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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17717783 No.17717783 [Reply] [Original]

Well folks, its finally happening. I work for a major logistics company and just heard from the top brass that they're planning HUGE layoffs. Quite likely I'll get the axe since I'm in middle management... Who is else is screwed in the coming weeks and months?

>> No.17717816

guy kneepads before it rocket in price like TP

>> No.17717831 [DELETED] 

which company? If it's huge you have nothing to risk. I've heard talk of this from Pemco

>> No.17717835

I work for a company that helps people work from home so I got an $80k bonus.

>> No.17717848

Ok Zoomer

>> No.17717851
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why do you faggots never post the company names

>> No.17717867

I legit need a work from home job. Suggestions?

>> No.17717868
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I work for racism and they are hiring. Don't know what OP is on about. Doesn't even give much details.

>> No.17717904

I'm in Finance. Everything is slowly grinding to a halt. All company related travel was cancelled several days ago and is indefinitely frozen. Any day now we'll be told the office is closing, just waiting for the first employee to be diagnosed and that's that. We'll work from home but even now our clients aren't interested in so much as scheduling calls, and there is a very strange feeling in the atmosphere. I don't expect mass layoffs, because if you think about it the business world is about to fucking stop for at least a quarter, so we're really all in the same boat.

>> No.17717924

Is the chink hate division hiring?

>> No.17718079

finance here. they're all preparing us to work from home, travel ban, procedures to keep (((the sick))) from getting in the building. we've been busy as fuck the past two weeks, trading floor buzzing because fixed income is going all wonky. we've been having other firms low ball our client's fixed income cuz they scared to hold the assets in their inventory without a premium. Fed lending $175B per day now on repo market, banks probably lending that money to others for subprime collateral, market still hemhorraging value. It's interesting.

Don't think we're laying anyone off any time soon, but if the fin advisor franchises start tumbling down I may start to worry.

>> No.17718836


>> No.17718874

Here's my resume, sir:

>> No.17718893
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I work in the oil industry, just started recovering from the 2015 price collapse then it tanks 30% in one day

It's over

>> No.17719224
File: 66 KB, 400x388, Band_a_bonnot_desenho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the mob. Both the angry one and the "legitimate business".
Make some "investments" and some "withdrawals".

>> No.17720464

Go withdraw your cash if you still can

>> No.17720996


>> No.17721058

Based and Bonnot pilled.

>> No.17721469

>work in tech so working from home, but
>in NZ so gvt still has time to fuck this up, it's only just got here
>am immuno compromised
when i die consider my lost crypto a supply reduction

>> No.17721577

>Any day now we'll be told the office is closing, just waiting for the first employee to be diagnosed and that's that.
>if you think about it the business world is about to fucking stop for at least a quarter, so we're really all in the same boat.
Yep. Universities are reacting similarly, mine included. Very real possibility of shutting the entire campuses down and transferring to remote learning. And also since I'm a student employee, there go my fucking hours. Gonna be fucking pissed if it does come to that, and it looks like it might.

>> No.17721618

I work at a web company, literally all of us can work from home lmao.

>> No.17721669

NEET here. I'm chilling in my room.

>> No.17721683

This is really just confirmation that we're in late stage capitalism. I hope more people realize this. It's unfortunate that it took a pandemic for the average person to notice this, though.

Capitalism goes way further than just an economic system. Concepts such as profit and competition are presented, under capitalism, as self-evident truisms that are inherent to the human condition, or 'human nature'. People might even call the profit motive, or the idea that competition is healthy, or the infallible power of the free market, 'common sense'. This is the mental and psychological hold capitalism has on the masses. This is despite the fact that profit akin to what we've seen since the 14th and 15th centuries had never persisted anywhere beforehand. Big business is a very new thing, and the endless pursuit of growth is as artificial and unnatural as it gets.

>> No.17721700

70% of this economy can not work from home. It's impossible to perform their job like that. All of these upper middle class yuppies don't realize how bad it will get.

>> No.17721714

have fun in isolation, faggots, it's not like this changes much for you NEETS
just remember that at some point, the people making your food might go home too...

>> No.17721772

This bubble and crash we're caused by manipulation of the markets. The solution is to abolish central banks and free the markets.

>> No.17721794

Cornhole Customs Limited

>> No.17721799

>free the markets
Top fucking kek. Ancaps truly are mentally deficient.

>> No.17721798

Yes, if Oil compasses cant stay alive then it is the end or at lest the US.

>> No.17721839
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IT Sec fag here. I work for a large non-profit that provides a mandatory service to the state I live in. I am cross trained to do everyone's job in my department, and the only person in this position. I think that gives me a lot of leverage for keeping my job, that and we don't get any money from the market.

I also have a degree in a completely unrelated field that I have 5-years of experience in. I don't want to go back to it, but I would if absolutely necessary.

>> No.17721865

Neck yourself, leftypol retard.

>> No.17721899

So should I work for grub hub?

Since people stay home?

>> No.17722040

because they are larping homosexuals
>the homosexual part is not a larp tho

>> No.17722075

Crime and begging aside, what possible way would there be to generate any kind of income in the next great depression?

>> No.17722084
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What's with all the larping?
Once everyone realizes that this is mostly social media pushed hype and click bait news bullshit we'll be fine.
Yeah this sucks for the old an infirm but so does any flu or cold.

>> No.17722270


You could be a cop. Pretty much recession proof. Only bad thing is if things get real bad then your chance of getting steamrolled by an angry mob goes through the roof.

>> No.17722284
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>> No.17722358

Hey! This guy's a commie!

>> No.17722423

Hoping I get laid off and then they do what they did with the last recession and extend unemployment benefits indefinitely. I'll move back in with my parents and go back to living on easy street until the checks run out.

>> No.17722447

I'm already the only guy in my dad's rich liberal neighborhood with an SKS, several stripper clips, and 1000 rounds of ammo. I think I might extort boomers for protection money if looters enter the neighborhood.

>> No.17723531


>> No.17724025


>Trump speak. I listen. I repeat Trump.

get a fucking life fag. this shit is bad, the only people who can't comprehend the scale of it are retarded fucks like you.

>> No.17724124

27 y/o boomer here. I probably have project work until april. probably moving back in with my parents after that to live out the end days. Pretty ok timeline actually.

>> No.17724140

>4% death rate virus that stays in your system for life and is going to infect every human

>"its just a flu bro"

idiots like you need to kys

>> No.17724202

Germans love socialism while others get fired:


In 2009, the German government had budgeted 5.1 billion euros on the program, which replaced some of the lost income of over 1.4 million workers. The program was favorably cited in a 2009 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report, which stated that it had saved nearly 500,000 jobs during the recession

>> No.17724231

I'm 50/50 $DAI and $FRM. How comfy am I?

>> No.17724235
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>just left my internship for a new job at new company
>:/ I'm totally not gonna get fired when i start next week right? I'm doing Database/CRM & finance work,

>> No.17724430
File: 119 KB, 1098x725, B518557F-3A78-4A5A-ABFE-5BE4E7C0AB6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have no idea of the shit storm that is brewing in agriculture right now..

>> No.17724444

I smell a leaf

>> No.17724499

I've never seen someone so qualified.

>> No.17724532
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