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17714037 No.17714037 [Reply] [Original]

It's lit edition

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>> No.17714041

What's gonna kill more boomers, Corona-chan or suicide now that their retirements are fugged?

>> No.17714059

Fuck yall and the market

>> No.17714063

how do i make money off this economic downturn?

options puts on SPY? buy and hold TVIX?

>> No.17714074
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Such a wonderful ending to their lives. Poetic even.

>> No.17714076

What are we buying tomorrow, boys? Tomorrow IS going to be the bottom, right?

>> No.17714077


>> No.17714083


>> No.17714085

Why don't you use it as collateral for a margin account?
Since you're a genius, you'll make many times what you've already made.

>> No.17714089

Wells Fargo is like retardedly low now like I don't really follow the problems with banks so I could be wrong but its at 2013 levels I mean what the hell?

>> No.17714090

SQQQ faggot

>> No.17714093
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>> No.17714098

Corona virus is FAKE and GAY.

>> No.17714116

Hello elon

>> No.17714119

THIS but gotta time your it right to buy in

>> No.17714121
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>> No.17714124

remember when that SNSS pajeet lost his ass on his gay penny stock? god that was hilarious

>> No.17714127
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>> No.17714132

Started laughing hysterically in front of my Boomer parents and they want to know why.

>> No.17714137
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>Tomorrow low 22k
Screencap this

>> No.17714147

>Those with "low social contact" get the sickest

Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck

>> No.17714149

I'm a brainlet but I think it has to do with reduced profits because of the falling yield curve.

>> No.17714154

welp, it was nice knowing you lads

>> No.17714156

good idea. i may purchase tommorow if markets are in the green. less risky than TVIX

>> No.17714158

As if it were yesterday

>> No.17714159
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Where's this fag?

>> No.17714161
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>> No.17714162

Most boomer thing I've read today

>> No.17714165

we actually closed below the 200 week moving average lmao its fucking over. recession confirmed

>> No.17714166

the government
>The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.
the US is going to make the Italian government look competent in its response

>> No.17714167

Why aren’t you guys buying INNT?

>> No.17714173

Yeah no joke because I believed his shit and would have been better off taking the money and running at the peak versus what I sold at. Fuck it not even SNSS is immune to this Corona bullshit.

>> No.17714174

Can someone explain why people say markets will always rebound?

The US markets have historically always rebounded but plenty of other indices never (or barely) returned to their ATH after a crash (AEX, Nikkei, FTSE100, Euro STOXX50, ASX200 etc). Who's to say the same won't ever happen to American markets?

>> No.17714177
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>Everything will be Green guys
Hahahahah holy kek, my sides in orbit

>> No.17714179

Who is this stupid boomer?

>> No.17714184

Seriously blessed

>> No.17714188

DOW actually closed under 200 MA, we're in a bear market now boys

>> No.17714191

Nigger shit

>> No.17714195

you'd be surprised by how many governments are covering this up

>> No.17714194

Their petrification to rattle the market may be what actually crashes it, lol.

>> No.17714197
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>Hudbay minerals is dying

I'm dying with it.
Forced into a hold for the next year. No clue if I will profit.

>> No.17714201
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DOW did. S&P hasn't quite yet. But yeah we deep innawood here.

>> No.17714202

I hope this idiot gets it and croaks

>> No.17714209

its simple: America is good and other countries are bad

>> No.17714216

Ah I did a cursory glance at the news dang this is my bank lol yeah they got fucked

Anyway Trump should get all the FED together in a room and get them to sign a pledge that they won't prop up the markets anymore and really call this fucking bears bluff, how much money do you want to lose? You guys want to make it 50% 60,70? Great Depression?

I mean if they are that tough, getting hard to see him winning election anyway. Hopefully the reverse psychology mind games will break the bad mojo in the universe.

>> No.17714218
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Uhhhhhhhhh is this bullish?


>> No.17714222

>just print more money lol

>> No.17714226

>making money is bigger shit

>> No.17714236

Well go die in some other gutter faggot we don't have to hear about this shit.

>> No.17714239

bobo synergy

>> No.17714241

I’ve bought SQQQ and calls on oil am I winning

>> No.17714243

Has TDA ever received a bailout? I'm pulling my money out of the bank and was considering parking it there, if its safe.

>> No.17714246


Pack it up boys, we're done for a few months.

>> No.17714247

Guys what the fuck is going on with iBovespa futures

>> No.17714251

And the disease is not even in full swing yet. Holy shit this going to be insane in a few weeks.

>> No.17714252

the democrats will crash it into oblivion to make trump look bad. they dont care about human lives they only care about power

>> No.17714255

Bigger shit? Oh yeah tell me about your bigger shit you nigger.

>> No.17714258

Wat its spazzing out

>> No.17714262

Oil is more of a risky bet but yeah right now you're "winning"

>> No.17714263

can you imagine that nancy pelosi witch working with trump to fix this?

>> No.17714280

The tradingview chart is broken. I dunno.

>> No.17714302

>muh democrats
take your meds MIGA schizo

>> No.17714304
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(MSN.com) Microsoft news

>> No.17714307


>> No.17714314

this shit is literally acting like silver, probably algos spazzing out

>> No.17714316

>more than 1100 NASDAQ lows

>> No.17714318

There's no bluff. The economy has been running on fumes for a while and corona virus is real damage that printing money won't make go away

>> No.17714320
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Clown world. Playing children's games in an empty arena.

>> No.17714323
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Why the fuck is TSLA still above $620?

>> No.17714327

>the one bank buffett has been selling
>the one that’s still being restructured from fraudulent activity with a fresh ceo appointed within the past year

>while the yield curve is fucked and interest rates are fucked.

0% interest rates fuck the profitability of banks. Negative makes them load up on bad debt and become less stable.

>> No.17714333
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Maybe they'll still dye the river
never been able to figure out if this thing measures schumann resonance, generated number variance, what?

>> No.17714336

Whats the "Volatility S&P" and why is it up 14%?

>> No.17714341
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Yeah, that was awesome.

>> No.17714346
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it happens. this was feb 20

>> No.17714356
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uh oh

>> No.17714358

People like you don't make money.
They lose it. You need to start running or you will keep making mistakes like


>> No.17714360
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>> No.17714364

My boomer dad is telling me how he already regrets buying a new sports car. Apparently he never cashed out his gains, bought the car with a loan, and considered it gg since he was up so much in the market in the past 4 years.

Now his portfolio is getting dumpstered but he still has the absurd loan to pay off for his track car he drives three times a month.

The fun part? He blames Trump. No part of this situation is a result of his own irresponsibility. It's the executive branches fault that a global pandemic fucked the market which he never cashed out of.

>> No.17714366

>Can someone explain why people say markets will always rebound?

You asked kind of a philosophical question (because proving it in a rigorous way would be a chore), but to simply put it the belief in "progress".

Money = Work = Energy, as long as humanity is growing in number, as long as the energy utilization grows with that (even if say we become more efficient as well), as long as we're gathering more energy (and I'm not just talking oil, I'm talking human endeavors, anything that involves making things for people or doing things for people), there will be an increase in "wealth".
There's a fixed amount of wealth on the planet and in the universe because there's a fixed amount of matter and energy, but we're no where near utilizing all of it.

As for why some markets stagnated, I'd say the bulk of their wealth went somewhere else. Whether that's into the American markets or into real estate or into people's private vaults, or into the coffers of their governments, or what have you.

So you're right in that the American markets COULD crash and then never rebound and then stagnate but only if people sort of lost complete faith in the market and then diverted their money somewhere else (a different market).
Might that happen in the future, might everyone pump the martian colonial exchange market while the amalgamated earth trading indices become a tired relic of old money? Sure

>> No.17714378

It's a volatility index
Because the market is becoming more volatile

>> No.17714385

>its actually happening
man i wish i didnt lose all my vintage /new/ paul memes when i reformatted

>> No.17714388

>volatility index
only clown world capitalism would allow such a thing

>> No.17714395

>its actually happening
it hasn't even begun

>> No.17714400

Oil down 5%
Maybe China and Russia are wanting to crash the dollar? At what point would they have enough of the US shit? What better time to strike? No unified response in the US with Drumpf syndrome

>> No.17714407

It's a random number generator

>> No.17714412
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Do people unironically think drump didn't make things worse by saying.

"just behave normal, you'll be fine, just go to work like you usually do wageslave, you'll get better".

Fired the scientists in charge of dealing with it, actively silencing people from speaking out about the dangers of it.

>> No.17714414

People here are so fucking dumb, it's no wonder your portfolios range from $200 to $5k

>> No.17714418

Srs question from a newfag

What does this mean for normal wormung class people other than watching boomers starve?

Will it cause mass unemployment and the election if ridin biden?

>> No.17714422

Thank god its closed now

>> No.17714426

i avoid oil. i got burned on an energy oil bull 3x etf back i n 2015. lost 200k. i thought oil prices would rise jsut like what you are probably thinking too right now. well the oil cartels can conspire to keep it down longer than you think. there is a glut of oil.

>> No.17714435

Yeah so they canceled March Madness for fans and basically billions will be lost from a lot of local communities and we could see mass closures and bankruptcies just because some pussy ass motherfuckers don't want a 3% chance of death and a 1% chance of getting a cold and nobody is adult enough to just trust someone to stay home if they have a cold

Fucking America, we deserve to lose everything this used to be the land of the brave

is what i would say if I was this guy

>> No.17714458

Yes people believe that.

My boomer dad believes that trump is handling it well because msnbc is criticizing him. To him, if a liberal says it then it must be false.

>> No.17714459

Would you prefer mass graves and hospitals being inaccessible for a year?

>> No.17714464

It means right wing death squads patrolling plague zones and machine gunning down feral nig corona-carriers. It's going to be awesome.

>> No.17714473

I'm sure he'll learn a valuable lesson.

>> No.17714475

I just got approval for trading futures. I can trade during Jews and whites only hours.

>> No.17714476

>retard literally brags about he is the cause of the markets going up
>bungles the pandemic management "uhhh pence you in chare here!"
>democrats aren't going to take advantage of it politically

trumpers are so fucking dumb.

>> No.17714477

Please, I can only get so erect

>> No.17714479

I don't mean to wish anything bad on your family. I'm sure you're a fine guy.

all that outsourcing to chinks finally fucked em.

>> No.17714482


>> No.17714483
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>> No.17714487

can you spread the disease even if you are asymptomatic

>> No.17714489

Based Corona-chan putting Boomers in their place

>> No.17714490

>You can manage a pandemic when China is literally welding people inside and getting their shit pushed in

>> No.17714491

yTXFEYDC's point was that his dad should have locked in profits instead of being a greedy pig.

>> No.17714492

>virus spread hasn't reached its peak yet
>boomers still waiting for the (((golden))) bull run
wtf I love trump now

>> No.17714496

The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent

>> No.17714498

Short answer for all of your market questions mr. newfag: It depends.

When we trade the market, we don't really know whats going to happen. We are all just making educated guesses. Will the market full on crash? Who knows, it all depends on the mass consensus. Some of us will always be bears, and some always bulls, but the masses usually flip-flop. Right now its looking bullish, but tomorrow is looking super crabish (lots of back and forth). Its hard to see how far down this will go, but you can know for sure that this won't be another great depression. There is a chance this becomes near 2008 levels, but only mega-bears are buying this theory right now. Just stay calm and observe. The more you watch the market, the better you'll be at reading it, but there will always be differing opinions.

>> No.17714509

You should unironically learn some yiddish and some hebrew

>but I hate the jews!
Know thy enemy

>> No.17714524
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I have to ask here because my retardation can be hidden, but with options trading on Tastyworks or Robinhood, how do I turn my plays into cash in my account? Do I have to initial a sell order to get my money, or do I just close the contract? Plz respond

>> No.17714525
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>> No.17714526

Oh no not the sportsball!! Who's gunna clap for the heckin good pavement aperinos when they put the ball in the hoop? Can America survive if we miss a single tri-annual session of mass nigger worship?? Oh my god this is a tragedy!

>> No.17714528
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Oh shiet I'm a shut in that works at home

>> No.17714530

fuck you

>> No.17714542

sorry i meant to say the market was looking BEARish right now, not bullish.

>> No.17714550

>Muslims, millennials, and commies
Wow they really know how to bait their audience

>> No.17714555

i can't tell if you're shitposting when you talk about getting reamed in the ass with options, but if you're serious, you're going to get fucked even harder with futures lol

>> No.17714559
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Based corona btfoing that felon faggot for me

>> No.17714563

Called Mitchell something. Actually predicts things right unlike most so...

>> No.17714567

We had a -6% day and TSLA is still just taking a 1%, 2% hit. What a delusional market.

>> No.17714569

It's over

>> No.17714571
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>> No.17714580

Wtf that wasn’t me, my ID changed, I really did mean to say stocks are looking BULLISH right now.

>> No.17714587

hooked nose detected

>> No.17714589

>profits and reality never mattered to a company
>they will suddenly start mattering in a bear market
short literally anything else bobo

>> No.17714590

Lost big today. Bought back into NRZ lmao
Dumped some AMD

That’s the whole point, the whole reason this things so damn hard to manage.

>> No.17714594

reminder that if youre not a boomer or an absolute retard, there is zero reason to be concerned about your health, job, or money

>> No.17714596

I'm going to give you the realest advice in this thread: Stop trading
you're going to lose all your money if you're too retarded to do even the most basic thing related to options.

>> No.17714599

all right /smg/ i have $200 to light on fire where do i put it to make maximum gains, something memeworthy preferred like some way of shorting nursing homes

>> No.17714600

Completely false. Only thing he can predict is my juicy bear cum smothered all over his retirement portfolio

>> No.17714603

Exactly, this is the woke shit
China had enough of Trump bullying, they decided to hatch a plan, yes it would take them out but they believe in this multidimensional chess 100 year long plan kung fu ching chong chopstick bullshit so they win in the end

Russia doesn't only hate us they also hate Saudis because they are trying to make the oil market all about them with Saudi Aramco and trying to become the Amazon of Oil. Saudis expected to have a stock worth like 2000 a share because of this.

Meanwhile, the US Press has been nonstop crying like a bitch who lost her morning after pills since Trump got elected and needs to hit him where it hurts, so they either knowingly or not are extremely enthusiastic about helping China. Even going so far as to name it ((COVID)) and not Wuhan Flu. China can't even be blamed for its own mistake because ((muh precious Chinarino feelings hurty bad if a gay person is in a movie wahhhhh))
in fact they are trying to memory hole the virus and call it #trumpvirus and knowing that he is just a carnival barker there is no way he would be able to handle a global pandemic, shit, Obama probably would've done just as bad but maybe a bit better with funding the CDC.

So anyway, we have a press and democrats (exactly the same thing) who have always been in bed with China anyway and will gladly see China take over (the intelligentsia from universities already called this The Chinese Century and they hate being wrong) as long as they get to ((lead)) and feel in total control and make big money buy large amounts of puts.

Because of course there are a lot of sleazy Jews making a hideous amount of money, we all know that. They are the "bears"

Well, we'll see still 8 months to go, people might be shocked just how much a market can go up after the virus goes away ;)

>> No.17714606

Long term, on a scale of 1-2 years, this is a nothing burger. Most likely, people with service jobs will be heavily effected. Short term, office workers will be effected. Declining profits will cause many companies to layoff their superfluous employees. Trump likely will win reelection unless he seriously blotches the response. The cause is clearly China, so he will only be blamed for that by anyone who already wasn't going to vote for him. Politically, this disease is much more likely to kill democrats. They all have to go out for their primaries & risk getting coof'd on. Basically no one is voting in the rep primaries because it's a gorgon conclusion.

>> No.17714609

Look the democrats are shit but sometimes trumptards are delusional

>> No.17714612

You haven't read anything coming out of italy. They're literally triaging anyone with preexisting conditions and letting them die because they don't have enough hospital beds. Mortality is like 1% when there are enough hospital beds to give advanced medical care. Mild cases include walking pneumonia and high fever. The mortality rates we're seeing out of italy are as high as 6% because of a lack of treatment caused by the rapid spread. You're literally retarded, this is a horrible disease, and its going to be with us for several years at a minimum.

>> No.17714617

Or just don't be an idiot and buy SQQQ.
Otherwise buy TVIX if you have big balls

>> No.17714624

This is maybe the most reasonable post all day

I slept through most of the day though so that doesn’t mean much

>> No.17714625

>the president is in charge of funding
stopped reading, started laughing

>> No.17714633

bring me the one that they call
the rat

>> No.17714638

>What a delusional market.
well duh, the market went up nearly 5% yesterday for no reason other than deluded hope.

meanwhile my uni just joined the list of ones transitioning to all online classes lmao, they have to do it by next thursday (Cuomo is having all SUNY/CUNY unis doing it)

>> No.17714639

5 stages of loss

>> No.17714641

Wait till people realize the truth about Covid19. That the 3.4%+ that die from it are the lucky ones. That there walk among us infected that are no longer themselves.

The viral network nodes are replicating now. When they activate, the few uninfected that are left will wish they were dead.

>> No.17714643

Don’t be crazy. Buy SH on the way down while buying extremely based companies like LMT KO JNJ

>> No.17714651

yeah yeah and he's John Titor with a time machine right?

You ever thought that maybe the Jews were the ones telling you NOT to go short in February, preventing you from getting gains like I did?

>> No.17714652

Get fucked commie

>> No.17714655

how do I invest in teleconferencing software companies kek

>> No.17714657
File: 135 KB, 750x1118, EBF0B9EA-92C5-4644-8DE0-BAC0362940ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked through that retard shill’s stocktwits and he has posted at least 100 times today kek god damn his life is fucking sad

>> No.17714656

I'm going smalltime to get acclimated. Tbh im just going to play with $200 and accept my losses if they come. I haven't picked a platform yet, but I just want to know how it works

>> No.17714659

Based schizo

>> No.17714662

If they crash the dollar they crash their own currency much harder.
If they do that they won't be able to pay their armed guards (military, police).
If they don't pay their military they get military coup-ed

There's an unironic historic precedent for this shit. Sometimes a very charismatic leader can stave that shit off but Putin and Winnie aren't loved, they're feared, but fear only goes so far.

>> No.17714663

Anybody would have to be a retard to come to 4chan for legitimate discussion of finance, so everybody in this thread does have something to worry about.

>> No.17714667

Compared to whom? Boomers? Lmao

>> No.17714668

liberal arts degree detected

>> No.17714670
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>DAX futures
wtf that shits going to 9000 tomorrow

>> No.17714673

Read Investopedia at the bare minimum. You’re likely too late to make easy money shorting with your level of experience, sorry.

>> No.17714684
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Germany now forcing schools and universities to shutdown, we NEET life now.

>> No.17714687

Opinion discarded

>> No.17714692

Didn't Merkel all but say they were just going to let every German get it and replace those who die with Africans?

>> No.17714695

Finland could do this with zero consequences.

All in on Finland stocks

>> No.17714706

If we have video for online shit I bet at least half the students will still be in their pajamas lmao

also Italy closing literally every shop but grocery stores and pharmacies, fucking hell.

>> No.17714711

hope he took some profit.. that stock has buy the rumour sell the news all over it... much like AMRN

>> No.17714713

>only Jews are bears
MAXIMUM OVERCOPE. Sorry that listening to your kike president made you lose everything, including your mind.

>> No.17714718

I want in on that juicy $200 crash though ...

>> No.17714724
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Tomorrow is going to be worse than 1987 for European stocks

>> No.17714729

>hope he took some profit


>> No.17714731

Wasn't that already the plan?

>> No.17714737 [DELETED] 


Accumulate REFR

>> No.17714741

thread theme

>> No.17714742

How do I short the pasta market?

>> No.17714743

Coronavirus kills most whites and Africans inherit the earth. Would be pretty funny because of how pissed 4chan would be haha

>> No.17714745
File: 10 KB, 247x250, D4186D13-FC12-4603-B6EE-2E73A8E85948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, I just don't know how longing calls or puts translates to money in my account, I'm not confident in shorting rn anyway. Tbh that is my only question, I'm not planning on trading tomorrow or anything like that.

>> No.17714746

essentials businesses means only pharmacies and food stores
everything else is shutting down
Italy is fucked

>> No.17714753

Accumulate REFR

>> No.17714765
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>> No.17714768

Stop being so jewish

>> No.17714774

This, if you are 80+ they will literally just give you a bed to die on because there are so many other people dying. This is way more serious than the numbers suggest.

>> No.17714775

Based Sub Saharan Germans coming to the aid of the fatherland in it's time of need.

>> No.17714785

what was the ticker of that mask manuf. from last week or so that quadrupled in value overnight and then tanked immediately after?

>> No.17714789

are there any places where they gather to post today so we can see what 4chan will look like once that happens. like worldstarhiphop forums or something

>> No.17714797
File: 142 KB, 800x1000, 1583020228675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only puts I own right now are on AMD and its one of the few stocks which didnt dump today. why must i suffer?

>> No.17714805

Hey stock market goyim. How does it feel that a years worth of gains were wiped out in a few weeks?

>> No.17714806

You mean APT?

>> No.17714807


>> No.17714808
File: 60 KB, 1251x296, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why they won't tell us if aliens exist.

>> No.17714811

>shorting AMD
you deserved this

>> No.17714815

The best thing you can buy in the short pasta market is ditalini

>> No.17714818

Anyone else here in Finance? Very spoopy these last few days. It feels like business is slowly grinding to a halt. Every conference call is about the virus and basically figuring out how to handle what’s about to go down. US fag btw, it’s pretty much here in our region by now and should erupt with cases by next week based on timelines.

>> No.17714821
File: 124 KB, 960x960, 1560811970_59566287_1266699830151157_750557273121619968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear Meat soon

>> No.17714825

Is anyone still holding SQQQ right now? Gonna jump in as soon as my transfer to my brokerage account gets approved

>> No.17714826

fuck, i cant wrap my head around all these different bear certificates on my bank site....

>> No.17714827

Don't care. I'll snipe niggers from 20 miles away with a 10 foot long railgun perched on the top of my crypto citadal while my harem of loli sexbots applaud my marksmanship.

>> No.17714834

why aren't you shorting obvious things like SPY or foreign etfs?

>> No.17714836

KYS kike

>> No.17714844

Did I accidentally stumble into /k/ again?

>> No.17714846



>> No.17714848

buy the one with the highest leverage, simple
make sure the bank that issues them is also the market maker (they also buy and sell with automatically adjusted prices), so it's not just a shitty tracker that depends on other people

>> No.17714851
File: 91 KB, 680x875, rest_in_peace_Tay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are to blame
>when all the trading is done by machines
Have you ever considered that maybe the "people" that do all the trading aren't people at all?

>> No.17714852
File: 777 KB, 886x1634, 1578125911258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what is no doubt a coincidence, it's the birthday of Qassem Soleimani

>> No.17714854

Jesus Christ, it‘s real
It‘s actually fucking happening.

>> No.17714856

I just shorted dax at close with what little money i had left. Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.17714858

Guys what's the outlook for SPCE? I got into it right before everything started crashing. Is it safe?

>> No.17714860

Btw niggers don't get it because they aren't even human. Not to worry the biblical locus plagues sweeping Africa will take them out.

Starvation due to lack of gibs will account for the rest around the world.

>> No.17714864

i dumped mine. the movement/volume was dogshit.

all in on japan which is crumbling day to day.

>> No.17714868

you know, in retrospect the rampant ITS JUST A FLU BRO from /pol/ and adjacent perma-doomers was the biggest sign it was actually happening

>> No.17714890

It already is dude

>> No.17714900

And still they just use mortars. It's like a game of poking with stick just enough to be an irritant but not enough to wake the beast.

>> No.17714903

so i quit coming here back when btc peaked. like half the threads here now are "LINK!!". was it always like this? shills banging pots and pans?

>> No.17714905

Kek I still made money you dirty bigger what did you make bitch?

>> No.17714906

/pol/ is dead, it died for this happening, it held the line against the invading horde just long enough to warn everyone with /cvg/ until the final argie baker got his threads split.
t. /pol/tard refugee

>> No.17714926

No it's a faggot bleached blonde hair stock like Richard Branson

>> No.17714930

who knows, could rebound a bit due to ECB talks tomorrow.

>> No.17714938
File: 365 KB, 750x725, 1529283463373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I told my rich friend to pull out of the markets. He's like no way, I'm just buying the dip.
At least I tried, I'm never giving free advice again.

>> No.17714942

Warzone /pol/ is best /pol/

>> No.17714944

>10 foot long railgun
/k/let here. wtf is this

>> No.17714955

it hurts to see another man living out your dreams

>> No.17714959
File: 153 KB, 923x521, D40B0369-BCF8-4DF3-9755-7739EA3BF978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh
sure hope I didn’t give bad advice on TVIX /smg/

>> No.17714962

DOW is down, but you don't actually buy a share of that, right? that's not a "stock" it's the average of many companies, and you'd trade those companies. right?

>> No.17714970

I still remember Ukraine general. Good times.

>> No.17714981

sounds like the Alice in Hell manga

>> No.17714983
File: 11 KB, 227x222, 75b4a9114fb4f02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italy announces all non-essential businesses will close
>Italian futures are the only positive futures in Europe

>> No.17714984

It's an index. Please go look up what an index is. We're not spoonfeeding you first year business courses.

>> No.17714987

Dow is an index not a stock. DIA is what you can sort of call the "Dow stock".

>> No.17714988

essentially yes but there's also indexes and ETFs

also this corona thing has really lured a lot of newfags to /smg/

>> No.17714991

Seriously, get out of this thread and go read before you get hooked on some dumb shit idea.

>> No.17714994

Btw faggots walking street in Pattaya is fucking EMPTY half the bar girls got laid off and are freaking out cause they have no cashflow.

It's hilarious walking in and these dumbfucks try to charge their same scam drink prices when they have 3 customers a night max. Found a bar operating on emergency mode half off everything including the pussy. Really fantastic. City is full of desperate whores afraid of chink plague and willing to fuck white cock for practically nothing since they are in survival mode. Lmao

>> No.17714997
File: 132 KB, 1280x862, AIR-CANADA-ACCIDENT.JPG.cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technical analysis for Air Canada if any knife catchers are interested:

Their long term chart sucks. This stock is extremely weak in recession periods even without goddamn pandemic ripping their revenue to shreds. Thin support (for a bear market) at $22, more at $16, and finally $7. No touch until the index is well on the road to recovery and quarantine measures are being regularly lifted. You're better off with the US airlines.

>> No.17714999

People trading options don't have to execute them and many people are just speculating on their value. If you buy and sell an option before it expires you don't have to worry about exercising it

>> No.17715000

It still hurts anon.

>> No.17715002

A railgun uses two electrically charged rails and a conductive projectile. It's basically a big linear motor with no end cap. Power goes in, boolet comes out.

>> No.17715004

>first year business courses
That's the sort of thing your dad should explain to you in 2-3 sentences when you're like 12

>> No.17715006

This is no war though, the_cuck got taken over by reddit admins, it's completely fucking overrun now with them.

>> No.17715008


>> No.17715009

sounds super fucking based

>> No.17715013


>> No.17715014

boomer's like to be loved

>> No.17715018
File: 73 KB, 576x467, 1522528370558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the market will punish dip buyers until it's announced that a treatment is effective or a viable vaccine is available. that information will be shared globally, and we will experience a 4000 point rally. make sure you're on the right side when that happens, because if you're not, it's going to be very difficult to get back in. for every action, there is an equal reaction in the market. we've gone from all time highs to bear market in record pace, the same will happen as there is line of sight to a resolution. screencap this.

>> No.17715020
File: 287 KB, 1082x695, 1547726258126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOW is in fucking bear market for the first time in 4 years, if we stay under here and closes weekly under the 200 MA it's the first weekly close in bear market territory since 2010 and people aren't even freaking out. Friday is extremely important and if the fed doesn't pump it above 23600 before the weekly close, then algos turns bearish. Make sure to remember this after the Friday close

>> No.17715024
File: 48 KB, 736x736, 1499658592886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.17715026

go back to /pol/ you zionist dick sucker

>> No.17715027

Boomer sex-pats get the rope, but I did laugh

>> No.17715030

this is way before first year knowing about indices is literally common knowledge for high schoolers

>> No.17715032
File: 42 KB, 600x523, DOOMPAUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I think that we're finally able to say that the happening is finally HAPPENING


>> No.17715033
File: 28 KB, 488x833, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse my retardedness, but there's so many of them. wtf does the other shit mean (N# / AVA #) ?

>> No.17715044

It's how I will accelerate a nickel-iron slug to mach 25 in order to vaporize sloped skulled urban babboons from miles away.

>> No.17715045

>and then i woke up

>> No.17715048
File: 605 KB, 244x255, 1549823256642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me why I can't buy options on TVIX?

>> No.17715055

Lost 5k euro today :(

>> No.17715066

Damn I wish I hadn't deleted that 30BTC drive when I was 12

>> No.17715070

Just pick one and go all in pussy.

>> No.17715071

did you buy the dip?

>> No.17715076

Unironically the best part about a recession, most of asia turns to shit again and their women goes out in mass to fuck around for money because their economy went to shit along with their currency. Not to mention that asian economies are usually not strong enough to recover after a recession (or at least not for a few decades). Got to love it

>> No.17715094
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>> No.17715098
File: 25 KB, 598x360, trtrtr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if this shit gets Trump
shit would be wild

>> No.17715099

remember when btc neared peak, and everywhere you'd see people talking about bitcoin and your barber would tell you how he just bought some bitcoin?
feels similar.

>> No.17715100
File: 907 KB, 720x720, 1518238624252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting ten years for this
and of course I lost most of my doompaul pictures, gotta remember to find them again later

>> No.17715101
File: 8 KB, 238x212, 5E0853DC-ACD0-434E-A2ED-C781D5B6AA56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just heard on the news - it's officially /mymarket/!
Smell ya later, mumufag

>> No.17715103

Winners and losers

>> No.17715104

i was actually looking at an airline play, might go AC, if things get worse with no end in sight they will get relief from the government easily.

>> No.17715106

Lost 2k, started dca yesterday

>> No.17715109

I dumped it yesterday, wanted to buy back in after some relief rallying or IV crushing.

>> No.17715123

I gained 5 dollars and 20 cents today.

>> No.17715124

Keep in mind AC traded in penny stock territory in '08 and '12. As for government relief I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.17715130
File: 99 KB, 700x700, 1583707266257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trump starting to COOF on public television

>> No.17715131

You have a way with words

>> No.17715132
File: 10 KB, 128x128, 1582870856888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Trump gets Coronavirus the market will go up because Trump's mishandling has been as big a problem as the actual virus

>> No.17715141
File: 137 KB, 400x388, pepe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just keep fucking buying more ONTX bros

>> No.17715148

Wtf ?

>> No.17715149

Ok guys. I'll put you on.

EWP. Spain puts. Moved from the 9th to the 5th most infected country in the last 2 days. Expect worse the next couple days. They will be announcing a country lock down soon. Easy money.

>> No.17715150



>> No.17715156

I would expect him to walk over and spit on Jim Acosta or something if he had it.

>> No.17715157
File: 86 KB, 767x1024, 1583680656193m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's ready for the incoming comfy coronavirus quarantine?

>Able to work from home
>no driving
>Just bought a bunch of tools so I can work on my woodworking projects
>get to make delicious meals
>get to play with my dogs
>bang my gf the entire time
>get to watch stinky foreigners die all over the world

This is going to be fantastic.

>> No.17715162

Yes trumps actions were truly flawless. What if any actions did he do to prepare our healthcare or CDC (which as executive he has broad powers) to effectively brace for the pandemic? He got played by the chinese because he got a trade a shitty deal and didn't want to stop flights or ramping up production of effective tests kits (or any kind of preperation) because it would spook the market and anger the chinese. Its gonna get much worse thanks to those actions alone.

>> No.17715168

I made $23

>> No.17715170
File: 38 KB, 362x346, dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we literally fell into another recession because of schizos panic selling?

>> No.17715171

If Trump gets corona the markets would drop to 0. There's nothing more demoralizing than the head of your nation falling to a threat during a time of emergency.

>> No.17715173

>Money = Work = Energy, as long as humanity is growing in number

I don't know if humanity will keep growing in number though. At some point populations should stop growing, we already see it happening in developed countries.

I do think productivity will keep increasing with automation though.

>> No.17715181

N# / AVA# is the bank that creates them. once you click on them, there should be more details written. they all have their own different rules so be sure to read or look into them a bit. at least if you're going in with big balls amount of money
why there are so many, they create multiple ones at different prices, or when the old ones reach a too low or high price, just so more people can buy them.
you should also be able to see order history and amount purchased for today, if you are unsure just check so that there are tons of other people buying them

>> No.17715183

Jokes aside it's kind of absurd how universities can somehow just have all their students take online courses

Like, why the fuck isn't this shit purely online then?

>> No.17715188

if that's what you think then you're kind of dim :(

>> No.17715189


>> No.17715191

god, my dick would be so hard
imagine all the cheapies...

>> No.17715198

>Like, why the fuck isn't this shit purely online then?
Gotta fund the beast. Notice how, among all this talk from the left of student loan forgiveness or reform, nobody says a word about putting caps on tuition?

>> No.17715201

Now that GUSH is a penny stock should I grab some for the hell of it and just hodl in case oil sees a rebound?

>> No.17715202

also unless you're a fucking pussy you pick x15 or higher and prepare to lose all your money

>> No.17715203

He did that thing where he said it was contained and ordered test kits really late overbudget and behind schedule. Or when he said it was just the flu when people were dying and instead of a state of emergency he put Pence in charge to take the fall. Or that time he offered a tax cut as financial aid to people, thats a good one.

>> No.17715205

so they can justify 60k a year tuition

>> No.17715214

I cant believe people are still bagholding this thing

>> No.17715215

Man I wish I could work from home.
Maybe I can maybe I can just clean house and cook while my bro does his remote work to bring in the bread (no homo).

>> No.17715216

face-to-face interaction delivers the best results.

Beiong there, in person, having to dress and groom yourself and actively participate gets you more in the mood to learn than laying in your bed in your pj's listening to a lecture.

>> No.17715218

boomers are getting purged pretty hard honestly

>> No.17715219

Oh without a doubt, one thing to remember though is the fact that USA is very degenerate and diverse with mexishits swarming the country non-stop from the south. He couldn't do shit to stop it, maybe slow it down a bit but that wouldn't have mattered to the market.

>> No.17715221

>Look at this dude

>> No.17715222
File: 135 KB, 1299x731, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17715231

If your broker doesn't trade VIX options directly from the CBOE you're NGMI

>> No.17715235
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1583954736479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we went from 1400 infected to 2200 : https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/coronavirus-la-france-compte-2281-cas-confirmes-dont-48-deces-20200311

Tomorrow is going to be a shitshow and I am LOADED with short ETFs

>> No.17715237

With a polarizing president does that still count. About half the country is apathetic at this point and just party line voting, trumpers/anti-trumpers would just switch on the elation/seething meter.

>> No.17715241

>having to dress and groom yourself
i show up to lecture in my pj's you fucking retard

>> No.17715248

Whens that orange retards speech anyways?

>> No.17715249

I bought some OILU today but am scared of having too much exposure to a the producers themselves. Sort of like GLD and GDX actually. There is definitely some value in these plays after such massive moves, just a question of timing.

>> No.17715256

Haha good luck getting a stable wagie job in a cubicle where you will work until you are 70 without a degree from an accredited institution

>> No.17715267

International outbreak of virus and major oil producing countries falling out of old alliances and commencing economic warfare on each other. That's the main one-two kicker.

>> No.17715268

yea when i was at squallage the tution itself didnt go up by that much year to year but food plans and dorms would rise easily like 5% or more

thats why so many schools require u to be in a dorm the first 2 years

>> No.17715272
File: 13 KB, 326x326, 1515805726898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why your gpa is shit inbred

>> No.17715276

yes, it still counts, the president exists to safeguard political support for his party/administration

>> No.17715281
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, Nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any short term SQQQ predictions?
corona is probably gonna cause a lot of trouble the next couple of months.

>> No.17715284

I live in kirkland wa (ground fucking 0 in the USA)
I just went to the grocery store and it was basically fully stocked, the only exception was rice, toilet paper, and russet potatoes. Literally everything else was stocked if not overstocked.
People out and about and not concerned, this hysteria is a 4chan / sperg anomaly and blasted on all media. (I also saw some /pol/ user in combat boots buying jugs of water lmao).
This is not a health crisis, the government is using this as a scape goat for the repo / credit markets. This is a liquidity crisis as the past 10 years corporations and banks have been buying their own stock on credit to get higher "profits" and valuation to buy more credit just look at the repo and derivative market data. This is the rug pull, they will blame the virus and the average citizen because "people just stopped buying stuff, people stopped going to work" while they liquidate everyones 401k's IRA's and laugh. Fuck these banks, fuck the fed, the SEC is did nothing after 2008.

>> No.17715286
File: 13 KB, 290x282, sad pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought US steel and i'm already regretting

>> No.17715291

Soon? Bro, we closed at 23,500

>> No.17715299

Now that the crash has been cemented what are the odds the send all these foreign fuck visa holders back where they belong?

>> No.17715302
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>> No.17715311

Occupy Wall Street/ Tea party 2 when

>> No.17715323

They import their steel from fucking china, the fuck were you thinking anon?

>> No.17715324

yeah bro Italy quarantined their entire country so they can fuck the US lmao

>> No.17715329

thats not the fucking problem you retard
italy isnt running out of food they're running out of ventilators and icu beds

>> No.17715335

meme numbers opening red, let's see if it's sustained

>> No.17715336


>> No.17715341

Write the options.

>> No.17715342
File: 23 KB, 496x286, 1581130632419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he do it?

>> No.17715347

You know you can sell them brainlet. If you dont think the risk is worth selling then they're not expensive.

>> No.17715349
File: 537 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200311-180154_thinkorswim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17715351


There's quite a few people who have been asymptomatic or had very, very minor symptoms that have had it. Meanwhile they're infected a ton of people because they thought they just had a headache and a scratchy throat.

>> No.17715352

Have you tried selling options?

>> No.17715353








>> No.17715358


Is this the year of the golden crab?

>> No.17715366

but it's GOTTA be the bottom now

nowhere to go but up!

>> No.17715367


>buying United Shit Steel at any point since the death of JP Morgan

>> No.17715379

I just saw The Men Who Built America documentary

>> No.17715386

>as long as humanity is growing in number
The child boom has already stopped it, it will take centuries to have another one

>> No.17715474

They're not the same men anon. I understand how you feel though when watching a good documentary though. I rage everyday when I look at what our space program has become.

>> No.17715496

Realized losses or are you still holding?

Sometimes the winning move is not to play.
Put in a qarter of my cash reserves at -15% from ath on the 3rd, just in case it was only a dip. "Lost" a few grand by now obviously.
Eyed putting in another quarter this morning at -20%. Literally hovered the buy button while I was going through it in my mind. I don't think this is over yet by a long shot. The way governments handle it - CoV is gonna hit the economy hard, but we'll only see the impact trickling in over the next few months via supply and then demand diminishing. This is not *just* a correction where it goes back up after -20% (which would be only like 2 years worth of profits given how insane 2019 was). Now there's an actual reason for the markets to go down (multiple even). I don't know how quickly, but I'm pretty sure we'll drop further. Whether we're getting -50% aka 2008 levels depends on how quickly CoV goes away and whether the US gets their shit together soon.

So I didn't buy this morning. I made 5% by holding cash. Feeling a lot more confident cost-averaging in now. I'll pull the trigger if we get close to -30% from ath. Then I'll still have half of my cash if we're going down further or start recovering. It's taxing, but I couldn't be happier. So many opportunities. I was in University in 2008 and completely missed out. Not this time. Stick to the plan. Holding and cost-averaging in cash is the way to go!

>> No.17715511
File: 24 KB, 400x399, adolf thanos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caps on tuition
that would be retarded and open a door to other problems. How about stopping government subsidized student loans? That would fix this whole issue.

>> No.17715590
File: 404 KB, 588x598, 1567849089526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this. If Corona-Chan is loose in the white house and the POTUS has it (regardless of how you feel about him) would crater the fucking market and cause a panic sell off that would make 2008 look like an elementary school bake sale and if he died from it? LAWD what a mess that would make.

>> No.17715594

would do absolutely nothing
They'd just charge you 1k for tuition and 10k for campus usage fees

>> No.17715646
File: 810 KB, 750x725, 1532536690_4fqXI1-BIOEDLcCQ1IBxkDUk6xrc1kVlh6yJoR2Nw0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the same boat. I've been collecting vidya and movies for the last decade and have enough of a backlog to keep me busy for the next 20-years. Also have a 2-month stock pile of food just in case shit really hits the fan and the stores get pounded Helms Deep style. I am concerned about the long term economic consequences of all this, but luckily I have a high demand job as well as a fallback career, so I'm confident I'll make it.

>> No.17715660

>tfw still holding AMRN



>> No.17715864

>head of your nation
>leader of the free world

Although, even if he tested positive. The news would never leave the White House

>> No.17715914

>having to dress and groom yourself and actively participate
Look at this normie
Imagine not being too depressed to do any of this shit!


>> No.17715948

>looked through that retard shill’s stocktwits
>his life is fucking sad

>> No.17716133

I see what you did there.

>> No.17716467

It was nothing short of glorious seeing SNSS tank and SNSSAnon get BTFO.

SNSS to 0.
LCI to 0.
SPCE to 0.
TSLA to 0.
AMDchads ryzen the fuck down.