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File: 7 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17710828 No.17710828 [Reply] [Original]

what's an appropriate punishment for all the damage they have done to this planet?

>> No.17711163

turn them into the worlds larget parkinglong and buring all boomers under 5 meters of cement with them for not having dealt with the chinkmenace before they had nukes

>> No.17711529

Nothing, plants will soon reopen and they'll gas themselves with CO2 again

>> No.17711575
File: 29 KB, 1280x674, burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong flag, OP. Fix'd it for you.

>> No.17711667

Theyll get away with it as long as boomers want more cheap shit.

>> No.17711706

The boomers deserve this. It was their moral imperative to assassinate Mao before China could establish itself. They failed their mission. Without this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.

>> No.17711736

force each and every one of them to live as a chinese person in china. truly a fate worse than death.

>> No.17711780

you forgot
>t. Feel The Burn in my Butthole

>> No.17711793


>> No.17711904
File: 1.56 MB, 1285x2048, FF4BEC72-3ECB-4072-9B03-98BB49F93264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make the punishment fit the crime.
1000+ of these bad boys.

>> No.17711928

why would you want to assassinate mao
the guy did a better job at fucking up china than anyone in history

>> No.17711937

In case you’re wonder what it is

>> No.17711944

Fuck you gook!

>> No.17711959



>> No.17711966
File: 34 KB, 420x585, Patrizio_Torlonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceterum autem censeo Sina esse delendam

>> No.17712009

Force them to stop farming their own animals and force thme to only consume and import usda or eurobong approved food.. Onky chicken, beef, pork, turkey, and fish.

>> No.17712047


>> No.17712702

Just nuke them, fucking bug people

>> No.17712858

being Chinese

>> No.17712868

Based and redpilled

>> No.17712880


>> No.17712883

Highly restrict their immigration status

>> No.17712889

Not based, god bless the greatest democracy the world has ever known

>> No.17712904


>> No.17712909

encourage interracial, brainwash their woman to love bbc. Guilt trip them for all the wrong they done.

>> No.17712966

Now this is based. OP is one of (((them))) and also and absolute faggot. I hope you realize that the ends DO justify the means. USA has brought countless benefits to the world you Jew fag, what has your country done besides leach off our military complex??

>> No.17712967


>> No.17713064


>> No.17713075

You have to fight (((them))) directly, no matter where they appear

>> No.17713107

Stormniggers like to infiltrate and say everyone else is the invaders.

>> No.17713120

lol, so many chink apologists here. Imagine supporting a country that's not the United states of America.

>> No.17713136



>> No.17713164

based department will give you a call in 5 mins

>> No.17713274

Major psyop behavior itt. It’s no coincidence given the circumstances that the USA is under so many attacks both foreign and domestic.

>> No.17713371

usa is the biggest threat to world peace just ask literally the rest of the world.
To the point where pew took the question off their poll after 2013

>> No.17713395


>> No.17713421

number of niggers imported to your country by china: 0
number of niggers imported to your country by your own government: infinity niggers
why should i hate china again?

>> No.17713446

We proctect the free trade of other, lesser nations and you say that the United States is a threat? Don’t let the boomers fool you, the USA has paid the price for footing the bill of the rest of the world for too many years. Just because they’re asking you to stop being welfareniggers doesn’t mean shit. Get your head out of your fucking ass or get the fuck off this board. I’m here to make money not listen to some fucking bullshit about how the most profitable investment in the past 1000 years is a lie. Fuck you goy

>> No.17713457

they have to give me an introverted gf who smells good and is smart and who genuinely likes me for who I am, haha

>> No.17713502

if your too stupid too realize that "protect free trade" is code for use military force and violent dictatorships to ensure our trade hegemony remains dominant than i dont know what to say.

are you actually so retarded to believe that all the countries considered shitholes are just naturally poor and lacking in resources? no they were all very resource rich and it was all taken from them to feed your masters.

>> No.17713530

it used to make sense that people like you would defend it back in the 50s and 60s when they actually cut you in on some of the action but to still be defending when theres a blooming pandemic and the response has been
sweet just let those boomers die we dont wanna pay their pensions anyway is some serious stockholm syndrome.

>> No.17713602

Hahahahahaha you absolute faggot. Realize the alternative for just one second, although I know you are just some faggot paid to spread this faggotry. What has happened within those shitholes within the past century? Decade? Nothing. That’s right. You think the USA is suppressing the economic growth of every country in the world because we PROTECT them from pirates and China? Just ask Israel, they seem to like our protection a lot. Look at the religious preference of every United States president and tell me what you think you dumbass faggot. Btw, fuck your mother and go shit in the street

>> No.17713799
File: 98 KB, 817x788, rankings 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't punish someone who is more powerful than you. If anything, this is OUR punishment for the century of humiliation.

>> No.17713895

um just look at the imf retard.
its not my fault your incredibly ahistorical
look at chile right now
hati right now
bolivia right now
all because americas trade dominance is dying and instead of being able to just take they have to compete.
lol isreal is basically a usa military base you absolutely ahistorical idiot
ask the palestinians how they feel about usa backing the zionist fucks

>> No.17713896
File: 15 KB, 329x499, 31dAaWOs9cL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ READ MORE

>> No.17713940

what about this global economy is "free trade" lol

>> No.17714133

They are punishing China with the virus they created no?