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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 352 KB, 1408x1202, rulesforradicalscover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1774571 No.1774571 [Reply] [Original]

ITT books every /biz/nessman should read

>> No.1774637
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>> No.1774653

Rich dad poor dad

>> No.1774754
File: 31 KB, 258x386, ThirteenReasonsWhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For when you be investing in DRYS.

>> No.1774834
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Is pic related overrated?

>> No.1774838

this. This book literally changed the way I look at life.

>> No.1774921
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Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance

>> No.1774945
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>> No.1774961

Can't be more underated

>> No.1774983

read it and you'll get something useful from it.

>> No.1774991

>Not Berenstein

>> No.1775028

Really? Even with the 50+ million sales and the instant name recognition? The title is practically part of the English language now.

I just finished reading it. I don't think its particularly well-structured. Certain things could have been rearranged to flow better and make things easier to remember. The entire book probably could have been shortened to 15-20 pages and the anecdotes (which quickly get repetitive) omitted. I'm also a bit skeptical of taking marital advice from a guy who (iirc) got divorced some time after he wrote the book.

That said, the rest of the advice is solid and its surprising how consistently modern psychology studies confirm them.

I'm curious to your guys' story >>1774961
>>1774983, when did you read this book and how did it help you afterward?

>> No.1775438
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>P & V

>> No.1775471
File: 23 KB, 333x499, 41UlXHrPHgL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book.
Haven't read it yet but it's supposed to be very guuud !! According to the ratings on amazon LOOOLLL can anyone on here confirm please? That would be lovely. Later alligator!

>> No.1775477
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You appear to be baiting with a broken hook, guy. From one fisherman to another you've gotta reel that line in and get some better bait on a new hook before casting that line out there again. Nice attempt though!

>> No.1775500

How is this bait? Is it a bad book?

>> No.1775520


>> No.1775523

Currently reading. Only half way through but its pretty basic. But for someone like me basic is good. At times reads more like an advertisement for Hargreaves Lansdown.

>> No.1775534
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>> No.1775542

>its pretty basic.
good because i know nothing about investments. so far I reached page 46 and I just read the part about why I shouldn't use a financial adviser but instead should invest myself. It's directed a lot towards the financial market in the UK but I assume it's somewhat similar where I live in Scandinavia

>> No.1775555

Fuck off commie

>> No.1775700
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>> No.1776048

This is required reading.

>> No.1776053

Communists off my board

>> No.1776058


Is the digital age issue of this better or worse than the original?

>> No.1776062

It's fine on being likeable, but it could easily be misconstrued to turn you into a doormat.

>> No.1776063
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T. Basement dweller

>> No.1776074
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>best business book with all entrepreneurial tricks

>> No.1776280

Could you elaborate?

>> No.1776281

Explain pls

>> No.1777585

garbage. worked in the 50's but won't work today.

>> No.1777608

Why do you say that? Human nature hasn't changed that significantly since the 50's (since ancient times even). The advice about making others feel important (which is basically a 1 sentence summary of the entire book) seems to still hold.

Modern self-help books in this area just seem to regurgitate the ideas that were laid down here.

>> No.1777617

Why Rules for Radicals?
Is it for political reasons, or as a primer for jewish trickery?

>> No.1777849
File: 2.00 MB, 1345x1450, 4biz literature list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a bunch of lists like this.

>> No.1777892 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 640x633, Kek_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I'm from /lit/ and this board fell for the business book meme. Figures since most /biz/ users don't like reading. Self-help books and proprietary advice are the lazy man's way of doing something. It's enticing to NEETs who don't want to learn multiple social subjects. Self-help is giving enough of a shit about yourself.
The worst offender being >>1774834 this book is the Sun Tzu's "Art of War" of the self-help genre in that the advice it gives is not applicable to anything. It's repackaged psychology. Self-help authors purposefully overlap with psychology although the psychology book has information organized. Don't fall for this dumb genre.

>> No.1777898
File: 141 KB, 640x633, Kek_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I'm from /lit/ and this board fell for the business book meme. Figures since most /biz/ users don't like reading. Self-help books and proprietary advice are the lazy man's way of doing something. It's enticing to NEETs who don't want to learn multiple social subjects. Self-help is giving enough of a shit about yourself.

The worst offender being >>1774834 this book is the Sun Tzu's "Art of War" of the self-help genre in that the advice it gives is not applicable to anything. It's repackaged psychology. Self-help authors purposefully overlap with psychology although the psychology book has information organized. Don't fall for this dumb genre.

PS. I am still coming from a high so my sentences are incomplete clauses. Ew

>> No.1778402

I love Dostoyevsky but putting that book on a /biz/ list is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.1778405

>(which is basically a 1 sentence summary of the entire book)

48 Laws of Power is more for the modern man and our current times. If you're not a pussy and don't mind living in the moral grey area.

>> No.1778454


>> No.1778540
File: 106 KB, 659x379, Marcus-Aurelius-Quotes-25-The-Best-Ones[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art of War
Benjamin Franklins autobiography
The Prince
The Brothers Karamazov
Stress Test
The Man Who Fed The World
Stuff Matters
US army survival manual fm 3-05.70
1001 Arabian Nights
Jack: Strait From The Gut

>> No.1778945

Yes. Doesn't live up to it's title.
If you're a total asshole, or an autismo who doesn't "get" interacting with people you'll get something out of it. However if you have at least normal social skills, don't bother, read some sales technique literature if you're trying to be some kind of pathological entrepreneur.

I've read the sparknotes, I'd recommend it. As Monty Python said:
> I've told him he's welcome to teach any of the great socialist thinkers, provided he makes it clear that they were wrong.

How good at Math do I have to be to get anything outta this?

>> No.1779053
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>Actually I'm from /lit/

Now THAT'S funny