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File: 237 KB, 750x1334, 4E94A486-7832-4F3A-9B31-341194B8C1A3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17713134 No.17713134 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17713571

The weeks that killed Drumpf.

>> No.17713586

Zoom out, retard

>> No.17713616

Pension boomers on suicide watch.

>> No.17713622
File: 3 KB, 112x112, ahahahaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we laugh at people who thought it would pump at the last minute.

>> No.17713634

> dow jomes

>> No.17713646

Zoom out retard

>> No.17713660
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Remember the buy-the-dip-fags? I wonder where they are now.

>> No.17713678


Imagine the reaction when Trump loses to a man that doesn't know where he is

>> No.17713753
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... and that will die from the coronavirus 5 weeks after his inauguration.

>> No.17713773
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>> No.17713981
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The most recent drop is not even factored in, yet.

>> No.17714017

Not even in a depression worse than the late 20s, Biden wouldn't win. That is how hopelessly lost this party is

>> No.17714032

Continuing to buy the dip. I increased my weekly contribution by 100% instead of putting it all in at once like a retard.

>> No.17714057

there's a point where being a cheerleader crosses over into being a retarded cultist. by your logic dubya sr. should have been a two term president

>> No.17714058

Thanks Obama

>> No.17714065

The bears have the meme magic
they would always win

>> No.17714100

my company bonus of 5K is coming in to my 401k account today. good timing. $2.1k also goes into 401k every two weeks. stonks always go back up.

>> No.17714140

>stonks always go back up.
Let me tell you about Japan.

>> No.17714141

>this is the end!

>> No.17714237
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Ooooo, look at that dead cat bounce

Oh no no no no no........

>> No.17714245
File: 38 KB, 474x296, yfw da burrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw da burrs win da stonks market

>> No.17714653

just watch them cancell the elections
for public safety of course
someone has to think of the childumbs
watch congress give itself emergency powers
perfect setup to turn the american republic into the american imperium

>> No.17714686

His only option now is to declare martial law

>> No.17714744

>perfect setup to turn the american republic into the american imperium
you mean, stop the pretense?

>> No.17714752


>> No.17714772
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Should I buy a gun? I've never handled a gun before.

>> No.17714781
File: 785 KB, 1440x1921, Screenshot_20200311-110936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this anon

Pic 1 of 2

>> No.17714786

Imagine being a trumptard at this point

>> No.17714796
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>> No.17714824

I'm fine with Biden. Watch when Biden gets into office the stock market will stay steady with a bunch of spectacular highs and literally zero lows.
That's why I'm riden with biden

>> No.17714933

i mean lets whip the underclasses into the factories then whip them back into the factorydormatories rather than current system of wages freedom in housing and moving to wherever you want
joining up to join the army and die in a desert will be luxury tier in comparison

>> No.17714935

Why? Easier to jump off a bridge or a window from the twentieth floor.

>> No.17714961

>being this delusional

>> No.17714986

I think Trump is a fucking moron, but if I was a U.S. citizen, I'd fucking vote for Trump, or not at all, simply because Biden is such a monumental fucking black hole of corruption and dementia. Like voting for Reagan as he were in the last months of his presidency. Get all these calcified fucking dinosaurs off your political stage, already.

>> No.17715077
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that dead cat bounce


>> No.17715127

I'm a bit stupid, what's martial law?

>> No.17715146

imagine not understanding american politics at all believing trump can actually lose. even if the economy goes to shit, he is more likely to win than biden, he is the incumbent, and republicans vote as opposed to democrats.

>> No.17715178
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It's this guy.

>> No.17715228

I don't get it. He's holding back test kits to keep the case count low, has the CDC flat-out lying and suppressing information, and is promising wildly impossible stimulus packages without consulting anyone after weeks of denying that the issue was serious at all. Why don't investors have faith in his ability to manage this crisis?

>> No.17715245

I'll buy their houses for 1/4 price

>> No.17715270

>you mean, stop the pretense?
this x 1000

>> No.17715274

I'm ruined...down 84% since February 10. My entire retirement account is gone.

>> No.17715278

Pay attention to Dem turnout in swing States. Trump won by the skin of his teeth last time. He's fucked.

>> No.17715287

what did you have it on?

>> No.17715292

>Source: my ass
Liberals all deserve to die.

>> No.17715309

> Dow Jones
Top kike kek what pajeet scam coin is this?

>> No.17715312

except he will stroke out and you will end up with hillary. I'd rather continue the chaos than have some libtard fucks tell me what words I can say and tax me 80%

>> No.17715331

that is what everyone thought before and yet it happened. also, youre assuming there would be a peaceful transition of power.

>> No.17715333

military rule/police state - basically already have it in the US cities

>> No.17715337

Made a risky play on small cap oil

>> No.17715346

>also, youre assuming there would be a peaceful transition of power.
Is this one of those retarded /pol/ fantasies about the based fascist uprising?

>> No.17715370

>Is this one of those retarded /pol/ fantasies about the based fascist uprising?
no, its based on trumps own words and behavior
like individual company stocks or what?

>> No.17715407

No, I think he's right, dubya sr. lost because of a short term market drop toward the end of his term. If anything it supports the case Trump is done,.

>> No.17715435
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>everything I don't want to hear is unsourced hearsay from muh ideological enemies

Trumptards are devolving into using SJW tactics. Pathetic.

>> No.17715547

But Trump also has record incumbent primary turnout. He already passed Obama and Bush with less than half the states

>> No.17716496

Imperium is the kind of power they wield, not the system of government.

>> No.17716535

Doesn't matter what happens, Trump can not lose. He is literally the only thing standing between the dems and their total destruction of the republic. Civil war will result if Trump is in any way removed, even if that is through the (((ballot box))).

Trump is emperor now guiding us through the darkest times in US history, and that is okay.

The Last President.