmS SyMboOlz n SheIet

>> No.17747714

>Not a plan truster
>Literally posts spirit cooking picture while talking about the swamp getting drained and how this is all part of the plan

God damn it plan truster, I actually wasted my time reading your bullshit. Get the fuck out of here and back to /pol/ you goddamned nigger. Trump is hospitalized with WuFlu and will be dead in a week. Trust that.

>> No.17747846
File: 23 KB, 312x313, trump eyes light up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about Trump's secret twin brother

>> No.17747857

They are scared that NESERA will start soon

>> No.17747895

Some performance art bullshit for rich people to feel edgy

>> No.17748517

Go on.

>> No.17748717

Trump’s ultimate goal is NESERA. You can find out all the steps involved in NESERA by googling it.

>> No.17748781

OFFICIAL hidden /biz/ discord
discord gg xFuuSTZ

it has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down

>> No.17748794

Corona is their last desperate attempt.

>> No.17748861

So this is a schizo board now huh

>> No.17749219

>not being "schizo"
You're doomed for a life of mediocrity.