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1774532 No.1774532 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get infuriated by other peoples' parents giving them everything?

I don't think there's a more infuriating thing than hearing that some normies' parents bought them a car and paid their entire college tuition.

Like what the fuck? Why do I have to cover the cost of all this bullshit while some fucking normie gets to live for free and enjoy saving up $250k by the time he's 25?

HOW is this fair? WHY is this fair?

>> No.1774537

Pick up a shovel and get to work.

>> No.1774539

>he thinks life is fair
you have to be older than 10 to post here.
fuck off.

>> No.1774542

I'll never be able to compete. It's pretty much futile.

It just fills me with so much rage that while I work and save and invest into Index funds like a good little cuckold, people are literally going on $10k vacations every month and #TURNINGUP with their parents money.

How the fuck is this fair?

it fills me with so much rage, I can understand why people become criminals now. I can understand why people want to inflict their vengenace on the world.

>> No.1774546

because my happiness isnt based off others success, anon. You gain zero from being jealous and you gain zero from being upset. You're coping for your own failures and the lack of progress.

Work harder and give your children the same things you missed out on. stop perpuating a cycle of misery believing life should be fair. You have two arms and two legs, You have the ability to take out loans and get a degree. Go do it, you werent going to do anything else. right? Save and let compound interest guide you to millionaire and give that to your kids.

>> No.1774550

you can try r9k

>> No.1774553

>Work harder and give your children the same things you missed out on. stop perpuating a cycle of misery believing life should be fair. You have two arms and two legs, You have the ability to take out loans and get a degree. Go do it, you werent going to do anything else. right? Save and let compound interest guide you to millionaire and give that to your kids.

Anon. I understand this all very well, and I've been living like a frugal jew for my entire life as a teenager. I will be a millionaire at some point in my lifetime.

But the thing is that I want the money NOW, not in 20 or 30 years. I don't want to save like a frugal kike and use a shitty phone, a shitty computer, and drive a beater because I know In the Future(tm) I'll have $x amount of money.

Yes if I save and keep working at this pace I'll have money for retirement. But I don't want it when I'm 60 and old as fuck. I want it now. And I never will or can get it. It's just not fair. I'm tired of living like a borderline homeless person. I'm tired of regularly contributing to my investment portfolio. I want to have fun.
I want to enjoy myself.

I could get hit by a car and die tomorrow, and I'll have to show for it is myself living in The Future(tm).

>> No.1774558
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Being born to loser parents with no ambition is probably one of the main reasons why my life is shit.

>> No.1774564

>I will be a millionaire at some point in my lifetime.

frugal people don't generally become millionaires.
nor do investors.

>> No.1774568

>frugal people don't generally become millionaires.
>nor do investors.

? It's not much of a stretch.

Everyday in the US there's hundreds of people who become millionaires. it's really not that much money these days.

>> No.1774575

>Everyday in the US there's hundreds of people who become millionaires.
yes, and almost none of them are getting that way by being frugal or from investing.

also every day there's hundreds of people that drop out from being millionaires.

>> No.1774580
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Born to the wrong people, a.k.a "Poor". Simple as that. Among the world population, very few ever get to even be close to be considered "rich". In the eyes of perhaps 75% of the global population, you are already wealthy. But in the eyes of the relatively wealthy firstworlders, to be truly rich at a young age implies a statistically tiny chance of simply being born into it. Or the even smaller chance, more like an anomaly, of being a LEGITIMATELY successful, engrepeneurial individual and truly earning that $$$.

Either way, whining will not earn you shit. Grit your teeth all you want, at least you will know what it means and what it takes to get what you want from life.

>> No.1774582
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I get where you're coming from but life isn't fair, you need to stop being jealous and do what you need to do in order to make something of yourself. When you're older perhaps you could afford to give your kids the luxury of paid tuition

>> No.1774588

I don't think it's a luxury in the US anymore. It's an obligation. In most states you can sue your parents and force them to pay for your college under child support laws.

>> No.1774590

All you have to do is work full time save 15% of your income in a Roth IRA and you'll be a millionaire in 30-40 years, that's literally how most people do it, retard.

>> No.1774597

>that's literally how most people do it, retard.

how do you square your imagined 'fact' with the real truth that most self-made millionaires (over 80%) own businesses?

>> No.1774605

[citation needed]

>> No.1774612

>has access to internet and time to shitpost on 4chan
>thinks he had a bad start

>> No.1774616

How do we strike back against the normies?

>> No.1774617

Tracy, Brian. Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income. Irvine, CA: Entrepreneur Press, 2006.

>> No.1774628


>> No.1774631

no need.
this is common information that can easily be learned just by googling, "how many millionaires own businesses."

/biz/ should be wary of the idea that you can work hard and save and you'll retire a millionaire. This is true, but only if you work in highly skilled professions like law or medicine or applied science.

>> No.1774635

>Double and triple your income

Ah yes, very reputable source.

>> No.1774640

REEEE other people had a better roll of the dice then me.
I hate everyone who has it better REEEEE
Why not me REEEEE

Like other posters said save up so you can offer your kids these opportunities. Then 20 years from now another anon can complain about your normie kids, and say they didn't deserve it and devalue what you have done.

>> No.1774644

i will never have children

I don't want to cuck myself. I refuse to spend money on ANYONE except for myself

>> No.1774650

it's common knowledge with hundreds of surveys to back it up.

>The Post is correct in its suggestion that the more narrow interpretation of the data is the better one.Indeed, it's not surprising that if one is looking at millionaires that the vast majority have some ownership in a business of some sort.

>> No.1774652

>I don't want to cuck myself. I refuse to spend money on ANYONE except for myself
most millionaires also have children.
not surprising really since most adults have children, but good evidence that having kids has pretty much nothing to do with financial success or failure.

>> No.1774668

>HOW is this fair? WHY is this fair?
It's not fair. Life's not fair.

What'cha gonna do about it, loser?

>> No.1774672

In the UK I can't pass graduate job interviews because I don't have a posh accent and I'm not extroverted.


>> No.1774673

My friend, in the short term that might be nice but that's like being a lion being raised at the zoo. If you put that lion back out there it can't survive because it's too weak. 2/3 of the world's billionaires are self made for a reason.

I have a friend named Julian, grandfather is a millionaire. My friend went to college and dropped out, went to another college and dropped out, and then went back to the first college he dropped out of and dropped out AGAIN. His grandfather bought him a brand new Honda Accord coupe which he uses to deliver pizza. He's a hipster that just smokes weed....think about it...is he really successful?

Ppl like you need to use that fucking pain and use that fire to motivate you, use all that hate to drive, mold, and shape your future. Fuck bitches, fuck doing anything the isn't serving your future self!

There are your possible future children that aren't even born yet that could possibly starve in the future because of your choices today. I don't believe in Christianity or any organized religion, but I'd be damned to say paths aren't chosen. Success isn't a mistake my man, hope is for the homeless.

Write down those fucking goals, and take millions of baby steps to get to it. And when that goal is right in front of you take that big fucking leap and reach out for it! It's yours OP. And with all that pain you went through? The sweet nectar of success will taste even sweeter.

Die hard OP...work like a slave, save Luke a rat. Live like no one else so you can live like no one else. May the gods of success be with you.

>> No.1774684

>Write down those fucking goals, and take millions of baby steps to get to it. And when that goal is right in front of you take that big fucking leap and reach out for it! It's yours OP. And with all that pain you went through? The sweet nectar of success will taste even sweeter.
>Die hard OP...work like a slave, save Luke a rat. Live like no one else so you can live like no one else. May the gods of success be with you.

I'm just struggling to stay on this path anon.

Maybe it would just be better to become a darkweb drug vendor or something. Fuck this life

>> No.1774690

Fucking this. You can be given all the money in the world and do nothing with it if you don't have the motivation to be successful.

There's currently a big heroin epidemic where I live. And it's mostly occurring in neighborhoods that are upper middle class. My theory is these kids that grew up spoiled and were given everything, can't cope with the world. When you're given everything you want, there's no goals to achieve and no incentive to work hard for your dreams.

OP, while you may have to struggle more to get what you want, the reward will feel more worthwhile in the end.

>> No.1774696

You're right.

i got the time, time to get started on those get rich quick schemes.

>> No.1774841
File: 26 KB, 446x273, joff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> parents bought me new car when 16
> parents paid for my college and expenditures
>lived with parents first 3 years of working
> parents give 50k for house down payment
> traveled the world
>spend 3k a month and still saving plenty
>saved 250k by 29

my kids will have the same benefits


>> No.1774852

>frugal people don't generally become millionaires.
>nor do investors.

If you make $100k and save $50k of that per year you'll be a millionaire in 2017 dollars after 14 years, assuming a 5% rate of return, just by parking your savings in the S&P.

You can also save a bunch on tax if your savings are going into a 401(k).

>> No.1774861
File: 55 KB, 499x499, 1417114606258 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC) (2016_04_10 14_06_15 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor af
>marry a grill
>turns out she was gifted an apartment by her parents even before we met
>mfw no mortgage to pay
>mfw easy head start in life

>> No.1774870


There is one factor that has more to do with where you end up in life than any other. It's not race, it's not country of origin, it's not the income bracket your parents come from: it is and always has been IQ. Nothing has a higher statistical correlation with wealth than IQ. Poor countries are poor because of low IQ. Rich countries are rich because of high IQ. Ditto with people. Best estimates on heritability is that 75% come from your parents average and the last 25% is random/environmental. If your parents are poor because they are retarded, you are also most likely retarded. Do humanity a favor and dont breed.

Source: the bell curve, by Richard murray.

>> No.1774878

My dad makes a lot of money (president of a large company) but always pretends he's broke even though he has no problem dropping $10k on a new lawnmower.

He barely helped me out after I left for college. Never helped me pay down my student loans. It fucking sucks. I'm all on my own.

>> No.1774883
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>Source: the bell curve, by Richard murray.

>> No.1774887

But IQ tests measure peoples' ability to take iq tests...

You can prepare for them and do far better

>> No.1774895

It's not fair. Nowhere does it say life is fair. However, if it helps, chances are those Normies aren't going to be doing so well in a couple years. When everything is given to you, value is lost forever, but when you work hard for something you learn that through your sacrifice you know how much better off you are. The richest people in the world don't leave there kids shit for inheritance, the give it away while alive. Are they going to work to make sure that there kids get the proper tool? Sure but if you give a kid a couple million dollars and tell him go succeed that money will not last 2 generations. You send a kid to College that's better. You put yourself through college it's the best because you did it on your own. There is a sense of accomplishment there

>> No.1774905

Yeah but see that's the problem. It's why economists like J.S. Mill decried inheritance. It means you don't work for what you get. I will be fair, other economists like Irving Fisher have said there is a fluid movement of wealth in succeeding generations and the overall wealth will ebb and flow, but I disagree, especially when you set interest rates up like they've been set up now.

Giving everything to the next generation is morally wrong, and supports indolence. The idea of inheritance being completely taxed away is, as it always will be, a good idea. One should work for what they get in this life, as opposed to being handed everything on a silver platter because of where they are from, or who they are.

>> No.1774916

>If you make $100k and save $50k of that per year
$100k is more than about 90% of americans make.

saving half your income is equally unlikely.

that's why the people that manage to do it are almost all lawyers, doctors, engineers, managers, and business owners.

in real life people don't make that much money and they sure as hell don't save that much. Though I understand it's a common misconception on /biz/ where most of the board sponges off their parents.

>> No.1774918


Nigga you've obviously never taken a real IQ test. Iq tests messure nothing other than the speed and depth of your pattern recognition skills. Researchers have tried fucking everything to eliminate "cultural bias" in the fervent hope that their equality fantasy is real. If your IQ number is only related to your abilitiy to take IQ tests, its pretty fucking bizarre that it is the highest correlated factor when it comes to income, crime, std's, marriage and divorce rates, etc.

>> No.1774920

he's right, but again real life doesn't work the way he imagines.

in real life nobody sits around taking practice IQ tests all the time just to improve their score. So the tests are predictive.

>> No.1774925

This.I remember sitting with a bunch of rich kids with their fancy hair, fancy phones and spending money care free.then the landlord walked in, he had allot more money than them combined and many properties but you could see from the look in his eyes he was worn out and beat down from a life of hoarding money and busting his ass.its not the same being rich when your old and worked so hard for it.shure I'm shure its a great feel of its own but your not as carefree and cant really be the rich dumbass everyone imagines, and wants to bebe

>> No.1774928

>your not as carefree and cant really be the rich dumbass everyone imagines, and wants to bebe
sampling bias.

the rich people that ARE carefree aren't in places where poorfags will ever meet them. You think they're attending your college or living in your apartment building? Working at the places you do business?

>> No.1774930

>However, if it helps, chances are those Normies aren't going to be doing so well in a couple years
>son of high profile lawyers
>grew up wealthy in Pacific Palisades
>went to private school
>attended his fathers alma mater Stanford
>spent his college and high school years partying
>romantically linked to upper echelon hollywood women
He's now engaged to Miranda Kerr, turned down a 3billion deal for snapchat, and is the worlds youngest billionaire. He'll lose all his early advantages any day now I guess.

>> No.1774936

>The idea of inheritance being completely taxed away is, as it always will be, a good idea. One should work for what they get in this life
Yeah but taxes will just go towards helping some other mother fuckers be lazy fucks. And if everything you work for in your life gets taken away from you when you die you're less likely to work hard.

>> No.1774950

I make $104k/yr and save >$40k/yr. It's more common than you think.

>> No.1774953

>It's more common than you think.
no, it is literally less than 10% of working americans.

even if I pretend to believe you make that much, it doesn't demonstrate that more than 10% of americans do.

I doubt you make that much though. People too retarded to understand why anecdotes aren't representative almost never get paid that much.

>> No.1774957

But this is the problem with thinking about everything in terms of being a republican or democrat. Inheritance is taxed so the Government can perform better without shitlords bloating academic institutions and creating a deterministic plutocracy like todays Randian dystopia.

>> No.1774964

>most self-made millionaires (over 80%) own businesses
This is a lie. 80% earned their own money (as opposed to inheriting it), but the majority of that 80% are neither self-employed nor own businesses.

>> No.1774969


90%+ of lottery winner go bankrupt. One of the best funded school districts in america is baltimore and its still an utter failure. Frequent welfare users tend to both be from welfare households and give birth to children who will use welfare as adults. That is because money doesnt solve problems. People solve problems, and are justifiably rewarded with income when they do.

>> No.1774973

Trust someone who wants to tax all inheritance to be a total lunatic. WTF are you trying to say here?

>> No.1774975

>80% of self made millionaires made their own money
Woulda thought it was closer to 100%. Who knew.

>> No.1774976

That's what I'm saying. Reqard people for what they do, don't just give everything to them right away. You are a fucking retarded republican/democrat/libertarian cunt for saying the government doesn't work well and then accusing me of treating inheritance the wrong way. One of the biggest errors in society is thinking that if someone's parents worked hard they should be given an easy life. Let your work be hard, and let it be intellectual, but work, damn you! That is the only way anything gets done.

>> No.1774980

Read the words.

>> No.1774981

>the majority of that 80% are neither self-employed nor own businesses.
the number is actually higher than 80%.

it's close to 100% by any measure.
almost all self-made millionaires own businesses.

>> No.1774985

I refuse to work in a deterministic plutocracy like today's Randian dystopia. SEIZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION

>> No.1774988

I'm sorry, but no matter how many times you repeat it, it's still a lie. #fakenews. Bullshit. A sad meme forced by NEETs to justify their failures.

The average middle-class office worker can easily acquire a 7 figure net worth through intelligent saving and intelligent investing habits. That's where the vast majority of millionaires come from. Not moguls, just plain ol' main street.

I don't know why you delude yourself, but if you're using it as an excuse to not try (as I suspect), that's a really stupid thing. Stop being stupid.

>> No.1774993

As in the dystopia in Rand's fiction. I'm not criticizing Rand, although she certainly had her flaws.

>> No.1774995

But we're talking about millionaires and how to become one here. That's how.

90% of the US population isn't very smart that's why they don't

>> No.1775003

Just because I criticise your views doesn't mean you can assume I hold some other view. I'm just talking in terms of incentives that if your goal is to get people to work hard I think confiscating inheritance is unhelpful. Like the other guy said 90% of lottery winners go bankrupt. That's fine. Eventually evolution will weed out rich people who become lazy in their comfort. There's no need to rush the process with crazy incentive changes that prevent people from wanting to work in the first place.

>> No.1775010

Evolution is just a theory. Like your theory that if we let people with more money and different culture rule the world they will somehow be altruistic for people they are out of touch with.

You can see how this inheritance dilemma can be a problem with interest rates being what they are.

>> No.1775013

>I don't know why you delude yourself, but if you're using it as an excuse to not try (as I suspect), that's a really stupid thing. Stop being stupid.
I'm a business owner and a millionaire.

just mentioning that you're wrong. I don't care if you don't believe me though. The world needs hard-working poor people that believe they'll get rich.

>90% of the US population isn't very smart that's why they don't
sure, I'm just saying there's a better than 90% chance that you're not very smart either.

>> No.1775018

You are actually retarded. It's pointless talking to you. I haven't said anywhere that I expect people to be altruistic. I could give a fuck about any culture that can't generate their own wealth.

Interest rates are like -1%. But also, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1775019

But if we realize the fact that if you budget and invest in low cost etfs how does that make us dumb?

>> No.1775020

Coming from (no longer) kid who got a fair amount

it's not all it's chalked up to be. To be honest, it doesn't feel rewarding at all, and even during my teens it felt empty.

Work > gibs in my experience, however I can see why it would be different for some people.

I also don't have some super-job that I got into through my parents, I have to go and do all my shit myself. No connections.

I should also say they never listened to me, so that might factor in to my sentiments.

>> No.1775022

>But if we realize the fact that if you budget and invest in low cost etfs how does that make us dumb?
if you budget and invest then what?
that's not even a sentence, OP.

all I'm telling you is you're not going to get rich investing and saving unless you happen to be a lawyer, engineer, doctor, or manager. People that become millionaires make more money, they don't just save and invest.

>> No.1775024

>10k lawnmower
Thats a nice way of spelling honda civic.

>> No.1775027

There's a lot more jobs than lawyer or engineer.

Trades people or software developers make tons too

>> No.1775029


Move to venezuela brah, no need to wait for communism to come to you when you can go wait in bread lines today.

>> No.1775030


Look at this filthy marxist gibsmedat.

>> No.1775031

>Trades people or software developers make tons too
generally as business owners and self-employed.

>> No.1775034

I thought most millionaires made it through real estate (or does that count as "self-employed")? Seems like you could live pretty comfortably by increasing your cash flow with rental income.

>> No.1775037

>I thought most millionaires made it through real estate
a lot do, but not most
>(or does that count as "self-employed")?
yeah, they're business owners

>> No.1775047

Yes, it makes me jealous and mad, I'll admit it. Those kids that get THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of free dollars for college have no concept of money. They have no concept of money or the true cost of college.

But we are the lucky ones. The ones with no connections, no rich parents, we are the ones that are able to say that we are self made. That is something the Trumps of the world will never ever be able to buy, we are self-made. There is nothing on this planet that feels better than coming from nothing and turning yourself into a wildly successful elite.

>I'll never be able to compete.
Being rich isn't only about how much money you make. It's about what you DO with your money. Do you waste your money on vacations to Ibiza and sexy sports cars to impress other materialistic people? Or do you re-invest it all and create an incredible business that wins awards and gives money to charity?

>> No.1775050

What do you mean by that? The lawn mower he bought was probably more like 12k. Plus he paid another 10k at the same time to have a road refinished on his property. Bought a 30k car (actually a lot less than I would have thought) for his gold digger new wife

>> No.1775051

That's right. Interest rates are so low that the possibility of it rising at the rate of itself compounded is so high that the liquidity factor for the interest rate of money will necessitate that the marginal efficiency of capital is very low as well, if not saturated and also that there is way more liquidity than necessary. This means a mismatch of savings to investments which means more savings than investing, which will fix itself only by raising the interest rate, as Janet Yellen did recently. In the meantime, the interest rate rising at this level will discourage long-term investment. Now then, how does one expect to receive greater amounts of money in the future for their hard work at interest rates like these, when bonds and retirement pensions granted in the past have interest rates far above the ones granted now. It's a problem that has no good solution except to cut the problem off before it gets too fast and clean of a cut and the interest rate widens the divide.

You're calling me retarded and you missed the point of the debate. I actually agree with the last sentence of the first line you blithering idiot. I want people to work hard, which is why I'm saying tax the inheritance. You and your retarded brain that is blinded by the right-left dichotomy can't see past the most retarded ruse on the planet: modern political leanings.

>> No.1775053

>We are the lucky ones

Do you honestly believe this?

>> No.1775064

Absolutely. I don't know about you, but I would rather be self-made than a materialistic trust fund baby. We have the chance to change the world with our money, they have the chance to buy prada bags.

>> No.1775069

I rather spend the money than live like a Jewish cockroach Pennypincher

>> No.1775098

>just mentioning that you're wrong. I don't care if you don't believe me though.
Obviously you do care or you wouldn't have posted. So we've established that you're wrong, you're in denial, and you're a roleplaying delusional faggot. Strike three.

The fact remains that most millionaires spend their entire life drawing a salary and working for someone else. They just do it better than you. So while you're eating catfood and bagging groceries in you're 80's, they're retired an living a quality life.

>> No.1775103

>Obviously you do care or you wouldn't have posted.
you'll notice that my first post WASN'T in response to you.

I stated a fact which you're free to deny. It doesn't change the fact.

>> No.1775109

Why would I read any of your posts that aren't replies to me? You're an ignorant kid. I'm not going to learn anything from you, and neither will anyone else.

>> No.1775113

>Why would I read any of your posts that aren't replies to me?
I don't know, but you did.

You responded to a post of mine that wasn't addressed to you;.

No, you won't learn from me. You're an idiot.

>> No.1775115

Oh, you're the fag that cited some book that doesn't actually say what he asserted. Fuck, now I can connect the dots. You're a not just a roleplaying, lying, delusional, ignorant kid ... you're a NEET troll too.


>> No.1775116

you seem awfully angry about the fact that almost all self-made millionaires own businesses.

>> No.1775117

Why do I seem angry? I'm happily insulting you and you keep coming back for more, like some masochistic cuck. This is hilarious to me. You're a joke and you're entertaining me.

Please keep posting.

>> No.1775119

My dad us retired and only gets a monthly severance package and social security. My mom makes minimum wage.

They both saved up really hard so that they can pay my tuition for the masters program i am in now.

Hopefully i can make big non-autism bux and pay them back and take care of them later.

>> No.1775120

>Why do I seem angry?
I think we both know.
I make you feel small, and it's not the first time.

>> No.1775121

Dance monkey, dance.

>> No.1775123

little matthew, can't stand the accomplishments of better men.

how do you deal with the fact that there's millions of better men than you?

>> No.1775125

Someone forgot that I have a lot more money than him....

Keep dancing, garbage man.

>> No.1775130

I don't believe in your wealth any more than you do mine.

if you actually had money you'd know that-
1. you're a business owner
2. most millionaires are business owners

AND you wouldn't be so hurt by my success.

>> No.1775137

Except I proved mine. You posted pictures of Disneyland and claimed it proves you're a millionaire. You posted your boss' contracts that add up to $50k revenue and claim it proves your a millionaire.

You're a middle-aged, middle-class, middle-intelligence cuck. And you hit your ceiling a LONG time ago. But we already know you've settled for the life you lead, and you've accepted (and apparently relish in) your failures. So nothing I can say will hurt your feelings. Someone like you who roleplays on the internet is so bound up in their fictional persona that they're deaf to reality.

For the record, I am a business owner. However, most millionaires are not. They draw a salary and work for someone else. Period.

But please keep talking about things you'll never experience or know. I love seeing how far you'll go to defend your lies and roleplaying.

>> No.1775139

>They draw a salary and work for someone else. Period.
I've posted 2 citations saying the opposite.

you've posted nothing denying it.

>> No.1775144

>actual 12k lawnmower
For 12k you can pay some mexican to keep your garden for many years.

>> No.1775145
File: 1.12 MB, 1005x697, wal3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you..you do realize those fuckers aren't happy either right?

anecdotes time:

story #1 - used to tutor a son of a very rich plastic surgeon. at age of 15 he had a $100,000 wardrobe, bought whatever he wanted, spoiled as fuck. He was deeply troubled, neglected by his parents, acted out like a motherfucker, and was pretty ugly. He clinged to me like the big bro he never had.

Story #2 - Dated a girl who was a millionaire. Like million dollars straight cash in her bank account, with 500K worth of clothes and bags, a $120K car, etc. Went to school for "fun", didn't work, didn't do shit. She also attempted suicide, was basically bipolar, major abandonment issues.

Being rich doesn't mean shit. Don't buy into the bullshit.

"Yeah but man, they just are fucking idiots. If I had that money, I'd use it properly and be happy."

Yeah good for you but protip:
1. If you never earned it you wouldn't have that mentality to pull that off
2. Even with your mentality try holding onto it for 10 years and seeing how you feel. Especially if you "upgrade" your social circle.

tldr: OP is a huge fag

>> No.1775164


"Of those who are self-made millionaires the study revealed their top sources of assets included investments/capital appreciation, compensation and employee stock options/profit sharing. Those who were BORN WEALTHY were more likely to cite inheritance, ENTREPRENEURSHIP and real estate investment appreciation as an asset source." (emphasis added)

Let's recap:

1. investments/capital appreciation

2. compensation

3. employee stock options/profit sharing

Just like I fucking said. Notice that business ownership (entrepreneurship) is NOT listed for self-made millionaires.

Jesus man, what's it like to be proven wrong in every thread you join? I mean, you may honestly be the dumbest person on the board. Seriously.

Thanks again for the laughs, janitor boy. You never fail to deliver. See you next time.

>> No.1775169

are you pretending ownership isn't investment/capital appreciation?

are you retarded?

>> No.1775172

I can't remember the quote by Andrew Carnegie so I'll paraphrase. He said
>don't leave inheritance to your children because they will grow up lazy and throw it away. However don't give your money to the government because they too, will throw it all away. Instead, use your wealth the way you see fit, to benefit society and to help others.

Look at what he did, he built Carnegie hall, he built a fuck ton of libraries. He built colleges for people to attend. He may have fucked over a lot of people but he still helped more people than any of the other industrialists. Fucking Rockefeller just said no one can have it.
Ok but that just proves my point. His dad wasn't gonna just tell him fuck you. He gave him the tools to succeed and he did. You can say all you want about him but he was smart enough to make the app with his friends and he was smart enough to get to grow so large that it's about to be listed on the NYSE with a $25 billion enterprise value.

>> No.1775173

Either give a constructive argument or get the fuck out

>> No.1775174

>When it comes to investment strategies, those who are self-made millionaires were more likely to add equity investments
equity of course being ownership....

>> No.1775176

Actually if anything the government would just find a way to continue to line up there pockets

>> No.1775185

>are you pretending ownership isn't investment/capital appreciation?
Um, dumbass, the survey made a clear distinction between entrepreneurship, on the one hand, and investment/capital appreciation, on the other hand. So obviously by investment/capital appreciation we're talking about stock market and other equity-type passive investments, not business ownership.

>equity of course being ownership....
Holy fucking shit. This brain-damaged poorfag thinks buying a share of stock makes him a business owner!

Fuck, your stupidity really does have no bounds.

Nice try changing the goalposts, retard. Right out of the "Retard 101" playbook: when you've lost an argument, try changing the definitions of words.

Stick to picking up garbage, cuck. You once again prove that you know NOTHING about business or finance.

>So why are you on this board?

P.S. Time for you to pretend you were trolling all along. As if that makes anyone think you're less stupid.

>> No.1775192

>the survey made a clear distinction between entrepreneurship, on the one hand, and investment/capital appreciation, on the other hand.
no, the people that answered the survey did.

if I were moving the goalposts I'd point out that I posted 2 surveys that clearly disagree with your one that you can't even understand.

but there are no goal posts. There's nothing to win.

you being too stupid to understand fact doesn't change that fact.

>About two-thirds of us who are working are self-employed. Interestingly, self-employed people make up less than 20 percent of the workers in America but account for two-thirds of the millionaires. Also, three out of four of us who are self-employed consider ourselves to be entrepreneurs. Most of the others are self-employed professionals, such as doctors and accountants.


there are several thousand pages that agree.

>> No.1775195

>no, the people that answered the survey did.
Oh, the millionaires did. Ok, fine. I'm still right, dipshit.

I'm done with you. I'm convinced you may be legitimately mentally deficient. Not in a funny way, or a meme way. I think you may actually have impaired cognitive abilities. Good luck with your life. It's rough out there for the handicapped, and I don;t make it a habit of adding to your woes.

>> No.1775197

I've now posted 3 surveys that disagree with you to your one that you think agrees with you.

shall we keep going? You're not keeping up.

here's 4:

>> No.1775199

I can make you look retarded all night, Matt.

you're denying facts. You're going to lose that battle every time

>> No.1775212

Its worse when your family has money but they do nothing with it. My parents were making $150k a year but we didnt even have cable. Literally fucking stuck watching pbs & PAX TV on antenna. Eat out less than 5 times a year, no vacation, didnt attend any festivals, shitty cult like church group.

Its one thing to not spoil your kids but just a whole other to not give them anything. My parents are like two loners who just got together because its what society expects of people and had kids. My father played sports in high school & college but he never introduced us to a single sport. Never tried to get us into an instrument or karate and shit. It was like living with roommates who just lived in a different room of the house and met when dinner was served.

Fuck that shit, I wont spoil my kids or anything but I will tlak to them and know them. I dont even know what my parents likes to eat, be it a meal or fruit. What their favorite color is, favorite drink, music artists, etc. Its sad, I feel like I wouldnt even cry if they died.

>> No.1775218

He's probably doing that so you don't become a useless piece of shit.

But maybe he's just selfish.

>> No.1775232

>Evolution is just a theory
>just a theory
a little off topic here, but the colloquial use of theory is vastly different from the scientific use. Gravity is also "just a theory".

>> No.1775242

Ye life is not fair.

If there truly existed a benevolent god, he would make sure everyone had at least the same starting ground. Hence, I don't believe in the existence of god.

>> No.1775309

quit crying and do something for yourself

>source: poor kid that had to buy what i wanted myself

>> No.1775317

Listen to me
People get really mad when I say things like this but still

I'm one of those people you described, I'm living far too comfortably and my millionaire uncle is making for uni and my grandmother pays my car insurance, and I don't even buy my own food just because there's so much money my parents give to me

I didn't ASK for this. That's the thing, I think I'm a piece of shit as much as you do. But what the fuck am I supposed to do about it?

Anyway, not being well off is an opportunity in itself. You're more mature than I am. I am useless and I'm probably going to stay useless my whole life. People get mad when I say I want to be more poor, but I swear to you any anger you feel over how naive I am I also feel back about you.

>> No.1775321

Why do you let materialism govern whether or not you are happy?

You make it seem like your life sucks because you have to do everything yourself.


Grow up.

When you realise that, you can go and be happy.

>> No.1775326

stop comparing yourself to other people, you will always lose

>> No.1775333

that's fucked up...did they use the money for themselves or are they just packrats who store it all away for some indefinitely later date? how do they spend their free time?

>> No.1775336

>Does anyone else get infuriated by other peoples' parents giving them everything?
>I don't think there's a more infuriating thing than hearing that some normies' parents bought them a car and paid their entire college tuition.

The ones that acknowledge they are fortunate in life are ok people. Good, self aware people, even.

The ones that think everything their parents gave them is somehow their own ACCOMPLISHMENT, and show it off like they earned it....

These people with no self awareness are the worst douche bags you'll meet in life.

>> No.1775338

>The ones that think everything their parents gave them is somehow their own ACCOMPLISHMENT, and show it off like they earned it....

This is essentially 95% of Millenial rich kids.

Only 5% at most have any self awareness.

>> No.1775405

>that's why the people that manage to do it are almost all lawyers, doctors, engineers, managers, and business owners.

Well, I do own 0.4% of my company, so that's sorta being an owner, but I'd guess that's not what you mean. I work as a cryptographer, which is sorta an engineer.

But I make $120k, which is a bit over $90k after tax, and I save more than $50k while living quite extravagantly -- apartment downtown in an artsy city overlooking a creek, go out multiple times a week, etc. I'm on track to be a millionaire in about a decade.

>> No.1775469

Man I love feeling that Joffrey mode life
>New car when 16
>pay for my gas, insurance, and any upkeep until I graduated college
>pay for my rent, groceries, clothes
>pay for my literally everything

I graduated in December, and I'm headed off to become a marine officer

In the meantime though I'm enjoying my savings from working almost full-time in college (because I'm not a lazy shithead who can't balance work and class)

Best part is - I just get to stay at home for a couple months before my ship out date, all I have to do is just keep working out and enjoying the free shit my parents give me because they're worried

>> No.1775489

They didnt really spend much money(1 car, lived in apartments), my mom got some jewelry here & there but that nothing too expensive. Most expensive mightve been food as we were a family of 5. I dont know but I think they give money to relatives and friends or something because I dont ever remember them buying or investing in anything. I remember when they gave around $10-12 grand for an wing addition to the church. My aunts and uncles kids would need money and theyd send $500-750 to them.

Free time? Lol, they literally do nothing but sit at home. Before theyd go out and rent a tv show/movie from the library and theyd pick the most god awful movie. I mentioned PAX TV above, literally sappy stuff like touched by an angel, chicken soup for the soul kinda BS. It was so boring that I was entertained by shows like the price is right, shop till you drop, supermarket sweepstakes, destination stardom.

They just sit at home and do nothing, they do some stuff at church but they dont hang out with anyone or go to parties or have people over for a party. Theyre loners and if they didnt have each other and one of them died no one would notice & none of us kids would even bother to call and check up on them.

Thank god we are all well settled, I dont know what theyve done with their money but im putting their ass in a nursing home somewhere. Dont want one to die and the other to live on their own and die one day and no one checks on them in months. Bodies are getting cremated and buried in my grandparents town.

>> No.1775511


Best friend

> Paid dentistry (next up 2000 dollars worth of holes and a root canal because he can't figure out using a toothbrush)
> Paid health insurance
> Paid driver's licence (2nd time because he got a dui after a crash)
> Paid credit-card debt (7000 dollarinos)

Next up, I expect he will recieve a new car or maybe a house (probably not, but it seems endless how he gets stuff)

He's 29

And I have like paid for myself in everything since I was 15 because poor, alcoholic, bipolar single mom fucks shit up constantly


But I'm not angry, by /biz/ accounts I am far, far more succesful than him. I have drive, I have education, a good job with a leadership position, equity, money, stocks.
He has nothing and a child out of wedlock.

Getting everything handed to you makes you are weaker man ultimately

>> No.1775515

Good goyim!
Instead of putting in the effort of cultivating a work ethic in your family and having future generations inherit an empire to grow in your collective name, surrender your life's work to (((taxes))), who needs a legacy anyway!

>> No.1775529

You can live very well on little money. Your parents are living shitty lives regardless of wealth, the way to be happier is not to become a hedonist. They sound kinda old, I'll bet you get a nice inheritance when you're still reasonably young which you can put in the S&P and stop working forever.

Meanwhile, go hiking or swimming or camping or explore your city, these things are free, go to libraries or dance classes or protests or volunteer, these things are mostly also free.

You can hang out at coffee shops or bars or pool halls, these things cost money but it's hard to spend more than a couple thousand bucks a year doing this.

What kills you is buying expensive clothes, financing furniture or cars or computers, drinking $15 cocktails every night, doing cocaine, etc.


>> No.1775889


I have poor parents, but I've built myself up and I'm currently richer than most of my friends. I really think that I was better off not getting everything for free, as it has made me mentally stronger and better than my friends.

>> No.1775963

Not really.
I'd say it has to do with being comfortable. If you are, you don't really care about those who have more than you.
If, on the other hand, you spend all your time focusing on those people, you'll probably end up feeling uncomfortable, whether you have a high quality of life or not.

>> No.1776437

Why don't you just move out (to the streets even) and live like a poor person? You have that option.

>> No.1776443

>don't buy things because I'm cheap even though I can afford them
>my rich parents-in-law will buy them for me for my Birthday and Christmas, because they know I come a poor single parent home.

The adopted NEET lifestyle is pretty great senpai.

>> No.1776460

This is why poor people should never reproduce. Your children will just end up resenting you and their lot in life.

Yes it sucks OP. Blame your parents for having a child without being able to adequately provide for him.

>> No.1776739

>having a child without being able to adequately provide for him
This is what I told my girlfriend, figuring I'd never have kids.
Then she revealed her power level and I had to knock her up.

>> No.1776767
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>tfw 30yo and never had a job and never needed one

>> No.1776774

we become billonaires and organize an economic atack to the stock market, crash shit and generate a global crisis while profiting from it, let it all burn.

>> No.1776780

And for OP you get rich by breaking the law or being an enterpunuer.

>> No.1776785

Message me.
I can explain how it works.
It's actually really easy.
Hard part is gettin the coins into actual money.

>> No.1776810

Look basic
>grow some pot
>throw up a good price per gram
>give out free grams and get people to rate 5/5 and FF
>vacuum seal and wrap in tinfoil and wrap that shit in shirts and other misc shit
>never sell your dark net stuff online
>buy conterfit currency and use that to buy stuff off of craiglist and sell that shit for a bit less
>some how sell harder drugs and keep it up and hope you dont get caught
Pgp and VPN

>> No.1776901

Their parents worked hard, so they should be able to give their kids whatever they want.


The worst version of this is parents who buy their dumbass kids a business to run. Goddamn, especially any culinary related. I know someone like this. Doesn't know how to price food. Worked a couple years as a cook, but since his parents bought the place he's now "chef". He only works like 30 hours a week. His sous chef is basically the chef and does all the pricing, ordering, and menu design.

I think the reason this pisses me off is
1. This guy needs to work hard and earn the chef title.
2. He is running the business into the ground, when he has every advantage. They broke even their first year, but due to his apathy, standards are sliding and customers are leaving.

>> No.1776908

I wouldn't worry about it. In the real world you have to finish boot camp to be a Marine, you have to go to school to be an engineer, and you have to study to become a chef.

nobody in his field is going to take him seriously.

>> No.1776920


this hit close to home

when I was working as a shitty line cook at a reputable small burger place, some indiancuck bought the place for 30k over market value and ran the place into the ground. He bought the place with no understanding of the menu or demographic and used his dad's money because he was told to run any business he chose.

We had a staff of 14 people and 9 of them have been there for nearly 5years+ then in one year we all ended up quitting.

>> No.1776926

Seems like too much competition, any old nigger can do that.

What i need is to somehow innovate. Malware seems ridiculously profitable, the big botnets literally make millions.

>> No.1776927

>Was born in a first world country
Fuck off, kiddo. You will never know how unfair life really is, you can even let yourself to be stupid and naive.

>> No.1777353

Become new money, so you can give your kids what you never had. Make sure they're not little shits like you though.

>> No.1777382

all of the rich kids i know have become alcoholics.

>> No.1777399

Then you're going to have to take more risks.
My grandaparents gave me 2k for when I turned 18.
Was supposed to be for college money, but being a dumbfuck, I spent it on a beater car and sold it a month later and lost $500.

Now what do you think I would do if I had that same mindset, but my parents gave me 50k?
I'd probably buy the most retarded shit and blow it all in less than 3 months.

What i'm saying is, these rich kids are spending money left and right because it's not theirs.
When they actually earn the money they make, they'll understand.
I'm dating a girl who's family is rich af.
They're about to buy a million dollar house, her dad graduated from yale, has a PhD in medicine and a master's in business and law.
Her dad pays for her living expenses (over 1k a month), and gives her a monthly allowance (500 a month), and even gave her her own "growth account" which is just a savings account for college.

What am I getting from my parents?
Not a fucking dime.

>> No.1777401

Just curious in what specific ways did he fuck up pricing, or the menu or what he needed to do for the demographic?

>> No.1777403

because wealthy families don't exist

>> No.1777406

That fucking sucks

I literally have to pay for everything which started from 17 while my friends get everything covered...

>> No.1777415

The thing that sucks the most is the girl i'm dating expects me to fucking pay for all her shit.
Every time we go out to eat, "you're paying for me right".
She says it's called "being romantic"
But really all it is, is her being a little gold digger who derives her self-worth upon how much a guy spends on her because it makes her feel "expensive and wanted".
That's what happens when you're a girl who gets raised by a daddy that gives you everything you want no matter the fucking cost.

>> No.1777417

>money can only be used to buy Ferraris!!!

you are not intelligent enough to join in this convo.

>> No.1777423

And yet she has no trouble finding a suitor.

>> No.1777426

why do rich guys not date multiple girls.
hot girls are always dating multiple guys at once.

i guess it's the white knight brainwashing from youth

>> No.1777441

>why do rich guys not date multiple girls

uhh they do

>> No.1777447

Whatever you say m80

>> No.1778141

What would stop parents from passing the wealth to their kids before dying?

>> No.1778180

My parents gave me anything but now I'm a spoiled useless idiot.

None of my achievements are mine. Makes me QQ.

>> No.1778188

It infuriates me my parents give me nothing while they have lots of money.

In fact, during my student time I received less benefits from the government because I had rich parents. But they didn't give me shit.

>> No.1778189

>tfw parents bought me car and were totally going to pay for my education but I fucked up and am now a neet

I hate myself :^)

>> No.1778190
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Students with poor parents received hundreds of euros per month.

>> No.1778191

>thinks hot girls are dating multiple guys at once
are you retarded? Some do some don't, but in my experience girls typically want "the one". It's men who want multiples.

>> No.1778197

to be fair I don't know many women who straight up say that. But it makes sense if a girl (and even guy) want publicly for the man to pay. It's emasculating otherwise in some peoples' eyes. She probably spends more time and money on herself to look presentable and cute too, and is your personal fuck toy, so I mean... is it that crazy if she expects you to cough up 20 damn bucks when going out?

>> No.1778201

>trapping a woman because of money
I thought men cried and whined about this stuff all the time?

>> No.1778382

Maybe you never confronted them about it like the beta you are.
No titty for you if you don't cry.

>> No.1778430

Lol you sound like a butthurt liberal fag. Fuck those people. Plenty of people have done it, Stop winging.

>> No.1778600
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It's not fair and it's extremely rare, at least the 250k at 25 end of the spectrum.

It's also worth considering the value of being forced to learn how to make your way on your own.

You shouldn't worry about it too much, you'll just end up a bitter useless NEET like all the bitcoin holders shitposting here.

>> No.1778791

>trapping a woman because of money
Not really trapping her if she's asking for it.
And they all are.

>> No.1778864

>your money shouldn't go to your kids, they don't deserve it and it isn't fair. Children should be raised to be self reliant
>instead we're going to redistribute your wealth to Jamal and Shaniqua's seven children. They deserve a hand up and this is social justice. It's only right that they get a head start in life

Fuck off. I understand the objections to inheritance but there's no solution that isn't hideously unjust. What's next, imposing a cap on how much youre allowed to spend on your kids while you're alive?

>> No.1778872

That's a nice list of buzzwords. Care to try again, this time using coherent sentences?

>> No.1778876

I don't waste time on that shit, I work on being successful.

>> No.1778878

See the thing is it depends on expenses too. My brother is working and living at home.He graduated from CS 2 years ago. He will be making 85K this year and saving 40-50K working 45 hrs a week.

Now most motivated and educated people can make 60-70K+/yr. The trick is to live with your parents.

When I graduate I'll be working for the family business making 25% of profits. That's roughly 90K this year (much less if a recession strikes), however if we grow the business I can pockets 100-150K easily. Now I will have no expenses and likely have a 1M portfolio before I'm 30.

It's not impossible if your parents support you.

The reason people go into wageslavery is because they live on their own, have wives, and kids and expenses add up fast.

Rich people, while they live better than the average person don't waste much of their overall wealth.

Middle class people are a product of weak family structure.

>> No.1778880

>The trick is to live with your parents
agreed, but I don't count that as getting rich on your own.

nor I suspect would those surveys.

>> No.1779413

Yeah it sucks but there is a silver lining to it. I feel I'm being by at least two years in life, lacking certain material things like a car was a huge hit to my confidence so I missed opportunities to get more friends and some really nice girls. On the bright side, I noticed I can recognize opportunities to make money more easily, and lately I understood why. People who've been handed shit aren't gonna bust their ass to make an additional $50-$500 a month, for them its "nothing", they're blind to those niches. I'm finally in a position where I can equalize to them and exceed them over time. As for going to clubs and shit - going 20 times is the same as going 200 times.

>> No.1779428

>HOW is this fair? WHY is this fair?

Its not fair OP. At least be happy that youre not indian

>> No.1779446

>given car age 16 to 25
>parents paid for college and grad school
>live at home save all my money

Still have never felt "rich" or even privileged.

When I read these threads I feel a little bit more cognizant of my advantages but it's not like my life, which can be described as upper middle class, has prevented me from being sad or disappointed or having to wagecuck through my twenties

>> No.1779457

Dude, use your spare time to build up your resume. Take online courses in your field (e.g. Coursera and EdX), volunteer at placements in your field, do your own research. As you said, you did not ask for this, so you are not a piece of shit. You're only a piece of shit if you do nothing with your life.

>> No.1779485

There's something slightly obscene about that. It's a bit like a 30yo whose mother still changes his diapers for him. On the one hand I ***guess*** you're winning in some sense of the word. On the other hand... eww, dude, do you not have self respect?

>> No.1779504


Why would you ever be average?

>> No.1779508

Scandinavia is Europe's Somalia.

>> No.1779509


Disgusting OP.

>> No.1779576
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Why are there NEETs on this board?

>> No.1779611


Somalia is better because they have low taxes :(

>> No.1779623
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>Tfw have chance with rich it Italian daughter of land developers

only attracted to Asians and can't fake it

>> No.1779707

Ignore him, he's that LARPing guy from several other threads

You can source whatever you want, he'll disregard it and neg you with literally PUA tier "ur entertaining me, how cute, I'll allow you to reply" statements. Chess with a pigeon

>> No.1779889

It's not fair. Its life.

I grew up ina trailer park and dropped out of college twice.

Now i run equipment and make like 50k. With good benefits.

Still gonna get rich someday m8

>> No.1779893

>index funds.

Read some personal finance books and get rich

>> No.1779919

Unfucking believable... really?

My dad would punch me in the fucking head if i sued him

>> No.1779929

This is why youll never be rich.

>> No.1779960

None of you fucking idiots get it.
In order for people to have substantial amount of money , the rest must not be able to.

In order to have, the majority must not have.
You all honestly believe there is a slight chance you will be rich, not that a mil has the purchasing power it did 10 years ago.

Good luck honeslty.

>> No.1780061
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My parents did this for me. My father busted his ass to become a doctor to give his children the best possible life, but he wasn't able to instill a similar work ethic in me and I've wasted everything he's given me.

>> No.1780392

I understand desu. Not only do my parents give me fuck all, which i actually dont mind, nothing is ever free,especially wuth an emotionally unstable narcissist for a mother.

But the fuckers actively jew me, charging well over market rate for my rent, while simultaneously calling me a worthless lazy fuck up. Despite the fact that they dont even own their house at 45 and my mother earns 60k yurobucks a year as a fucking secretary despite the fact to prove a point i fucking automated her job. Fuckers chew me out about the occasional 1-2 month gap in employment despite the fact that theyve had nothing but handouts.

>> No.1780402

Thank him while you still can. Literally by saying it. A year of just relaxing and not working would be heaven for me.

>> No.1780413
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I worked at same company for 8 years as the #2. The owner is in mid 70's and wants to retire. He puts business up for sale and I'm looking to buy and trying to arrange finance.
Some prick kid on the workfloor comes in and undercuts me because his dad has given him the money to buy the business. It's a good deal for the current owner.
I'm priced out and some dipshit becomes my new boss... I quit... now unemployed.