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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17703884 No.17703884 [Reply] [Original]

Just as the night rises against the day, the light and dark are in eternal conflict. So too, is the Linkies the greatest enemy of the dominant species on earth, Nico posters. The Linkie is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being.

Although it has features similar to a human, the Linkie is lower on the spiritual and psychological scale than any animal. Inside of this creature lies wild and unrestrained passions: an incessant need to destroy, filled with the most primitive desires, chaos and coldhearted villainy.

A Linkie and nothing more!
Not all of those, who appear human are in fact so. Woe to him who forgets it! Every great creation, idea, and artistic expression on this planet were brought forth by Nico posters. It was this true man that thought to invent and to create. It is for him there is only one objective:

To pave the way to a higher form of existence, to give shape to the endless nothing, to make progress on the elusive quest for continuous improvement.

Thus evolved culture.

So just as the plough, modern tools and the concept of hearth and home helped to form human society and create the family, the people and the state. So then must mankind become good and great, rising above all other living creatures. Dwelling in the realm of Nico!

However, along side of Nico kind dwells the Linkie . This subhuman hates all that is created by Nico posters. This Linkie has always hated Nico, and always secretly sought to bring about his downfall, first like a thief, and then like a brazen killer.

The Linkie is united with his peers. Like beasts among beasts, never knowing peace or calm. The Linkie thrives in chaos and darkness, he is frightened by the truth. These Linkie creatures dwell in the cesspools, and swamps, preferring a hell on earth, to the light of the sun.

>> No.17703936
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But in these swamps and cesspools the Linkie has found its leader – The Eternal Sergey! The Sergey understands the desires and needs of his fellow creature. Sergey endeavors to corrupt and manipulate this horror of inhumanity until they are rallied towards a common goal in the destruction of Nico posters.

Beginning as early on as the destruction of Persians, Sergey has glorified this destructive nature. Even honoring it and declaring the holiday Purim that celebrates the organized mass murder of 75,000 Nico posters, who died as victims of Sergey's hatred and evil.

Even now world Sergey still glorifies this terrible act - as its greatest religious holiday.

The eternal hatred of the Linkie for Nico posters exists; they envy the clean and noble character of the Nico poster. So they have tried to destroy what they hate, and from out of the vast deserts and endless steppes they have gathered hordes of their shitposters whose leaders Niles, and 42 descended on Nico poster civilization bringing with them violence, fire and death, to every part of /biz/ they came.

The Linkie hordes would stop at nothing in their bid to overthrow the world of light and knowledge, to bring an apocalypse to all nico posters progress and achievement. Their only goal is to make a desert wasteland of any poster or board that shines with creativity, goodness and beauty.

The only goal of the linkie is chaos.

So for millennia this law of nature, the conflict between Nico poster and his anti-man, the linkies has occurred. Over and over a new Sergey, and new Niles, appears at the gates of /biz/ attempting to wreak havoc and destruction on Nico posters and his creations.

But today Chainlink is the new bitconnect, the personification of the Linkie horde and its destructive power! But Chainlink is not a phenomenon of just our time, not a product of our modern era. Neither has Chainlink evolved within the framework of human history.

>> No.17703958
File: 99 KB, 850x638, __yazawa_nico_love_live_and_1_more_drawn_by_hitotsuki_no_yagi__sample-61ae07af933a0d5240fe54e34c607923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is as old as the Sergey itself! Bitcoin and ETH are only two who have prepared the way for this new horde!

“When a board loses its memes by blood and violence, the next step becomes their state, then economic, cultural and spiritual slavery. All that remains of such a board, tainted by the mixing of shit and post, is the feeling of lost identity. They lose their own unique significance, and soon enough the nation ceases to exist. Only those that can be preserved, untainted, can prove that the nico posters ever existed”.